예제 #1
 def __init__(self, muxType, signal0, signal1 , carrierFrequency = GlobalSettings.carrierFrequency ,muxCarrierFrequency = GlobalSettings.multiplexCarrierFrequency, messageFrequency = GlobalSettings.messageFrequency, carrierAmplitude = GlobalSettings.multiplexCarrierAmplitude, sampleTime = GlobalSettings.sampleTime):
     self.fmux = muxCarrierFrequency
     self.fc = carrierFrequency
     self.fm = messageFrequency
     self.ac = carrierAmplitude
     self.ts = sampleTime
     self.type = muxType
     self.time = np.arange(0,1/self.fm,self.ts)
     self.roll = int((1.0/self.fc)/4.0*(1.0/self.ts))
     self.quaterPoint = int(len(self.time)/4.0) #used to ensure correct normaliZaTION
     self.halfPoint = int(len(self.time)/2.0)
     #below we handle transmitters
     self.fakeTransmission = Transmission(1)
     self.cleanPilot, self.cosWave = self.GeneratePilot(False)
     self.s0, self.h0 = self.SignalDetector(signal0)
     self.fmux = 3* muxCarrierFrequency
     if(self.type == MultiplexerType.TDM):
         self.cleanPilot, self.cosWave = self.GeneratePilot(False,2)
     self.s1, self.h1 = self.SignalDetector(signal1)
예제 #2
파일: GomBot.py 프로젝트: zeroidle/GomBot
    def run(self):
            log.debug('Listening ...')
            while 1:
                tc = Transmission()
                arr = Transmission.garbage_collection(tc)

                if len(arr) > 0:  # 노티할애가 있으면
                    pms = Plexmediaserver()
                    if not pms.refresh(2):
                        log.debug("refresh 실패로 완료된 시드유지함")
                    str = "\n".join(arr)
                    for room in self.public_room:
                        self.sendMessage(room, "%s\n 준비되었습니다." % str)

        except Exception as e:
            log.exception("Main loop error")
예제 #3
파일: GomBot.py 프로젝트: zeroidle/GomBot
    def run(self):
            log.debug('Listening ...')
            while 1:
                tc = Transmission()
                arr = Transmission.garbage_collection(tc)

                if len(arr) > 0:  # 노티할애가 있으면
                    pms = Plexmediaserver()
                    if not pms.refresh(2):
                        log.debug("refresh 실패로 완료된 시드유지함")
                    str = "\n".join(arr)
                    for room in self.public_room:
                        self.sendMessage(room, "%s\n 준비되었습니다." % str)

        except Exception as e:
            log.exception("Main loop error")
예제 #4
 def __init__(self):
     Transmission.__init__(self, GearBoxFord(), Pedal(Pedal.TYPE_CLUTCH))
예제 #5
파일: GomBot.py 프로젝트: zeroidle/GomBot
    def handle(self, msg):
        flavor = 'normal'
        # normal message
        if flavor == 'normal':
            content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg)
            log.info('Normal Message:%s %s %s', content_type, chat_type, chat_id)
            log.debug(json.dumps(msg, ensure_ascii=False))
            command = msg['text']
            from_id = msg['from']['id']
            chat_id = msg['chat']['id']

            if not command.startswith('/'):  # 명령커맨드일 경우

            keyword = command[1:].split(' ')

            if not from_id in self.admin_id:
                log.debug(" 권한 없는 사용자(%d)가 봇을 호출" % from_id)
                self.sendMessage(chat_id, "저는 주인님의 명령만 듣습니다. 본인의 봇을 소환하세요. https://blog.zeroidle.com 에서 도움을 얻을 수 있습니다.")

            if keyword[0] == "셧다운":
                log.debug("셧다운 권한확인")
                if from_id in self.admin_id:  # 앞에서 권한체크하므로 이제 필요없음, 삭제예정
                    self.sendMessage(chat_id, "모든 서버를 셧다운 합니다.")
                    log.debug(" 권한 없는 사용자(%d)가 셧다운 시도" % from_id)
                    self.sendMessage(chat_id, "권한이 없습니다.")
            elif keyword[0] == "하이":
                self.sendMessage(chat_id, "반갑구만 반가워요")
            elif keyword[0] == "정보":
                self.sendMessage(chat_id,"chat_id:%s\nfrom_id:%s"%(chat_id, from_id))

            elif keyword[0] == "검색":  # 토렌트 검색해야지
                if chat_id in self.public_room:  # 채팅방이 공방이면
                    self.sendMessage(chat_id, "공개방입니다.\n 봇을 따로 소환해 검색하세요")

