예제 #1
    def __init__(self, sessconfig=None):
        """ Constructor.
        @param sessconfig Optional dictionary used internally
        to make this a copy constructor.
        self._logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)

        self.selected_ports = {}
        self.sessconfig = sessconfig or CallbackConfigParser()

        # Poor man's versioning of SessionConfig, add missing default values.
        for section, sect_dict in sessdefaults.iteritems():
            if not self.sessconfig.has_section(section):
            for k, v in sect_dict.iteritems():
                if not self.sessconfig.has_option(section, k):
                    self.sessconfig.set(section, k, v)

        if not sessconfig:

        # Set video_analyser_path
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            ffmpegname = u"ffmpeg.exe"
        elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
            ffmpegname = u"ffmpeg"
        elif find_executable("avconv"):
            ffmpegname = u"avconv"
            ffmpegname = u"ffmpeg"

        ffmpegpath = find_executable(ffmpegname)
        if ffmpegpath is None:
            if sys.platform == 'darwin':
                self.sessconfig.set(u'general', u'videoanalyserpath', u"vlc/ffmpeg")
            elif is_android(strict=True):
                self.sessconfig.set(u'general', u'videoanalyserpath', os.path.join(
                    os.environ['ANDROID_PRIVATE'], 'ffmpeg'))
                self.sessconfig.set(u'general', u'videoanalyserpath', ffmpegname)
            self.sessconfig.set(u'general', u'videoanalyserpath', ffmpegpath)

        # Set videoplayer path
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            videoplayerpath = os.path.expandvars('${PROGRAMFILES}') + '\\Windows Media Player\\wmplayer.exe'
        elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
            videoplayerpath = find_executable("vlc") or ("/Applications/VLC.app" if os.path.exists(
                "/Applications/VLC.app") else None) or "/Applications/QuickTime Player.app"
            videoplayerpath = find_executable("vlc") or "vlc"

        self.sessconfig.set(u'video', u'path', videoplayerpath)

        self.sessconfig.set(u'general', u'ipv6_binds_v4', autodetect_socket_style())
예제 #2
    def __init__(self,scfg=None,ignore_singleton=False):
        A Session object is created which is configured following a copy of the
        SessionStartupConfig scfg. (copy constructor used internally)
        @param scfg SessionStartupConfig object or None, in which case we
        look for a saved session in the default location (state dir). If
        we can't find it, we create a new SessionStartupConfig() object to 
        serve as startup config. Next, the config is saved in the directory
        indicated by its 'state_dir' attribute.
        In the current implementation only a single session instance can exist
        at a time in a process. The ignore_singleton flag is used for testing.
        # ProxyService 90s Test_
#        self.start_time = time.time()
        # _ProxyService 90s Test
        if not ignore_singleton:
            if Session.__single:
                raise RuntimeError, "Session is singleton"
            Session.__single = self
        self.sesslock = NoDispersyRLock()

        # Determine startup config to use
        if scfg is None: # If no override
                # Then try to read from default location
                state_dir = Session.get_default_state_dir()
                cfgfilename = Session.get_default_config_filename(state_dir)
                scfg = SessionStartupConfig.load(cfgfilename)
                # If that fails, create a fresh config with factory defaults
                scfg = SessionStartupConfig()
            self.sessconfig = scfg.sessconfig
        else: # overrides any saved config
            # Work from copy
            self.sessconfig = copy.copy(scfg.sessconfig)
        #Niels: 11/05/2012, turning off overlay
        self.sessconfig['overlay'] = 0
        self.sessconfig['crawler'] = 0
        # Create dir for session state, if not exist    
        state_dir = self.sessconfig['state_dir']
        if state_dir is None:
            state_dir = Session.get_default_state_dir()
            self.sessconfig['state_dir'] = state_dir
        if not os.path.isdir(state_dir):

        collected_torrent_dir = self.sessconfig['torrent_collecting_dir']
        if not collected_torrent_dir:
            collected_torrent_dir = os.path.join(self.sessconfig['state_dir'], STATEDIR_TORRENTCOLL_DIR)
            self.sessconfig['torrent_collecting_dir'] = collected_torrent_dir
        collected_subtitles_dir = self.sessconfig.get('subtitles_collecting_dir',None)
        if not collected_subtitles_dir:
            collected_subtitles_dir = os.path.join(self.sessconfig['state_dir'], STATEDIR_SUBSCOLL_DIR)
            self.sessconfig['subtitles_collecting_dir'] = collected_subtitles_dir
        if not os.path.exists(collected_torrent_dir):
        if not self.sessconfig['peer_icon_path']:
            self.sessconfig['peer_icon_path'] = os.path.join(self.sessconfig['state_dir'], STATEDIR_PEERICON_DIR)
        # PERHAPS: load default TorrentDef and DownloadStartupConfig from state dir
        # Let user handle that, he's got default_state_dir, etc.

