def getPlotsIn(inF, dirname, LPdirname, rebin=True, var=None, bins=[]): """gets the data and mc sums in a given directory""" data, dataLP = None, None if not inF.Get(LPdirname): return None, None LPKeys = inF.Get(LPdirname).GetListOfKeys() Keys = inF.Get(dirname).GetListOfKeys() for key, LPkey in product(Keys, LPKeys): name = key.GetName() nameLP = LPkey.GetName() if ('Graph' in name): continue if ('Graph' in nameLP): continue if (not name == dirname) and (not nameLP == LPdirname): continue #data histogram data_ = key.ReadObj() dataLP_ = LPkey.ReadObj() # if data_.InheritsFrom(ROOT.TH2.Class()): continue # if dataLP_.InheritsFrom(ROOT.TH2.Class()): continue if rebin: data_.Rebin() dataLP_.Rebin() if ((not bins == []) and (var in name)): data = rebinUnequalBinSize(data_, bins) dataLP = rebinUnequalBinSize(dataLP_, bins) else: data = data_.Clone() data.SetDirectory(0) fixExtremities(data) dataLP = dataLP_.Clone() dataLP.SetDirectory(0) fixExtremities(dataLP) return data, dataLP
def customizeSignalShapes(binName, sigName, sigF, baseSigF, outDir): """ takes specific signal and scales the base signal simulation + systematics by the ratio sig/orig_signal the result is stored in {0}_{1}.shapes.root {0}=signal name {1}=binName """ #get signal fIn = ROOT.TFile.Open(sigF) sigH = fIn.Get('{0}_mlb'.format(binName)) sigH.SetDirectory(0) fixExtremities( sigH ) # this needs to be done as the signal is the raw output of fIn.Close() #get original signal fIn = ROOT.TFile.Open(baseSigF) origSigH = fIn.Get('{0}_mlb/central'.format(binName)) origSigH.SetDirectory(0) #force the integral to be the same as this is a shape analysis sf = origSigH.Integral() / sigH.Integral() sigH.Scale(sf) #transfer factor tfH = sigH.Clone('tf') tfH.Divide(origSigH) tfH.SetDirectory(0) #prepare the output applying the transfer factor to each histogram found fOut = ROOT.TFile.Open( os.path.join(outDir, '{0}.shapes.root'.format(sigName)), 'RECREATE') fdir = fOut.mkdir('{0}_mlb'.format(binName)) for k in fIn.Get('{0}_mlb'.format(binName)).GetListOfKeys(): h = k.ReadObj() h.SetDirectory(fdir) for xbin in range(h.GetNbinsX()): h.SetBinContent( xbin + 1, h.GetBinContent(xbin + 1) * tfH.GetBinContent(xbin + 1)) h.Write() fOut.Close() #free mem tfH.Delete() fIn.Close()
def getPassGenDistributions(pName, gName, plotter, ci, fill=0, marker=20): """reads the distributions from the plotter""" passH = plotter.Get(pName) fixExtremities(passH) passH.SetDirectory(0) passH.SetFillStyle(fill) passH.SetLineColor(ci) passH.SetMarkerColor(ci) passH.SetLineWidth(2) passH.SetMarkerStyle(marker) genH = plotter.Get(gName) fixExtremities(genH) genH.SetDirectory(0) genH.SetFillStyle(fill) genH.SetLineColor(ci) genH.SetMarkerColor(ci) genH.SetLineWidth(2) genH.SetMarkerStyle(marker) return passH, genH
def getPlotsIn(inF,dirname,specList=[],rebin=True,bins=[]): """gets the data and mc sums in a given directory""" data,mcTotal,h=None,None,None mcSpecList=[None]*len(specList) for key in inF.Get(dirname).GetListOfKeys(): name=key.GetName() if 'Graph' in name : continue #data histogram if name==dirname: data_=key.ReadObj() if rebin : data_.Rebin(rebin) if len(bins)>0: data = rebinUnequalBinSize(data_,bins) else: data = data_.Clone() data.SetDirectory(0) fixExtremities(data) #predictions else: h_=key.ReadObj() if rebin: h_.Rebin(rebin) if len(bins)>0: h = rebinUnequalBinSize(h_,bins) else: h = h_.Clone(); proc=name.split('_')[-1] #check if this specific process should be stored try: idx=specList.index(proc) mcSpecList[idx]=h.Clone() mcSpecList[idx].SetDirectory(0) fixExtremities(mcSpecList[idx]) except: pass #add to the total if not mcTotal: mcTotal=h.Clone(dirname+'_mctot') mcTotal.SetDirectory(0) mcTotal.Reset('ICE') mcTotal.Add(h) if mcTotal : fixExtremities(mcTotal) return data,mcTotal,mcSpecList
