def _translateCamera(tx: int, ty: int, tz: int) -> None:
        camera = SpaceMouseTool._scene.getActiveCamera()
        if not camera or not camera.isEnabled():
            Logger.log("d", "No camera available")
        moveVec = Vector(0, 0, 0)
        # Translate camera by tx and tz. We have to reverse x and use z as y
        # in order to achieve the default behavior of the space mouse (c.f.
        # cube example of 3DX). If you prefer it another way change the setting
        # of the 3D mouse
        moveVec = moveVec.set(x=-tx, y=tz)

        # Zoom camera using negated ty. Again you should/can change this
        # behavior for space mouse
        if camera.isPerspective():
            moveVec = moveVec.set(z=-ty)
            camera.translate(SpaceMouseTool._transScale * moveVec)
        else:  # orthographic
            camera.translate(SpaceMouseTool._transScale * moveVec)
            zoomFactor = camera.getZoomFactor(
            ) - SpaceMouseTool._zoomScale * ty
            # clamp to [zoomMin, zoomMax]
            zoomFactor = min(SpaceMouseTool._zoomMax,
                             max(SpaceMouseTool._zoomMin, zoomFactor))
예제 #2
    def test_setValues(self):
        x = 10
        y = 10
        z = 10 
        temp_vector = Vector(x,y,z)
        numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(temp_vector.getData(), numpy.array([x,y,z]))

        temp_vector2 = temp_vector.set(1, 2, 3)
        numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(temp_vector2.getData(), numpy.array([1, 2, 3]))
예제 #3
    def test_setValues(self):
        x = 10
        y = 10
        z = 10 
        temp_vector = Vector(x,y,z)
        numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(temp_vector.getData(), numpy.array([x,y,z]))

        temp_vector2 = temp_vector.set(1, 2, 3)
        numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(temp_vector2.getData(), numpy.array([1, 2, 3]))
예제 #4
    def _onChangeTimerFinished(self):
        if not self._enabled:

        root = self._controller.getScene().getRoot()
        for node in BreadthFirstIterator(root):
            if node is root or type(node) is not SceneNode or node.getBoundingBox() is None:

            bbox = node.getBoundingBox()

            # Ignore intersections with the bottom
            build_volume_bounding_box = self._build_volume.getBoundingBox().set(bottom=-9001)
            node._outside_buildarea = False

            # Mark the node as outside the build volume if the bounding box test fails.
            if build_volume_bounding_box.intersectsBox(bbox) != AxisAlignedBox.IntersectionResult.FullIntersection:
                node._outside_buildarea = True

            # Move it downwards if bottom is above platform
            move_vector = Vector()
            if not (node.getParent() and node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup")): #If an object is grouped, don't move it down
                z_offset = node.callDecoration("getZOffset") if node.getDecorator(ZOffsetDecorator.ZOffsetDecorator) else 0
                if bbox.bottom > 0:
                    move_vector = move_vector.set(y=-bbox.bottom + z_offset)
                elif bbox.bottom < z_offset:
                    move_vector = move_vector.set(y=(-bbox.bottom) - z_offset)

            # If there is no convex hull for the node, start calculating it and continue.
            if not node.getDecorator(ConvexHullDecorator):

            if Preferences.getInstance().getValue("physics/automatic_push_free"):
                # Check for collisions between convex hulls
                for other_node in BreadthFirstIterator(root):
                    # Ignore root, ourselves and anything that is not a normal SceneNode.
                    if other_node is root or type(other_node) is not SceneNode or other_node is node:
                    # Ignore collisions of a group with it's own children
                    if other_node in node.getAllChildren() or node in other_node.getAllChildren():
                    # Ignore collisions within a group
                    if other_node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup") is not None or node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup") is not None:
                    # Ignore nodes that do not have the right properties set.
                    if not other_node.callDecoration("getConvexHull") or not other_node.getBoundingBox():

                    # Get the overlap distance for both convex hulls. If this returns None, there is no intersection.
                    head_hull = node.callDecoration("getConvexHullHead")
                    if head_hull:
                        overlap = head_hull.intersectsPolygon(other_node.callDecoration("getConvexHull"))
                        if not overlap:
                            other_head_hull = other_node.callDecoration("getConvexHullHead")
                            if other_head_hull:
                                overlap = node.callDecoration("getConvexHull").intersectsPolygon(other_head_hull)
                        own_convex_hull = node.callDecoration("getConvexHull")
                        other_convex_hull = other_node.callDecoration("getConvexHull")
                        if own_convex_hull and other_convex_hull:
                            overlap = own_convex_hull.intersectsPolygon(other_convex_hull)
                            # This can happen in some cases if the object is not yet done with being loaded.
                            #  Simply waiting for the next tick seems to resolve this correctly.
                            overlap = None

                    if overlap is None:
                    move_vector = move_vector.set(x=overlap[0] * 1.1, z=overlap[1] * 1.1)
            convex_hull = node.callDecoration("getConvexHull")
            if convex_hull:
                if not convex_hull.isValid():
                # Check for collisions between disallowed areas and the object
                for area in self._build_volume.getDisallowedAreas():
                    overlap = convex_hull.intersectsPolygon(area)
                    if overlap is None:

                    node._outside_buildarea = True

            if not Vector.Null.equals(move_vector, epsilon=1e-5):
                op = PlatformPhysicsOperation.PlatformPhysicsOperation(node, move_vector)
예제 #5
파일: 프로젝트: wjj11/Uranium
    def event(self, event):
        """Handle mouse and keyboard events

        :param event: type(Event)


        if event.type == Event.ToolActivateEvent:
            for node in self._getSelectedObjectsWithoutSelectedAncestors():

        if event.type == Event.ToolDeactivateEvent:
            for node in self._getSelectedObjectsWithoutSelectedAncestors():