        # Core init
        #print >>sys.stderr,'Session: __init__ config is', self.sessconfig

        if GOTM2CRYPTO:

            # Set params that depend on state_dir
            # 1. keypair
            pairfilename = os.path.join(self.sessconfig['state_dir'],'ec.pem')
            if self.sessconfig['eckeypairfilename'] is None:
                self.sessconfig['eckeypairfilename'] = pairfilename
            if os.access(self.sessconfig['eckeypairfilename'],os.F_OK):
                # May throw exceptions
                self.keypair = permidmod.read_keypair(self.sessconfig['eckeypairfilename'])
                self.keypair = permidmod.generate_keypair()

                # Save keypair
                pubfilename = os.path.join(self.sessconfig['state_dir'],'ecpub.pem')
        # 2. Downloads persistent state dir
        dlpstatedir = os.path.join(self.sessconfig['state_dir'],STATEDIR_DLPSTATE_DIR)
        if not os.path.isdir(dlpstatedir):
        # 3. tracker
        trackerdir = self.get_internal_tracker_dir()
        if not os.path.exists(trackerdir):

        if self.sessconfig['tracker_dfile'] is None:
            self.sessconfig['tracker_dfile'] = os.path.join(trackerdir,'tracker.db')    

        if self.sessconfig['tracker_allowed_dir'] is None:
            self.sessconfig['tracker_allowed_dir'] = trackerdir    
        if self.sessconfig['tracker_logfile'] is None:
            if sys.platform == "win32":
                # Not "Nul:" but "nul" is /dev/null on Win32
                sink = 'nul'
                sink = '/dev/null'
            self.sessconfig['tracker_logfile'] = sink

        # 4. superpeer.txt and crawler.txt
        if self.sessconfig['superpeer_file'] is None:
            self.sessconfig['superpeer_file'] = os.path.join(self.sessconfig['install_dir'],LIBRARYNAME,'Core','superpeer.txt')
        if 'crawler_file' not in self.sessconfig or self.sessconfig['crawler_file'] is None:
            self.sessconfig['crawler_file'] = os.path.join(self.sessconfig['install_dir'], LIBRARYNAME,'Core','Statistics','crawler.txt')

        # 5. peer_icon_path
        if self.sessconfig['peer_icon_path'] is None:
            self.sessconfig['peer_icon_path'] = os.path.join(self.sessconfig['state_dir'],STATEDIR_PEERICON_DIR)
            if not os.path.isdir(self.sessconfig['peer_icon_path']):

        # 6. Poor man's versioning of SessionConfig, add missing
        # default values. Really should use PERSISTENTSTATE_CURRENTVERSION 
        # and do conversions.
        for key,defvalue in sessdefaults.iteritems():
            if key not in self.sessconfig:
                self.sessconfig[key] = defvalue

        # 7. proxyservice_dir
        if self.sessconfig['overlay']: #NIELS: proxyservice_on/off is set at runtime, always make sure proxyservice_ and self.sessconfig['proxyservice_status'] == PROXYSERVICE_ON:
            if self.sessconfig['proxyservice_dir'] is None:
                self.sessconfig['proxyservice_dir'] = os.path.join(get_default_dest_dir(), PROXYSERVICE_DESTDIR)
            # Jelle: under linux, default_dest_dir can be /tmp. Then proxyservice_dir can be deleted in between
            # sessions.
            if not os.path.isdir(self.sessconfig['proxyservice_dir']):

        if not 'live_aux_seeders' in self.sessconfig:
            # Poor man's versioning, really should update PERSISTENTSTATE_CURRENTVERSION
            self.sessconfig['live_aux_seeders'] = sessdefaults['live_aux_seeders']

        if not 'nat_detect' in self.sessconfig:
            self.sessconfig['nat_detect'] = sessdefaults['nat_detect']
        if not 'puncturing_internal_port' in self.sessconfig:
            self.sessconfig['puncturing_internal_port'] = sessdefaults['puncturing_internal_port']
        if not 'stun_servers' in self.sessconfig:
            self.sessconfig['stun_servers'] = sessdefaults['stun_servers']
        if not 'pingback_servers' in self.sessconfig:
            self.sessconfig['pingback_servers'] = sessdefaults['pingback_servers']
        if not 'mainline_dht' in self.sessconfig:
            self.sessconfig['mainline_dht'] = sessdefaults['mainline_dht']

