def getSavedIbmValues(self, IBMDictionary, songWord): ibmWordBeginTime = IBMDictionary[songWord][1] ibmWordBeginTimestamp = Timestamp( self.formatSubtitle(ibmWordBeginTime)) ibmWordEndTime = IBMDictionary[songWord][2] ibmWordEndTimestamp = Timestamp(self.formatSubtitle(ibmWordEndTime)) return ibmWordBeginTimestamp, ibmWordEndTimestamp
def __init__(self, agent_id, total_agents, domain, constraints, cost_functions): # Solution CPA and Bound self._CPA_SOLUTION = None self._B = sys.maxsize # Agent information self._id = agent_id self._constraints = constraints self._domain = domain self._cost_functions = cost_functions self._total_agents = total_agents # self._timestamp = [0] * (total_agents + 1) self._timestamp = Timestamp(self._total_agents + 1) # Instance variables self._received_cpa = None self._current_cpa = None self._next_assignment = 0 # index of value in domain self._current_assignment = 0 self._estimate_value = 0 # scalar value of this agents estimate self._queue = [] # A python list can be used a queue self._converged = False # Only for first Agent if self._id == 1: cpa = self._generate_cpa() # start events self._queue.append(Message('CPA_MSG', self._timestamp, 0, self._id, cpa))
def extractTimestamp(self, timestamp): # 00: 00:40, 125 --> 00: 00:44, 170 timestamp = timestamp.replace(" ", "") timestamp = timestamp.replace(",", ".") times = timestamp.split("-->") beginTime = times[0] endTime = times[1].rstrip() beginTS = Timestamp(beginTime) endTS = Timestamp(endTime) return beginTS, endTS
def set_header(self, payment_status_bulk_payload, credentials): hash_string = credentials.api_key + payment_status_bulk_payload.request_id + credentials.api_token txn_hash = EncryptionConfig.sha512(hash_string) time_stamp = Timestamp() headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'MERCHANT_ID':credentials.merchant_id, 'API_KEY':credentials.api_key, 'REQUEST_ID':payment_status_bulk_payload.request_id, 'REQUEST_TS':time_stamp.dateTimeObj(, 'API_DETAILS_HASH': txn_hash} return headers
def addSilence(self, silenceDuration, lyricItr): """ calculate duration of the pause between lyrics and trim the right amount of silence""" silenceTS = Timestamp() silenceEnd = silenceTS.convertTotalMsToString(silenceDuration) silenceVideoName = os.path.join(self.movieLocation, "silence", "silence" + str(lyricItr) + ".mp4") silenceVidInput = self.speaker.lower() + "swag" + ".mp4" os.system( "/usr/local/opt/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg -i /Users/edwardcox/Desktop/TomCruiseSing/silence/" + silenceVidInput + "\ -ss 00:00:00.0" + " -to " + silenceEnd + " -y " + silenceVideoName) # removed -c copy to re-encode return silenceVideoName
def saveListAsSnippet(self, timeStampedSubtitle, movieName, songWord, parentSnippet): """ save word as VideoSnippet, then save to a dictionary """ songWordVideoSnippet = None print("timestamped subtitle is ", timeStampedSubtitle) for aiWordList in timeStampedSubtitle: word = Cleanser.Cleanser.cleaning_word( aiWordList[0]) # get rid of apostrophes and other annoyances path = os.path.join(self.movieLocation, self.speaker, "wordAudio", word + str(self.wordid) + ".mp3") beginSec, beginMs = self.splitUnformatTime( aiWordList[1]) # format: ["several":, 1.0, 1.51] endSec, endMs = self.splitUnformatTime(aiWordList[2]) beginTS = "00:00:" + beginSec + "." + beginMs endTS = "00:00:" + endSec + "." + endMs beginTSObject = Timestamp(beginTS) endTSObject = Timestamp(endTS) videoSnippet = VideoSnippet(beginTSObject, endTSObject, word, path, movieName, parentSnippet.path, parentSnippet.beginTime, parentSnippet.endTime) """ save the file path of the video snippet containing word to reuse words in future songs """ aiWordList.append(parentSnippet.path) if songWord == word: songWordVideoSnippet = videoSnippet continue # dont add to IBM saved dictionary if word in self.IBM_Dictionary: wordIsDuplicate = videoSnippet.isIdentical( self.duplicateIBM_Dictionary[word] ) # if so, then we have already rejected this IBM word else: wordIsDuplicate = False if not wordIsDuplicate: if word in self.IBM_Dictionary: self.duplicateIBM_Dictionary[word].append( videoSnippet ) # will removing videosnippet from one list delete from other dictionary? self.IBM_Dictionary[word].append(videoSnippet) else: self.duplicateIBM_Dictionary[word] = [videoSnippet] self.IBM_Dictionary[word] = [videoSnippet] FileCourier.writeDictionaryListOfObjects( self.IBM_Filename, self.IBM_Dictionary) self.wordid += 1 else: print("DOOP ALERT!. Word %s is a duplicate" % word) # NOT WORKING!!! return songWordVideoSnippet