def getUncertaintiesFromProjection(opt,fIn,d,proc_systs,hnom): """projects the _exp and _th 2D histograms to build the corresponding Up/Down uncertainty templates""" histos=[] errors=[] warns=[] #map all systematics available for projection allSysts={} for hname in ['{0}_exp'.format(d),'{0}_th'.format(d)]: h2d=fIn.Get('{0}/{0}_{1}'.format(hname,proc_systs['title'])) try: for ybin in range(h2d.GetNbinsY()): allSysts[h2d.GetYaxis().GetBinLabel(ybin+1)]=(h2d,ybin+1) except: pass #project systematics for s in proc_systs['proj']: slist,norm,doEnvelope,smooth=proc_systs['proj'][s] try: h2d,ybin=allSysts[ slist[0] ] varUp=h2d.ProjectionX('varup',ybin,ybin) fixExtremities(varUp) #add the overflow as for the main plot if smooth: applySmoothing(varUp) except: errors.append('Failed to prepare %s'%slist[0]) continue varDn=None #project down variation if available if not doEnvelope: try: h2d,ybin=allSysts[ slist[1] ] varDn=h2d.ProjectionX('vardn',ybin,ybin) fixExtremities(varDn) #add the overflow as for the main plot if smooth: applySmoothing(varDn) except: errors.append('Failed to prepare %s'%slist[1]) continue #make an envelope if several are available elif len(slist)>2: try: varUp.Reset('ICE') varUp.Add(hnom) varDn=hnom.Clone('vardn') for s_i in slist: h2d,ybin=allSysts[ s_i ] vartemp=h2d.ProjectionX('vartemp',ybin,ybin) fixExtremities(vartemp) #add the overflow as for the main plot if smooth: applySmoothing(vartemp) #do max(var_i-nom,var_j-nom) per bin for xbin in range(hnom.GetNbinsX()): val = vartemp.GetBinContent(xbin+1) deltaVal = val-hnom.GetBinContent(xbin+1) if deltaVal>0: curDeltaVal = varUp.GetBinContent(xbin+1)-hnom.GetBinContent(xbin+1) if curDeltaVal<deltaVal: varUp.SetBinContent(xbin+1,val) else: curDeltaVal = varDn.GetBinContent(xbin+1)-hnom.GetBinContent(xbin+1) if curDeltaVal>deltaVal: varDn.SetBinContent(xbin+1,val) #delete as no longer used vartemp.Delete() except: errors.append('Failed to prepare %s'%s_i) continue #mirror the shape if down variation is not available yet if not varDn: varDn=getMirrored(varUp,hnom,'vardn') #check, format and add to the list if variation is to keep keep,checkReport=doFinalTemplateCheck(hnom,varUp,varDn) if len(checkReport): pfix='Keep but' if keep else 'Discard as' warns.append('%s %s for %s'%(pfix,checkReport.replace('\n',','),s)) formatTemplate(varUp,s+'Up',norm=hnom.Integral() if norm else None) formatTemplate(varDn,s+'Down',norm=hnom.Integral() if norm else None) if keep: histos.append(varUp) histos.append(varDn) #show plot with warnings found if opt.debug: showVariation(hnom, [varUp,varDn], checkReport.split('\n'), os.path.join(opt.output,'{0}_{1}_{2}'.format(hnom.GetTitle(),d,s))) #print errors/warnings found if len(errors) or len(warns): print '-'*50 print 'Some errors/warnings found projecting syst templates for',proc_systs['title'] print 'Please check the list below' for e in errors : print e for w in warns : print w print '-'*50 return histos