        # Handle modifier keys: Shift toggles snap, Control toggles uniform scaling
        if event.type == Event.KeyPressEvent:
            if event.key == KeyEvent.ShiftKey:
                self.setScaleSnap(not self._snap_scale)

            elif event.key == KeyEvent.ControlKey:
                self.setNonUniformScale(not self._non_uniform_scale)

        if event.type == Event.KeyReleaseEvent:
            if event.key == KeyEvent.ShiftKey:
                self.setScaleSnap(not self._snap_scale)

            elif event.key == KeyEvent.ControlKey:
                self.setNonUniformScale(not self._non_uniform_scale)

        if event.type == Event.MousePressEvent and self._controller.getToolsEnabled(
            # Initialise a scale operation
            if MouseEvent.LeftButton not in event.buttons:
                return False

            id = self._selection_pass.getIdAtPosition(event.x, event.y)
            if not id:
                return False

            if self._handle.isAxis(id):
            self._saved_handle_position = self._handle.getWorldPosition()

            # Save the current positions of the node, as we want to scale arround their current centres
            self._saved_node_positions = []
            for node in self._getSelectedObjectsWithoutSelectedAncestors():
                self._saved_node_positions.append((node, node.getPosition()))

            self._scale_sum = 0.0
            self._last_event = event

            if id == ToolHandle.XAxis:
                    Plane(Vector(0, 0, 1), self._saved_handle_position.z))
            elif id == ToolHandle.YAxis:
                    Plane(Vector(0, 0, 1), self._saved_handle_position.z))
            elif id == ToolHandle.ZAxis:
                    Plane(Vector(0, 1, 0), self._saved_handle_position.y))
                    Plane(Vector(0, 1, 0), self._saved_handle_position.y))

            self.setDragStart(event.x, event.y)
            return True

        if event.type == Event.MouseMoveEvent:
            # Perform a scale operation
            if not self.getDragPlane():
                return False

            drag_position = self.getDragPosition(event.x, event.y)
            if drag_position:
                if self.getLockedAxis() == ToolHandle.XAxis:
                    drag_position = drag_position.set(y=0, z=0)
                elif self.getLockedAxis() == ToolHandle.YAxis:
                    drag_position = drag_position.set(x=0, z=0)
                elif self.getLockedAxis() == ToolHandle.ZAxis:
                    drag_position = drag_position.set(x=0, y=0)

                drag_length = (drag_position -
                if self._drag_length > 0:
                    drag_change = (drag_length -
                                   self._drag_length) / 100 * self._scale_speed
                    if self.getLockedAxis() in [
                            ToolHandle.XAxis, ToolHandle.YAxis,
                        # drag the handle, axis is already determined
                        if self._snap_scale:
                            scale_factor = round(drag_change, 1)
                            scale_factor = drag_change
                        # uniform scaling; because we use central cube, we use the screen x, y for scaling.
                        # upper right is scale up, lower left is scale down
                        scale_factor_delta = (
                            (self._last_event.y - event.y) -
                            (self._last_event.x - event.x)) * self._scale_speed
                        self._scale_sum += scale_factor_delta
                        if self._snap_scale:
                            scale_factor = round(self._scale_sum, 1)
                            # remember the decimals when snap scaling
                            self._scale_sum -= scale_factor
                            scale_factor = self._scale_sum
                            self._scale_sum = 0.0
                    if scale_factor:
                        scale_change = Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
                        if self._non_uniform_scale:
                            if self.getLockedAxis() == ToolHandle.XAxis:
                                scale_change = scale_change.set(x=scale_factor)
                            elif self.getLockedAxis() == ToolHandle.YAxis:
                                scale_change = scale_change.set(y=scale_factor)
                            elif self.getLockedAxis() == ToolHandle.ZAxis:
                                scale_change = scale_change.set(z=scale_factor)
                                # Middle handle
                                scale_change = scale_change.set(x=scale_factor,
                            scale_change = scale_change.set(x=scale_factor,

                        # Scale around the saved centers of all selected nodes
                        if len(self._saved_node_positions) > 1:
                            op = GroupedOperation()
                            for node, position in self._saved_node_positions:
                            for node, position in self._saved_node_positions:
                        self._drag_length = (self._saved_handle_position -
                    self._drag_length = (
                        self._saved_handle_position - drag_position
                    ).length()  #First move, do nothing but set right length.
                self._last_event = event  # remember for uniform drag
                return True

        if event.type == Event.MouseReleaseEvent:
            # Finish a scale operation
            if self.getDragPlane():
                self._drag_length = 0
                return True
예제 #6
    def _onChangeTimerFinished(self):
        if not self._enabled:

        root = self._controller.getScene().getRoot()

        # Keep a list of nodes that are moving. We use this so that we don't move two intersecting objects in the
        # same direction.
        transformed_nodes = []

        group_nodes = []
        # We try to shuffle all the nodes to prevent "locked" situations, where iteration B inverts iteration A.
        # By shuffling the order of the nodes, this might happen a few times, but at some point it will resolve.
        nodes = list(BreadthFirstIterator(root))
        for node in nodes:
            if node is root or type(
                    node) is not SceneNode or node.getBoundingBox() is None:

            bbox = node.getBoundingBox()

            # Ignore intersections with the bottom
            build_volume_bounding_box = self._build_volume.getBoundingBox()
            if build_volume_bounding_box:
                # It's over 9000!
                build_volume_bounding_box = build_volume_bounding_box.set(
                # No bounding box. This is triggered when running Cura from command line with a model for the first time
                # In that situation there is a model, but no machine (and therefore no build volume.
            node._outside_buildarea = False

            # Mark the node as outside the build volume if the bounding box test fails.
            if build_volume_bounding_box.intersectsBox(
            ) != AxisAlignedBox.IntersectionResult.FullIntersection:
                node._outside_buildarea = True

            if node.callDecoration("isGroup"):
                group_nodes.append(node)  # Keep list of affected group_nodes

