def _read_next_raw(self): """ :return: (data_type, args) :rtype: (str, object) """ import struct size_raw = self.pipe_c2p[0].read(4) if len(size_raw) < 4: raise EOFError size, = struct.unpack("<i", size_raw) assert size > 0, "%s: We expect to get some non-empty package. Invalid Python mod in Sprint?" % (self,) stream = BytesIO() read_size = 0 while read_size < size: data_raw = self.pipe_c2p[0].read(size - read_size) if len(data_raw) == 0: raise EOFError("%s: expected to read %i bytes but got EOF after %i bytes" % (self, size, read_size)) read_size += len(data_raw) stream.write(data_raw) try: if PY3: # encoding is for converting Python2 strings to Python3. # Cannot use utf8 because Numpy will also encode the data as strings and there we need it as bytes. data_type, args = Unpickler(stream, encoding="bytes").load() else: data_type, args = Unpickler(stream).load() except EOFError: raise Exception("%s: parse error of %i bytes (%r)" % (self, size, stream.getvalue())) return data_type, args
def _read_next_raw(self): import struct size_raw = self.pipe_c2p[0].read(4) if len(size_raw) < 4: raise EOFError size, = struct.unpack("<i", size_raw) stream = BytesIO() read_size = 0 while read_size < size: data_raw = self.pipe_c2p[0].read(size - read_size) if len(data_raw) == 0: raise EOFError read_size += len(data_raw) stream.write(data_raw) if PY3: # encoding is for converting Python2 strings to Python3. # Cannot use utf8 because Numpy will also encode the data as strings and there we need it as bytes. dataType, args = Unpickler(stream, encoding="bytes").load() else: dataType, args = Unpickler(stream).load() return dataType, args
def _read_next_raw(self): dataType, args = Unpickler(self.pipe_c2p[0]).load() return dataType, args
def _read(self): return Unpickler(self.pipe_p2c).load()
def _read(self): assert os.getpid() == self.parent_pid p = self.pipe_c2p[0] # see _start_child return Unpickler(p).load()