예제 #1
    def __init__(self, cfgobj):
        self.cfg = cfgobj
        self.__started = False
        self.__created = False

        # Load Config
        self.__autostart = cfgobj.getboolean("Game", "auto_start")
        self.__allowafterstart = cfgobj.getboolean("Game", "allow_after_start")
        self.__allowreentry = cfgobj.getboolean("Server", "allow_re-entry")
        self.__resetworldround = self.cfg.getboolean("Tournament",
        self.__roundtime = cfgobj.getint("Tournament", "round_time")

        self._disconnect_on_death = cfgobj.getboolean("Game",
        self._reset_score_on_death = cfgobj.getboolean("Game",
        self._points_lost_on_death = cfgobj.getint("Game",
        self._points_initial = cfgobj.getint("Game", "points_initial")

        self._primary_victory = cfgobj.get("Game", "primary_victory_attr")
        self._primary_victory_high = cfgobj.getboolean(
            "Game", "primary_victory_highest")

        self._secondary_victory = cfgobj.get("Game", "secondary_victory_attr")
        self._secondary_victory_high = cfgobj.getboolean(
            "Game", "secondary_victory_highest")

        self._tournament = cfgobj.getboolean("Tournament", "tournament")
        self._tmanager = eval(cfgobj.get("Tournament", "manager"))(
            cfgobj, self.game_get_current_leader_list)
        if self._tournament:
            self.__autostart = False
            self.__roundtime = 0  # don't want to return a big round time set in a config, if it's not used.
        self.laststats = None
        self._highscore = 0  # highest score achieved during game
        self._leader = None  # player object of who's in lead

        self.server = None  # set when server created
        self.__teams = ThreadSafeDict()
        self._players = ThreadSafeDict()
        self.__aiships = ThreadSafeDict()
        self.__timer = None

        self.__leaderboard_cache = self.game_get_current_player_list()

        # Load World
        self.world = GameWorld(self, (cfgobj.getint(
            "World", "width"), cfgobj.getint("World", "height")),

        self.spawnmanager = SpawnManager(cfgobj, self.world)

        if self.__autostart:
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, cfgobj):

        self._respawn = cfgobj.getboolean("BaubleHunt",

        self.__bases = ThreadSafeDict()
        self.__baubles = ThreadSafeDict()

        super(BaubleHuntGame, self).__init__(cfgobj)

        self._mv = BaseBaubleGame.VALUE_TABLE[-1][1]

        self.__maxcarry = self.cfg.getint("BaubleHunt", "ship_cargo_size")
 def __init__(self, game, worldsize, objlistener=None):
         game: game object that manages rules for world
         worldsize: tuple of world width,height
         pys: flag to indicate whether this should be the main world running a physics/game loop or not
         objlistener: initial listner callback function
     self.__game = game
     self.size = intpos(worldsize)
     self.width = worldsize[0]
     self.height = worldsize[1]
     self.__space = pymunk.Space()
     #self.__space.add_collision_handler(0, 0, post_solve=self.collideShipStellarObject)
     self.__objects = ThreadSafeDict()
     self.__addremovesem = threading.Semaphore()
     self.__influential = []
     if objlistener == None:
         self.__objectListener = []
         self.__objectListener = [objlistener]
     self.__toremove = []
     self.__toadd = []
     self.__active = False
     self.__started = False
     self.gameerror = False
     logging.info("Initialized World of size %s", repr(worldsize))
    def __init__(self, cfgobj):
        self._outposts = ThreadSafeDict()

        super(DiscoveryQuestGame, self).__init__(cfgobj)

        self._missions = cfgobj.get("DiscoveryQuest", "mission_objectives").split(",")
        self.scantime = cfgobj.getfloat("DiscoveryQuest", "scan_time")
        self.scanrange = cfgobj.getint("DiscoveryQuest", "scan_range")
        self.outpostdist = cfgobj.getint("DiscoveryQuest", "ship_spawn_dist")
        self.limitwarp = cfgobj.getboolean("DiscoveryQuest", "disable_warp_in_nebula")
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, cfgobj):

        self._respawn = cfgobj.getboolean("BaubleHunt",

        self.__bases = ThreadSafeDict()
        self.__baubles = ThreadSafeDict()

        self.__initialized = False

        super(BaubleHuntGame, self).__init__(cfgobj)