                result = self.get_search_list(' '.join(keyword[1:]))
                self.set_menu(chat_id, from_id, result)

            elif keyword[0] == '받기':  # 토렌트 검색해야지
                idx = int(keyword[1].split('.')[0]) - 1
                menu = self.menu[chat_id][idx]
                log.debug("다운로드주소 : %s" % menu['link'])
                #dn_link = self.get_magnet_url_from_torrenthaja(menu['link'])
                dn_link = self.get_magnet_url_from_torrenthaja(menu['link'])

                tc = Transmission()
                dn_path = tc.get_dnpath(menu['title'])
                log.debug("title: %s " % menu['title'])
                log.debug("link: %s " % dn_link)
                log.debug("다운로드경로는 %s" % dn_path)
                to = tc.add_torrent(dn_link, download_dir=dn_path)

                if (to):
                    log.debug("downloading : %s %s" % (to.id, to.name))
                    self.sendMessage(chat_id, '%s 다운로딩' % menu['title'])
                    self.sendMessage(chat_id, '다운로드 실패')

            elif keyword[0] == '확인':  # 토렌트 진행상황 확인
                tc = Transmission()
                torrents = tc.get_torrents()

                if len(torrents) == 0:
                    self.sendMessage(chat_id, "다운로드중인 파일은 없습니다.")

                str = ''
                for torrent in torrents:
                    str = str + "%s - %s peers %.2f %%\n" % (
                    torrent.name[:20], torrent.peersConnected, torrent.percentDone * 100)
                self.sendMessage(chat_id, str)
            elif keyword[0] == "갱신":
                pms = Plexmediaserver()
                arr = [1, 2]
                for num in arr:
                str = {"/검색 [검색어] - 검색어를 토렌트사이트에서 검색합니다.",
                       "/확인 - 토렌트 다운로드 진행상황을 확인합니다.",
                       "/갱신 - Plex Media Server 라이브러리를 갱신합니다."}
                str = "\n".join(str)
                self.sendMessage(chat_id, str)

        # inline query - need `/setinline`
        elif flavor == 'inline_query':
            query_id, from_id, query_string = telepot.glance(msg, flavor=flavor)
            print('Inline Query:', query_id, from_id, query_string)

            def compute_answer():
                # Compose your own answers
                articles = [{'type': 'article',
                             'id': 'abc', 'title': query_string, 'message_text': query_string}]

                return articles

            self._answerer.answer(msg, compute_answer)

