def add_new_kpi_to_static_tables(self, set_fk, new_kpi_list): """ :param set_fk: The relevant KPI set FK. :param new_kpi_list: a list of all new KPI's parameters. This function adds new KPIs to the DB ('Static' table) - both to level2 (KPI) and level3 (Atomic KPI). """ session = OrmSession(self.project_name, writable=True) with session.begin(subtransactions=True): for kpi in new_kpi_list: level2_query = """ INSERT INTO static.kpi (kpi_set_fk, display_text) VALUES ('{0}', '{1}');""".format( set_fk, kpi.get(KPI_NAME)) result = session.execute(level2_query) kpi_fk = result.lastrowid level3_query = """ INSERT INTO static.atomic_kpi (kpi_fk, name, description, display_text, presentation_order, display) VALUES ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}');""".format( kpi_fk, kpi.get(KPI_NAME), kpi.get(KPI_NAME), kpi.get(KPI_NAME), 1, 'Y') session.execute(level3_query) session.close() return
def add_kpi_sets_to_static(self, set_names): """ This function is to be ran at a beginning of a projects - and adds the constant KPI sets data to the DB. """ session = OrmSession(self.project_name, writable=True) with session.begin(subtransactions=True): for set_name in set_names: level1_query = """ INSERT INTO static.kpi_set (name, missing_kpi_score, enable, normalize_weight, expose_to_api, is_in_weekly_report) VALUES ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}');""".format(set_name, 'Bad', 'Y', 'N', 'N', 'N') session.execute(level1_query) session.close() return
def get_stitching_data(project, scene_ids, session=None): if not session: session = OrmSession(project) query = SceneDBHelper().get_stitching_data_query(scene_ids) res = session.execute(query) stitching_data = pd.DataFrame(list(res), columns=res.keys()) return stitching_data
def get_masks_archive(project, athena_query_probes, session=None): if not session: session = OrmSession(project)"Accessing cloud archive to extract masks for {} probes".format( len(athena_query_probes))) probes_list_str = ','.join([str(val) for val in athena_query_probes]) processing_info_query = """ select distinct DATE(completion_time) as date, LAST_DAY(completion_time) = DATE(completion_time) as is_last_day_of_month from probedata.user_processing_info where probe_fk in ({}) """.format(probes_list_str) res = session.execute(processing_info_query) partitions_df = pd.DataFrame(list(res), columns=res.keys()) partitions_df["date"] = pd.to_datetime(partitions_df["date"]) # handle the case of end of month probe upload sub_df = partitions_df[partitions_df["is_last_day_of_month"] == 1].copy() sub_df["date"] = sub_df["date"].apply( lambda d: d + datetime.timedelta(days=7)) partitions_df = partitions_df.append(sub_df) partitions_df["month"] = partitions_df["date"].dt.month partitions_df["year"] = partitions_df["date"].dt.year partition_str = "(" + " or ".join(partitions_df[[ "month", "year" ]].drop_duplicates().apply( lambda row: "(month={} and year={})".format(row["month"], row["year"]), axis=1)) + ")" athena_query = """SELECT _id, creation_time, pipeline_id, probe_id, project_name, response, version FROM mongo_archives_prod.masking_engine_response_view where 1=1 and project_name = '{}' and probe_id in ({}) and {};""".format(project, probes_list_str, partition_str) with Log.Timer('BigDataFactory masking extraction execution time', Severities.INFO, extra={'project_name': project}): athena_connector = BigDataFactory.get_big_data_connector( region='us-east-1', schema_name='mongo_archives_prod') athena_connector.connect() cursor = athena_connector.execute_query(athena_query) columns = [col[0] for col in cursor.description] probe_masks_athena = pd.DataFrame.from_records( cursor, columns=columns).drop_duplicates() probe_masks_athena["response"] = probe_masks_athena["response"].apply( jsonify_response) return probe_masks_athena
def get_masks_from_rds(project, probe_list, session=None): if not session: session = OrmSession(project) probe_list_str = "and mpip.probe_fk in (" + ",".join( [str(val) for val in probe_list]) + ")" query = """ select 1 as _id, mpip.creation_time as creation_time, 'just' as pipeline_id, mpip.probe_fk as probe_id, '{project}' as project_name, JSON_OBJECT("probe_tag_id", JSON_ARRAYAGG(mpipm.match_product_in_probe_fk), "x1", JSON_ARRAYAGG(mpipm.mask_left), "x2", JSON_ARRAYAGG(mpipm.mask_right), "y1", JSON_ARRAYAGG(mpipm.mask_top), "y2", JSON_ARRAYAGG(mpipm.mask_bottom), "x", JSON_ARRAYAGG(ROUND(mpip.rect_x + mpip.rect_width*0.5, 0)), "y", JSON_ARRAYAGG(ROUND(mpip.rect_y + mpip.rect_height*0.5, 0))) as response, 'MaskingEngine_SQL' as version from probedata.match_product_in_probe_masks mpipm inner join probedata.match_product_in_probe mpip on = mpipm.match_product_in_probe_fk where 1=1 {probe_list_str} GROUP by mpip.probe_fk """.format(**{ "project": project, "probe_list_str": probe_list_str }) res = session.execute(query) masks_from_rds = pd.DataFrame(list(res), columns=res.keys()) masks_from_rds["response"] = masks_from_rds["response"].apply( jsonify_response) return masks_from_rds
