def test_get_action(self):
     player = NNPolicy()
     input = np.zeros((1, fe.get_feature_dim(player.features), 2 * gm.START_HANDS))
     game = gm.GameState()
     while(not game.is_end_of_game()): 
         (card, move) = player.get_action(game)
         self.assertTrue(card.position == (-1, -1) and card.owner == game.current_player)
         self.assertTrue(game.board[Helper.tuple2idx(game.board_size, *move)] is None)
         game.play_round(card, *move)
예제 #2
 def test_run_single_game(self):
     game = gm.GameState()
     (states, cards, moves) = su.simulate_single_game(, game)
     self.assertTrue(np.array(states).shape == (gm.BOARD_SIZE **2, fe.get_feature_dim(), gm.START_HANDS * 2))
     self.assertTrue(np.array(cards).shape == (gm.BOARD_SIZE **2, gm.START_HANDS * 2))
     self.assertTrue(np.array(moves).shape == (gm.BOARD_SIZE **2, gm.BOARD_SIZE **2))
     sum_cards = np.sum(np.array(cards), 0)
     sum_moves = np.sum(np.array(moves), 0)
     self.assertTrue( np.all( sum_cards <= 1) )
     self.assertTrue( np.all( sum_moves == 1) )
예제 #3
    def test_game_start(self):
        game = gm.GameState()
        self.assertTrue(fe.get_feature_dim() == 16)
        features = fe.state2feature(game)
        self.assertTrue(features.shape[0] == 1)
        self.assertTrue(features.shape[1] == 16)
        self.assertTrue(features.shape[2] == 2 * gm.START_HANDS)

        # At the beginning all the cards are in the hands
        self.assertTrue((np.sum(features[0, 4:14, :],
                                axis=1) == [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        # At the beginning all the cards are equally owner by both players
        self.assertTrue(np.sum(features[0, 14, :]) == gm.START_HANDS)
        # The current player should either be 1 for all the cards, or 0 for all the cards
        start_player = np.sum(features[0, 15, :])
        self.assertTrue(start_player == features.shape[2] or start_player == 0)
예제 #4
 def create_neural_network(self):
     Draft Network Architecture for testing purpose
     Input: 16x10 size
     Try with 3 hidden layers for now. Each layer has 120 units with a dropout rate at 0.25 and relu as the activation layer
     Use Flatten to map to a one dimension output with size 19 (first 10 maps to the cards to pick, and the last 9 map to the board 
     to drop the card)
     There should be two output layers: one for the card and one for the move
     state_input = Input(shape = (fe.get_feature_dim(self.features), 2 * gm.START_HANDS))
     # Testing for Conv1d layer
     x = SeparableConv1D(self.params["filters"], 5, padding='same', data_format='channels_first', name="Conv_kernal_5")(state_input)
     x = BatchNormalization()(x)
     x = Activation(self.params["activation"])(x)
     x = MaxPooling1D(padding='same')(x)
     for i in range(self.params["conv_layers"]):
         x = SeparableConv1D(self.params["filters"], 3, padding='same', data_format='channels_first', name="Conv1D_{}".format(i+1))(x)
         x = BatchNormalization()(x)
         x = Activation(self.params["activation"])(x)
         x = MaxPooling1D(padding='same')(x)
     x = Flatten()(x)
     for i in range(self.params["dense_layers"]):
         x = Dense(self.params["units"], activation=self.params["activation"], name="Dense_{}".format(i+1))(x)
         if self.params["dropout"] > 0:
             x = Dropout(self.params["dropout"])(x)
     x1 = Bias()(x)
     x2 = Bias()(x)
     card_output = Dense(2 * gm.START_HANDS, activation=self.params["output_activation"], name='card_output')(x1)
     move_output = Dense(gm.BOARD_SIZE ** 2, activation=self.params["output_activation"], name='move_output')(x2)
     network = Model(input=state_input, output=[card_output, move_output])
     return network
예제 #5
    def create_neural_network(self):
        Draft Network Architecture for testing purpose
        Input: 16x10 size

        Try with 3 hidden layers for now. Each layer has 120 units with a dropout rate at 0.25 and relu as the activation layer
        Use Flatten to map to a one dimension output with size 19 (first 10 maps to the cards to pick, and the last 9 map to the board
        to drop the card)

        There should be two output layers: one for the card and one for the move

        state_input = Input(shape=(fe.get_feature_dim(self.features),
                                   2 * gm.START_HANDS))

        # Testing for Conv1d layer

        x = SeparableConv1D(CONV_LAYER_PARAMETERS["filters"],
        x = BatchNormalization()(x)
        x = Activation("relu")(x)
        # x = MaxPooling1D(padding='same')(x)

        for i in range(RESIDUAL_LAYER_PARAMETERS["layer_number"]):
            x = self.residual_layer(x)

        # x = Flatten()(x)

        policy_output = self.policy_head(x)
        value_output = self.value_head(x)
        network = Model(input=state_input,
                        output=[policy_output, value_output])
        self.model = network
예제 #6
 def test_generator(self):
     data_generator = su.state_action_generator(, self.multi_meta)
     for _ in range(1):
         (states, action) = next(data_generator)
         self.assertTrue(states.shape == (self.multi_meta["batch_size"] * (gm.BOARD_SIZE **2), fe.get_feature_dim(), gm.START_HANDS * 2))
         self.assertTrue(action["card_output"].shape == (self.multi_meta["batch_size"] * (gm.BOARD_SIZE **2), gm.START_HANDS * 2 ))
         self.assertTrue(action["move_output"].shape == (self.multi_meta["batch_size"] * (gm.BOARD_SIZE **2), gm.BOARD_SIZE ** 2))