            # Move it downwards if bottom is above platform
            move_vector = Vector()
            if Preferences.getInstance().getValue(
                    "physics/automatic_drop_down") and not (
                        node.getParent() and node.getParent().callDecoration(
                            "isGroup")) and node.isEnabled(
                            ):  #If an object is grouped, don't move it down
                z_offset = node.callDecoration(
                    "getZOffset") if node.getDecorator(
                        ZOffsetDecorator.ZOffsetDecorator) else 0
                move_vector = move_vector.set(y=-bbox.bottom + z_offset)

            # If there is no convex hull for the node, start calculating it and continue.
            if not node.getDecorator(ConvexHullDecorator):

            if Preferences.getInstance().getValue(
                # Check for collisions between convex hulls
                for other_node in BreadthFirstIterator(root):
                    # Ignore root, ourselves and anything that is not a normal SceneNode.
                    if other_node is root or type(
                            other_node) is not SceneNode or other_node is node:

                    # Ignore collisions of a group with it's own children
                    if other_node in node.getAllChildren(
                    ) or node in other_node.getAllChildren():

                    # Ignore collisions within a group
                    if other_node.getParent() and node.getParent() and (
                            is not None
                            or node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup")
                            is not None):

                    # Ignore nodes that do not have the right properties set.
                    if not other_node.callDecoration(
                            "getConvexHull") or not other_node.getBoundingBox(

                    if other_node in transformed_nodes:
                        continue  # Other node is already moving, wait for next pass.

                    overlap = (0, 0)  # Start loop with no overlap
                    current_overlap_checks = 0
                    # Continue to check the overlap until we no longer find one.
                    while overlap and current_overlap_checks < self._max_overlap_checks:
                        current_overlap_checks += 1
                        head_hull = node.callDecoration("getConvexHullHead")
                        if head_hull:  # One at a time intersection.
                            overlap = head_hull.translate(
                            if not overlap:
                                other_head_hull = other_node.callDecoration(
                                if other_head_hull:
                                    overlap = node.callDecoration(
                                    if overlap:
                                        # Moving ensured that overlap was still there. Try anew!
                                        move_vector = move_vector.set(
                                            x=move_vector.x +
                                            overlap[0] * self._move_factor,
                                            z=move_vector.z +
                                            overlap[1] * self._move_factor)
                                # Moving ensured that overlap was still there. Try anew!
                                move_vector = move_vector.set(
                                    x=move_vector.x +
                                    overlap[0] * self._move_factor,
                                    z=move_vector.z +
                                    overlap[1] * self._move_factor)
                            own_convex_hull = node.callDecoration(
                            other_convex_hull = other_node.callDecoration(
                            if own_convex_hull and other_convex_hull:
                                overlap = own_convex_hull.translate(
                                if overlap:  # Moving ensured that overlap was still there. Try anew!
                                    move_vector = move_vector.set(
                                        x=move_vector.x +
                                        overlap[0] * self._move_factor,
                                        z=move_vector.z +
                                        overlap[1] * self._move_factor)
                                # This can happen in some cases if the object is not yet done with being loaded.
                                #  Simply waiting for the next tick seems to resolve this correctly.
                                overlap = None

            convex_hull = node.callDecoration("getConvexHull")
            if convex_hull:
                if not convex_hull.isValid():
                # Check for collisions between disallowed areas and the object
                for area in self._build_volume.getDisallowedAreas():
                    overlap = convex_hull.intersectsPolygon(area)
                    if overlap is None:
                    node._outside_buildarea = True

            if not Vector.Null.equals(move_vector, epsilon=1e-5):
                op = PlatformPhysicsOperation.PlatformPhysicsOperation(
                    node, move_vector)

        # Group nodes should override the _outside_buildarea property of their children.
        for group_node in group_nodes:
            for child_node in group_node.getAllChildren():
                child_node._outside_buildarea = group_node._outside_buildarea
예제 #7
    def _generateSceneNode(self, file_name, xz_size, peak_height, base_height,
                           blur_iterations, max_size, lighter_is_higher):
        scene_node = SceneNode()

        mesh = MeshBuilder()

        img = QImage(file_name)

        if img.isNull():
            Logger.log("e", "Image is corrupt.")
            return None

        width = max(img.width(), 2)
        height = max(img.height(), 2)
        aspect = height / width

        if img.width() < 2 or img.height() < 2:
            img = img.scaled(width, height, Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio)

        base_height = max(base_height, 0)
        peak_height = max(peak_height, -base_height)

        xz_size = max(xz_size, 1)
        scale_vector = Vector(xz_size, peak_height, xz_size)

        if width > height:
            scale_vector = scale_vector.set(z=scale_vector.z * aspect)
        elif height > width:
            scale_vector = scale_vector.set(x=scale_vector.x / aspect)

        if width > max_size or height > max_size:
            scale_factor = max_size / width
            if height > width:
                scale_factor = max_size / height

            width = int(max(round(width * scale_factor), 2))
            height = int(max(round(height * scale_factor), 2))
            img = img.scaled(width, height, Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio)

        width_minus_one = width - 1
        height_minus_one = height - 1


        texel_width = 1.0 / (width_minus_one) * scale_vector.x
        texel_height = 1.0 / (height_minus_one) * scale_vector.z

        height_data = numpy.zeros((height, width), dtype=numpy.float32)

        for x in range(0, width):
            for y in range(0, height):
                qrgb = img.pixel(x, y)
                avg = float(qRed(qrgb) + qGreen(qrgb) + qBlue(qrgb)) / (3 *
                height_data[y, x] = avg


        if not lighter_is_higher:
            height_data = 1 - height_data

        for _ in range(0, blur_iterations):
            copy = numpy.pad(height_data, ((1, 1), (1, 1)), mode="edge")

            height_data += copy[1:-1, 2:]
            height_data += copy[1:-1, :-2]
            height_data += copy[2:, 1:-1]
            height_data += copy[:-2, 1:-1]

            height_data += copy[2:, 2:]
            height_data += copy[:-2, 2:]
            height_data += copy[2:, :-2]
            height_data += copy[:-2, :-2]

            height_data /= 9


        height_data *= scale_vector.y
        height_data += base_height

        heightmap_face_count = 2 * height_minus_one * width_minus_one
        total_face_count = heightmap_face_count + (width_minus_one * 2) * (
            height_minus_one * 2) + 2


