예제 #1
# activate the print InDetXYZAlgorithm statements
InDetFlags.doPrintConfigurables = True

# IMPORTANT NOTE: initialization of the flags and locking them is done in InDetRec_jobOptions.py!
# This way RecExCommon just needs to import the properties without doing anything else!
# DO NOT SET JOBPROPERTIES AFTER THIS LINE! The change will be ignored!

# FTK algorithm inclusions
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
from TrigFTKSim.TrigFTKSimConf import FTKRoadFinderAlgo, FTKTrackFitterAlgo, FTK_SGHitInput, FTKDetectorTool

print "Add FTK_SGHitInput tool"
FTKSGHit = FTK_SGHitInput()
ToolSvc += FTKSGHit
print "Add FTKDetector tool"
FTKDet = FTKDetectorTool()
FTKDet.doBadModuleMap = True  # True to produce or False to read an existing one
FTKDet.BadSSMapPath = "../config/bad_modules/badSSmap.bmap"
FTKDet.FTK_BadModuleMapPath = "../config/bad_modules/badModulemap_FTK.bmap"
FTKDet.ATLAS_BadModuleMapPath = "../config/bad_modules/badModulemap_ATLAS.bmap"
ToolSvc += FTKDet

FTKRoadFinder = FTKRoadFinderAlgo("FTKRoadFinderAlgo", OutputLevel=INFO)
FTKRoadFinder.NBanks = 8
FTKRoadFinder.pmap_path = "../config/map_file/raw_7L.pmap"
FTKRoadFinder.pmapunused_path = "../config/map_file/raw_7L_unused.pmap"
FTKRoadFinder.rmap_path = "../config/map_file/raw_7L.rmap"
FTKRoadFinder.ssmap_path = "../config/ss_file/raw_24x20x36.ss"
예제 #2
pmap_path = findFile(os.environ['DATAPATH'],
print "Using PMAP:", pmap_path
rmap_path = findFile(os.environ['DATAPATH'],
print "Using RMAP:", rmap_path

from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
theJob = AlgSequence()

from FastTrackSimWrap.FastTrackSimWrapConf import FTKRegionalWrapper
if hasattr(runArgs, "outputNTUP_FTKIPFile"):
    OutputNTUP_FTKIPFile = runArgs.outputNTUP_FTKIPFile
    OutputNTUP_FTKIPFile = "ftksim_8Reg_wrap.root"

from TrigFTKSim.TrigFTKSimConf import FTK_SGHitInput
FTKSGInput = FTK_SGHitInput()
FTKSGInput.ReadTruthTracks = True
ToolSvc += FTKSGInput

print "Output file", OutputNTUP_FTKIPFile

theJob += FTKRegionalWrapper(OutputLevel=DEBUG,

print theJob
예제 #3
print "Using RMAP:", rmap_path

from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
theJob = AlgSequence()

from FastTrackSimWrap.FastTrackSimWrapConf import FTKRegionalWrapper
if hasattr(runArgs, "outputNTUP_FTKIPFile"):
    OutputNTUP_FTKIPFile = runArgs.outputNTUP_FTKIPFile
    OutputNTUP_FTKIPFile = "ftksim_32Towers_wrap.root"

from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc

from TrigFTKSim.TrigFTKSimConf import FTK_SGHitInput
FTKSGInput = FTK_SGHitInput(maxEta=3.2, minPt=0.8 * GeV)
FTKSGInput.OutputLevel = DEBUG
FTKSGInput.ReadTruthTracks = True

ToolSvc += FTKSGInput

print "Output file", OutputNTUP_FTKIPFile
wrapper = FTKRegionalWrapper(OutputLevel=DEBUG,
wrapper.IBLMode = 2
wrapper.FixEndcapL0 = False
wrapper.HitInputTool = FTKSGInput
theJob += wrapper
예제 #4
print "Using PMAP:", pmap_path
print "Using RMAP:", rmap_path

from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
theJob = AlgSequence()

from FastTrackSimWrap.FastTrackSimWrapConf import FTKRegionalWrapper
if hasattr(runArgs,"outputNTUP_FTKIPFile") :
    OutputNTUP_FTKIPFile = runArgs.outputNTUP_FTKIPFile
else :
    OutputNTUP_FTKIPFile = "ftksim_ITk_wrap.root"

from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc

from TrigFTKSim.TrigFTKSimConf import FTK_SGHitInput
FTKSGInput = FTK_SGHitInput(maxEta=3.0, minPt=4*GeV)
FTKSGInput.OutputLevel = DEBUG
FTKSGInput.ReadTruthTracks = True
FTKSGInput.DoOutFileRawHits = True

ToolSvc += FTKSGInput

print "Output file", OutputNTUP_FTKIPFile
wrapper = FTKRegionalWrapper(OutputLevel = DEBUG,
                             PMapPath = pmap_path,
                             RMapPath = rmap_path,
                             OutFileName = OutputNTUP_FTKIPFile)
wrapper.IBLMode = 0
wrapper.ITkMode = True
wrapper.HitInputTool = FTKSGInput
theJob += wrapper