예제 #1
 def test_rmaxDefaults(self):
     """Test rmax returns correct value based on defaults"""
     dp = 25
     lat = -15
     eps = 0
     rmw = trackSize.rmax(dp, lat, eps)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(rmw, 39.21410711, places=1)
예제 #2
 def test_rmaxWithIncompleteCoeffs(self):
     """Test rmax falls back to default coefficients if not enough given"""
     coeffs = [4.45, -0.05, 0.0002]
     eps = 0
     rmw = trackSize.rmax(self.dparray, self.latarray, eps, coeffs=coeffs)
     self.numpyAssertAlmostEqual(rmw, self.rmaxout, prec=0.1)
예제 #3
 def test_rmaxWithCoeffs(self):
     """Test rmax with user-defined coefficients"""
     eps = 0
     coeffs = [3.5, -0.004, 0.7, 0.002, .001]
     rmw = trackSize.rmax(self.dparray, self.latarray, eps, coeffs)
     self.numpyAssertAlmostEqual(rmw, self.rmaxoutcoeffs)
예제 #4
 def test_rmaxArrayInput(self):
     """Test rmax with array input"""
     eps = 0
     rmw = trackSize.rmax(self.dparray, self.latarray, eps)
     self.numpyAssertAlmostEqual(rmw, self.rmaxout, prec=0.1)