        # Find all High-Value Baubles once we've loaded that info from the BaseBaubleGame
        self._maxvalue = BaseBaubleGame.VALUE_TABLE[-1][1]
        for wobj in self.world:
            if isinstance(wobj, Bauble) and wobj.value == self._maxvalue:
                self.__baubles[wobj.id] = wobj

        self.__initialized = True

        self.__maxcarry = self.cfg.getint("BaubleHunt", "ship_cargo_size")
예제 #6
def startGame(windowcaption, game, fullscreen=True, resolution=None, cfg=None, testcase=None):
        #region Initialization
        logging.info("Initiating PyGame...")

        world = game.world
        fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock()

        logging.debug("Initiating Screen...")

        if cfg.getboolean("Application", "sound"):
            logging.info("Starting Sound...")
            logging.info("Sound Disabled")
        ipaddress = getIPAddress()

        if resolution == None:
            resolution = detect_resolution(cfg)

        fullscreen = str2bool(fullscreen)
        if fullscreen in [True, False]:
            windowSurface = pygame.display.set_mode(resolution, (pygame.FULLSCREEN * fullscreen) | pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF)
        elif fullscreen == "window":
            os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = '0,0'
            windowSurface = pygame.display.set_mode(resolution, pygame.NOFRAME | pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF)
            os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = '' # Reset back
            raise ValueError("Invalid Fullscreen Windowing Mode")


        logging.debug("Game GUI CFG...")
        # Let game initialize any GUI objects independently

        colorBlack = pygame.Color(0, 0, 0)
        mt = 0

        #shipw = ShipGUI(Ship((100, 100)))
        #shipw.ship.velocity.magnitude = 5

        #region World Registration
        bgobjects = ThreadSafeDict() # items we want always in the background
        objects = ThreadSafeDict()
        trackplayer = None
        def addorremove(obj, added):
            logging.debug("GUI: Add/Remove Obj %s (%s) [%d]", repr(obj), repr(added), thread.get_ident())
                if added:
                    # TODO: #18 - Clean-up this by auto creating wrapper on name...
                    if isinstance(obj, Ship):
                        logging.debug("GUI: Adding Ship #%d", obj.id)
                        objects[obj.id] = ShipGUI(obj, world)
                        logging.debug("GUI: Added Ship #%d", obj.id)
                    elif isinstance(obj, Nebula):
                        logging.debug("GUI: Adding Nebula #%d", obj.id)
                        bgobjects[obj.id] = NebulaGUI(obj, world)
                        logging.debug("GUI: Added Nebula #%d", obj.id)
                    elif isinstance(obj, Planet) or isinstance(obj, Constellation):
                        logging.debug("GUI: Adding Planet #%d", obj.id)
                        bgobjects[obj.id] = PlanetGUI(obj, world)
                        logging.debug("GUI: Added Planet #%d", obj.id)
                    elif isinstance(obj, WormHole):
                        logging.debug("GUI: Adding WormHole #%d", obj.id)
                        bgobjects[obj.id] = WormHoleGUI(obj, world)
                        logging.debug("GUI: Added WormHole #%d", obj.id)
                    elif isinstance(obj, Asteroid):
                        logging.debug("GUI: Adding Asteroid #%d", obj.id)
                        objects[obj.id] = AsteroidGUI(obj, world)
                        logging.debug("GUI: Added Asteroid #%d", obj.id)
                    elif isinstance(obj, Dragon):
                        logging.debug("GUI: Adding Dragon #%d", obj.id)
                        objects[obj.id] = DragonGUI(obj, world)
                        logging.debug("GUI: Added Dragon #%d", obj.id)
                    elif isinstance(obj, Torpedo):
                        logging.debug("GUI: Adding Torpedo #%d", obj.id)
                        objects[obj.id] = TorpedoGUI(obj, world)
                        logging.debug("GUI: Added Torpedo #%d", obj.id)
                    elif isinstance(obj, SpaceMine):
                        logging.debug("GUI: Adding SpaceMine #%d", obj.id)
                        objects[obj.id] = SpaceMineGUI(obj, world)
                        logging.debug("GUI: Added SpaceMine #%d", obj.id)
                        logging.debug("GUI: Adding %s #%d", repr(obj), obj.id)
                        objects[obj.id] = obj.WRAPPERCLASS(obj, world)
                        logging.debug("GUI: Added %s %d", repr(obj), obj.id)
                    if isinstance(obj, Ship):
                        logging.debug("GUI: Ship #%d Dying", obj.id)
                        ship = objects.get(obj.id, None)
                        if ship != None:
                            ship.dying = True
                            logging.debug("GUI: Ship #%d Set Dying", obj.id)
                    elif obj.id in objects:
                        logging.debug("GUI: Removing Object #%d", obj.id)
                        del objects[obj.id]
                        logging.debug("GUI: Removed Object #%d", obj.id)
                    elif obj.id in bgobjects:
                        logging.debug("GUI: Removing BG Object #%d", obj.id)
                        del bgobjects[obj.id]
                        logging.debug("GUI: Removed BG Object #%d", obj.id)
                logging.error("GUI ERROR")
                print traceback.format_exc()
            #logging.debug("GUI: Add/Remove Done [%d]", thread.get_ident())