        # chosen inline result - need `/setinlinefeedback`
        elif flavor == 'chosen_inline_result':
            result_id, from_id, query_string = telepot.glance(msg, flavor=flavor)
            print('Chosen Inline Result:', result_id, from_id, query_string)
예제 #6
class Demultiplexer():
    def __init__(self, muxType, signal0, signal1 , carrierFrequency = GlobalSettings.carrierFrequency ,muxCarrierFrequency = GlobalSettings.multiplexCarrierFrequency, messageFrequency = GlobalSettings.messageFrequency, carrierAmplitude = GlobalSettings.multiplexCarrierAmplitude, sampleTime = GlobalSettings.sampleTime):
        self.fmux = muxCarrierFrequency
        self.fc = carrierFrequency
        self.fm = messageFrequency
        self.ac = carrierAmplitude
        self.ts = sampleTime
        self.type = muxType
        self.time = np.arange(0,1/self.fm,self.ts)
        self.roll = int((1.0/self.fc)/4.0*(1.0/self.ts))
        self.quaterPoint = int(len(self.time)/4.0) #used to ensure correct normaliZaTION
        self.halfPoint = int(len(self.time)/2.0)
        #below we handle transmitters
        self.fakeTransmission = Transmission(1)
        self.cleanPilot, self.cosWave = self.GeneratePilot(False)
        self.s0, self.h0 = self.SignalDetector(signal0)
        self.fmux = 3* muxCarrierFrequency
        if(self.type == MultiplexerType.TDM):
            self.cleanPilot, self.cosWave = self.GeneratePilot(False,2)
        self.s1, self.h1 = self.SignalDetector(signal1)
    def BandPassFilter(self, lowerLimit, upperLimit, signal,order = 2):
        nyq = 0.5 * (1/self.ts)
        low = lowerLimit/nyq
        high = upperLimit/nyq
        b, a = butter(order, [low, high], btype='band', analog=False) #b = num a = denom
        y = filtfilt(b,a,signal, method = 'gust')
        return y 
    def DemodulateDSB_SC(self, signal, frequency, shift, angle):
        freq = 2 * np.pi * (self.fmux + shift) * self.time 
        demodCarrier = np.array(np.cos(freq -angle))       
        preDemod = np.multiply(signal,demodCarrier)
        lpfSignal = self.LowPassFilter(frequency, preDemod) #LPF
        ampFixSignal = np.array([((x*2)) for x in lpfSignal])
        return ampFixSignal
    def DemodulateDSB_FC(self, signal, frequency ,pilot = True):
        signal[signal < 0] = 0 #Rectify
        lpfSignal = self.LowPassFilter(frequency, signal) #LPF
        dc = np.mean(lpfSignal[self.quaterPoint:len(self.time)-self.quaterPoint])
        noDCSignal = np.array([x-dc for x in lpfSignal])
        tmpSignal = noDCSignal[self.quaterPoint:len(self.time)-self.quaterPoint]
        tmpSignal[tmpSignal < 0]
        negValuesSignal = -1*tmpSignal
        maxPos = float(np.amax(noDCSignal))
        maxNeg = float(np.amax(negValuesSignal))
        factor = maxPos/maxNeg
        for (i, item) in enumerate(noDCSignal):
            if(item < 0):
                noDCSignal[i] = noDCSignal[i]*factor
#        #offset remains of e-17 to e-18
        demodulatedSignalMax = np.amax(noDCSignal[self.quaterPoint:len(self.time)-self.quaterPoint])
        correctedSignal = np.array([x*(1/demodulatedSignalMax) for x in noDCSignal])
        return correctedSignal, noDCSignal
    def LowPassFilter(self, frequency, signal,order = 4):
        nyq = 0.5 * (1/self.ts)
        Wc = frequency/nyq
        b, a = butter(order, Wc, btype='low') #b = num a = denom
        y = filtfilt(b, a, signal,method = 'gust')
        trimVal = int(4.0*self.roll)
        trimTop = y[0:y.size-trimVal]
        trimBot = trimTop[trimVal:trimTop.size]
        return trimBot
    def GeneratePilot(self, DSB_FC= True, factor = 1):
        outputSignal = np.array(np.cos(2 * np.pi * factor * self.fc * self.time))
        carrier = np.array(np.cos(2 * np.pi * (self.fmux) * self.time))
        modulatedSignal = np.multiply(outputSignal,carrier)
        y = self.DemodulateDSB_SC(modulatedSignal, 3*self.fc, 0,0)
        return y, outputSignal