        # SWIFTPROC
        if self.sessconfig['swiftpath'] is None:
            if sys.platform == "win32":
                self.sessconfig['swiftpath'] = os.path.join(self.sessconfig['install_dir'],"swift.exe")
                self.sessconfig['swiftpath'] = os.path.join(self.sessconfig['install_dir'],"swift")

        # Checkpoint startup config

        # Create handler for calling back the user via separate threads
        self.uch = UserCallbackHandler(self)

        # Create engine with network thread
        self.lm = TriblerLaunchMany()
예제 #3
    def __init__(self,scfg=None,ignore_singleton=False):
        A Session object is created which is configured following a copy of the
        SessionStartupConfig scfg. (copy constructor used internally)
        @param scfg SessionStartupConfig object or None, in which case we
        look for a saved session in the default location (state dir). If
        we can't find it, we create a new SessionStartupConfig() object to 
        serve as startup config. Next, the config is saved in the directory
        indicated by its 'state_dir' attribute.
        In the current implementation only a single session instance can exist
        at a time in a process. The ignore_singleton flag is used for testing.
        if not ignore_singleton:
            if Session.__single:
                raise RuntimeError, "Session is singleton"
            Session.__single = self
        self.sesslock = RLock()

        # Determine startup config to use
        if scfg is None: # If no override
                # Then try to read from default location
                state_dir = Session.get_default_state_dir()
                cfgfilename = Session.get_default_config_filename(state_dir)
                scfg = SessionStartupConfig.load(cfgfilename)
                # If that fails, create a fresh config with factory defaults
                scfg = SessionStartupConfig()
            self.sessconfig = scfg.sessconfig
        else: # overrides any saved config
            # Work from copy
            self.sessconfig = copy.copy(scfg.sessconfig)
        # Create dir for session state, if not exist    
        state_dir = self.sessconfig['state_dir']
        if state_dir is None:
            state_dir = Session.get_default_state_dir()
            self.sessconfig['state_dir'] = state_dir
        if not os.path.isdir(state_dir):

        collected_torrent_dir = self.sessconfig['torrent_collecting_dir']
        if not collected_torrent_dir:
            collected_torrent_dir = os.path.join(self.sessconfig['state_dir'], STATEDIR_TORRENTCOLL_DIR)
            self.sessconfig['torrent_collecting_dir'] = collected_torrent_dir
        if not os.path.exists(collected_torrent_dir):
        if not self.sessconfig['peer_icon_path']:
            self.sessconfig['peer_icon_path'] = os.path.join(self.sessconfig['state_dir'], STATEDIR_PEERICON_DIR)
        # PERHAPS: load default TorrentDef and DownloadStartupConfig from state dir
        # Let user handle that, he's got default_state_dir, etc.

        # Core init
        #print >>sys.stderr,time.asctime(),'-', 'Session: __init__ config is', self.sessconfig

        if GOTM2CRYPTO:

            # Set params that depend on state_dir
            # 1. keypair
            pairfilename = os.path.join(self.sessconfig['state_dir'],'ec.pem')
            if self.sessconfig['eckeypairfilename'] is None:
                self.sessconfig['eckeypairfilename'] = pairfilename
            if os.access(self.sessconfig['eckeypairfilename'],os.F_OK):
                # May throw exceptions
                self.keypair = permidmod.read_keypair(self.sessconfig['eckeypairfilename'])
                self.keypair = permidmod.generate_keypair()

                # Save keypair
                pubfilename = os.path.join(self.sessconfig['state_dir'],'ecpub.pem')
        # 2. Downloads persistent state dir
        dlpstatedir = os.path.join(self.sessconfig['state_dir'],STATEDIR_DLPSTATE_DIR)
        if not os.path.isdir(dlpstatedir):
        # 3. tracker
        trackerdir = self.get_internal_tracker_dir()
        if not os.path.isdir(trackerdir):

        if self.sessconfig['tracker_dfile'] is None:
            self.sessconfig['tracker_dfile'] = os.path.join(trackerdir,'tracker.db')    

        if self.sessconfig['tracker_allowed_dir'] is None:
            self.sessconfig['tracker_allowed_dir'] = trackerdir    
        if self.sessconfig['tracker_logfile'] is None:
            if sys.platform == "win32":
                # Not "Nul:" but "nul" is /dev/null on Win32
                sink = 'nul'
                sink = '/dev/null'
            self.sessconfig['tracker_logfile'] = sink

