예제 #1
def force_rank0 (funkslice):
  """Reduction function to reduce the polynomial rank of a set of funklets"""
  output = [];
  for funk in funkslice:
    c00 = funk.coeff if isinstance(funk.coeff,float) else funk.coeff.ravel()[0];
  return output;
예제 #2
def phase_parm(tdeg, fdeg):
    """helper function to create a t/f parm for phase, including constraints.
  Placeholder until Maaijke implements periodic constraints.
    polc = meq.polc(Timba.array.zeros((tdeg + 1, fdeg + 1)) * 0.0, scale=array([3600.0, 8e8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]))
    shape = [tdeg + 1, fdeg + 1]
    # work out constraints on coefficients
    # maximum excursion in freq is pi/2
    # max excursion in time is pi/2
    dt = 0.2
    df = 0.5
    cmin = []
    cmax = []
    for it in range(tdeg + 1):
        for jf in range(fdeg + 1):
            mm = math.pi / (dt ** it * df ** jf)
    cmin[0] = -1e9
    cmax[0] = 1e9
    return Meq.Parm(
예제 #3
def linear_interpol (funkslice):
  """Reduction function to replace a set of funklets with piecewise linear interpolations. If the original
  N funklet c00 coefficients C0,C1,... are defined for domains [a0,b0] [a1,b1] ..., then the output N-1 funklets 
  will be defined on domains [a0,(a1+b1)/2],[(a1+b1)/2,(a2+b2)/2],..., and will correspond to linear slopes 
  passing through C0 at (a0+b0)/2, C1 at (a1+b1)/2, etc.
  # transform only available with more than two funklets  
  if len(funkslice) < 2:
    return funkslice;
  if funkslice.rank > 1:
    raise TypeError,"linear interpolation only available for rank-1 slices";
  iaxis0 = funkslice.slice_iaxes[0]; 
  axis0 = funkslice.slice_axes[0]; 
  output = [];
  for ifunk0,funk0 in enumerate(funkslice[:-1]):
    # funklet for next domain
    funk1 = funkslice[ifunk0+1];
    dom0,dom1 = funk0.domain,funk1.domain;
    # centerpoint and c00 of ourselves
    x0 = sum(dom0[axis0])/2;
    c0 = funk0.coeff if isinstance(funk0.coeff,float) else funk0.coeff.ravel()[0];
    # centerpoint and c00 of next domain
    x1 = sum(dom1[axis0])/2;
    c1 = funk1.coeff if isinstance(funk1.coeff,float) else funk1.coeff.ravel()[0];
    # make output domain
    out_domain = copy.copy(dom0);
    # output domain boundaries are original subdomains' centers, with the exception of the first
    # and the last funklet, in which case the domain needs to extend to the edge of the first/last 
    # subdomain
    a0 = dom0[axis0][0] if funk0 is funkslice[0] else x0;
    a1 = dom1[axis0][1] if funk1 is funkslice[-1] else x1; 
    out_domain[axis0] = (a0,a1);
    # now make output polc
  return output;
예제 #4
def force_rank0 (funkslice):
  """Reduction function to reduce the polynomial rank of a set of funklets"""
  output = [];
  for funk in funkslice:
    c00 = funk.coeff if isinstance(funk.coeff,float) else funk.coeff.ravel()[0];
  return output;
예제 #5
def linear_interpol (funkslice):
  """Reduction function to replace a set of funklets with piecewise linear interpolations. If the original
  N funklet c00 coefficients C0,C1,... are defined for domains [a0,b0] [a1,b1] ..., then the output N-1 funklets
  will be defined on domains [a0,(a1+b1)/2],[(a1+b1)/2,(a2+b2)/2],..., and will correspond to linear slopes
  passing through C0 at (a0+b0)/2, C1 at (a1+b1)/2, etc.
  # transform only available with more than two funklets
  if len(funkslice) < 2:
    return funkslice;
  if funkslice.rank > 1:
    raise TypeError,"linear interpolation only available for rank-1 slices";
  iaxis0 = funkslice.slice_iaxes[0];
  axis0 = funkslice.slice_axes[0];
  output = [];
  for ifunk0,funk0 in enumerate(funkslice[:-1]):
    # funklet for next domain
    funk1 = funkslice[ifunk0+1];
    dom0,dom1 = funk0.domain,funk1.domain;
    # centerpoint and c00 of ourselves
    x0 = sum(dom0[axis0])/2;
    c0 = funk0.coeff if isinstance(funk0.coeff,float) else funk0.coeff.ravel()[0];
    # centerpoint and c00 of next domain
    x1 = sum(dom1[axis0])/2;
    c1 = funk1.coeff if isinstance(funk1.coeff,float) else funk1.coeff.ravel()[0];
    # make output domain
    out_domain = copy.copy(dom0);
    # output domain boundaries are original subdomains' centers, with the exception of the first
    # and the last funklet, in which case the domain needs to extend to the edge of the first/last
    # subdomain
    a0 = dom0[axis0][0] if funk0 is funkslice[0] else x0;
    a1 = dom1[axis0][1] if funk1 is funkslice[-1] else x1;
    out_domain[axis0] = (a0,a1);
    # now make output polc
  return output;
예제 #6
def phase_parm(tdeg, fdeg):
    """helper function to create a t/f parm for phase, including constraints.
  Placeholder until Maaijke implements periodic constraints.
    polc = meq.polc(Timba.array.zeros((tdeg + 1, fdeg + 1)) * 0.0,
                    scale=array([3600., 8e+8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]))
    shape = [tdeg + 1, fdeg + 1]
    # work out constraints on coefficients
    # maximum excursion in freq is pi/2
    # max excursion in time is pi/2
    dt = .2
    df = .5
    cmin = []
    cmax = []
    for it in range(tdeg + 1):
        for jf in range(fdeg + 1):
            mm = math.pi / (dt**it * df**jf)
    cmin[0] = -1e+9
    cmax[0] = 1e+9
    return Meq.Parm(polc,
예제 #7
def _define_forest_1(ns, **kwargs):
    # constant side is a t+f thingy,
    # two parms: a const thingy with size-2 tiles
    # and a linear-n-freq thingy with size-3 tiles
    ns.c = Meq.Freq() + Meq.Time()
    ns.x = Meq.Parm(0, node_groups='Parm', tiling=record(time=2))
    ns.y = Meq.Parm(meq.polc([0, 0]),