        logging.debug("Register World Listener...")

        logging.debug("Add Objects to GUI...")
        # Create objects for all items in world
        for obj in world:
            addorremove(obj, True)

        # Create Stars
        #stars = []
        #for i in xrange((world.width / STAR_DENSITY * world.height / STAR_DENSITY)):
        #    stars.append(Star((random.randint(4, world.width - 4), random.randint(4, world.height - 4))))

        logging.debug("Create Fonts...")
        # Start Main Loop
        font = pygame.font.Font("freesansbold.ttf", 12)
        bigfont = pygame.font.Font("freesansbold.ttf", 44)

        logging.debug("Load Textures...")
        spacetexture = Cache().getImage("Backgrounds/space")
        scalefactorx = float(world.size[0]) / resolution[0]
        scalefactory = float(world.size[1]) / resolution[1]
        offsetx = 0
        maxoffsetx = -world.width + resolution[0]
        offsety = 0
        maxoffsety = -world.height + resolution[1]

        def centerViewOnWorld(pos):
            return -pos[0] + resolution[0]/2, -pos[1] + resolution[1]/2
        #keyboard repeat rate
        pygame.key.set_repeat(75, 25)

        zoomout = True
        mouselock = True
        MOUSELOCK_RANGE = resolution[0] / 8
        logintercept = False
        mlh = MessageLogHandler(50)
        dynamiccamera = False

        mousemode = None
        prevzoom = zoomout
        showip = cfg.getboolean("Application", "showip")
        showplayerlist = cfg.getboolean("Application", "showstats")
        showroundtime = cfg.getboolean("Tournament", "tournament")
        tournamentinfo = cfg.getboolean("Tournament", "tournament")
        flags = {"DEBUG":False,
                 "STATS":cfg.getboolean("Application", "showstats"),
                 "GAME":cfg.getboolean("Application", "showstats"),
        logging.info("Create Main Surface...")
        #TODO: Optimize by only drawing objects in viewport...
        worldsurface = pygame.Surface((world.size[0], world.size[1]), flags=HWSURFACE)
        logging.debug("Game Start!")
        obj = None
        notexit = True

        # In test case we only care about test being done
        if testcase != None:
            notexit = False


        # Get spawnable items in alphabetical order
        SPAWN_TYPES = SpawnManager.ENTITY_TYPES.keys()

        while notexit or (testcase != None and not testcase.donetest):
            t = pygame.time.get_ticks() / 1000.0

            #for star in stars:
            #    star.draw(windowSurface)

            # TODO: figure out abstraction for pygame or method in order to get objwrapper to figure out if it needs
            # to draw in the screen or be no-op, ideally objwrapper just does what it does now...