        # 4. superpeer.txt and crawler.txt
        if self.sessconfig['superpeer_file'] is None:
            self.sessconfig['superpeer_file'] = os.path.join(self.sessconfig['install_dir'],LIBRARYNAME,'Core','superpeer.txt')
        if 'crawler_file' not in self.sessconfig or self.sessconfig['crawler_file'] is None:
            self.sessconfig['crawler_file'] = os.path.join(self.sessconfig['install_dir'], LIBRARYNAME,'Core','Statistics','crawler.txt')

        # 5. download_help_dir
        if self.sessconfig['overlay'] and self.sessconfig['download_help']:
            if self.sessconfig['download_help_dir'] is None:
                self.sessconfig['download_help_dir'] = os.path.join(get_default_dest_dir(),DESTDIR_COOPDOWNLOAD)
            # Jelle: under linux, default_dest_dir can be /tmp. Then download_help_dir can be deleted inbetween
            # sessions.
            if not os.path.isdir(self.sessconfig['download_help_dir']):

        # 6. peer_icon_path
        if self.sessconfig['peer_icon_path'] is None:
            self.sessconfig['peer_icon_path'] = os.path.join(self.sessconfig['state_dir'],STATEDIR_PEERICON_DIR)
            if not os.path.isdir(self.sessconfig['peer_icon_path']):

        # 7. Poor man's versioning of SessionConfig, add missing
        # default values. Really should use PERSISTENTSTATE_CURRENTVERSION 
        # and do conversions.
        for key,defvalue in sessdefaults.iteritems():
            if key not in self.sessconfig:
                self.sessconfig[key] = defvalue

        if not 'live_aux_seeders' in self.sessconfig:
            # Poor man's versioning, really should update PERSISTENTSTATE_CURRENTVERSION
            self.sessconfig['live_aux_seeders'] = sessdefaults['live_aux_seeders']

        if not 'nat_detect' in self.sessconfig:
            self.sessconfig['nat_detect'] = sessdefaults['nat_detect']
        if not 'puncturing_internal_port' in self.sessconfig:
            self.sessconfig['puncturing_internal_port'] = sessdefaults['puncturing_internal_port']
        if not 'stun_servers' in self.sessconfig:
            self.sessconfig['stun_servers'] = sessdefaults['stun_servers']
        if not 'pingback_servers' in self.sessconfig:
            self.sessconfig['pingback_servers'] = sessdefaults['pingback_servers']
        if not 'mainline_dht' in self.sessconfig:
            self.sessconfig['mainline_dht'] = sessdefaults['mainline_dht']
        # Checkpoint startup config

        # Create handler for calling back the user via separate threads
        self.uch = UserCallbackHandler(self)

        # Create engine with network thread
        self.lm = TriblerLaunchMany()
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, scfg=None, ignore_singleton=False):
        A Session object is created which is configured following a copy of the
        SessionStartupConfig scfg. (copy constructor used internally)

        @param scfg SessionStartupConfig object or None, in which case we
        look for a saved session in the default location (state dir). If
        we can't find it, we create a new SessionStartupConfig() object to
        serve as startup config. Next, the config is saved in the directory
        indicated by its 'state_dir' attribute.

        In the current implementation only a single session instance can exist
        at a time in a process. The ignore_singleton flag is used for testing.

        if not ignore_singleton:
            if Session.__single:
                raise RuntimeError, "Session is singleton"
            Session.__single = self

        self.sesslock = NoDispersyRLock()

        # Determine startup config to use
        if scfg is None:  # If no override
                # Then try to read from default location
                state_dir = Session.get_default_state_dir()
                cfgfilename = Session.get_default_config_filename(state_dir)
                scfg = SessionStartupConfig.load(cfgfilename)
                # If that fails, create a fresh config with factory defaults
                scfg = SessionStartupConfig()
            self.sessconfig = scfg.sessconfig
        else:  # overrides any saved config
            # Work from copy
            self.sessconfig = copy.copy(scfg.sessconfig)