    ns.solver << Meq.Solver(
        solvable=["x", "y"],
        children=ns.condeq << Meq.Condeq(ns.x + ns.y, ns.c))
예제 #8
 def make_node (self,node,station,**kw):
   ns = node.Subscope();
   coeff = [random.uniform(self.min0,self.max0)*random.choice([-1,1])]
   for i in range(1,4):
     c = getattr(self,'max%d'%i);
     if c:
   scale = self.scale*3600;
   offset = self.offset*(3600*24);
   polc = meq.polc(coeff,scale=scale,offset=offset);
   ns.offset << Meq.Parm(polc);
   node << ns.offset*self.factor;
   if self.dump:
     file(self.dump,'a').write("%s %f %f %s\n"%(station,offset,scale,
         " ".join(["%f"%c for c in coeff])));
   return node;
예제 #9
 def make_node(self, node, station, axis, **kw):
     ns = node.Subscope()
     coeff = [random.uniform(self.min0, self.max0) * random.choice([-1, 1])]
     for i in range(1, 4):
         c = getattr(self, 'max%d' % i)
         if c:
             coeff.append(random.uniform(-c, c))
     scale = self.scale * 3600
     offset = self.offset * (3600 * 24)
     polc = meq.polc(coeff, scale=scale, offset=offset)
     ns.offset << Meq.Parm(polc)
     node << ns.offset * self.factor
     if self.dump:
         file(self.dump, 'a').write("%s %s %f %f %s\n" %
                                    (station, axis, offset, scale, " ".join(
                                        ["%f" % c for c in coeff])))
     return node
예제 #10
def _define_forest_2(ns, **kwargs):
    # constant side is a t slope, plus a sine wave
    # two parms: c00 with tile size 2 (expecting to fit the slope in steps)
    # and 4-th degree polc in time with tile size 10 (expecting to fit the sine)
    # Fit should be on a 100x1 grid.
    ns.c = Meq.Time() * 5 + Meq.Sin(Meq.Time() * 6.28 * 7)
    # a bit more than one period over a tile
    ns.x = Meq.Parm([0, 0], node_groups='Parm', tiling=record(time=6))
    ns.y = Meq.Parm(meq.polc([0, 0, 0, 0], shape=(4, 1)),