def customizeData(binName, dataDef, bkgList, templDir, outDir): """ customizes data to use as observation """ dataDef = dataDef.replace("\"", "") tkns = dataDef.split(',') dataType, dataF, dataHisto = tkns[0:3] #get the data inF = ROOT.TFile.Open(dataF) dataH = inF.Get(dataHisto) dataH.SetDirectory(0) inF.Close() #use a scenario as pseudo-data if len(tkns) == 5: #reset current histogram ndata = dataH.Integral() dataH.Reset('ICE') #scale scenario to the current number of entries scenario, scenarioHisto = tkns[3:5] scenarioF = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(dataF)) scenarioF = os.path.join(scenarioF, scenario) print 'Using a scenario as pseudo-data', scenarioF, scenarioHisto inF = ROOT.TFile.Open(scenarioF) hscen = inF.Get(scenarioHisto) fixExtremities( hscen ) # this needs to be done as the signal is the raw output of hscen.Scale(ndata / hscen.Integral()) dataH.Add(hscen) inF.Close() dataH.SetTitle(dataH.GetTitle() + os.path.dirname(scenario)) print 'Scaled', scenario, 'to', ndata, 'new title=', dataH.GetTitle() #specific for pseudo-data #sum up signal to background expectations when dataType is 'sig' type #round each bin to an integer if dataType == 'sig': for proc in bkgList: inF = ROOT.TFile.Open('{0}/templates_{1}.root'.format( templDir, proc)) h = inF.Get('{0}_mlb/central'.format(binName)) dataH.Add(h) inF.Close() for xbin in range(dataH.GetNbinsX()): dataH.SetBinContent(xbin + 1, int(dataH.GetBinContent(xbin + 1))) dataType = dataH.GetTitle() for tkn in [' ', '#', '_', '^', '{', '}', ',', ':', '+', '-']: dataType = dataType.replace(tkn, '') dataType = dataType.replace('.', 'p') dataType = 'pseudodata.%s' % dataType #save to file dataShapesURL = os.path.join(outDir, '%s.shapes.root' % dataType) fOut = ROOT.TFile.Open(dataShapesURL, 'RECREATE') fdir = fOut.mkdir('{0}_mlb'.format(binName)) dataH.SetTitle('') dataH.SetDirectory(fdir) dataH.Write('data_obs') fOut.Close() return dataShapesURL
def computeVBFTriggerEff(f, distsOfInterest): """computes ratios to evaluate VBF trigger efficiency and fits an erf function""" ratios = {} inF = ROOT.TFile.Open(f) for key in inF.GetListOfKeys(): name = key.GetName() if not 'HighPtVBFA' in name: continue dist = '_'.join(name.split('_')[1:]) if not dist in distsOfInterest: continue dataNum, mcNum, _ = getPlotsIn(inF, name, rebin=False) dataDen, mcDen, _ = getPlotsIn(inF, name.replace('HighPtVBFA', 'HighPtOfflineVBFA'), rebin=False) for h in [dataNum, mcNum, dataDen, mcDen]: fixExtremities(h) scaleTo(h, 1.0) dataNum.Divide(dataDen) dataNum.GetYaxis().SetTitle( 'High p_{T} VBF #gamma / High p_{T} #gamma') dataNum.SetTitle('Data') dataNum.SetMarkerStyle(20) mcNum.Divide(mcDen) mcNum.GetYaxis().SetTitle('High p_{T} VBF #gamma / High p_{T} #gamma') mcNum.SetTitle('MC') mcNum.SetMarkerStyle(24) mcNum.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kGray) mcNum.SetLineColor(ROOT.kGray) mcNum.SetFillStyle(1001) mcNum.SetFillColor(ROOT.kGray) data2mc = dataNum.Clone('{0}_data2mc'.format(dist)) data2mc.Divide(mcNum) data2mc.SetDirectory(0) data2mc.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Data/MC') turnOn = None if dist in ['mjj', 'subleadpt']: turnOn = ROOT.TF1('turnon', '[0]+[1]/(1.+TMath::Exp([2]*(x-[3])))', dataNum.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), dataNum.GetXaxis().GetXmax()) turnOn.SetParLimits(0, 0., 0.8) turnOn.SetParLimits(1, 0.5, 1.2) turnOn.SetParLimits(2, -2, 2) turnOn.SetParLimits(3, 500, 2000) if dist == 'subleadpt': turnOn.SetParLimits(3, 20, 50) #else: # turnOn=ROOT.TF1('turnon', # '[0]', # dataNum.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), # dataNum.GetXaxis().GetXmax()) data2mcParam = parametrizeTurnOn(dataNum, mcNum, turnOn) ratios[name] = (dataNum, mcNum, data2mc, data2mcParam) inF.Close() return ratios