def get_timer_interval_limit(session_id,begin,end): """ use page instead of select all data at once avoid data too large to crash """ global last_timestamp global last_sn query = (" SELECT log_tv_sec,log_tv_usec,log_content " " FROM `{0}` " " WHERE session_id = {1} AND log_type = get_log_type_id('timer_enter') " " LIMIT {2},{3}".format(table_name,session_id,begin,end) ) print("query {0},{1}".format(begin,end)) cursor.execute(query) rows = cursor.fetchall() for sec,usec,sn in rows: timestamp = Timestamp(int(sec),int(usec)) sn = int(sn,16) if sn - last_sn == 1: interval = timestamp - last_timestamp # if it's great than 100ms,tell me if interval > 100000: print(interval / 1000.0,end="") s = "{0},".format(interval / 1000.0) f.write(s) pass last_sn = sn last_timestamp = timestamp return
def readDictionaryObjects(file): " get VideoSnippets from serialized pruned movie dictionary " if len(file) == 0: return {} snippetDictionary = eval(file) for key in snippetDictionary: serializedMovieEntry = snippetDictionary[key] # get list of arguments to VideoSnippet beginTime = Timestamp(serializedMovieEntry[0]) endTime = Timestamp(serializedMovieEntry[1]) word = serializedMovieEntry[2] path = serializedMovieEntry[3] movieName = serializedMovieEntry[4] parentFilePath = serializedMovieEntry[5] parentBeginTime = Timestamp(serializedMovieEntry[6]) parentEndTime = Timestamp(serializedMovieEntry[7]) snippetDictionary[key] = VideoSnippet(beginTime, endTime, word, path, movieName, parentFilePath, parentBeginTime, parentEndTime) return snippetDictionary
def __init__(self, id=None, name=None, eng_name=None, typeid=None, timestamp=Timestamp.sec_now()): = id = name self.typeid = typeid self.timestamp = timestamp self.eng_name = eng_name
def __init__(self, id=None, src=None, dest=None, typeid=None, timestamp=Timestamp.sec_now()): = id self.src = src self.dest = dest self.typeid = typeid self.timestamp = timestamp
def getWordFromSRT(self, subtitle_path, dirName, isSong=False): """ map words to Snippets (contain timestamps of sentences the word is contained in) """ # read file line by line arrowCounter = 0 # number of snippets subtitle_file = open(subtitle_path, "r", errors='ignore') lines = subtitle_file.readlines() song_snippet_word_array = [ ] # store the words for multiple lines belonging to 1 subtitle subtitle_file.close() prevEndTimestamp = prevprevEndTimestamp = prevBeginTimestamp = None # combine lyrics with the previous timestamp (not the next one) for l in range( len(lines)): # iterate through the lines of the SRT file line = lines[l] line = Cleanser.Cleanser.cleanhtml(line) # remove html tags if "-->" in line or l == len( lines) - 1: # if last lines add last snippet to list if arrowCounter == 1: prevBeginTimestamp = Timestamp("00:00:00.0") arrowCounter += 1 if l == len(lines) - 1: song_snippet_word_array += line.rstrip().split() self.saveSubtitleWords(song_snippet_word_array, dirName, prevBeginTimestamp, prevEndTimestamp, isSong) if isSong: if prevEndTimestamp is not None: # len(song_snippet_word_array) > 0: # Cleanser.Cleanser.hasLetters(song_snippet_word_array) clean_word_array = Cleanser.Cleanser.clean_sentence( song_snippet_word_array) # song SRT subtitle length to be used in VideoAssembler for stretching/shrinking clips if prevprevEndTimestamp is not None: self.songSnippetList.append( SongSnippet(prevprevEndTimestamp, prevEndTimestamp, clean_word_array) ) # include the pause between lyrics in a snippet else: self.songSnippetList.append( SongSnippet(prevBeginTimestamp, prevEndTimestamp, clean_word_array)) prevprevEndTimestamp = prevEndTimestamp song_snippet_word_array = [] if l != len(lines) - 1: prevBeginTimestamp, prevEndTimestamp = self.extractTimestamp( line) continue word_array = line.rstrip().split() # remove \n at end of sentence song_snippet_word_array += word_array self.saveSubtitleWords(word_array, dirName, prevBeginTimestamp, prevEndTimestamp, isSong)
