예제 #1
    def test_2(self):
        print("Test 2: test isValidTx() with some invalid transactions")
        nPeople = 10
        people = []  #new List RSAKeyPair
        for i in range(nPeople):
            sk, pk = genkeys(n, p, g)
            people.append((sk, pk))

# Create a pool and an index into key pairs
        utxoPool = UTXOPool()
        utxoToKeyPair = {}
        keyPairAtIndex = {}
        nUTXOTx = 10
        maxUTXOTxOutput = 5
        maxInput = 3
        maxValue = 100

        for i in range(nUTXOTx):
            num = random.randint(1, maxUTXOTxOutput)
            tx = Transaction()
            # add num randonm outputs to tx
            for j in range(num):
                # pick a random public address
                rIndex = random.randint(0, len(people) - 1)
                #print("Index",rIndex); print(people[rIndex])
                addr = people[rIndex][1]  #(sk,pk)
                value = random.random() * maxValue
                tx.addOutput(value, addr)
                keyPairAtIndex[j] = people[rIndex]
            # add all num tx outputs to utxo pool
            for j in range(num):
                ut = UTXO(tx.hash, j)
                utxoPool.addUTXO(ut, tx.getOutput(j))
                utxoToKeyPair[ut] = keyPairAtIndex[j]

        utxoSet = utxoPool.getAllUTXO()
        print("Len of utxoSet", len(utxoSet))
        maxValidInput = min(maxInput, len(utxoSet))

        nTxPerTest = 11
        maxValidInput = 2
        maxOutput = 3
        passes = True

        for i in range(nTxPerTest):
            tx = Transaction()
            uncorrupted = True
            utxoAtIndex = {}
            nInput = random.randint(1, maxValidInput + 1)
            inputValue = 0.0
            for j in range(nInput):
                utxo = random.sample(utxoSet, 1)[0]
                tx.addInput(utxo.getTxHash(), utxo.getIndex())
                inputValue += utxoPool.getTxOutput(utxo).value
                utxoAtIndex[j] = utxo
            nOutput = random.randint(1, maxOutput)
            outputValue = 0.0
            for j in range(nOutput):
                value = random.random() * (maxValue)
                if (outputValue + value > inputValue):
                rIndex = random.randint(0, len(people) - 1)
                addr = people[rIndex][1]
                tx.addOutput(value, addr)
                outputValue += value
            pCorrupt = 0.1
            for j in range(nInput):
                m = hashlib.sha256()
                hm = int(m.hexdigest(), 16)
                if (random.random() < pCorrupt):
                    hm += 1
                    uncorrupted = False
                keyPair = utxoToKeyPair[utxoAtIndex[j]]
                tx.addSignature(sign(keyPair[0], hm, p, g, q), j)

            if (isValidTx(tx, utxoPool) != uncorrupted):
                passes = False
예제 #2
    def test_5(self):
        possibleTxs = []
        print("Test 5: test isValidTx() with some invalid transactions")
        nPeople = 10
        people = [] #new list of KeyPair
        for i in range(nPeople):
           sk,pk = genkeys(n,p,g)

# Create a pool and an index into key pairs
        utxoPool = UTXOPool()
        utxoToKeyPair = {}
        keyPairAtIndex = {}
        maxUTXOTxOutput = 5
        maxInput = 3
        maxValue = 100

        for i in range(nUTXOTx):
           num = random.randint(1,maxUTXOTxOutput)
           tx = Transaction()
           # add num randonm outputs to tx
           for j in range(num):
              # pick a random public address
              rIndex = random.randint(0,len(people)-1)
              #print("Index",rIndex); print(people[rIndex])
              addr = people[rIndex][1]  #(sk,pk)
              value = random.random() * maxValue
              tx.addOutput(value, addr);
              keyPairAtIndex[j] = people[rIndex]
         # add all num tx outputs to utxo pool
           for j in range(num):
              ut = UTXO(tx.getHash(), j)
              utxoPool.addUTXO(ut, tx.getOutput(j))
              utxoToKeyPair[ut] = keyPairAtIndex[j]

        print("Len of utxoSet", len(utxoPool.getAllUTXO()))
        maxValidInput = min(maxInput, len(utxoPool.getAllUTXO()))

        nTxPerTest= 11
        maxValidInput = 2
        maxOutput = 3
        passes = True
        txHandler = TxHandler(utxoPool)

        for i in range(nTxPerTest):
           tx = Transaction()
           uncorrupted = True
           utxoAtIndex = {}
           nInput = random.randint(1,maxValidInput+ 1)
           inputValue = 0.0