        # Niels: 11/05/2012, turning off overlay
        self.sessconfig["overlay"] = 0
        self.sessconfig["crawler"] = 0

        # Create dir for session state, if not exist
        state_dir = self.sessconfig["state_dir"]
        if state_dir is None:
            state_dir = Session.get_default_state_dir()
            self.sessconfig["state_dir"] = state_dir

        if not os.path.isdir(state_dir):

        collected_torrent_dir = self.sessconfig["torrent_collecting_dir"]
        if not collected_torrent_dir:
            collected_torrent_dir = os.path.join(self.sessconfig["state_dir"], STATEDIR_TORRENTCOLL_DIR)
            self.sessconfig["torrent_collecting_dir"] = collected_torrent_dir

        collected_subtitles_dir = self.sessconfig.get("subtitles_collecting_dir", None)
        if not collected_subtitles_dir:
            collected_subtitles_dir = os.path.join(self.sessconfig["state_dir"], STATEDIR_SUBSCOLL_DIR)
            self.sessconfig["subtitles_collecting_dir"] = collected_subtitles_dir

        if not os.path.exists(collected_torrent_dir):

        if not self.sessconfig["peer_icon_path"]:
            self.sessconfig["peer_icon_path"] = os.path.join(self.sessconfig["state_dir"], STATEDIR_PEERICON_DIR)

        # PERHAPS: load default TorrentDef and DownloadStartupConfig from state dir
        # Let user handle that, he's got default_state_dir, etc.

        # Core init
        # print >>sys.stderr,'Session: __init__ config is', self.sessconfig

        if GOTM2CRYPTO:

            # Set params that depend on state_dir
            # 1. keypair
            pairfilename = os.path.join(self.sessconfig["state_dir"], "ec.pem")
            if self.sessconfig["eckeypairfilename"] is None:
                self.sessconfig["eckeypairfilename"] = pairfilename

            if os.access(self.sessconfig["eckeypairfilename"], os.F_OK):
                # May throw exceptions
                self.keypair = permidmod.read_keypair(self.sessconfig["eckeypairfilename"])
                self.keypair = permidmod.generate_keypair()

                # Save keypair
                pubfilename = os.path.join(self.sessconfig["state_dir"], "ecpub.pem")
                permidmod.save_keypair(self.keypair, pairfilename)
                permidmod.save_pub_key(self.keypair, pubfilename)

        # 2. Downloads persistent state dir
        dlpstatedir = os.path.join(self.sessconfig["state_dir"], STATEDIR_DLPSTATE_DIR)
        if not os.path.isdir(dlpstatedir):

        # 3. tracker
        trackerdir = self.get_internal_tracker_dir()
        if not os.path.exists(trackerdir):

        if self.sessconfig["tracker_dfile"] is None:
            self.sessconfig["tracker_dfile"] = os.path.join(trackerdir, "tracker.db")

        if self.sessconfig["tracker_allowed_dir"] is None:
            self.sessconfig["tracker_allowed_dir"] = trackerdir

        if self.sessconfig["tracker_logfile"] is None:
            if sys.platform == "win32":
                # Not "Nul:" but "nul" is /dev/null on Win32
                sink = "nul"
                sink = "/dev/null"
            self.sessconfig["tracker_logfile"] = sink

        # 5. peer_icon_path
        if self.sessconfig["peer_icon_path"] is None:
            self.sessconfig["peer_icon_path"] = os.path.join(self.sessconfig["state_dir"], STATEDIR_PEERICON_DIR)
            if not os.path.isdir(self.sessconfig["peer_icon_path"]):

        # 6. Poor man's versioning of SessionConfig, add missing
        # default values. Really should use PERSISTENTSTATE_CURRENTVERSION
        # and do conversions.
        for key, defvalue in sessdefaults.iteritems():
            if key not in self.sessconfig:
                self.sessconfig[key] = defvalue

        if not "live_aux_seeders" in self.sessconfig:
            # Poor man's versioning, really should update PERSISTENTSTATE_CURRENTVERSION
            self.sessconfig["live_aux_seeders"] = sessdefaults["live_aux_seeders"]

        if not "nat_detect" in self.sessconfig:
            self.sessconfig["nat_detect"] = sessdefaults["nat_detect"]
        if not "puncturing_internal_port" in self.sessconfig:
            self.sessconfig["puncturing_internal_port"] = sessdefaults["puncturing_internal_port"]
        if not "stun_servers" in self.sessconfig:
            self.sessconfig["stun_servers"] = sessdefaults["stun_servers"]
        if not "pingback_servers" in self.sessconfig:
            self.sessconfig["pingback_servers"] = sessdefaults["pingback_servers"]
        if not "mainline_dht" in self.sessconfig:
            self.sessconfig["mainline_dht"] = sessdefaults["mainline_dht"]

