def Process(self, atlas: TexturePackerAtlas, outputFilename: str) -> None:
        dstList = []  # type: List[int]
        AddHeader(dstList, 1)
        # make room for a number of bytes written entry and store the offset where it was written so we can pacth it later
        offset = len(dstList)
        AddUInt32(dstList, 0)

        AddEncodedUInt32(dstList, len(atlas.Entries))
        for entry in atlas.Entries:
            rectX = entry.Frame.X - entry.SpriteSourceSize.X
            rectY = entry.Frame.Y - entry.SpriteSourceSize.Y
            rectWidth = entry.SourceSize.Width
            rectHeight = entry.SourceSize.Height
            self.__AddEntry(dstList, rectX, rectY, rectWidth, rectHeight,
                            entry.Frame.X, entry.Frame.Y, entry.Frame.Width,
                            entry.Frame.Height, entry.FullFilenameWithoutExt)

        # Write the number of bytes that were written to the extended header
        # -4 because we dont count the 'size' entry
        bytesWritten = len(dstList) - offset - 4
        SetUInt32(dstList, offset, bytesWritten)

        content = bytearray(dstList)
        outputFilename = '%s.%s' % (outputFilename, 'bta')
        IOUtil.WriteBinaryFileIfChanged(outputFilename, content)
    def Process(self, atlas, outputFilename):
        pathInfo = self.__BuildPathDirectory(atlas.Entries)
        #self.__DebugPaths(atlas.Entries, pathInfo)

        entryDict = {}
        for entry in pathInfo[1]:
            entryDict[entry[2]+entry[1]] = entry

        list = []
        AddHeader(list, 2);
        # make room for a number of bytes written entry and store the offset where it was written so we can pacth it later
        offset = len(list)
        AddUInt32(list, 0);

        self.__AddPathList(list, pathInfo[0])

        AddEncodedUInt32(list, len(atlas.Entries))
        for entry in atlas.Entries:
            rectX = entry.Frame.X - entry.SpriteSourceSize.X
            rectY = entry.Frame.Y - entry.SpriteSourceSize.Y
            rectWidth = entry.SourceSize.Width
            rectHeight = entry.SourceSize.Height
            self.__AddEntry(list, rectX, rectY, rectWidth, rectHeight, entry.Frame.X, entry.Frame.Y, entry.Frame.Width, entry.Frame.Height, entryDict[entry.FullFilenameWithoutExt])

        # Write the number of bytes that were written to the extended header
        # -4 because we dont count the 'size' entry
        bytesWritten = len(list) - offset - 4
        SetUInt32(list, offset, bytesWritten)

        content = bytearray(list)
        outputFilename = '%s.%s' % (outputFilename, 'bta')
        IOUtil.WriteBinaryFileIfChanged(outputFilename, content)
    def Process(self, atlas: TexturePackerAtlas, outputFilename: str) -> None:
        pathInfo = self.__BuildPathDirectory(atlas.Entries)
        self.__DebugPaths(atlas.Entries, pathInfo)

        entryDict = {}  # type: Dict[str, Tuple[int,str,str]]
        for pathEntry in pathInfo[1]:
            entryDict[pathEntry[2]+pathEntry[1]] = pathEntry

        entryList = []                  # type: List[int]
        AddHeader(entryList, 0x1001);
        # make room for a number of bytes written entry and store the offset where it was written so we can pacth it later
        offset = len(entryList)
        AddUInt32(entryList, 0);

        self.__AddPathList(entryList, pathInfo[0])

        AddEncodedUInt32(entryList, len(atlas.Entries))
        for entry in atlas.Entries:
            rectX = entry.Frame.X - entry.SpriteSourceSize.X
            rectY = entry.Frame.Y - entry.SpriteSourceSize.Y
            rectWidth = entry.SourceSize.Width
            rectHeight = entry.SourceSize.Height
            self.__AddEntry(entryList, rectX, rectY, rectWidth, rectHeight, entry.Frame.X, entry.Frame.Y, entry.Frame.Width, entry.Frame.Height, 

        # Write the number of bytes that were written to the extended header
        # -4 because we dont count the 'size' entry
        bytesWritten = len(entryList) - offset - 4
        SetUInt32(entryList, offset, bytesWritten)

        content = bytearray(entryList)
        outputFilename = '{0}.{1}'.format(outputFilename, 'bta')
        IOUtil.WriteBinaryFileIfChanged(outputFilename, content)