def toWebLogEntry(self, txt): match = re.match(WebLogEntry.WEB_LOG_ENTRY_PAT, txt) if match != None: trbytes = 0 if == '-': trbytes = 0 else: trbytes = int( self.mIP = tm = Timestamp() self.mTimestamp = tm.toTimestamp( self.mMethod = self.mURL = self.mProtocol = self.mStatusCode = int( self.mTransBytes = trbytes return True else: match = re.match(WebLogEntry.WEB_LOG_ENTRY_PAT2, txt) if match != None: trbytes = 0 if == '-': trbytes = 0 else: trbytes = int( self.mIP = tm = Timestamp() self.mTimestamp = tm.toTimestamp( self.mMethod = self.mURL = self.mProtocol = 'UNKNOWN' self.mStatusCode = int( self.mTransBytes = trbytes return True else: return False
def __init__(self, id=None, elid=None, typeid=None, value=None, eltype=None, eng_value=None, timestamp=Timestamp.sec_now()): = id self.elid = elid self.typeid = typeid self.value = value self.eltype = eltype self.timestamp = timestamp self.eng_value = eng_value
def assembleVideoClips(self, humanApprovedDictionary, songSnippetList): """ IBMDictionary contains movieEntry. key is word, value is a Snippet songDictionary contains Snippet. key is word, value is object with start, end times """ id = 0 lyricItr = 0 prevLyricTimestamp = Timestamp("00:00:00.0") sentenceFileList = [] totalsilence = 0 # silence between lyrics snippetidx = 0 combinedClips = 0 self.trimAllSongWord( humanApprovedDictionary) # cut all the word videos for songSnippet in songSnippetList: if totalsilence == 0: longSilenceStartTime = prevLyricTimestamp snippetidx += 1 songLine = songSnippet.subtitle lyricEndTime = songSnippet.endTime wordList = [] """ the length of silence is measured as the gap between the last subtitle end time and the current start time """ prevLyricTimestamp = lyricEndTime lyricItr += 1 # track the first word found in IBMDictionary for silence timestamp duration calculation if len(songLine) > 0: # takes care of empty song lines """ trim all song words belonging to a song line""" wordList = self.getSongWordLocations(wordList, songLine) if len( wordList ) > 0: # words added to wordList. If couldn't find any words in line, replace with silence clip combinedClips += 1 sentenceFilePath = self.combineVideoClipsIntoSentence( wordList, songSnippet, totalsilence, longSilenceStartTime, songSnippet.beginTime, lyricItr, id) sentenceFileList.append(sentenceFilePath) totalsilence = 0 else: # songline contains words, but we couldn't find any from our speaker totalsilence += songSnippet.endTime.totalms - songSnippet.beginTime.totalms id += 1 else: # songline doesnt contain words totalsilence += songSnippet.endTime.totalms - songSnippet.beginTime.totalms # Delete combineClip.mp4 afterward parodyPath = os.path.join("finalVideo", self.speaker + "_" + self.songTitle + ".mp4") self.combineVideoClips(sentenceFileList, parodyPath)
lastFilter = window.filterActive.get() elem = searchNextPatient(window, window.filterActive.get()) break if window.previous.get(): changed = True lastFilter = window.filterActive.get() elem = searchPreviousPatient(window, window.filterActive.get()) break lastNotification = window.notificationActive.get() lastContinue = window.continueActive.get() sensorTime = dataset.iloc[window.currentIndex]["Timestamp"] actualTime = Timestamp(sensorTime) if window.currentIndex != 0 or window.currentIndex != dim_ciclo: sensorTimePrecedente = dataset.iloc[window.currentIndex - 1]["Timestamp"] sensorTimePrev = Timestamp(sensorTimePrecedente) timeDiff = sensorTimePrev.secondsConverter( ) - actualTime.secondsConverter() if timeDiff > 5000: timeDiff = 1000 window.root.after( int(800 * window.velocity),
