예제 #1
class checkCurable(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test that checkCurable actually cures a status when possible """
    def setUp(self):
        """ Builds the delegate and pkmn for use in the tests """
        self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()

        self.statusAbbr = "PAR"
        self.status = Paralysis()
        self.statusAbbr2 = "FRZ"

        self.delegate = CureStatusDelegate(self.statusAbbr, 1)
        self.delegate2 = CureStatusDelegate(self.statusAbbr2, 1)

    def isCurable(self):
        """ Tests if checkCurable cures the status when it can """

        assert self.pkmn.getStatus() != self.status, "Status should be cured"

    def notCurable(self):
        """ Tests if checkCurable cures the status when it can """

        assert self.pkmn.getStatus(
        ) == self.status, "Status should not be cured"
예제 #2
class checkCurable(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test that checkCurable actually cures a status when possible """
    def setUp(self):
        """ Builds the delegate and pkmn for use in the tests """
        self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
        self.statusAbbr = "PAR"
        self.status = Paralysis()
        self.statusAbbr2 = "FRZ"
        self.delegate = CureStatusDelegate(self.statusAbbr, 1)
        self.delegate2 = CureStatusDelegate(self.statusAbbr2, 1)
    def isCurable(self):
        """ Tests if checkCurable cures the status when it can """
        assert self.pkmn.getStatus() != self.status, "Status should be cured"
    def notCurable(self):
        """ Tests if checkCurable cures the status when it can """
        assert self.pkmn.getStatus() == self.status, "Status should not be cured"
예제 #3
class coreDamage(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test that core damage is calculated correctly """
    def setUp(self):
        """ Setup the attack and Pokemon to use the attack """
        self.user = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
        self.target = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()

        regDelegate = DamageDelegate(None, 50, 1)
        self.core = regDelegate.coreDamage(self.user, self.target)

        self.delegate = BoostDamageOnStatusDelegate(None, 50, 1)

    def noStatus(self):
        """ Test that damage is core when the target has no status """
        damage = self.delegate.coreDamage(self.user, self.target)

        assert damage == self.core, "Damage should be the core when target has no status"

    def status(self):
        """ Test that damage is double the core when the target has a status """
        damage = self.delegate.coreDamage(self.user, self.target)

        assert damage == 2 * self.core, "Damage should double when target has a status"
예제 #4
class coreDamage(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test that core damage is calculated correctly """ 
    def setUp(self):
        """ Setup the attack and Pokemon to use the attack """
        self.user = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
        self.target = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
        regDelegate = DamageDelegate(None, 50, 1)
        self.core = regDelegate.coreDamage(self.user, self.target)
        self.delegate = BoostDamageOnStatusDelegate(None, 50, 1)
    def noStatus(self):
        """ Test that damage is core when the target has no status """
        damage = self.delegate.coreDamage(self.user, self.target)
        assert damage == self.core, "Damage should be the core when target has no status"
    def status(self):
        """ Test that damage is double the core when the target has a status """
        damage = self.delegate.coreDamage(self.user, self.target)
        assert damage == 2*self.core, "Damage should double when target has a status"
예제 #5
class checkStatusAlready(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test that checkStatusAlready returns correctly """
    def setUp(self):
        """ Builds the delegate and pkmn for use in the tests """
        self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
        self.status = "PAR"
        attack = Attack()
        attack.type = ""
        self.delegate = ApplyStatusDelegate(attack, self.status, 1)
    def hasStatusAlready(self):
        """ Tests checkStatusAlready returns correctly if the pkmn has a status already """
        assert self.delegate.checkStatusAlready(self.pkmn), "Should have a status already"
    def hasNoStatusAlready(self):
        """ Tests checkStatusAlready returns correctly if the pkmn has a status already """
        assert not self.delegate.checkStatusAlready(self.pkmn), "Should not have a status already"
예제 #6
class checkStatusAlready(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test that checkStatusAlready returns correctly """
    def setUp(self):
        """ Builds the delegate and pkmn for use in the tests """
        self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
        self.status = "PAR"
        attack = Attack()
        attack.type = ""
        self.delegate = ApplyStatusDelegate(attack, self.status, 1)

    def hasStatusAlready(self):
        """ Tests checkStatusAlready returns correctly if the pkmn has a status already """
        assert self.delegate.checkStatusAlready(
            self.pkmn), "Should have a status already"

    def hasNoStatusAlready(self):
        """ Tests checkStatusAlready returns correctly if the pkmn has a status already """
        assert not self.delegate.checkStatusAlready(
            self.pkmn), "Should not have a status already"
예제 #7
class immobilized(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test that immobilized performs correctly """
    def setUp(self):
        """ Builds the Sleep status"""
        self.status = Sleep()
        self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
        self.turns = 1