            #for x in xrange(offsetx, resolution[0], 512):
            #    for y in xrange(offsety, resolution[1], 512):
            #        worldsurface.blit(spacetexture, (x, y))

            # draw background items first in specific z-order
            for obj in sorted(bgobjects.values(), key=attrgetter('zorder')):
                obj.draw(worldsurface, flags)
                if obj.dead:
                    del bgobjects[obj._worldobj.id]
            # draw active objects
            for obj in objects:
                obj.draw(worldsurface, flags)
                if hasattr(obj._worldobj, "player") and obj._worldobj.player.sound != None:
                    #print "Trying to play sound", obj._worldobj.player.sound
                    obj._worldobj.player.sound = None
                if obj.dead:
                    del objects[obj._worldobj.id]
            if flags["GAME"]:
                game.gui_draw_game_world_info(worldsurface, flags, trackplayer)

            #region Key/Mouse Event Handling
            for event in pygame.event.get():
                if event.type == QUIT:
                    notexit = False
                elif (event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_a) or (event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button in (4, 5)):
                    if mousemode == None or not mousemode.startswith("Add"):
                        if event.type == KEYDOWN or event.button == 5:
                            mousemode = "Add" + SPAWN_TYPES[0]
                            mousemode = "Add" + SPAWN_TYPES[-1]
                    elif event.type == KEYDOWN or event.button == 5:
                        x = SPAWN_TYPES.index(mousemode[3:])
                        if x < len(SPAWN_TYPES) - 1:
                            mousemode = "Add" + SPAWN_TYPES[x+1]
                        elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                            mousemode = "Add" + SPAWN_TYPES[0]
                            mousemode = None
                        x = SPAWN_TYPES.index(mousemode[3:])
                        if x > 0:
                            mousemode = "Add" + SPAWN_TYPES[x-1]
                            mousemode = "Add" + SPAWN_TYPES[-1]
                elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
                    if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
                    elif event.key == K_SPACE and not game.round_get_has_started():
                    elif event.key == K_d:
                        flags["DEBUG"] = not flags["DEBUG"]
                    elif event.key == K_i:
                        showip = not showip
                    elif event.key == K_p:
                        showplayerlist = (showplayerlist + 1) % (2 + game.tournament_is_running())
                    elif event.key == K_s:
                        flags["STATS"] = not flags["STATS"]
                    elif event.key == K_n:
                        flags["NAMES"] = not flags["NAMES"]
                    elif event.key == K_UP:
                        offsety += 16
                    elif event.key == K_DOWN:
                        offsety -= 16
                    elif event.key == K_RIGHT:
                        offsetx -= 16
                    elif event.key == K_LEFT:
                        offsetx += 16
                    elif event.key == K_g:
                        flags["GAME"] = not flags["GAME"]
                    elif event.key == K_h:
                        flags["THREADS"] = not flags["THREADS"]
                    elif event.key == K_t and game.tournament_is_running():
                        tournamentinfo = not tournamentinfo
                    elif event.key == K_z:
                        zoomout = not zoomout
                    elif event.key == K_m:
                        mouselock = not mouselock
                    elif event.key == K_PAGEUP and len(game.game_get_current_player_list()) > 0:
                        if trackplayer == None:
                            trackplayer = game.game_get_current_leader_list()[-1]
                            lst = game.game_get_current_leader_list()
                            for x in xrange(len(lst) - 1, -1, -1):
                                if lst[x] == trackplayer:
                                    if x == 0:
                                        x = len(lst)
                                    trackplayer = lst[x-1]
                    elif event.key == K_PAGEDOWN and len(game.game_get_current_player_list()) > 0:
                        if trackplayer == None: 
                            trackplayer = game.game_get_current_leader_list()[0]
                            lst = game.game_get_current_leader_list()
                            for x in xrange(len(lst)):
                                if lst[x] == trackplayer:
                                    if x == len(lst) - 1:
                                        x = -1
                                    trackplayer = lst[x+1]
                    elif event.key == K_END:
                        trackplayer = None
                        mlh.filter = None
                    elif event.key == K_y:
                        dynamiccamera = not dynamiccamera
                        if not dynamiccamera:
                            trackplayer = None
                    elif event.key == K_l:
                        logintercept = not logintercept
                        logger = logging.getLogger()
                        if logintercept:                        
                    elif event.key == K_k:
                        if mousemode == "Destroy":
                            mousemode = None
                            mousemode = "Destroy"
                    elif event.key == K_e:
                        if mousemode == "Explode":
                            mousemode = None
                            mousemode = "Explode"                    
                    elif event.key == K_v:
                        if mousemode == "Move":
                            mousemode = None
                            zoomout = prevzoom
                            mousemode = "Move"
                            prevzoom = zoomout
                            zoomout = True
                    elif event.key == K_r:
                        showroundtime = not showroundtime
                elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button in (1, 2): #Left or Middle Click
                    if zoomout:
                        x = event.pos[0]*scalefactorx
                        y = event.pos[1]*scalefactory
                        x, y = event.pos[0]-offsetx, event.pos[1]-offsety
                    #print zoomout, x, y