def ReadTimestamps(): mTimestamp = Timestamp() UsersTimestamps = mFirebaseData.child(Constants.Timestamps).get() print("Deleting relevant timestamps..") if (UsersTimestamps is not None): if (UsersTimestamps.each() is not None): for timestamp in UsersTimestamps.each(): userId = timestamp.key() mTimestamp.setUserId(userId) print(userId) details = mFirebaseData.child( Constants.Timestamps).child(userId).get() details = timestamp.val() details = dict(details) mTimestamp.setTimestamp( details.get(Constants.Timestamp_Timestamp)) mTimestamp.setBeachName( details.get(Constants.Timestamp_BeachName)) mTimestamp.setBeachId(details.get(Constants.Timestamp_BeachID)) mTimestamp.setBeachListenerId( details.get(Constants.Timestamp_BeachListenerId)) mTimestamp.setBeachCountry( details.get(Constants.Timestamp_Country)) mTimestamp.print() date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( int(mTimestamp.Timestamp)) dayOfMonth = month = date.month currentDayOfMonth = datetime.datetime.utcnow().day currentMonth = datetime.datetime.utcnow().month print("received date: month: " + str(month) + " day " + str(dayOfMonth)) print("current date: month: " + str(currentMonth) + " day " + str(currentDayOfMonth)) checkInHour = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( int(mTimestamp.Timestamp)).hour checkInMinutes = int( datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int( mTimestamp.Timestamp)).minute) print("check in minutes: " + str(checkInMinutes)) print("check in hour: " + str(checkInHour)) currentHour = datetime.datetime.utcnow().hour currentMinute = datetime.datetime.utcnow().minute print("current hour : " + str(currentHour)) print("current minute: " + str(currentMinute)) if ((checkInHour + Constants.Timestamp_Max_Hour) < currentHour or (currentMonth > month) or (currentDayOfMonth > dayOfMonth)): print("deleting timestamp...") mFirebaseData.child(Constants.Timestamps).child( mTimestamp.UserID).remove() mFirebaseData.child(Constants.Beaches).child( mTimestamp.BeachID).child(Constants.Peoplelist).child( mTimestamp.UserID).remove() mFirebaseData.child(Constants.Users).child( mTimestamp.UserID).child( Constants.CurrentBeach).remove() CurrentDevices = mFirebaseData.child( Constants.BeachesListener).child( mTimestamp.BeachListenerID).child( Constants.CurrentDevices).get() CurrentDevices = int(CurrentDevices.val()) CurrentDevices = CurrentDevices - 1 mFirebaseData.child(Constants.BeachesListener).child( mTimestamp.BeachListenerID).child( Constants.CurrentDevices).set(CurrentDevices) else: print("Not deleteing from timestamps")
def timestamp(**kwds): from Timestamp import Timestamp return Timestamp(**kwds)
from Timestamp import Timestamp, generateTimestamps t1 = Timestamp().createBasedOnKey("2015101523") print("t1: " + str(t1)) t2 = Timestamp().createBasedOnKey("2013010101") print("t2: " + str(t2)) t3 = Timestamp().createBasedOnKey("2013010101") print("t3: " + str(t3)) print("t2 == t3: " + str(t2 == t3)) print("t1 == t3: " + str(t1 == t3)) timestamps = generateTimestamps(2013) print(str(len(timestamps)))
# /usr/bin/python3 from DbConnect import cursor import time from Timestamp import Timestamp log_file_name = "TimerInterval.txt" f = open(log_file_name,"w+") table_name = "log20140929" last_timestamp = Timestamp() last_sn = -1 def get_count(session_id): query = (" SELECT count(*) " " FROM `{0}` " " WHERE session_id = {1} AND log_type = get_log_type_id('timer_enter') " .format(table_name,session_id) ) print("query data count(it will take a long time)...") cursor.execute(query) count = cursor.fetchone() print("count:",count) return int(count[0]) def get_timer_interval_limit(session_id,begin,end): """ use page instead of select all data at once avoid data too large to crash """
tomorrow = ( + timedelta(days=1)) tomorrowString = tomorrow.strftime('%Y%m%d') tomorrowYear = int(tomorrow.strftime('%Y')) tomorrowMonth = int(tomorrow.strftime('%m')) tomorrowDay = int(tomorrow.strftime('%d')) print("\tToday's day stamp: " + todayString) print("\tTomorrow's day stamp: " + tomorrowString) print("\tCurrent year, month, day, hour: " + str(currentYear) + "," + str(currentMonth) + "," + str(currentDay) + "," + str(currentHour)) print("\tTomorrow year, month, day: " + str(tomorrowYear) + "," + str(tomorrowMonth) + "," + str(tomorrowDay)) timestamps = [] historyTimestamps = [] forecastTimestamps = [] for hour in range(0, currentHour + 1): timestamp = Timestamp().createBasedOnOther(currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay, hour) historyTimestamps.append(timestamp) for hour in range(0, 24): timestamp = Timestamp().createBasedOnOther(currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay, hour) timestamps.append(timestamp) if timestamp not in historyTimestamps: forecastTimestamps.append(timestamp) for hour in range(0, 24): timestamp = Timestamp().createBasedOnOther(tomorrowYear, tomorrowMonth, tomorrowDay, hour) timestamps.append(timestamp) forecastTimestamps.append(timestamp) # print("History " + str(len(historyTimestamps))) # for t in historyTimestamps:
class Agent: # Init Defined in the AFB DisCOP Paper def __init__(self, agent_id, total_agents, domain, constraints, cost_functions): # Solution CPA and Bound self._CPA_SOLUTION = None self._B = sys.maxsize # Agent information self._id = agent_id self._constraints = constraints self._domain = domain self._cost_functions = cost_functions self._total_agents = total_agents # self._timestamp = [0] * (total_agents + 1) self._timestamp = Timestamp(self._total_agents + 1) # Instance variables self._received_cpa = None self._current_cpa = None self._next_assignment = 0 # index of value in domain self._current_assignment = 0 self._estimate_value = 0 # scalar value of this agents estimate self._queue = [] # A python list can be used a queue self._converged = False # Only for first Agent if self._id == 1: cpa = self._generate_cpa() # start events self._queue.append(Message('CPA_MSG', self._timestamp, 0, self._id, cpa)) # Return Solution def solution(self): return self._CPA_SOLUTION # Run a sequence of actions once def step(self): return self._handle_message() # Incoming Message def receive(self, msg): # Check Timestamp if self._timestamp < msg.get_timestamp(): # Add into queue self._queue.append(msg) #else: # print('failed') # Handle message in queue def _handle_message(self): # Dequeue message from queue if len(self._queue) is not 0 and self._converged is not True: # Pop message msg = self._queue.pop() #print(msg.get_timestamp() != self._timestamp) # Ignore message if it's an outdated timestamp :) if msg.get_timestamp() < self._timestamp and msg.get_timestamp() != self._timestamp: #print(msg.get_timestamp()) #print(self._timestamp) return [] if msg.get_type() == 'FB_CPA': # print('Event: FB_CPA') return self._calculate_estimate(msg) elif msg.get_type() == 'CPA_MSG': # print('Event: CPA_MSG') return self._handle_cpa(msg) elif msg.get_type() == 'FB_ESTIMATE': # print('Event: FB_ESTIMATE') return self._handle_estimate(msg) elif msg.get_type() == 'NEW_SOLUTION': # print('Event: NEW_SOLUTION') # Update current CPA solution self._CPA_SOLUTION = msg.get_payload() # Update current Agent B self._B = self._CPA_SOLUTION.get_cost() return [] elif msg.get_type() == 'TERMINATE': # print('Event: TERMINATE') # Status self._converged = True self._queue = [] return [] # Handle CPA def _handle_cpa(self, msg): # Store incoming CPA cpa = msg.get_payload() # If higher priority if msg.get_source() < self._id: self._current_assignment = 0 self._next_assignment = 0 self._received_cpa = copy.deepcopy(cpa) self._current_cpa = copy.deepcopy(cpa) self._timestamp = copy.deepcopy(msg.get_timestamp()) # Reset future timestamp for lower priority agents # relate to this agent self._timestamp.reset_timestamp(self._id) return self._assign_cpa() # Handle creating an estimate value # Should return a message if estimate causes a backtrack def _handle_estimate(self, msg): # do we need to wait for all messages to be received # save estimate self._estimate_value += msg.get_payload() if (self._estimate_value + self._current_cpa.get_cost()) >= self._B: # print(self._estimate_value) # print(self._current_cpa) print('Backtracking due to estimate') return self._assign_cpa() # Talk about this one tomorrow!!! def _calculate_estimate(self, msg): # msg = Message('FB_ESTIMATE', msg.timestamp(), self._id, msg.source(), 30) # Find best estimate value based on received cpa and possible combinations of unresolved constraints. # msg = FB_CPA fb_cpa = msg.get_payload() min_cost = sys.maxsize # cost difference est_value = None for x in range(0, len(self._domain[0])): # assignment_cost = self._current_cost(self._current_assignment) # f_v = assignment_cost + self._future_cost(self._current_assignment) tmp = self._possible_cpa_assignment_cost(fb_cpa.get_cpa(), x) + self._future_cpa_cost(x) if tmp < min_cost: min_cost = tmp est_value = x # Generate a FB_ESTIMATE # print('[Agent-%d] Estimate: %d %s'%(self._id, min_cost, self._domain[0][est_value])) msg = Message('FB_ESTIMATE', msg.get_timestamp(), self._id, msg.get_source(), min_cost) return [msg] # Select next value for this agent # Currently using an iterative method # If we have exhausted all possible values then # return None def _next_domain_assignment(self): if self._next_assignment == len(self._domain[0]): return None else: assn = self._next_assignment self._next_assignment += 1 return assn # Clear Estimates def _clear_estimates(self): self._estimate_value = 0 # Define the hashing key # Select the higher priority first def _key(self, priority1, priority2, val1, val2): if priority1 > priority2: return '%s,%s' % (val2, val1) else: return '%s,%s' % (val1, val2) # Check constraints and calculate cost in local constraint graph # local constraint graph - constrained agents to this agent...(duh, right?) def _possible_cpa_assignment_cost(self, cpa, value): assignment_cost = 0 hash_id = 0 for constraint in self._constraints: # Check if constraint is assigned... if not ignore. if cpa[constraint] is not None: # Get hash table key key = self._key(self._id, constraint, self._domain[0][value], cpa[int(constraint)]) # Add cost to assignment cost assignment_cost += self._cost_functions[hash_id][key] # Hash Id hash_id += 1 return assignment_cost # Get most recent CPA cost provided by higher priority agent def _past_cpa_cost(self): # Check if current is first if self._id == 1: # We are in the first agent return 0 else: # Not first agent then return receive CPA_Cost return self._received_cpa.get_cost() # Estimate future cost based on constrained lower priority agents def _future_cpa_cost(self, value): # Try all possible domain values # Case 1: No Lower Priority Constraints lower_priority = False for x in self._constraints: if x > self._id: lower_priority = True if lower_priority is not True: return 0 # Case 2: Constraints, but we only consider lower priority agents # Summation of h functions h_sum = 0 # Iterate over all constraints for constraint in self._constraints: if constraint > self._id: h_sum += self._min_assignment(value, constraint) return h_sum # Find best assignment for constrained agent given possible assignment value def _min_assignment(self, value, j_id): min_cost = sys.maxsize # For each value in the jth domain j_hash_function_index = self._constraints.index(j_id) # index of jth hash j_hash_function = self._cost_functions[j_hash_function_index] j_domain_index = j_hash_function_index + 1 j_domain = self._domain[j_domain_index] for v in j_domain: # create a key for the jth hash table key = self._key(self._id, j_id, self._domain[0][value], v) # access value current_cost = j_hash_function[key] if current_cost < min_cost: min_cost = current_cost return min_cost # Create the first CPA :D def _generate_cpa(self): # Generate a CPA class to maintain the problem cpa = [None] * (self._total_agents + 1) return CPA(0, cpa) # Assign next possible domain value for this agent def _assign_cpa(self): # clear estimates self._clear_estimates() # if CPA contains an assignment A_i = w_i