        # initialize to texel space vertex offsets.
        # 6 is for 6 vertices for each texel quad.
        heightmap_vertices = numpy.zeros(
            (width_minus_one * height_minus_one, 6, 3), dtype=numpy.float32)
        heightmap_vertices = heightmap_vertices + numpy.array(
            [[[0, base_height, 0], [0, base_height, texel_height],
              [texel_width, base_height, texel_height],
              [texel_width, base_height, texel_height],
              [texel_width, base_height, 0], [0, base_height, 0]]],

        offsetsz, offsetsx = numpy.mgrid[0:height_minus_one, 0:width - 1]
        offsetsx = numpy.array(offsetsx, numpy.float32).reshape(
            -1, 1) * texel_width
        offsetsz = numpy.array(offsetsz, numpy.float32).reshape(
            -1, 1) * texel_height

        # offsets for each texel quad
        heightmap_vertex_offsets = numpy.concatenate([
            numpy.zeros((offsetsx.shape[0], offsetsx.shape[1]),
                        dtype=numpy.float32), offsetsz
        ], 1)
        heightmap_vertices += heightmap_vertex_offsets.repeat(6, 0).reshape(
            -1, 6, 3)

        # apply height data to y values
        heightmap_vertices[:, 0,
                           1] = heightmap_vertices[:, 5,
                                                   1] = height_data[:-1, :
        heightmap_vertices[:, 1, 1] = height_data[1:, :-1].reshape(-1)
        heightmap_vertices[:, 2,
                           1] = heightmap_vertices[:, 3, 1] = height_data[
                               1:, 1:].reshape(-1)
        heightmap_vertices[:, 4, 1] = height_data[:-1, 1:].reshape(-1)

        heightmap_indices = numpy.array(numpy.mgrid[0:heightmap_face_count *
                                        dtype=numpy.int32).reshape(-1, 3)

        mesh._vertices[0:(heightmap_vertices.size //
                          3), :] = heightmap_vertices.reshape(-1, 3)
        mesh._indices[0:(heightmap_indices.size // 3), :] = heightmap_indices

        mesh._vertex_count = heightmap_vertices.size // 3
        mesh._face_count = heightmap_indices.size // 3

        geo_width = width_minus_one * texel_width
        geo_height = height_minus_one * texel_height

        # bottom
        mesh.addFaceByPoints(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, geo_height, geo_width, 0,
        mesh.addFaceByPoints(geo_width, 0, geo_height, geo_width, 0, 0, 0, 0,

        # north and south walls
        for n in range(0, width_minus_one):
            x = n * texel_width
            nx = (n + 1) * texel_width

            hn0 = height_data[0, n]
            hn1 = height_data[0, n + 1]

            hs0 = height_data[height_minus_one, n]
            hs1 = height_data[height_minus_one, n + 1]

            mesh.addFaceByPoints(x, 0, 0, nx, 0, 0, nx, hn1, 0)
            mesh.addFaceByPoints(nx, hn1, 0, x, hn0, 0, x, 0, 0)

            mesh.addFaceByPoints(x, 0, geo_height, nx, 0, geo_height, nx, hs1,
            mesh.addFaceByPoints(nx, hs1, geo_height, x, hs0, geo_height, x, 0,

        # west and east walls
        for n in range(0, height_minus_one):
            y = n * texel_height
            ny = (n + 1) * texel_height

            hw0 = height_data[n, 0]
            hw1 = height_data[n + 1, 0]

            he0 = height_data[n, width_minus_one]
            he1 = height_data[n + 1, width_minus_one]

            mesh.addFaceByPoints(0, 0, y, 0, 0, ny, 0, hw1, ny)
            mesh.addFaceByPoints(0, hw1, ny, 0, hw0, y, 0, 0, y)

            mesh.addFaceByPoints(geo_width, 0, y, geo_width, 0, ny, geo_width,
                                 he1, ny)
            mesh.addFaceByPoints(geo_width, he1, ny, geo_width, he0, y,
                                 geo_width, 0, y)



        return scene_node
예제 #8
    def _generateSceneNode(self, file_name, xz_size, peak_height, base_height, blur_iterations, max_size, image_color_invert):
        scene_node = SceneNode()

        mesh = MeshBuilder()

        img = QImage(file_name)

        if img.isNull():
            Logger.log("e", "Image is corrupt.")
            return None

        width = max(img.width(), 2)
        height = max(img.height(), 2)
        aspect = height / width

        if img.width() < 2 or img.height() < 2:
            img = img.scaled(width, height, Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio)

        base_height = max(base_height, 0)
        peak_height = max(peak_height, -base_height)

        xz_size = max(xz_size, 1)
        scale_vector = Vector(xz_size, peak_height, xz_size)

        if width > height:
            scale_vector = scale_vector.set(z=scale_vector.z * aspect)
        elif height > width:
            scale_vector = scale_vector.set(x=scale_vector.x / aspect)

        if width > max_size or height > max_size:
            scale_factor = max_size / width
            if height > width:
                scale_factor = max_size / height

            width = int(max(round(width * scale_factor), 2))
            height = int(max(round(height * scale_factor), 2))
            img = img.scaled(width, height, Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio)

        width_minus_one = width - 1
        height_minus_one = height - 1


        texel_width = 1.0 / (width_minus_one) * scale_vector.x
        texel_height = 1.0 / (height_minus_one) * scale_vector.z