           # We're using this as our sample space to pull UTXOs from for
           # a Transaction's input. This is helpful because it ensures that
           # we never introduce a duplicate UTXO for an input of a valid Transaction.
           utxoSet = set(utxoPool.getAllUTXO())

           for j in range(nInput):
              utxo = random.sample(utxoSet, 1)[0]
              tx.addInput(utxo.getTxHash(), utxo.getIndex())
              utxoSet.remove(utxo) # See comment in test_1.py
              inputValue += utxoPool.getTxOutput(utxo).value
              utxoAtIndex[j] = utxo
           nOutput = random.randint(1,maxOutput)
           outputValue = 0.0
           for j in range(nOutput):
               value = random.random()*(maxValue)
               if (outputValue + value > inputValue):
               rIndex = random.randint(0,len(people)-1)
               addr = people[rIndex][1]
               tx.addOutput(value, addr)
               outputValue += value

           pCorrupt = 0.5
           for j in range(nInput):
                 hm = int(m.hexdigest(),16)
                 if (random.random() < pCorrupt):
                     hm += 1
                     uncorrupted = False
                 keyPair = utxoToKeyPair[utxoAtIndex[j]]
                 tx.addSignature(sign(keyPair[0], hm,p,g), j)



           if (txHandler.isValidTx(tx) != uncorrupted):
             passes = False

        valid_txs = txHandler.handleTxs(possibleTxs)
        is_valid = False

        for tx in valid_txs:
           if txHandler.isValidTx(tx):
               is_valid = True

예제 #3
    def test_3(self):
        print("Test 3: test isValidTx() with transactions containing signatures using incorrect private keys")
        nPeople = 10
        people = [] #new List RSAKeyPair
        for i in range(nPeople):
           sk,pk = genkeys(n,p,g)
# Create a pool and an index into key pairs
        utxoPool = UTXOPool()     
        utxoToKeyPair = {}
        keyPairAtIndex = {}
        maxUTXOTxOutput = 5
        maxInput = 3
        maxValue = 100

        for i in range(nUTXOTx):
           num = random.randint(1,maxUTXOTxOutput)
           tx = Transaction()
           # add num randonm outputs to tx
           for j in range(num):
              # pick a random public address
              rIndex = random.randint(0,len(people)-1)
              addr = people[rIndex][1]  #(sk,pk)
              value = random.random() * maxValue
              tx.addOutput(value, addr);
              keyPairAtIndex[j] = people[rIndex]
         # add all num tx outputs to utxo pool
           for j in range(num):
              ut = UTXO(tx.getHash(), j)
              utxoPool.addUTXO(ut, tx.getOutput(j))
              utxoToKeyPair[ut] = keyPairAtIndex[j]

        utxoSet = utxoPool.getAllUTXO()
        print("Len of utxoSet", len(utxoSet))
        maxValidInput = min(maxInput, len(utxoSet))

        nTxPerTest= 1000
        maxValidInput = 2
        maxOutput = 3
        passes = True

        for i in range(nTxPerTest):
           pks = []
           usedInputs = set()
           tx = Transaction()
           uncorrupted = True
           utxoAtIndex = {}
           nInput = random.randint(1,maxValidInput+ 1)
           inputValue = 0.0
           for j in range(nInput):
              utxo = random.sample(utxoSet, 1)[0]
              while ((utxo.getTxHash(), utxo.getIndex()) in usedInputs):
                  utxo = random.sample(utxoSet, 1)[0]
              usedInputs.add((utxo.getTxHash(), utxo.getIndex()))
              tx.addInput(utxo.getTxHash(), utxo.getIndex())
              inputValue += utxoPool.getTxOutput(utxo).value
              utxoAtIndex[j] = utxo
           nOutput = random.randint(1,maxOutput)
           outputValue = 0.0
           for j in range(nOutput):
               value = random.random()*(maxValue)
               if (outputValue + value > inputValue):
               rIndex = random.randint(0,len(people)-1)
               addr = people[rIndex][1]
               tx.addOutput(value, addr)
               outputValue += value