                    if mousemode == "Move" and trackplayer != None:
                        if event.button != 2:
                            mousemode = None
                        zoomout = prevzoom
                        obj = trackplayer.object
                        if obj != None:
                            obj.body.position = (x, y)
                    elif mousemode == "Destroy":
                        if event.button != 2:
                            mousemode = None
                        v = Vec2d(x, y)
                        for lst in objects, bgobjects:
                            for obj in lst:
                                if math.sqrt(obj._worldobj.body.position.get_dist_sqrd(v)) <= 32:
                                    logging.info("[GUI] Destroying Object #%d", obj._worldobj.id)
                                    if isinstance(obj, ShipGUI):
                                        obj._worldobj.killed = True
                    elif mousemode == "Explode":
                        if event.button != 2:
                            mousemode = None
                        world.causeExplosion((x, y), 256, 1000)
                    elif mousemode != None and mousemode.startswith("Add"):
                        game.spawnmanager.spawn_entity(mousemode[3:], (x, y), False)
                        if event.button != 2:
                            mousemode = None
                    elif trackplayer != None:
                        v = Vec2d(x, y)
                        for obj in objects:
                            if isinstance(obj, ShipGUI) and math.sqrt(obj._worldobj.body.position.get_dist_sqrd(v)) <= 32:
                                logging.info("[GUI] Click Tracking Object #%d", obj._worldobj.id)
                                trackplayer = obj._worldobj.player
                                zoomout = False
                                dynamiccamera = False
                    elif zoomout and event.button == 1:
                        # zoom in
                        zoomout = False
                        #xoffset = -(((event.pos[0] - resolution[0]/2) % 16)*16 * scalefactorx)
                        #yoffset = -(((event.pos[1] - resolution[1]/2) % 16)*16 * scalefactory)
                        offsetx, offsety = centerViewOnWorld((event.pos[0]*scalefactorx, event.pos[1]*scalefactory))
                        # recenter on new click
                        offsetx, offsety = centerViewOnWorld((event.pos[0]*scalefactorx, event.pos[1]*scalefactory))
                elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 3: #Right Click
                    mousemode = None

            # Tracks a ship on screen
            if len(game.game_get_current_player_list()) == 0 or trackplayer not in game.game_get_current_leader_list():
                trackplayer = None
            if dynamiccamera and len(game.game_get_current_leader_list()) > 0:
                trackplayer = game.game_get_current_leader_list()[0]
            if trackplayer != None:
                obj = trackplayer.object
                if obj != None:
                    mlh.filter = "#" + repr(obj.id)
                    offsetx, offsety = centerViewOnWorld(obj.body.position)

