예제 #1
파일: params_entry.py 프로젝트: pgwthf/TSB
 def description(self):
     if self.repr('at') == get_choice(self.AT_CHOICES, self.STOP) or (
             self.repr('at') == get_choice(self.AT_CHOICES, self.LIMIT)):
         price = ' = todays {}'.format(self.repr('pr'))
         price = ''
     return 'Enter tomorrow at {}{}.'.format(self.repr('at'), price)
예제 #2
파일: params_exit.py 프로젝트: pgwthf/TSB
 def description(self):
     if self.repr('at') == get_choice(self.AT_CHOICES, self.OPEN):
         when = 'on the first trading day'
     elif self.repr('at') == get_choice(self.AT_CHOICES, self.CLOSE):
         when = 'on the last trading day'
         when = 'at the end'
     return 'Exit {} of the month at {}.'.format(when, self.repr('at'))
예제 #3
파일: params_equity.py 프로젝트: pgwthf/TSB
 def description(self):
     if self.repr('xc') in (
             get_choice(_Equity.EXCEED_CHOICES, _Equity.NOT), 
             get_choice(_Equity.EXCEED_CHOICES, _Equity.ALL)):
         exceed = '{}'.format(self.repr('xc'))
         exceed = '{} if at least {} of the required cash is available'.\
                 format(self.repr('xc'), self.repr('pce'))
     return 'If there is not enough cash available for the next trade, ' \
예제 #4
파일: params_exit.py 프로젝트: pgwthf/TSB
 def description(self):
     if self.repr('sw') == get_choice(self.SWITCH_CHOICES, self.ON):
         if self.repr('mt') == get_choice(_Market.MKT_CHOICES, _Market.ANY):
             return 'Exit at {} if the market type is not this method\'s.'.\
             return 'Exit at {} if the market type is {}.'.format(
                     self.repr('at'), self.repr('mt'))
         return 'This exit is inactive'
예제 #5
파일: params_exit.py 프로젝트: pgwthf/TSB
 def description(self):
     if self.repr('nd') == '1':
         when = 'tomorrow'
         when = 'after {} days on the market'.format(self.repr('nd'))
     if self.repr('at') == get_choice(self.AT_CHOICES, self.STOP) or (
             self.repr('at') == get_choice(self.AT_CHOICES, self.LIMIT)):
         price = ' = todays {}'.format(self.repr('pr'))
         price = ''
     return 'Exit {} at {}{}.'.format(when, self.repr('at'), price)
예제 #6
파일: params_market.py 프로젝트: pgwthf/TSB
 def description(self):
     if self.repr('mo') == get_choice(self.MODE_CHOICES, self.ONE):
         mode = 'angle of channel {} is'.format(self.repr('lb'))
         flat = '.'
         mode = 'angles of all channels {} {} are'.format(self.repr('mo'), 
         flat = ', Flat otherwise.'
     return 'Market type is Up if the {} positive, Down if negative{}'.\
             format(mode, flat)
예제 #7
파일: fields.py 프로젝트: pgwthf/TSB
    def repr(self, parameter, negative=False):
        Returns a formatted string that represents the value of this parameter,
        even if it is a range or a list of choices.
        If <negative> is True, -<value> will be returned in the string.
#TODO: AA: consider using mode as in ModeWidget 
        choices = self.parameters[parameter].get('choices', None)
        fmt = self.parameters[parameter]['format']
        sign = -1 if negative else 1
        value = self._get_value(parameter)
        if isinstance(value, str) or isinstance(value, unicode):
            if not choices:
                raise ValueError('No choices found for {}'.format(parameter))
            return get_choice(choices, value)
        elif isinstance(value, tuple): # assign a random value
            if choices:
                values = [get_choice(choices, v) for v in value]
                return '({})'.format(', '.join(values))
                lo = fmt.format(sign * value[0])
                hi = fmt.format(sign * value[1])
                return '[{} to {}]'.format(lo, hi)
        elif isinstance(value, list):
            if len(value) == 1: # variable
                if choices:
                    return get_choice(choices, value[0])
                    return fmt.format(sign * value[0])
            else: # traverse a list
                if choices:
                    values = [get_choice(choices, v) for v in value]
                    return '[{}]'.format(', '.join(values))
                    values = [fmt.format(v) for v in value]
                    return '[{}]'.format(', '.join(values))
        elif not isinstance(value, int) and not isinstance(value, float):
            raise TypeError('Invalid type for {}.'.format(parameter))
        return fmt.format(sign * value)
예제 #8
파일: fields.py 프로젝트: pgwthf/TSB
 def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
     Show a fake dropdown with the value.
     print name, self.model, self.choices_dict
     if self.model:
         val = self.model.objects.get(id=value).name
     elif self.choices_dict:
         val = get_choice(self.choices_dict, value)
         val = value
     txt = '<select disabled"/>'
     txt += '<option selected="selected">{}</option>'.format(val)
     txt += '</select><input type="hidden" name="{}" value="{}" id="id_{}">'\
             .format(name, value, name)
     return mark_safe(txt)
예제 #9
파일: models.py 프로젝트: pgwthf/TSB
 def get_direction(self):
     Return the trade diretion in human readable format
     return get_choice(self.DIR_CHOICES, self.direction)
예제 #10
파일: models.py 프로젝트: pgwthf/TSB
 def markettype_str(self):
     Return markettype as text
     return get_choice(_Market.MKT_CHOICES, self.markettype)
예제 #11
파일: fields.py 프로젝트: pgwthf/TSB
    def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
        Return an html string for this widget.