           pCorrupt = 0.5

           for j in range(nInput):
                 hm = int(m.hexdigest(),16)

                 keyPair = utxoToKeyPair[utxoAtIndex[j]]
                 if (random.random() < pCorrupt):
                   randomKeyPair = random.randint(0,nPeople-1)
                   while people[randomKeyPair] == keyPair:
                       randomKeyPair = random.randint(0, nPeople - 1)
                   keyPair = people[randomKeyPair]
                   uncorrupted = False
                 tx.addSignature(sign(keyPair[0], hm,p,g), j)
           if (txHandler.isValidTx(tx,utxoPool,pks) != uncorrupted):
             passes = False
예제 #4
scroogePrivK = Crypto.PublicKey.RSA.importKey(exportedKey)
scroogePubK = CryptoUtil.getPublicKey(scroogePrivK)
keyPair = CryptoUtil.genKeyPair()
alicePrivK = CryptoUtil.getPrivateKey(keyPair)
alicePubK = CryptoUtil.getPublicKey(keyPair)

# Make a genesis transaction
genesis = Transaction()
genesisValue = 25.0
genesis.addOutput(genesisValue, scroogePubK)

# Make an initial pool
initialPool = UTXOPool()
utxo = UTXO(genesis.getHash(), 0)
initialPool.addUTXO(utxo, genesis.getOutput(0))

# Note this transaction is not valid -- one of its inputs does not exist
tx2in2out = Transaction()
tx2in2out.addInput(genesis.hash, 0)
tx2in2out.addInput(genesis.hash, 1)
tx2in2out.addOutput(10.0, scroogePubK)
tx2in2out.addOutput(15.0, scroogePubK)
raw0 = tx2in2out.getRawDataToSign(0)
sig0 = CryptoUtil.signMessage(scroogePrivK, raw0)
tx2in2out.addSignature(sig0, 0)
raw1 = tx2in2out.getRawDataToSign(1)
sig1 = CryptoUtil.signMessage(scroogePrivK, raw1)
tx2in2out.addSignature(sig1, 1)
예제 #5
    def test_3(self):
            "Test 3: test isValidTx() with transactions containing signatures using incorrect private keys"
        nPeople = 10
        people = []  #new List RSAKeyPair
        for i in range(nPeople):
            sk, pk = genkeys(n, p, g)
            people.append((sk, pk))

# Create a pool and an index into key pairs
        utxoPool = UTXOPool()
        utxoToKeyPair = {}
        keyPairAtIndex = {}
        nUTXOTx = 10
        maxUTXOTxOutput = 5
        maxInput = 3
        maxValue = 100

        for i in range(nUTXOTx):
            num = random.randint(1, maxUTXOTxOutput)
            tx = Transaction()
            # add num randonm outputs to tx
            for j in range(num):
                # pick a random public address
                rIndex = random.randint(0, len(people) - 1)
                #print("Index",rIndex); print(people[rIndex])
                addr = people[rIndex][1]  #(sk,pk)
                value = random.random() * maxValue
                tx.addOutput(value, addr)
                keyPairAtIndex[j] = people[rIndex]
            # add all num tx outputs to utxo pool
            for j in range(num):
                ut = UTXO(tx.getHash(), j)
                utxoPool.addUTXO(ut, tx.getOutput(j))
                utxoToKeyPair[ut] = keyPairAtIndex[j]

        print("Len of utxoSet", len(utxoPool.getAllUTXO()))
        maxValidInput = min(maxInput, len(utxoPool.getAllUTXO()))

        nTxPerTest = 11
        maxValidInput = 2
        maxOutput = 3
        passes = True
        txHandler = TxHandler(utxoPool)

        for i in range(nTxPerTest):
            tx = Transaction()
            uncorrupted = True
            utxoAtIndex = {}
            nInput = random.randint(1, maxValidInput + 1)
            inputValue = 0.0