        height_data = numpy.zeros((height, width), dtype=numpy.float32)

        for x in range(0, width):
            for y in range(0, height):
                qrgb = img.pixel(x, y)
                avg = float(qRed(qrgb) + qGreen(qrgb) + qBlue(qrgb)) / (3 * 255)
                height_data[y, x] = avg


        if image_color_invert:
            height_data = 1 - height_data

        for _ in range(0, blur_iterations):
            copy = numpy.pad(height_data, ((1, 1), (1, 1)), mode= "edge")

            height_data += copy[1:-1, 2:]
            height_data += copy[1:-1, :-2]
            height_data += copy[2:, 1:-1]
            height_data += copy[:-2, 1:-1]

            height_data += copy[2:, 2:]
            height_data += copy[:-2, 2:]
            height_data += copy[2:, :-2]
            height_data += copy[:-2, :-2]

            height_data /= 9


        height_data *= scale_vector.y
        height_data += base_height

        heightmap_face_count = 2 * height_minus_one * width_minus_one
        total_face_count = heightmap_face_count + (width_minus_one * 2) * (height_minus_one * 2) + 2


        # initialize to texel space vertex offsets.
        # 6 is for 6 vertices for each texel quad.
        heightmap_vertices = numpy.zeros((width_minus_one * height_minus_one, 6, 3), dtype = numpy.float32)
        heightmap_vertices = heightmap_vertices + numpy.array([[
            [0, base_height, 0],
            [0, base_height, texel_height],
            [texel_width, base_height, texel_height],
            [texel_width, base_height, texel_height],
            [texel_width, base_height, 0],
            [0, base_height, 0]
        ]], dtype = numpy.float32)

        offsetsz, offsetsx = numpy.mgrid[0: height_minus_one, 0: width - 1]
        offsetsx = numpy.array(offsetsx, numpy.float32).reshape(-1, 1) * texel_width
        offsetsz = numpy.array(offsetsz, numpy.float32).reshape(-1, 1) * texel_height

        # offsets for each texel quad
        heightmap_vertex_offsets = numpy.concatenate([offsetsx, numpy.zeros((offsetsx.shape[0], offsetsx.shape[1]), dtype=numpy.float32), offsetsz], 1)
        heightmap_vertices += heightmap_vertex_offsets.repeat(6, 0).reshape(-1, 6, 3)

        # apply height data to y values
        heightmap_vertices[:, 0, 1] = heightmap_vertices[:, 5, 1] = height_data[:-1, :-1].reshape(-1)
        heightmap_vertices[:, 1, 1] = height_data[1:, :-1].reshape(-1)
        heightmap_vertices[:, 2, 1] = heightmap_vertices[:, 3, 1] = height_data[1:, 1:].reshape(-1)
        heightmap_vertices[:, 4, 1] = height_data[:-1, 1:].reshape(-1)

        heightmap_indices = numpy.array(numpy.mgrid[0:heightmap_face_count * 3], dtype=numpy.int32).reshape(-1, 3)

        mesh._vertices[0:(heightmap_vertices.size // 3), :] = heightmap_vertices.reshape(-1, 3)
        mesh._indices[0:(heightmap_indices.size // 3), :] = heightmap_indices

        mesh._vertex_count = heightmap_vertices.size // 3
        mesh._face_count = heightmap_indices.size // 3

        geo_width = width_minus_one * texel_width
        geo_height = height_minus_one * texel_height

        # bottom
        mesh.addFaceByPoints(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, geo_height, geo_width, 0, geo_height)
        mesh.addFaceByPoints(geo_width, 0, geo_height, geo_width, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

        # north and south walls
        for n in range(0, width_minus_one):
            x = n * texel_width
            nx = (n + 1) * texel_width

            hn0 = height_data[0, n]
            hn1 = height_data[0, n + 1]

            hs0 = height_data[height_minus_one, n]
            hs1 = height_data[height_minus_one, n + 1]

            mesh.addFaceByPoints(x, 0, 0, nx, 0, 0, nx, hn1, 0)
            mesh.addFaceByPoints(nx, hn1, 0, x, hn0, 0, x, 0, 0)

            mesh.addFaceByPoints(x, 0, geo_height, nx, 0, geo_height, nx, hs1, geo_height)
            mesh.addFaceByPoints(nx, hs1, geo_height, x, hs0, geo_height, x, 0, geo_height)

        # west and east walls
        for n in range(0, height_minus_one):
            y = n * texel_height
            ny = (n + 1) * texel_height

            hw0 = height_data[n, 0]
            hw1 = height_data[n + 1, 0]

            he0 = height_data[n, width_minus_one]
            he1 = height_data[n + 1, width_minus_one]

            mesh.addFaceByPoints(0, 0, y, 0, 0, ny, 0, hw1, ny)
            mesh.addFaceByPoints(0, hw1, ny, 0, hw0, y, 0, 0, y)

            mesh.addFaceByPoints(geo_width, 0, y, geo_width, 0, ny, geo_width, he1, ny)
            mesh.addFaceByPoints(geo_width, he1, ny, geo_width, he0, y, geo_width, 0, y)



        return scene_node
예제 #9
    def _generateSceneNode(self, file_name, xz_size, peak_height, base_height,
                           blur_iterations, max_size, lighter_is_higher,
                           use_transparency_model, transmittance_1mm):
        scene_node = SceneNode()

        mesh = MeshBuilder()

        img = QImage(file_name)

        if img.isNull():
            Logger.log("e", "Image is corrupt.")
            return None

        width = max(img.width(), 2)
        height = max(img.height(), 2)
        aspect = height / width

        if img.width() < 2 or img.height() < 2:
            img = img.scaled(width, height, Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio)

        base_height = max(base_height, 0)
        peak_height = max(peak_height, -base_height)

        xz_size = max(xz_size, 1)
        scale_vector = Vector(xz_size, peak_height, xz_size)