            # Pans world with mouse
            if not mouselock:
                # TODO Edge Detect
                pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                if pos[0] < MOUSELOCK_RANGE:
                    offsetx += 48
                elif pos[0] > resolution[0] - MOUSELOCK_RANGE:
                    offsetx -= 48

                if pos[1] < MOUSELOCK_RANGE:
                    offsety += 48
                elif pos[1] > resolution[1] - MOUSELOCK_RANGE:
                    offsety -= 48

            if offsetx > 0: offsetx = 0
            if offsety > 0: offsety = 0
            if offsetx < maxoffsetx: offsetx = maxoffsetx
            if offsety < maxoffsety: offsety = maxoffsety

            if zoomout:
                pygame.transform.scale(worldsurface, resolution, windowSurface)
                windowSurface.blit(worldsurface, (offsetx, offsety)) 

            if showip:
                ip = bigfont.render(ipaddress, False, (255, 255, 255))
                windowSurface.blit(ip, (resolution[0]/2-ip.get_width()/2,0))

            if not game.round_get_has_started():
                ip = bigfont.render("Waiting For Start - Press Space", False, (255, 255, 255))
                windowSurface.blit(ip, (resolution[0]/2-ip.get_width()/2,resolution[1]/2-ip.get_height()/2))
                if game.laststats != None:
                    x = 0
                    for i in game.laststats:
                        windowSurface.blit(font.render(i, False, (192, 192, 255)), (resolution[0]/2-300, resolution[1]/2 + 64 + 12*x))
                        x += 1
            if showplayerlist > 0:
                x = 0
                for i in game.gui_get_player_stats(all=(showplayerlist == 1)):
                    c = (192, 192, 192)
                    if trackplayer != None and trackplayer.name in i:
                        c = trackplayer.color
                    windowSurface.blit(font.render(i, False, c), (resolution[0]-300, 64 + 12*x))
                    x += 1
                if showplayerlist == 1:
                    windowSurface.blit(font.render(repr(x) + " Players Connected", False, (192, 192, 192)), (resolution[0]-300, 64 + 12 * x))
                    windowSurface.blit(font.render(repr(x) + " Players In Round", False, (192, 192, 192)), (resolution[0]-300, 64 + 12 * x))

            if showroundtime and testcase == None:
                ip = bigfont.render(str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=game.round_get_time_remaining())), False, (255, 255, 255))
                windowSurface.blit(ip, (resolution[0]/2-ip.get_width()/2,32))
            elif testcase != None:
                if testcase.flashcolor == False:
                    testcase.flashcolor = (255, 255, 255)
                ip = bigfont.render(str(datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=pygame.time.get_ticks())), False, testcase.flashcolor)
                windowSurface.blit(ip, (32,32))

                testcase.flashcolor = False
            if flags["DEBUG"]:
                mpos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                if zoomout: # TODO: Need to refactor and centralize these calculations as part of 'Camera' system
                    x = mpos[0]*scalefactorx
                    y = mpos[1]*scalefactory
                    x, y = mpos[0]-offsetx, mpos[1]-offsety

                windowSurface.blit(font.render("DEBUG MODE", False, (255, 255, 255)), (resolution[0]/2-38,32))
                windowSurface.blit(font.render("FPS: " + repr(fpsClock.get_fps()), False, (255, 255, 255)), (0,0))
                windowSurface.blit(font.render("T: " + repr(len(threading.enumerate())), False, (192, 192, 192)), (0, 12))
                windowSurface.blit(font.render("World Offset: " + repr((-offsetx, -offsety)), False, (255, 255, 255)), (0,24))
                windowSurface.blit(font.render("World Size: " + repr(world.size) + " - " + repr((int(x), int(y))), False, (255, 255, 255)), (0,36))
                windowSurface.blit(font.render("World Objects: " + repr(len(world)), False, (255, 255, 255)), (0,48))            
                if mouselock:
                    windowSurface.blit(font.render("MOUSELOCK: ON", False, (255, 255, 255)), (resolution[0]-114,0))
                    windowSurface.blit(font.render("MOUSELOCK: OFF", False, (255, 255, 255)), (resolution[0]-114,0))
                if "-" in windowcaption:
                    text = font.render(windowcaption.split("-")[1], False, (192, 192, 192))
                    windowSurface.blit(text, (resolution[0]-text.get_width()-2, 12))
                    text = font.render(windowcaption.split("-")[0][18:-1], False, (192, 192, 192))
                    windowSurface.blit(text, (resolution[0]-text.get_width()-2, 24))
                    text = font.render(windowcaption[18:], False, (192, 192, 192))
                    windowSurface.blit(text, (resolution[0]-text.get_width()-2, 24))