            # We're using this as our sample space to pull UTXOs from for
            # a Transaction's input. This is helpful because it ensures that
            # we never introduce a duplicate UTXO for an input of a valid Transaction.
            utxoSet = set(utxoPool.getAllUTXO())

            for j in range(nInput):
                utxo = random.sample(utxoSet, 1)[0]
                tx.addInput(utxo.getTxHash(), utxo.getIndex())
                utxoSet.remove(utxo)  # See comment in test_1.py
                inputValue += utxoPool.getTxOutput(utxo).value
                utxoAtIndex[j] = utxo
            nOutput = random.randint(1, maxOutput)
            outputValue = 0.0
            for j in range(nOutput):
                value = random.random() * (maxValue)
                if (outputValue + value > inputValue):
                rIndex = random.randint(0, len(people) - 1)
                addr = people[rIndex][1]
                tx.addOutput(value, addr)
                outputValue += value

            pCorrupt = 0.5

            for j in range(nInput):
                m = hashlib.sha256()
                hm = int(m.hexdigest(), 16)

                keyPair = utxoToKeyPair[utxoAtIndex[j]]
                if (random.random() < pCorrupt):
                    # Attempt to corrupt the signature.
                    potential_key_pair = people[random.randint(0, nPeople - 1)]
                    if potential_key_pair[0] is not keyPair[0]:
                        # Only consider _different_ randomly chosen keys
                        # as "corrupted".
                        keyPair = potential_key_pair
                        uncorrupted = False

                tx.addSignature(sign(keyPair[0], hm, p, g), j)

            if (txHandler.isValidTx(tx) != uncorrupted):
                print("Corrupted keys:", not uncorrupted)
                print("isValidTx got:", txHandler.isValidTx(tx))
                passes = False
예제 #6
    def test_4(self):
        possibleTxs = []
        print("Test 4: test isValidTx() with valid transactions")
        nPeople = 10
        people = []  #new List DigSigKeyPair
        # Create |nPeople| pairs of {secret, public} keys.
        for i in range(nPeople):
            sk, pk = genkeys(n, p, g)
            people.append((sk, pk))

        # Create a pool and an index into key pairs
        utxoPool = UTXOPool()
        utxoToKeyPair = {}  # {UTXO: (sk, pk)}

        # |keyPairAtIndex| maps {idx: (sk, pk)}, so we
        # can know a person's keys for a given
        # Transaction.Output in a Transaction.
        keyPairAtIndex = {}
        nUTXOTx = 10
        maxUTXOTxOutput = 5
        maxInput = 3
        maxValue = 100

        # For num Transaction()s:
        for i in range(nUTXOTx):
            num = random.randint(1, maxUTXOTxOutput)
            tx = Transaction()
            # Add num random outputs to tx.
            for j in range(num):
                # Pick a random public address and transaction value.
                rIndex = random.randint(0, len(people) - 1)
                #print("Index",rIndex); print(people[rIndex])
                addr = people[rIndex][1]  #(sk,pk)
                value = random.random() * maxValue
                tx.addOutput(value, addr)
                keyPairAtIndex[j] = people[rIndex]

            # Add all of the Transaction's outputs to UTXOPool.
            for j in range(num):
                ut = UTXO(tx.getHash(), j)
                utxoPool.addUTXO(ut, tx.getOutput(j))
                utxoToKeyPair[ut] = keyPairAtIndex[j]

        # At this point we have a UTXOPool with all of the generated UTXOs
        # in the form of:
        #   {UTXO(TransactionHash, TransactionIndex): Transaction.Output},
        # as well as a map {UTXO: (sk, pk)}, so we can book-keep the
        # identities of the UTXO "authors" for testing.

        print("Len of utxoSet", len(utxoPool.getAllUTXO()))
        maxValidInput = min(maxInput, len(utxoPool.getAllUTXO()))

        nTxPerTest = 11
        maxValidInput = 2
        maxOutput = 3
        passes = True
        txHandler = TxHandler(utxoPool)

        for i in range(nTxPerTest):
            tx = Transaction()  # Create a new Transaction.
            utxoAtIndex = {}
            nInput = random.randint(1, maxValidInput + 1)
            inputValue = 0.0

            # We're using this as our sample space to pull UTXOs from for
            # a Transaction's input. This is helpful because it ensures that
            # we never introduce a duplicate UTXO for an input of a valid Transaction.
            utxoSet = set(utxoPool.getAllUTXO())