        # SWIFTPROC
        if self.sessconfig["swiftpath"] is None:
            if sys.platform == "win32":
                self.sessconfig["swiftpath"] = os.path.join(self.sessconfig["install_dir"], "swift.exe")
                self.sessconfig["swiftpath"] = os.path.join(self.sessconfig["install_dir"], "swift")

        # Checkpoint startup config

        # Create handler for calling back the user via separate threads
        self.uch = UserCallbackHandler(self)

        # Create engine with network thread
        self.lm = TriblerLaunchMany()
        self.lm.register(self, self.sesslock)
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, sessconfig=None):
        """ Constructor.
        @param sessconfig Optional dictionary used internally
        to make this a copy constructor.
        self._logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)

        self.selected_ports = {}
        self.sessconfig = sessconfig or CallbackConfigParser()

        # Poor man's versioning of SessionConfig, add missing default values.
        for section, sect_dict in sessdefaults.iteritems():
            if not self.sessconfig.has_section(section):
            for k, v in sect_dict.iteritems():
                if not self.sessconfig.has_option(section, k):
                    self.sessconfig.set(section, k, v)

        if not sessconfig:

        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            # TODO(emilon): This is to work around the case where windows has
            # non-ASCI chars on %PATH% contents. Should be removed if we migrate to
            # python 3.
            from Tribler.Main.hacks import get_environment_variable
            path_env = get_environment_variable(u"PATH")
        elif is_android():
            path_env = unicode(os.environ["PYTHONPATH"])
            path_env = os.environ["PATH"]

        # Set video_analyser_path
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            ffmpegname = u"ffmpeg.exe"
        elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
            ffmpegname = u"ffmpeg"
        elif find_executable("avconv", path_env):
            ffmpegname = u"avconv"
            ffmpegname = u"ffmpeg"

        ffmpegpath = find_executable(ffmpegname, path_env)

        if ffmpegpath is None:
            if sys.platform == 'darwin':
                self.sessconfig.set(u'general', u'videoanalyserpath',
                self.sessconfig.set(u'general', u'videoanalyserpath',
            self.sessconfig.set(u'general', u'videoanalyserpath',

        # Set videoplayer path
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            videoplayerpath = os.path.expandvars(
                '${PROGRAMFILES}') + '\\Windows Media Player\\wmplayer.exe'
        elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
            videoplayerpath = find_executable("vlc") or (
                if os.path.exists("/Applications/VLC.app") else
                None) or "/Applications/QuickTime Player.app"
            videoplayerpath = find_executable("vlc") or "vlc"

        self.sessconfig.set(u'video', u'path', videoplayerpath)

        self.sessconfig.set(u'general', u'ipv6_binds_v4',
예제 #6
    def __init__(self, scfg=None, ignore_singleton=False):
        A Session object is created which is configured following a copy of the
        SessionStartupConfig scfg. (copy constructor used internally)

        @param scfg SessionStartupConfig object or None, in which case we
        look for a saved session in the default location (state dir). If
        we can't find it, we create a new SessionStartupConfig() object to
        serve as startup config. Next, the config is saved in the directory
        indicated by its 'state_dir' attribute.

        In the current implementation only a single session instance can exist
        at a time in a process. The ignore_singleton flag is used for testing.
        if not ignore_singleton:
            if Session.__single:
                raise RuntimeError("Session is singleton")
            Session.__single = self

        self.ignore_singleton = ignore_singleton
        self.sesslock = NoDispersyRLock()