        if width > height:
            scale_vector = scale_vector.set(z=scale_vector.z * aspect)
        elif height > width:
            scale_vector = scale_vector.set(x=scale_vector.x / aspect)

        if width > max_size or height > max_size:
            scale_factor = max_size / width
            if height > width:
                scale_factor = max_size / height

            width = int(max(round(width * scale_factor), 2))
            height = int(max(round(height * scale_factor), 2))
            img = img.scaled(width, height, Qt.IgnoreAspectRatio)

        width_minus_one = width - 1
        height_minus_one = height - 1


        texel_width = 1.0 / (width_minus_one) * scale_vector.x
        texel_height = 1.0 / (height_minus_one) * scale_vector.z

        height_data = numpy.zeros((height, width), dtype=numpy.float32)

        for x in range(0, width):
            for y in range(0, height):
                qrgb = img.pixel(x, y)
                if use_transparency_model:
                    height_data[y, x] = (
                        0.299 * math.pow(qRed(qrgb) / 255.0, 2.2) +
                        0.587 * math.pow(qGreen(qrgb) / 255.0, 2.2) +
                        0.114 * math.pow(qBlue(qrgb) / 255.0, 2.2))
                    height_data[y, x] = (
                        0.212655 * qRed(qrgb) + 0.715158 * qGreen(qrgb) +
                        0.072187 * qBlue(qrgb)
                    ) / 255  # fast computation ignoring gamma and degamma


        if lighter_is_higher == use_transparency_model:
            height_data = 1 - height_data

        for _ in range(0, blur_iterations):
            copy = numpy.pad(height_data, ((1, 1), (1, 1)), mode="edge")

            height_data += copy[1:-1, 2:]
            height_data += copy[1:-1, :-2]
            height_data += copy[2:, 1:-1]
            height_data += copy[:-2, 1:-1]

            height_data += copy[2:, 2:]
            height_data += copy[:-2, 2:]
            height_data += copy[2:, :-2]
            height_data += copy[:-2, :-2]

            height_data /= 9


        if use_transparency_model:
            divisor = 1.0 / math.log(
                transmittance_1mm / 100.0
            )  # log-base doesn't matter here. Precompute this value for faster computation of each pixel.
            min_luminance = (transmittance_1mm / 100.0)**(peak_height -
            for (y, x) in numpy.ndindex(height_data.shape):
                mapped_luminance = min_luminance + (
                    1.0 - min_luminance) * height_data[y, x]
                height_data[y, x] = base_height + divisor * math.log(
                )  # use same base as a couple lines above this
            height_data *= scale_vector.y
            height_data += base_height

        if img.hasAlphaChannel():
            for x in range(0, width):
                for y in range(0, height):
                    height_data[y, x] *= qAlpha(img.pixel(x, y)) / 255.0

        heightmap_face_count = 2 * height_minus_one * width_minus_one
        total_face_count = heightmap_face_count + (width_minus_one * 2) * (
            height_minus_one * 2) + 2


        # initialize to texel space vertex offsets.
        # 6 is for 6 vertices for each texel quad.
        heightmap_vertices = numpy.zeros(
            (width_minus_one * height_minus_one, 6, 3), dtype=numpy.float32)
        heightmap_vertices = heightmap_vertices + numpy.array(
            [[[0, base_height, 0], [0, base_height, texel_height],
              [texel_width, base_height, texel_height],
              [texel_width, base_height, texel_height],
              [texel_width, base_height, 0], [0, base_height, 0]]],

        offsetsz, offsetsx = numpy.mgrid[0:height_minus_one, 0:width - 1]
        offsetsx = numpy.array(offsetsx, numpy.float32).reshape(
            -1, 1) * texel_width
        offsetsz = numpy.array(offsetsz, numpy.float32).reshape(
            -1, 1) * texel_height

        # offsets for each texel quad
        heightmap_vertex_offsets = numpy.concatenate([
            numpy.zeros((offsetsx.shape[0], offsetsx.shape[1]),
                        dtype=numpy.float32), offsetsz
        ], 1)
        heightmap_vertices += heightmap_vertex_offsets.repeat(6, 0).reshape(
            -1, 6, 3)

        # apply height data to y values
        heightmap_vertices[:, 0,
                           1] = heightmap_vertices[:, 5,
                                                   1] = height_data[:-1, :
        heightmap_vertices[:, 1, 1] = height_data[1:, :-1].reshape(-1)
        heightmap_vertices[:, 2,
                           1] = heightmap_vertices[:, 3, 1] = height_data[
                               1:, 1:].reshape(-1)
        heightmap_vertices[:, 4, 1] = height_data[:-1, 1:].reshape(-1)

        heightmap_indices = numpy.array(numpy.mgrid[0:heightmap_face_count *
                                        dtype=numpy.int32).reshape(-1, 3)

        mesh._vertices[0:(heightmap_vertices.size //
                          3), :] = heightmap_vertices.reshape(-1, 3)
        mesh._indices[0:(heightmap_indices.size // 3), :] = heightmap_indices

        mesh._vertex_count = heightmap_vertices.size // 3
        mesh._face_count = heightmap_indices.size // 3

        geo_width = width_minus_one * texel_width
        geo_height = height_minus_one * texel_height

        # bottom
        mesh.addFaceByPoints(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, geo_height, geo_width, 0,
        mesh.addFaceByPoints(geo_width, 0, geo_height, geo_width, 0, 0, 0, 0,

        # north and south walls
        for n in range(0, width_minus_one):
            x = n * texel_width
            nx = (n + 1) * texel_width

            hn0 = height_data[0, n]
            hn1 = height_data[0, n + 1]

            hs0 = height_data[height_minus_one, n]
            hs1 = height_data[height_minus_one, n + 1]

            mesh.addFaceByPoints(x, 0, 0, nx, 0, 0, nx, hn1, 0)
            mesh.addFaceByPoints(nx, hn1, 0, x, hn0, 0, x, 0, 0)

            mesh.addFaceByPoints(x, 0, geo_height, nx, 0, geo_height, nx, hs1,
            mesh.addFaceByPoints(nx, hs1, geo_height, x, hs0, geo_height, x, 0,