def get_masks_from_rds_flat(project, probe_list, session=None): if not session: session = OrmSession(project) probe_list_str = "AND mpip.probe_fk IN (" + ",".join( [str(val) for val in probe_list]) + ")" query = """ SELECT mpip.creation_time AS creation_time, mpip.probe_fk AS probe_id, mpipm.match_product_in_probe_fk AS probe_tag_id, mpipm.mask_left AS x1, mpipm.mask_right AS x2, mpipm.mask_top AS y1, mpipm.mask_bottom AS y2, ROUND(mpip.rect_x + mpip.rect_width*0.5, 0) AS x, ROUND(mpip.rect_y + mpip.rect_height*0.5, 0) AS y FROM probedata.match_product_in_probe_masks AS mpipm INNER JOIN probedata.match_product_in_probe AS mpip ON = mpipm.match_product_in_probe_fk WHERE 1=1 {probe_list_str} """.format(**{ "project": project, "probe_list_str": probe_list_str }) res = session.execute(query) masks_from_rds = pd.DataFrame(list(res), columns=res.keys()) masks_from_rds[['x1', 'x2', 'y1', 'y2']] = masks_from_rds[['x1', 'x2', 'y1', 'y2']].astype(float) masks_from_rds[['x', 'y']] = masks_from_rds[['x', 'y']].astype(int) return masks_from_rds
def insert_new_kpis_old(self, project, kpi_list=None): """ This function inserts KPI metadata to static tables """ session = OrmSession(project, writable=True) try: voting_process_pk_dic = {} with session.begin(subtransactions=True): for kpi in kpi_list.values()[0]: if kpi.get('To include in first calculation?') == 4:'Trying to write KPI {}'.format( kpi.get('KPI name Eng'))) # # kpi_level_1_hierarchy = pd.DataFrame(data=[('Canteen', None, None, 'WEIGHTED_AVERAGE', # # 1, '2016-11-28', None, None)], # # columns=['name', 'short_name', 'eng_name', 'operator', # # 'version', 'valid_from', 'valid_until', 'delete_date']) # # self.output.add_kpi_hierarchy(Keys.KPI_LEVEL_1, kpi_level_1_hierarchy) # if kpi.get('level') == 2: # kpi_level_2_hierarchy = pd.DataFrame(data=[ # (1, kpi.get('KPI Name ENG'), None, None, None, None, kpi.get('weight'), 1, '2016-12-25', None, None)], # columns=['kpi_level_1_fk', 'name', 'short_name', 'eng_name', 'operator', # 'score_func', 'original_weight', 'version', 'valid_from', 'valid_until', # 'delete_date']) # self.output.add_kpi_hierarchy(Keys.KPI_LEVEL_2, kpi_level_2_hierarchy) # elif kpi.get('level') == 3: # kpi_level_3_hierarchy = pd.DataFrame(data=[(1, kpi.get('KPI Name ENG'), None, None, None, # None, kpi.get('weight'), 1, '2016-12-25', None, None)], # columns=['kpi_level_2_fk', 'name', 'short_name', 'eng_name', 'operator', # 'score_func', 'original_weight', 'version', 'valid_from', # 'valid_until', 'delete_date']) # self.output.add_kpi_hierarchy(Keys.KPI_LEVEL_3, kpi_level_3_hierarchy) # else: #'No KPIs to insert') # self.data_provider.export_kpis_hierarchy(self.output) # insert_trans = """ # INSERT INTO static.kpi_level_1 (name, # operator, version, valid_from) # VALUES ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}');""".format('test', 'WEIGHTED_AVERAGE', 1, # '2016-11-28') # insert_trans_level1 = """ # INSERT INTO static.kpi_set (name, # missing_kpi_score, enable, normalize_weight, expose_to_api, is_in_weekly_report) # VALUES ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}');""".format('Hypermarket', 'Bad', # 'Y', 'N', 'N', 'N') # Log.get_logger().debug(insert_trans_level1) # result = session.execute(insert_trans_level1) insert_trans_level2 = """ INSERT INTO static.kpi (kpi_set_fk, logical_operator, weight, display_text) VALUES ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}');""".format( 34, kpi.get('Logical Operator'), kpi.get('KPI Weight'), kpi.get('KPI name Eng')) # # # # # # # # insert_trans = """ # # # # # UPDATE static.kpi_level_1 SET short_name=null, eng_name=null, valid_until=null, delete_date=null # # # # # WHERE pk=1;""" # Log.get_logger().debug(insert_trans_level2) result = session.execute(insert_trans_level2) kpi_fk = result.lastrowid insert_trans_level3 = """ INSERT INTO static.atomic_kpi (kpi_fk, name, description, display_text, presentation_order, display) VALUES ('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}');""".format( kpi_fk, kpi.get('KPI name Eng'), kpi.get('KPI name Eng'), kpi.get('KPI name Eng'), 1, 'Y') Log.get_logger().debug(insert_trans_level3) result = session.execute(insert_trans_level3) # voting_process_pk = result.lastrowid # voting_process_pk_dic[kpi] = voting_process_pk #'KPI level 1 was inserted to the DB') #'Inserted voting process {} in project {} SQL DB'.format(voting_process_pk, project)) # voting_session_fk = self.insert_production_session(voting_process_pk, kpi, session) # self.insert_production_tag(voting_process_pk, voting_session_fk, kpi, session) session.close() # return voting_process_pk_dic return except Exception as e: Log.error( 'Caught exception while inserting new voting process to SQL: {}' .format(str(e))) return -1