        # Determine startup config to use
        if scfg is None:  # If no override
                # Then try to read from default location
                state_dir = Session.get_default_state_dir()
                cfgfilename = Session.get_default_config_filename(state_dir)
                scfg = SessionStartupConfig.load(cfgfilename)
                # If that fails, create a fresh config with factory defaults
                scfg = SessionStartupConfig()
            self.sessconfig = scfg.sessconfig
        else:  # overrides any saved config
            # Work from copy
            self.sessconfig = copy.copy(scfg.sessconfig)

        def create_dir(fullpath):
            if not os.path.isdir(fullpath):

        def set_and_create_dir(config, name, default_dir):
            dirname = config.get(name, None)
            if dirname is None:
                config[name] = default_dir


        set_and_create_dir(self.sessconfig, 'state_dir', Session.get_default_state_dir())
        set_and_create_dir(self.sessconfig, 'torrent_collecting_dir', os.path.join(self.sessconfig['state_dir'], STATEDIR_TORRENTCOLL_DIR))
        set_and_create_dir(self.sessconfig, 'swiftmetadir', os.path.join(self.sessconfig['state_dir'], STATEDIR_SWIFTRESEED_DIR))
        set_and_create_dir(self.sessconfig, 'peer_icon_path', os.path.join(self.sessconfig['state_dir'], STATEDIR_PEERICON_DIR))

        create_dir(os.path.join(self.sessconfig['state_dir'], STATEDIR_DLPSTATE_DIR))

        # Poor man's versioning of SessionConfig, add missing
        # default values. Really should use PERSISTENTSTATE_CURRENTVERSION
        # and do conversions.
        for key, defvalue in sessdefaults.iteritems():
            if key not in self.sessconfig:
                self.sessconfig[key] = defvalue

        if self.sessconfig['nickname'] == '__default_name__':
            self.sessconfig['nickname'] = socket.gethostname()

        # SWIFTPROC
        if self.sessconfig['swiftpath'] is None:
            if sys.platform == "win32":
                self.sessconfig['swiftpath'] = os.path.join(self.sessconfig['install_dir'], "swift.exe")
                self.sessconfig['swiftpath'] = os.path.join(self.sessconfig['install_dir'], "swift")

        if GOTM2CRYPTO:
            # Set params that depend on state_dir
            # 1. keypair
            pairfilename = os.path.join(self.sessconfig['state_dir'], 'ec.pem')
            if self.sessconfig['eckeypairfilename'] is None:
                self.sessconfig['eckeypairfilename'] = pairfilename

            if os.access(self.sessconfig['eckeypairfilename'], os.F_OK):
                # May throw exceptions
                self.keypair = permidmod.read_keypair(self.sessconfig['eckeypairfilename'])
                self.keypair = permidmod.generate_keypair()

                # Save keypair
                pubfilename = os.path.join(self.sessconfig['state_dir'], 'ecpub.pem')
                permidmod.save_keypair(self.keypair, pairfilename)
                permidmod.save_pub_key(self.keypair, pubfilename)

        # Checkpoint startup config
예제 #7
    def __init__(self, sessconfig=None):
        """ Constructor.
        @param sessconfig Optional dictionary used internally
        to make this a copy constructor.
        self._logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)

        self.selected_ports = {}
        self.sessconfig = sessconfig or CallbackConfigParser()

        # Poor man's versioning of SessionConfig, add missing default values.
        for section, sect_dict in sessdefaults.iteritems():
            if not self.sessconfig.has_section(section):
            for k, v in sect_dict.iteritems():
                if not self.sessconfig.has_option(section, k):
                    self.sessconfig.set(section, k, v)

        if not sessconfig:

        # Set video_analyser_path
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            ffmpegname = u"ffmpeg.exe"
        elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
            ffmpegname = u"ffmpeg"
        elif find_executable("avconv"):
            ffmpegname = u"avconv"
            ffmpegname = u"ffmpeg"

        ffmpegpath = find_executable(ffmpegname)
        if ffmpegpath is None:
            if sys.platform == 'darwin':
                self.sessconfig.set(u'general', u'videoanalyserpath',
            elif is_android(strict=True):
                    u'general', u'videoanalyserpath',
                    os.path.join(os.environ['ANDROID_PRIVATE'], 'ffmpeg'))
                self.sessconfig.set(u'general', u'videoanalyserpath',
            self.sessconfig.set(u'general', u'videoanalyserpath', ffmpegpath)

        # Set videoplayer path
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            videoplayerpath = os.path.expandvars(
                '${PROGRAMFILES}') + '\\Windows Media Player\\wmplayer.exe'
        elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
            videoplayerpath = find_executable("vlc") or (
                if os.path.exists("/Applications/VLC.app") else
                None) or "/Applications/QuickTime Player.app"
            videoplayerpath = find_executable("vlc") or "vlc"

        self.sessconfig.set(u'video', u'path', videoplayerpath)

        self.sessconfig.set(u'general', u'ipv6_binds_v4',