        # west and east walls
        for n in range(0, height_minus_one):
            y = n * texel_height
            ny = (n + 1) * texel_height

            hw0 = height_data[n, 0]
            hw1 = height_data[n + 1, 0]

            he0 = height_data[n, width_minus_one]
            he1 = height_data[n + 1, width_minus_one]

            mesh.addFaceByPoints(0, 0, y, 0, 0, ny, 0, hw1, ny)
            mesh.addFaceByPoints(0, hw1, ny, 0, hw0, y, 0, 0, y)

            mesh.addFaceByPoints(geo_width, 0, y, geo_width, 0, ny, geo_width,
                                 he1, ny)
            mesh.addFaceByPoints(geo_width, he1, ny, geo_width, he0, y,
                                 geo_width, 0, y)



        return scene_node
예제 #10
    def event(self, event):

        if event.type == Event.ToolActivateEvent:
            self._old_scale = Selection.getSelectedObject(0).getScale()
            for node in Selection.getAllSelectedObjects():

        if event.type == Event.ToolDeactivateEvent:
            for node in Selection.getAllSelectedObjects():

        # Handle modifier keys: Shift toggles snap, Control toggles uniform scaling
        if event.type == Event.KeyPressEvent:
            if event.key == KeyEvent.ShiftKey:
                self._snap_scale = False
            elif event.key == KeyEvent.ControlKey:
                self._non_uniform_scale = True

        if event.type == Event.KeyReleaseEvent:
            if event.key == KeyEvent.ShiftKey:
                self._snap_scale = True
            elif event.key == KeyEvent.ControlKey:
                self._non_uniform_scale = False

        if event.type == Event.MousePressEvent and self._controller.getToolsEnabled():
            # Initialise a scale operation
            if MouseEvent.LeftButton not in event.buttons:
                return False

            id = self._selection_pass.getIdAtPosition(event.x, event.y)
            if not id:
                return False

            if ToolHandle.isAxis(id):

            # Save the current positions of the node, as we want to scale arround their current centres
            self._saved_node_positions = []
            for node in Selection.getAllSelectedObjects():
                self._saved_node_positions.append((node, node.getWorldPosition()))

            self._saved_handle_position = self._handle.getWorldPosition()

            if id == ToolHandle.XAxis:
                self.setDragPlane(Plane(Vector(0, 0, 1), self._saved_handle_position.z))
            elif id == ToolHandle.YAxis:
                self.setDragPlane(Plane(Vector(0, 0, 1), self._saved_handle_position.z))
            elif id == ToolHandle.ZAxis:
                self.setDragPlane(Plane(Vector(0, 1, 0), self._saved_handle_position.y))
                self.setDragPlane(Plane(Vector(0, 1, 0), self._saved_handle_position.y))

            self.setDragStart(event.x, event.y)

        if event.type == Event.MouseMoveEvent:
            # Perform a scale operation
            if not self.getDragPlane():
                return False

            drag_position = self.getDragPosition(event.x, event.y)
            if drag_position:
                drag_length = (drag_position - self._saved_handle_position).length()
                if self._drag_length > 0:
                    drag_change = (drag_length - self._drag_length) / 100 * self._scale_speed
                    if self._snap_scale:
                        scale_factor = round(drag_change, 1)
                        scale_factor = drag_change
                    if scale_factor:
                        scale_change = Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
                        if self._non_uniform_scale:
                            if self.getLockedAxis() == ToolHandle.XAxis:
                                scale_change = scale_change.set(x=scale_factor)
                            elif self.getLockedAxis() == ToolHandle.YAxis:
                                scale_change = scale_change.set(y=scale_factor)
                            elif self.getLockedAxis() == ToolHandle.ZAxis:
                                scale_change = scale_change.set(z=scale_factor)
                            scale_change = Vector(x=scale_factor, y=scale_factor, z=scale_factor)

                        # Scale around the saved centeres of all selected nodes
                        op = GroupedOperation()
                        for node, position in self._saved_node_positions:
                            op.addOperation(ScaleOperation(node, scale_change, relative_scale = True, scale_around_point = position))
                        self._drag_length = (self._saved_handle_position - drag_position).length()
                    self._drag_length = (self._saved_handle_position - drag_position).length() #First move, do nothing but set right length.
                return True

        if event.type == Event.MouseReleaseEvent:
            # Finish a scale operation
            if self.getDragPlane():
                self._drag_length = 0
                return True
예제 #11
    def _onChangeTimerFinished(self):
        if not self._enabled:

        root = self._controller.getScene().getRoot()

        # Keep a list of nodes that are moving. We use this so that we don't move two intersecting objects in the
        # same direction.
        transformed_nodes = []

        for node in BreadthFirstIterator(root):
            if node is root or type(
                    node) is not SceneNode or node.getBoundingBox() is None:

            bbox = node.getBoundingBox()

            # Ignore intersections with the bottom
            build_volume_bounding_box = self._build_volume.getBoundingBox()
            if build_volume_bounding_box:
                # It's over 9000!
                build_volume_bounding_box = build_volume_bounding_box.set(
                # No bounding box. This is triggered when running Cura from command line with a model for the first time
                # In that situation there is a model, but no machine (and therefore no build volume.
            node._outside_buildarea = False

            # Mark the node as outside the build volume if the bounding box test fails.
            if build_volume_bounding_box.intersectsBox(
            ) != AxisAlignedBox.IntersectionResult.FullIntersection:
                node._outside_buildarea = True