            # Add a bunch of inputs to |tx|.
            for j in range(nInput):
                # Choose a random UTXO to fund the input.
                # There is a non-zero chance that this could actually
                # pick duplicate UTXOs for a Transaction's input, thus
                # breaking the test.
                utxo = random.sample(utxoSet, 1)[0]
                tx.addInput(utxo.getTxHash(), utxo.getIndex())
                    utxo)  # Ensure we do not pick this UTXO as another input.
                inputValue += utxoPool.getTxOutput(utxo).value
                utxoAtIndex[j] = utxo

            nOutput = random.randint(1, maxOutput)
            outputValue = 0.0

            # Add a bunch of outputs to |tx|, as long as the sum of
            # all of the outputs <= the sum of the inputs.
            for j in range(nOutput):
                value = random.random() * (maxValue)
                if (outputValue + value >
                        inputValue):  # Keep the transaction valid.

                # Pick a random person to send the $ to.
                rIndex = random.randint(0, len(people) - 1)
                addr = people[rIndex][1]  # Random person's public key address.
                tx.addOutput(value, addr)
                outputValue += value

            # Sign each input of the transaction.
            for j in range(nInput):
                m = hashlib.sha256()
                hm = int(m.hexdigest(), 16)
                signature = sign(utxoToKeyPair[utxoAtIndex[j]][0], hm, p, g)
                tx.addSignature(signature, j)

            # Compute overall transaction hash.


            if (not txHandler.isValidTx(tx)):
                passes = False

        valid_txs = txHandler.handleTxs(possibleTxs)
        is_valid = False

        for tx in valid_txs:
            if txHandler.isValidTx(tx):
                is_valid = True

예제 #7
    def test_1(self):
        print("Test 1: test isValidTx() with valid transactions")
        nPeople = 10
        people = []  #new List DigSigKeyPair
        for i in range(nPeople):
            sk, pk = genkeys(n, p, g)
            people.append((sk, pk))

# Create a pool and an index into key pairs
        utxoPool = UTXOPool()
        utxoToKeyPair = {}
        keyPairAtIndex = {}
        nUTXOTx = 10
        maxUTXOTxOutput = 5
        maxInput = 3
        maxValue = 100

        for i in range(nUTXOTx):
            num = random.randint(1, maxUTXOTxOutput)
            tx = Transaction()
            # add num randonm outputs to tx
            for j in range(num):
                # pick a random public address
                rIndex = random.randint(0, len(people) - 1)
                #print("Index",rIndex); print(people[rIndex])
                addr = people[rIndex][1]  #(sk,pk)
                value = random.random() * maxValue
                tx.addOutput(value, addr)
                keyPairAtIndex[j] = people[rIndex]
            # add all num tx outputs to utxo pool
            for j in range(num):
                ut = UTXO(tx.getHash(), j)
                utxoPool.addUTXO(ut, tx.getOutput(j))
                utxoToKeyPair[ut] = keyPairAtIndex[j]

        utxoSet = utxoPool.getAllUTXO()
        print("Len of utxoSet", len(utxoSet))
        maxValidInput = min(maxInput, len(utxoSet))

        nTxPerTest = 11
        maxValidInput = 2
        maxOutput = 3
        passes = True

        for i in range(nTxPerTest):
            tx = Transaction()
            utxoAtIndex = {}
            nInput = random.randint(1, maxValidInput + 1)
            inputValue = 0.0
            for j in range(nInput):
                utxo = random.sample(utxoSet, 1)[0]
                tx.addInput(utxo.getTxHash(), utxo.getIndex())
                inputValue += utxoPool.getTxOutput(utxo).value
                utxoAtIndex[j] = utxo
            nOutput = random.randint(1, maxOutput)
            outputValue = 0.0
            for j in range(nOutput):
                value = random.random() * (maxValue)
                if (outputValue + value > inputValue):
                rIndex = random.randint(0, len(people) - 1)
                addr = people[rIndex][1]
                tx.addOutput(value, addr)
                outputValue += value

            for j in range(nInput):
                         tx.getRawDataToSign(j), p, g), j)

            if (not txHandler.isValidTx(tx)):
                passes = False