    def ChannelEstimator(self, pilot, signal):
        maxPilot = float(np.amax(pilot[self.quaterPoint:len(self.time)-self.quaterPoint]))
        maxSignal = float(np.amax(signal[self.quaterPoint:len(self.time)-self.quaterPoint]))
        magnitude = np.divide(maxSignal,maxPilot) #6,02% error here to magH
        factor = np.divide(maxPilot,maxSignal)
        ampFixSignal = np.array([x*factor for x in signal])
        period = float(1.0/self.fc) #in this case for my pilot
        length = period/(self.ts)
        halfPeriod = int(float(length/2.0))
        shift = np.argmax(ampFixSignal[self.halfPoint - 0* halfPeriod:self.halfPoint +2* halfPeriod])
        angle = 2*np.pi* shift*(1/length)
        return magnitude, angle
    def SignalDetector(self, signal):
        if(self.type == MultiplexerType.FDM):  
            pilotSignal = self.BandPassFilter(self.fmux - 4*self.fc,self.fmux + 4*self.fc,signal)
            magnitude = self.EstimatePilotMaxWithFFT(pilotSignal)
            pilot1= self.DemodulateDSB_SC(pilotSignal, 3*self.fc,0,0)
            goodMag, badAngle = self.ChannelEstimator(self.cleanPilot ,pilot1)
            pilot2= self.DemodulateDSB_SC(pilotSignal, 3*self.fc,0,badAngle)
            badMag, goodAngle = self.ChannelEstimator(self.cleanPilot ,pilot2) 
            channel = (magnitude * np.cos(goodAngle)) + (1j * magnitude* np.sin(goodAngle))
            correct = [False] * 4
            channels = [0] * 4
            channels[0] = (magnitude * np.cos(goodAngle)) + (1j * magnitude* np.sin(goodAngle))
            correct[0] = self.QuadrantSelect(pilot2[4750:5250],self.fakeTransmission.wave[4750:5250])
            channels[1] = complex(-1*channels[0].real,-1*channels[0].imag)
            correct[1] = self.QuadrantSelect(pilot2[4750:5250],self.fakeTransmission.wave[4750:5250])
            channels[2] = complex(-1*channels[0].real,channels[0].imag)
            correct[2] = self.QuadrantSelect(pilot2[4750:5250],self.fakeTransmission.wave[4750:5250])
            channels[3] = complex(channels[0].real,-1*channels[0].imag)
            correct[3] = self.QuadrantSelect(pilot2[4750:5250],self.fakeTransmission.wave[4750:5250])
            n = 0
            for truth in correct:
                    channel = channels[n]
            maxP = np.argmax(pilot1[:1000])
            maxT = np.argmax(self.fakeTransmission.wave[:1000])
            if(abs(maxP-maxT) < 250 or abs(maxP-maxT) > 500):
                channel = complex(-1*channel.real,-1*channel.imag)
            dataSignal = self.BandPassFilter(self.fmux + 4*self.fc,self.fmux + 12 * self.fc,signal)
            data = self.DemodulateDSB_SC(dataSignal, 3 * self.fc,8*self.fc,goodAngle)
            return data, channel
        if(self.type == MultiplexerType.TDM):
            pilotSignal = signal[len(self.time):int(2*len(self.time))]
            dataSignal = signal[0:len(self.time)]
            magnitude, angle = self.ChannelEstimator(self.cleanPilot ,pilotSignal)
            channel = (magnitude * np.cos(angle)) + (1j * magnitude* np.sin(angle))
            return dataSignal, channel        
    def FFT(self, signal):
        n = len(signal) # length of the signal
        k = np.arange(n)
        T = n/(1/self.ts)
        frq = k/T # two sides frequency range
        frq = frq[range(n/40)] # one side frequency range
        Y = np.fft.fft(signal)/n # fft computing and normalization
        Y = Y[range(n/40)]
        fig, ax = plot.subplots(2, 1)
        ax[1].plot(frq,abs(Y),'r') # plotting the spectrum
        ax[1].set_xlabel('Freq (Hz)')
    def PrintFilter(self,b,a, nyq):
        w, h = freqs(b, a, worN=2000)
        plot.plot((nyq/np.pi)*w, abs(h))
        plot.title('Butterworth filter frequency response')
        plot.xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
        plot.margins(0, 0.1)
        plot.grid(which='both', axis='both')
    def EstimatePilotMaxWithFFT(self, modulatedPilot, pilotMagnitude = 1):       
        fftPilot = np.fft.fft(modulatedPilot)/len(modulatedPilot) # fft computing and normalization
        return (max(abs(fftPilot))*4)/pilotMagnitude
    def QuadrantSelect(self, pilot, tansmission):
        maxP = np.amax(pilot)
        maxT = np.amax(tansmission)
        sumP = np.sum(pilot)
        sumT = np.sum(tansmission)
        diffP = sumP-maxP
        diffT = sumT-maxT
        difference = abs(diffP-diffT)
        if(difference < 50):
            return True
            return False
예제 #7
파일: GomBot.py 프로젝트: zeroidle/GomBot
    def handle(self, msg):
        flavor = 'normal'
        # normal message
        if flavor == 'normal':
            content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg)
            log.info('Normal Message:%s %s %s', content_type, chat_type, chat_id)
            log.debug(json.dumps(msg, ensure_ascii=False))
            command = msg['text']
            from_id = msg['from']['id']
            chat_id = msg['chat']['id']

            if not command.startswith('/'):  # 명령커맨드일 경우

            keyword = command[1:].split(' ')

            if not from_id in self.admin_id:
                log.debug(" 권한 없는 사용자(%d)가 봇을 호출" % from_id)
                self.sendMessage(chat_id, "저는 주인님의 명령만 듣습니다. 본인의 봇을 소환하세요. https://blog.zeroidle.com 에서 도움을 얻을 수 있습니다.")

            if keyword[0] == "셧다운":
                log.debug("셧다운 권한확인")
                if from_id in self.admin_id:  # 앞에서 권한체크하므로 이제 필요없음, 삭제예정
                    self.sendMessage(chat_id, "모든 서버를 셧다운 합니다.")
                    log.debug(" 권한 없는 사용자(%d)가 셧다운 시도" % from_id)
                    self.sendMessage(chat_id, "권한이 없습니다.")
            elif keyword[0] == "하이":
                self.sendMessage(chat_id, "반갑구만 반가워요")
            elif keyword[0] == "정보":
                self.sendMessage(chat_id,"chat_id:%s\nfrom_id:%s"%(chat_id, from_id))