                windowSurface.blit(font.render(repr(flags), False, (255, 255, 255)), (0, resolution[1]-12))            

                if logintercept:
                    for i in xrange(len(mlh.messages)):
                        if i >= len(mlh.messages): break
                        c = 145 + i*2
                        windowSurface.blit(font.render(mlh.messages[i], False, (c, c, c)), (10, 64 + 12*i))

                if trackplayer == None:
                    windowSurface.blit(font.render("Tracking Off", False, (255, 255, 255)), (resolution[0]/2-36,resolution[1]-12))

            if trackplayer != None:
                to = trackplayer.object
                if to != None and objects.has_key(to.id):
                    # if we're tracking a ship, let's print some useful info about it.
                    #windowSurface.blit(font.render(trackplayer.name, False, trackplayer.color), (resolution[0] - 200, resolution[1] - 120))
                    windowSurface.fill((128, 128, 128), Rect(resolution[0] - 310, resolution[1] - 120, 300, 110), pygame.BLEND_ADD)
                    pygame.draw.rect(windowSurface, (192, 192, 192, 128), Rect(resolution[0] - 310, resolution[1] - 120, 300, 110), 1)
                                                            "GAME":False}, Vec2d(resolution[0] - 250, resolution[1] - 64))
                    windowSurface.blit(font.render("%d" % to.body.velocity.length, False, (255, 255, 255)), (resolution[0] - 298, resolution[1] - 86))

                    netenergy = 4
                    x = 0
                    for cmd in to.commandQueue:
                        netenergy -= cmd.energycost
                        windowSurface.blit(font.render("%.1f (%s" % (cmd.energycost, repr(cmd)[14:]), False, trackplayer.color), (resolution[0] - 300, resolution[1] - 28 - x * 12))
                        x += 1
                    x = "+"
                    if netenergy < 0:
                        x = "-"
                    #windowSurface.blit(infofont().render("Energy %d  %s%.1f" % (to.energy.value, x, netenergy), False, trackplayer.color), (resolution[0] - 190, resolution[1] - 110))

                    # Energy Bar
                    windowSurface.fill((0, 64, 0), Rect(resolution[0] - 190, resolution[1] - 114, 170, 18))
                    windowSurface.blit(pygame.transform.scale(Cache().getImage("HUD/Energy"), (166, 14)), (resolution[0] - 188, resolution[1] - 112), pygame.Rect(0, 0, 166 * to.energy.percent, 14))
                    windowSurface.blit(infofont().render("%d %s%.1f" % (to.energy.value, x, netenergy), False, (255, 255, 255)), (resolution[0] - 180, resolution[1] - 112))

                    # Shield Bar
                    windowSurface.fill((0, 0, 96), Rect(resolution[0] - 190, resolution[1] - 94, 170, 8))
                    windowSurface.blit(pygame.transform.scale(Cache().getImage("HUD/Shield"), (166, 14)), (resolution[0] - 188, resolution[1] - 93), pygame.Rect(0, 0, 166 * to.shield.percent, 6))
                    windowSurface.blit(font.render(repr(int(100 * to.shield.percent)), False, (255, 255, 255)), (resolution[0] - 178, resolution[1] - 95))

