예제 #1
    def __init__(self, reader: ConstBitStreamWrapper):
        StartPos = reader.bytepos
        DataSize = reader.read_uint32()
        DataVersion = reader.read_uint8()

        ElementCount = reader.read_int32()
        self.ChunkList = [FChunkInfo() for _ in range(ElementCount)]
        # For a struct list type of data, we serialise every variable as it's own flat list.
        # This makes it very simple to handle or skip, extra variables added to the struct later.

        # Serialise the ManifestMetaVersion::Original version variables.
        if (DataVersion >= EChunkDataListVersion.Original.value):
            for idx, _ in enumerate(self.ChunkList):
                self.ChunkList[idx].Guid = self.ReadFChunkInfoGuid(reader)

            for idx, _ in enumerate(self.ChunkList):
                self.ChunkList[idx].Hash = ULongToHexHash(reader.read_uint64())

            for idx, _ in enumerate(self.ChunkList):
                self.ChunkList[idx].ShaHash = reader.read_bytes(20)

            for idx, _ in enumerate(self.ChunkList):
                self.ChunkList[idx].GroupNumber = int(reader.read_uint8())

            for idx, _ in enumerate(self.ChunkList):
                self.ChunkList[idx].WindowSize = reader.read_int32()

            for idx, _ in enumerate(self.ChunkList):
                self.ChunkList[idx].FileSize = int(reader.read_uint8())

        # We must always make sure to seek the archive to the correct end location.
        reader.bytepos = StartPos + DataSize
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, reader: ConstBitStreamWrapper):
        StartPos = reader.bytepos
        DataSize = reader.read_uint32()
        DataVersion = reader.read_uint8()

        ElementCount = reader.read_int32()
        self.FileManifest = [FFileManifest() for _ in range(ElementCount)]

        # Serialise the ManifestMetaVersion::Original version variables.
        if (DataVersion >= EFileManifestListVersion.Original.value):
            for idx, _ in enumerate(self.FileManifest):
                self.FileManifest[idx].Filename = reader.read_string()

            for idx, _ in enumerate(self.FileManifest):
                self.FileManifest[idx].SymlinkTarget = reader.read_string()

            for idx, _ in enumerate(self.FileManifest):
                self.FileManifest[idx].FileHash = reader.read_bytes(20)

            for idx, _ in enumerate(self.FileManifest):
                self.FileManifest[idx].FileMetaFlags = reader.read_uint8()

            for idx, _ in enumerate(self.FileManifest):
                self.FileManifest[idx].InstallTags = reader.read_array(

            for idx, _ in enumerate(self.FileManifest):
                self.FileManifest[idx].ChunkParts = self.ReadChunkParts(reader)

        # We must always make sure to seek the archive to the correct end location.
        reader.bytepos = StartPos + DataSize
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, reader: ConstBitStreamWrapper):
        StartPos = reader.bytepos
        DataSize = reader.read_uint32()
        DataVersion = reader.read_uint8()

        ElementCount = reader.read_int32()
        self.CustomFields = {}

        # Serialise the ManifestMetaVersion::Original version variables.
        if (DataVersion >= EChunkDataListVersion.Original.value):
            for _ in range(ElementCount):
                self.CustomFields[reader.read_string()] = None

            for key in self.CustomFields.keys():
                self.CustomFields[key] = reader.read_string()

        # We must always make sure to seek the archive to the correct end location.
        reader.bytepos = StartPos + DataSize
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, reader: ConstBitStreamWrapper, StartPos: int = 0):
        self.Magic = reader.read_uint32()
        # The size of this header.
        self.HeaderSize = reader.read_uint32()
        # The size of this data uncompressed.
        self.DataSizeUncompressed = reader.read_uint32()
        # The size of this data compressed.
        self.DataSizeCompressed = reader.read_uint32()
        # The SHA1 hash for the manifest data that follows.
        self.SHAHash = reader.read_bytes(20)
        # How the chunk data is stored.
        self.StoredAs = reader.read_uint8()

        bSuccess = self.Magic == MANIFEST_HEADER_MAGIC
        ExpectedSerializedBytes = ManifestHeaderVersionSizes[

        # After the Original with no specific version serialized, the header size increased and we had a version to load.
        if (bSuccess and self.HeaderSize >
            # The version of this header and manifest data format, driven by the feature level.
            Version = reader.read_int32()
            self.Version = ([
                e for e in EFeatureLevel.__members__.values()
                if e.value == Version
            ExpectedSerializedBytes = ManifestHeaderVersionSizes[
        elif (bSuccess):
            # Otherwise, this header was at the version for a UObject class before this code refactor.
            self.Version = EFeatureLevel.StoredAsCompressedUClass

        # Make sure the expected number of bytes were serialized. In practice this will catch errors where type
# serialization operators changed their format and that will need investigating.
        bSuccess = bSuccess and (reader.bytepos -
                                 StartPos) == ExpectedSerializedBytes
        if (bSuccess):
            # Make sure the archive now points to data location.
            reader.bytepos = StartPos + self.HeaderSize
            # If we had a serialization error when loading, raise an error
            raise Exception('Failed to read the Manifest Header')
예제 #5
    def __init__(self, reader: ConstBitStreamWrapper):
        # Serialise the data header type values.
        StartPos = reader.bytepos

        DataSize = reader.read_uint32()
        DataVersion = reader.read_uint8()

        # Serialise the ManifestMetaVersion::Original version variables.
        if (DataVersion >= EManifestMetaVersion.Original.value):
            self.FeatureLevelInt = reader.read_uint32()
            # Whether this is a legacy 'nochunks' build.
            self.IsFileData = reader.read_byte() == 1
            # The app id provided at generation.
            self.AppID = reader.read_uint32()
            # The app name string provided at generation.
            self.AppName = reader.read_string()
            # The build version string provided at generation.
            self.BuildVersion = reader.read_string()
            # The file in this manifest designated the application executable of the build.
            self.LaunchExe = reader.read_string()
            # The command line required when launching the application executable.
            self.LaunchCommand = reader.read_string()
            # The set of prerequisite ids for dependencies that this build's prerequisite installer will apply.
            self.PrereqIds = reader.read_array(reader.read_string)
            # A display string for the prerequisite provided at generation.
            self.PrereqName = reader.read_string()
            # The file in this manifest designated the launch executable of the prerequisite installer.
            self.PrereqPath = reader.read_string()
            # The command line required when launching the prerequisite installer.
            self.PrereqArgs = reader.read_string()

        # Serialise the BuildId.
        if (DataVersion >= EManifestMetaVersion.SerialisesBuildId.value):
            self.BuildId = reader.read_string()
        # Otherwise, initialise with backwards compatible default when loading.
            self.BuildId = 'Not added yet'  # self.GetBackwardsCompatibleBuildId()

        # Chunk Sub Dir
        if (self.FeatureLevelInt < EFeatureLevel.DataFileRenames.value):
            self.ChunkSubDir = 'Chunks'
        elif (self.FeatureLevelInt <
            self.ChunkSubDir = 'ChunksV2'
        elif (self.FeatureLevelInt <
            self.ChunkSubDir = 'ChunksV3'
            self.ChunkSubDir = 'ChunksV4'

        # File Sub Dir
        if (self.FeatureLevelInt < EFeatureLevel.DataFileRenames.value):
            self.FileSubDir = 'Files'
        elif (self.FeatureLevelInt <
            self.FileSubDir = 'FilesV2'
            self.FileSubDir = 'FilesV3'

        # We must always make sure to seek the archive to the correct end location.
        reader.bytepos = StartPos + DataSize