            elif keyword[0] == "검색":  # 토렌트 검색해야지
                if chat_id in self.public_room:  # 채팅방이 공방이면
                    self.sendMessage(chat_id, "공개방입니다.\n 봇을 따로 소환해 검색하세요")

                result = self.get_search_list(' '.join(keyword[1:]))
                self.set_menu(chat_id, from_id, result)

            elif keyword[0] == '받기':  # 토렌트 검색해야지
                idx = int(keyword[1].split('.')[0]) - 1
                menu = self.menu[chat_id][idx]
                log.debug("다운로드주소 : %s" % menu['link'])
                #dn_link = self.get_magnet_url_from_torrenthaja(menu['link'])
                dn_link = self.get_magnet_url_from_torrenthaja(menu['link'])

                tc = Transmission()
                dn_path = tc.get_dnpath(menu['title'])
                log.debug("title: %s " % menu['title'])
                log.debug("link: %s " % dn_link)
                log.debug("다운로드경로는 %s" % dn_path)
                to = tc.add_torrent(dn_link, download_dir=dn_path)

                if (to):
                    log.debug("downloading : %s %s" % (to.id, to.name))
                    self.sendMessage(chat_id, '%s 다운로딩' % menu['title'])
                    self.sendMessage(chat_id, '다운로드 실패')

            elif keyword[0] == '확인':  # 토렌트 진행상황 확인
                tc = Transmission()
                torrents = tc.get_torrents()

                if len(torrents) == 0:
                    self.sendMessage(chat_id, "다운로드중인 파일은 없습니다.")

                str = ''
                for torrent in torrents:
                    str = str + "%s - %s peers %.2f %%\n" % (
                    torrent.name[:20], torrent.peersConnected, torrent.percentDone * 100)
                self.sendMessage(chat_id, str)
            elif keyword[0] == "갱신":
                pms = Plexmediaserver()
                arr = [1, 2]
                for num in arr:
                str = {"/검색 [검색어] - 검색어를 토렌트사이트에서 검색합니다.",
                       "/확인 - 토렌트 다운로드 진행상황을 확인합니다.",
                       "/갱신 - Plex Media Server 라이브러리를 갱신합니다."}
                str = "\n".join(str)
                self.sendMessage(chat_id, str)

        # inline query - need `/setinline`
        elif flavor == 'inline_query':
            query_id, from_id, query_string = telepot.glance(msg, flavor=flavor)
            print('Inline Query:', query_id, from_id, query_string)

            def compute_answer():
                # Compose your own answers
                articles = [{'type': 'article',
                             'id': 'abc', 'title': query_string, 'message_text': query_string}]

                return articles

            self._answerer.answer(msg, compute_answer)

        # chosen inline result - need `/setinlinefeedback`
        elif flavor == 'chosen_inline_result':
            result_id, from_id, query_string = telepot.glance(msg, flavor=flavor)
            print('Chosen Inline Result:', result_id, from_id, query_string)
    parser.add_option('-l', '--limit' , metavar='LIMIT', dest='limit', type="int", help='Limit the number of torrents diplayed. 0 means no limit. [default is 0]', default=0)
    parser.add_option('-c', '--colorfile' , metavar='FILE', dest='colorfile', help='File containing color codes for different states of torrents, overriding the template (\"Stopped\", \"Downloading\", \"Up & Down\", \"Idle\", \"Seeding\"). If not given, the colors in the template are used.')
    parser.add_option('-U', '--username' , metavar='USERNAME', dest='username', help='Username for authorization')
    parser.add_option('-P', '--password' , metavar='PASSWORD', dest='password', help='Password for authorizaion')
    parser.add_option('-S', '--sort', metavar='FIELD', type='string', dest='sortfield', help='Sort the list of torrents by the value of the specified field. [default: none]')
    parser.add_option('-R', '--reverse', dest='reverse', default=False, action='store_true', help='If this option is used, the list of torrents is reversed (even if no sorting criterion is given).')
    #~ parser.add_option('short', 'long' , metavar='', dest='', help='')

    (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()

    if not opts.s_template_file and not opts.t_template_file:
        print "No templates specified at all. Please give a torrent and/or summary template."

    transmission = Transmission(options=opts)
    torrents, summary = transmission.get_simple_torrent_data(active_only=opts.activeonly)

    color_code = ColorCode(color_filename=opts.colorfile)

    # Summary
    if opts.s_template_file:
        s_template = Template(opts.s_template_file)

        s_info = s_template.get_string()

        print s_info

    # Torrents
    if opts.t_template_file:
예제 #9
 def CreateTransmission(self, symbol):
     transmission = Transmission(symbol)
     return transmission