    def notDone(self):
        """ Test if immobilized returns correctly when it is not done """
        self.status.turns = self.turns

        immobilized, messages = self.status.immobilized(self.pkmn)

        assert immobilized, "Should be immobilized"
        assert messages == [self.pkmn.getHeader() + Sleep.intermittent],\
                "Should return Sleep's intermittent message"
        assert self.status.turns == self.turns - 1, "Turns should be decremented"

    def done(self):
        """ Test if immobilized returns correctly when it is done """
        self.status.turns = 0

        assert self.pkmn.getStatus(
        ) == self.status, "Should have status to start"

        immobilized, messages = self.status.immobilized(self.pkmn)

        assert not immobilized, "Should not be immobilized"
        assert len(messages) == 2, "Should have two messages"

        assert messages[0] == self.pkmn.getHeader() + Sleep.intermittent,\
                "Should return Sleep's intermittent message"
        assert messages[1] == self.pkmn.getHeader() + Sleep.done,\
                "Should return Sleep's done message"

        assert self.pkmn.getStatus() != self.status, "Status should be removed"
예제 #8
class immune(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test that immune returns the correct values """
    def setUp(self):
        """ Build side for use in test cases """
        self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
        self.parent = Attack()
        self.parent.type = "NORMAL"

    def buildDelegate(self, effect):
        """ Builds a staushit delegate and its parent attack """
        self.parent.effectDelegates = [effect]
        self.delegate = StatusHitDelegate(self.parent, 100)

    def notImmune(self):
        """ Test an effect that is not immune returns correctly  """
        status = Status()

        effect = ApplyStatusDelegate(self.parent, "PAR", 1)
        assert not self.delegate.immune(self.pkmn,
                                        None), "Should not be immune"

    def immune(self):
        """ Test an effect that is immune will result in a miss """
        status, message = StatusFactory.buildStatusFromAbbr("PAR")

        effect = ApplyStatusDelegate(self.parent, "PAR", 1)
        assert self.delegate.immune(self.pkmn, None), "Should be immune"

    def noImmune(self):
        """ Test an effect that has no immune function isn't immune """
        effect = StatModDelegate("ATK", 1, 1)
        assert not self.delegate.immune(self.pkmn,
                                        None), "Should never be immune"
예제 #9
class immobilized(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test that immobilized performs correctly """
    def setUp(self):
        """ Builds the Sleep status"""
        self.status = Sleep()
        self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
        self.turns = 1
    def notDone(self):
        """ Test if immobilized returns correctly when it is not done """
        self.status.turns = self.turns
        immobilized, messages = self.status.immobilized(self.pkmn)
        assert immobilized, "Should be immobilized"
        assert messages == [self.pkmn.getHeader() + Sleep.intermittent],\
                "Should return Sleep's intermittent message"
        assert self.status.turns == self.turns - 1, "Turns should be decremented"
    def done(self):
        """ Test if immobilized returns correctly when it is done """
        self.status.turns = 0
        assert self.pkmn.getStatus() == self.status, "Should have status to start"
        immobilized, messages = self.status.immobilized(self.pkmn)
        assert not immobilized, "Should not be immobilized"
        assert len(messages) == 2, "Should have two messages"
        assert messages[0] == self.pkmn.getHeader() + Sleep.intermittent,\
                "Should return Sleep's intermittent message"
        assert messages[1] == self.pkmn.getHeader() + Sleep.done,\
                "Should return Sleep's done message"
        assert self.pkmn.getStatus() != self.status, "Status should be removed"
예제 #10
class immune(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test that immune returns the correct values """
    def setUp(self):
        """ Build side for use in test cases """
        self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
        self.parent = Attack()
        self.parent.type ="NORMAL"
    def buildDelegate(self, effect):
        """ Builds a staushit delegate and its parent attack """
        self.parent.effectDelegates = [effect]
        self.delegate = StatusHitDelegate(self.parent, 100)
    def notImmune(self):
        """ Test an effect that is not immune returns correctly  """
        status = Status()
        effect = ApplyStatusDelegate(self.parent, "PAR", 1)
        assert not self.delegate.immune(self.pkmn, None), "Should not be immune"
    def immune(self):
        """ Test an effect that is immune will result in a miss """
        status, message = StatusFactory.buildStatusFromAbbr("PAR")
        effect = ApplyStatusDelegate(self.parent, "PAR", 1)
        assert self.delegate.immune(self.pkmn, None), "Should be immune"
    def noImmune(self):
        """ Test an effect that has no immune function isn't immune """
        effect = StatModDelegate("ATK", 1, 1)
        assert not  self.delegate.immune(self.pkmn, None), "Should never be immune"