                    # Health Bar
                    windowSurface.fill((64, 0, 0), Rect(resolution[0] - 190, resolution[1] - 84, 170, 16))
                    windowSurface.blit(pygame.transform.scale(Cache().getImage("HUD/Health"), (166, 14)), (resolution[0] - 188, resolution[1] - 82), pygame.Rect(0, 0, 166 * to.health.percent, 12))
                    windowSurface.blit(infofont().render(repr(int(100 * to.health.percent)), False, (255, 255, 255)), (resolution[0] - 180, resolution[1] - 83))

                    if trackplayer.lastkilledby != None:
                        windowSurface.blit(font.render("LD: " + trackplayer.lastkilledby, False, (255, 255, 255)), (resolution[0] - 298, resolution[1] - 118))

            if flags["GAME"]:
                game.gui_draw_game_screen_info(windowSurface, flags, trackplayer)

            if tournamentinfo:
                game.gui_draw_tournament_bracket(windowSurface, flags, trackplayer)

            if trackplayer != None:
                n = font.render("Tracking: " + trackplayer.name, False, trackplayer.color)
                windowSurface.blit(n, (resolution[0]/2-n.get_width()/2,resolution[1]-12))                          

            if mousemode == "Destroy":
                ip = bigfont.render("DESTROY OBJECT BY CLICK", False, (255, 0, 0))
                windowSurface.blit(ip, (resolution[0]/2-ip.get_width()/2, resolution[1]/2-ip.get_height()/2))
            elif mousemode == "Explode":
                ip = bigfont.render("CLICK TO CAUSE EXPLOSION FORCE", False, (255, 0, 0))
                windowSurface.blit(ip, (resolution[0]/2-ip.get_width()/2, resolution[1]/2-ip.get_height()/2))
            elif mousemode != None and mousemode[:3] == "Add":
                x = SPAWN_TYPES.index(mousemode[3:])
                for i in xrange(x - 1, -1, -1):
                    c = max(0, 128 + (i - x) * 16)
                    ip = bigfont.render(SPAWN_TYPES[i], False, (c, c, c))
                    windowSurface.blit(ip, (resolution[0]/2 + 35, resolution[1]/2-24-((i - x) * -36)))

                ip = bigfont.render("Click to Add " + mousemode[3:], False, (255, 255, 0))
                windowSurface.blit(ip, (resolution[0]/2-240, resolution[1]/2-ip.get_height()/2))

                for i in xrange(x + 1, len(SPAWN_TYPES)):
                    c = max(0, 128 - (i - x - 1) * 16)
                    ip = bigfont.render(SPAWN_TYPES[i], False, (c, c, c))
                    windowSurface.blit(ip, (resolution[0]/2 + 35, resolution[1]/2+18+((i - x - 1) * 36)))

            if mousemode == "Move" and trackplayer == None:
                ip = bigfont.render("TRACK OBJECT BEFORE MOVING", False, (255, 255, 255))
                windowSurface.blit(ip, (resolution[0]/2-ip.get_width()/2, resolution[1]/2-ip.get_height()/2))
            elif mousemode == "Move":
                ip = bigfont.render("CLICK TO MOVE "+trackplayer.name, False, (255, 255, 255))
                windowSurface.blit(ip, (resolution[0]/2-ip.get_width()/2, resolution[1]/2-ip.get_height()/2))        

            if flags["THREADS"]:
                st = mt+1
                rt = st
                mt = 0
                thrs = threading.enumerate()
                thrs.sort(key=lambda x: x.name, reverse=True)
                for thr in thrs:
                    s = repr(thr)
                    c = (192, 192, 192)
                    ind = 30
                    if "Receiving" in s:
                        i = rt
                        rt += 1
                        c = (192, 192, 255)
                        ind = resolution[0]/2 + 30
                    elif "Sending" in s:
                        i = st
                        st += 1
                        i = mt
                        mt += 1
                        c = (255, 192, 192)

                    windowSurface.blit(font.render(repr(thr), False, c), (ind, 64 + 12*i))

            fpsClock.tick(30) # keep in sync with physics engine?

        #TODO: Add Logging???

        # close out a game 

        logging.info("Closing Pygame...")
        print "Closing Pygame"
        print "EXCEPTION IN GUI"
        logging.exception("FATAL Error in GUI!!!")
        print traceback.format_exc()
        world.gameerror = True # Flag for Unit Tests

    logging.info("GUI Closed")
예제 #7
    def round_start(self):
        logging.info("Game Start")
        self.__bases = ThreadSafeDict()
        self.__baubles = ThreadSafeDict()

        super(BaubleHuntGame, self).round_start()