    ns.solver << Meq.Solver(
        solvable=["x", "y"],
        children=ns.condeq << Meq.Condeq(ns.x + ns.y, ns.c))
예제 #11
def change_parm(ns, node, new_value):
    # first delete old node
    #if ns.__hasattr__(nodename):
    #  #ns.__delattr__(nodename)
    #  pass
    #del gg
    #except AttributeError:
    # print "WARNING: no node exists with name ",nodename
    # pass
    # now recreate a new node
    #print work_str
    #exec work_str in globals(),locals()
    #print "trying to change params of ",node.name
    g = node.initrec()
    #print g
    g['init_funklet'] = meq.polc(new_value)
예제 #12
def change_parm(ns,node,new_value):
 # first delete old node 
 #if ns.__hasattr__(nodename):
 #  #ns.__delattr__(nodename)
 #  pass
 #del gg
 #except AttributeError:
 # print "WARNING: no node exists with name ",nodename
 # pass
 # now recreate a new node
 #print work_str
 #exec work_str in globals(),locals()
 #print "trying to change params of ",node.name
 #print g
예제 #13
def create_polc_ft(degree_f=0, degree_t=0, c00=0.0):
    polc = meq.polc(zeros((degree_t+1, degree_f+1))*0.0) 
    polc.coeff[0,0] = c00
    return polc
예제 #14
def create_polc(c00=0.0,deg_f=0,deg_t=0):
  """helper function to create a t/f polc with the given c00 coefficient,
  and with given order in t/f""";
  polc = meq.polc(zeros((deg_t+1, deg_f+1))*0.0);
  polc.coeff[0,0] = c00;
  return polc;
예제 #15

from Timba.TDL import *
from Timba.Meq import meq
from Timba.array import *
import Meow

def create_polc(c00=0.0,deg_f=0,deg_t=0):
  """helper function to create a t/f polc with the given c00 coefficient,
  and with given order in t/f""";
  polc = meq.polc(zeros((deg_t+1, deg_f+1))*0.0);
  polc.coeff[0,0] = c00;
  return polc;

# type of polc object  
POLC_TYPE = type(meq.polc(0));

def resolve_parameter (name,node,value,tags=[],solvable=True,solvables=None):
  """Helper function, resolves 'value' to a parameter-like node.
  'name' is a parameter name (only used for error messages)
  'node' is an uninitialized node stub
  'value' specifies the parameter.
      (a) If value is numeric, creates a Meq.Constant() and binds it to 'node'.
      (b) If value is a node, returns it as-is.
      (c) If value is a Meow.Parm specification, creates a Meq.Parm(), and binds it to 'node'. If
          'solvable' is True, create Meq.Parm will have a 'solvable' tag.
  'solvables' may be None, or a list. If it is a list, then any solvable parameters 
      will be appended to this list. In case (c) this is the created Parm (if solvable=True). In
      case (b) a search will be performed on the node to extract any solvable parameters.
  # make sure tags is a list, and add name