        <name> is the string containing the name of the field and <value> is a
        variable that contains the value of this parameter, the type of this
        value determines what the mode is.
        size = 40
        error = False
        readonly = attrs.get('readonly') == 'readonly'

        #determine mode
        mode = self.CHOICES if 'choices' in self.parameters else self.INTFLT
        if isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, float) or \
                isinstance(value, str) or isinstance(value, unicode):
            mode += self.FIXED
        elif not len(value):
            raise ValueError('iterable parameter must not be empty')
            if isinstance(value, tuple):
                mode += self.RANDOM
            elif isinstance(value, list):
                mode += self.VARIABLE if len(value) == 1 else self.LIST
                raise TypeError('invalid value type: {}'.format(type(value)))
            if isinstance(value[0], int) or isinstance(value[0], float):
                # mode should be self.INTFLT
            elif isinstance(value[0], str) or isinstance(value[0], unicode):
                # mode should be self.CHOICES
                if mode & self.INTFLT:
                    error = True
                raise TypeError('invalid type in iterable: {}'.format(type(

        print 'MODE = ', mode, name, value

        if mode & self.INTFLT:
            if mode & self.FIXED:
                val = '={}'.format(value)
            elif mode & self.RANDOM:
                val = '{} {}'.format(value[0], value[1])
            elif mode & self.LIST:
                fmt = self.parameters['format'].partition('}')[0].partition('{')
                fmt = '{' + fmt[2] + '}' # remove everything outside {}
                if error:
                    val = value
                    val = ', '.join(fmt.format(v) for v in value)
            elif mode & self.VARIABLE:
                val = value[0]
            d = ''
            if readonly and ((mode & self.FIXED) or (mode & self.RANDOM)):
                d = ' readonly'
            html = '<input type="text" size="{0}" name="{1}" value="{2}" '\
                    'id="id_{1}"{3}/>'.format(size, name, val, d)

        elif mode & self.CHOICES:
            if readonly and ((mode & self.FIXED) or (mode & self.RANDOM)):
                # show a fake dropdown
                if mode & self.RANDOM:
                    val = '- random -'
                    value = '-RND-'
                    val = '=' + get_choice(self.parameters['choices'], value)
                    value = '={}'.format(value)
                html = '<select disabled"/><option selected="selected">'
                html += '{}</option></select>'.format(val)
                # The actual value of this parameter is specified here:
                print '**', name, val, value
                html += '<input type="hidden" name="{}" value="{}" id="id_{}">'\
                .format(name, value, name)
                html = '<select name="{0}" id="id_{0}"/>'.format(name)
                s = ' selected="selected"' if (mode & self.LIST) else ''
                html += '<option value="-ALL-"{}>- all -</option>'.format(s)
                if not readonly or (mode == self.RANDOM):
                    s = ' selected="selected"' if (mode & self.RANDOM) else ''
                    html += '<option value="-RND-"{}>- random -</option>'.\

                html += '<optgroup label="Variable:">'
                for c1, c2 in self.parameters['choices']:
                    s = ''
                    if (mode & self.VARIABLE) and (str(c1) == str(value[0])):
                        s = ' selected="selected"'
                    html += '<option value="{}"{}>{}</option>'.format(c1, s, c2)
                html += '</optgroup>'

                if not readonly or (mode == self.FIXED) or (mode == self.RANDOM):
                    html += '<optgroup label="Fixed:">'
                    for c1, c2 in self.parameters['choices']:
                        s = ''
                        if (mode & self.FIXED) and (str(c1) == str(value)):
                            s = ' selected="selected"'
                        html += '<option value="={}"{}>={}</option>'.format(
                                c1, s, c2)
                    html += '</optgroup>'

                html += '</select>'

        html += '<input type="hidden" name="{}_MODE" value="{}">'.\
                format(name, mode)
        return mark_safe(html)
예제 #12
파일: params_exit.py 프로젝트: pgwthf/TSB
 def description(self):
     if self.repr('sw') == get_choice(self.SWITCH_CHOICES, self.ON):
         return 'Exit at {} if the market type has changed.'.format(
         return 'This exit is inactive'
예제 #13
파일: params_exit.py 프로젝트: pgwthf/TSB
 def description(self): 
     ra = ''
     if self.repr('ra') == get_choice(self.SWITCH_CHOICES, self.ON):
         ra = ' Adjust the bottom line in the direction of the trade.'
     return 'Exit tomorrow at market if the price goes below the bottom '\
             'line of the rank channel.{}'.format(ra)
예제 #14
파일: params_exit.py 프로젝트: pgwthf/TSB
 def description(self): 
     ra = ''
     if self.repr('ra') == get_choice(self.SWITCH_CHOICES, self.ON):
         ra = ' Adjust the top line in the direction of the trade.'
     return 'Exit tomorrow at market if the price goes above the top '\
             'line of the {} channel.{}'.format(self.repr('lb'), ra)
예제 #15
파일: tables.py 프로젝트: pgwthf/TSB
 def render_method(self, record):
     return '{}'.format(get_choice(record.method.DIR_CHOICES, 