remove it if self._current_cpa.get_cpa()[self._id] is not None: self._current_cpa.get_cpa()[self._id] = None # Add method to modify assignment # find a new value (v) while True: self._current_assignment = self._next_domain_assignment() if self._current_assignment is None: return self._backtrack() assignment_cost = self._possible_cpa_assignment_cost(self._received_cpa.get_cpa(), self._current_assignment) f_v = assignment_cost + self._future_cpa_cost(self._current_assignment) # Assign Variable if (self._past_cpa_cost() + f_v) < self._B: # Assign the possible value # Update CPA self._current_cpa = copy.deepcopy(self._received_cpa) self._current_cpa.get_cpa()[self._id] = self._domain[0][self._current_assignment] self._current_cpa.set_cost(self._past_cpa_cost() + assignment_cost) # Increase timestamp self._timestamp.increase_timestamp(self._id) break # Add value to CPA and calculate cost if self._current_cpa.is_full(): self._CPA_SOLUTION = copy.deepcopy(self._current_cpa) self._B = self._current_cpa.get_cost() # print(self._CPA_SOLUTION) msg_list = [] # broadcast to all agents updated B for x in range(1, self._total_agents + 1): msg = Message('NEW_SOLUTION', self._timestamp, self._id, x, self._CPA_SOLUTION) msg_list.append(msg) return msg_list + self._assign_cpa() else: # send cpa message to next agent in order msg_list = [Message('CPA_MSG', self._timestamp, self._id, self._id + 1, self._current_cpa)] for x in range(self._id + 1, self._total_agents + 1): msg = Message('FB_CPA', self._timestamp, self._id, x, self._current_cpa) msg_list.append(msg) return msg_list # No more possible domain values or pruning search space def _backtrack(self): # clear estimates # Check if in first agent self._clear_estimates() # print('[Agent-%d] BACKTRACK: %s'%(self._id,str(self._current_cpa))) if self._id == 1: # Broadcast Terminate msg_list = [] for x in range(2, self._total_agents + 1): msg = Message('TERMINATE', self._timestamp, self._id, x, None) msg_list.append(msg) return msg_list else: # send CPA_MSG message to A_i-1 # print('Agent-%d %s'%(self._id,self._current_assignment)) msg = Message('CPA_MSG', self._timestamp, self._id, self._id - 1, self._received_cpa) return [msg]
#!/usr/bin/python import sys ## change this path to where load_path = 'C:\\users\\vladimir\\programming\\nasa_wlog\\py_nasa_log\\' if __name__ == '__main__': if not load_path in sys.path: sys.path.append(load_path) from Timestamp import Timestamp txt = '01/Jul/1995:00:00:01 -0400' tm2 = Timestamp() if tm2 != None: tm2.setDay('01') tm2.setMonth('Jul') tm2.setYear('1995') tm2.setHour('00') tm2.setMins('00') tm2.setSecs('01') print 'string representation: ' + tm2.toString() else: print 'no timestamp created' + "\n",
True, "\t") print("Done...") print("Generate timestamps...") timestamps = generateTimestampsForDays(2013, 1, 1, 1) print("Done...") generateDataGridHourData( WORK_DIRECTORY, DATA_DIRECTORY + "weather/wu/", timestamps, OUTPUT_DIRECTORY + "york_hour_grid_2013.csv") for month in range(1, 13): for day in range(1, DAYS_OF_MONTH[month - 1] + 1): dayTimestamp = Timestamp().createBasedOnOther(2013, month, day, 1) dayTimestampKey = dayTimestamp.key[0:8] timestamps = generateTimestampsForDays(2013, month, day, day) generateDataGridHourData( WORK_DIRECTORY, DATA_DIRECTORY + "weather/wu/", timestamps, OUTPUT_DIRECTORY + "data_" + dayTimestampKey + ".csv")
#!/usr/bin/python import sys ## change this path to where load_path = 'C:\\users\\vladimir\\programming\\nasa_wlog\\py_nasa_log\\' if __name__ == '__main__': if not load_path in sys.path: sys.path.append(load_path) from Timestamp import Timestamp txt = '01/Jul/1995:00:00:01 -0400' tm1 = Timestamp() if tm1.toTimestamp(txt): print 'month: ' + tm1.getMonth() + "\n", print 'day: ' + tm1.getDay() + "\n", print 'year: ' + tm1.getYear() + "\n", print 'hour: ' + tm1.getHour() + "\n", print 'mins: ' + tm1.getMins() + "\n", print 'secs: ' + tm1.getSecs() + "\n", print 'string representation: ' + tm1.toString() else: print 'no timestamp created' + "\n",