            # Move it downwards if bottom is above platform
            move_vector = Vector()
            if Preferences.getInstance().getValue(
                    "physics/automatic_drop_down") and not (
                        and node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup")
                    ):  #If an object is grouped, don't move it down
                z_offset = node.callDecoration(
                    "getZOffset") if node.getDecorator(
                        ZOffsetDecorator.ZOffsetDecorator) else 0
                move_vector = move_vector.set(y=-bbox.bottom + z_offset)

            # If there is no convex hull for the node, start calculating it and continue.
            if not node.getDecorator(ConvexHullDecorator):

            if Preferences.getInstance().getValue(
                # Check for collisions between convex hulls
                for other_node in BreadthFirstIterator(root):
                    # Ignore root, ourselves and anything that is not a normal SceneNode.
                    if other_node is root or type(
                            other_node) is not SceneNode or other_node is node:

                    # Ignore collisions of a group with it's own children
                    if other_node in node.getAllChildren(
                    ) or node in other_node.getAllChildren():

                    # Ignore collisions within a group
                    if other_node.getParent().callDecoration(
                            "isGroup") is not None or node.getParent(
                            ).callDecoration("isGroup") is not None:

                    # Ignore nodes that do not have the right properties set.
                    if not other_node.callDecoration(
                            "getConvexHull") or not other_node.getBoundingBox(

                    if other_node in transformed_nodes:
                        continue  # Other node is already moving, wait for next pass.

                    # Get the overlap distance for both convex hulls. If this returns None, there is no intersection.
                    head_hull = node.callDecoration("getConvexHullHead")
                    if head_hull:
                        overlap = head_hull.intersectsPolygon(
                        if not overlap:
                            other_head_hull = other_node.callDecoration(
                            if other_head_hull:
                                overlap = node.callDecoration(
                        own_convex_hull = node.callDecoration("getConvexHull")
                        other_convex_hull = other_node.callDecoration(
                        if own_convex_hull and other_convex_hull:
                            overlap = own_convex_hull.intersectsPolygon(
                            # This can happen in some cases if the object is not yet done with being loaded.
                            #  Simply waiting for the next tick seems to resolve this correctly.
                            overlap = None

                    if overlap is None:
                    move_vector = move_vector.set(x=overlap[0] * 1.1,
                                                  z=overlap[1] * 1.1)
            convex_hull = node.callDecoration("getConvexHull")
            if convex_hull:
                if not convex_hull.isValid():
                # Check for collisions between disallowed areas and the object
                for area in self._build_volume.getDisallowedAreas():
                    overlap = convex_hull.intersectsPolygon(area)
                    if overlap is None:

                    node._outside_buildarea = True

            if not Vector.Null.equals(move_vector, epsilon=1e-5):
                op = PlatformPhysicsOperation.PlatformPhysicsOperation(
                    node, move_vector)
예제 #12
    def _onChangeTimerFinished(self):
        if not self._enabled:

        root = self._controller.getScene().getRoot()

        # Keep a list of nodes that are moving. We use this so that we don't move two intersecting objects in the
        # same direction.
        transformed_nodes = []

        # We try to shuffle all the nodes to prevent "locked" situations, where iteration B inverts iteration A.
        # By shuffling the order of the nodes, this might happen a few times, but at some point it will resolve.
        nodes = list(BreadthFirstIterator(root))

        # Only check nodes inside build area.
        nodes = [node for node in nodes if (hasattr(node, "_outside_buildarea") and not node._outside_buildarea)]

        for node in nodes:
            if node is root or not isinstance(node, SceneNode) or node.getBoundingBox() is None:

            bbox = node.getBoundingBox()

            # Move it downwards if bottom is above platform
            move_vector = Vector()

            if Application.getInstance().getPreferences().getValue("physics/automatic_drop_down") and not (node.getParent() and node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup") or node.getParent() != root) and node.isEnabled(): #If an object is grouped, don't move it down
                z_offset = node.callDecoration("getZOffset") if node.getDecorator(ZOffsetDecorator.ZOffsetDecorator) else 0
                move_vector = move_vector.set(y = -bbox.bottom + z_offset)

            # If there is no convex hull for the node, start calculating it and continue.
            if not node.getDecorator(ConvexHullDecorator) and not node.callDecoration("isNonPrintingMesh"):

            # only push away objects if this node is a printing mesh
            if not node.callDecoration("isNonPrintingMesh") and Application.getInstance().getPreferences().getValue("physics/automatic_push_free"):
                # Do not move locked nodes
                if node.getSetting(SceneNodeSettings.LockPosition):

                # Check for collisions between convex hulls
                for other_node in BreadthFirstIterator(root):
                    # Ignore root, ourselves and anything that is not a normal SceneNode.
                    if other_node is root or not issubclass(type(other_node), SceneNode) or other_node is node or other_node.callDecoration("getBuildPlateNumber") != node.callDecoration("getBuildPlateNumber"):
                    # Ignore collisions of a group with it's own children
                    if other_node in node.getAllChildren() or node in other_node.getAllChildren():
                    # Ignore collisions within a group
                    if other_node.getParent() and node.getParent() and (other_node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup") is not None or node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup") is not None):
                    # Ignore nodes that do not have the right properties set.
                    if not other_node.callDecoration("getConvexHull") or not other_node.getBoundingBox():

                    if other_node in transformed_nodes:
                        continue  # Other node is already moving, wait for next pass.

                    if other_node.callDecoration("isNonPrintingMesh"):

                    overlap = (0, 0)  # Start loop with no overlap
                    current_overlap_checks = 0
                    # Continue to check the overlap until we no longer find one.
                    while overlap and current_overlap_checks < self._max_overlap_checks:
                        current_overlap_checks += 1
                        head_hull = node.callDecoration("getConvexHullHead")
                        if head_hull:  # One at a time intersection.
                            overlap = head_hull.translate(move_vector.x, move_vector.z).intersectsPolygon(other_node.callDecoration("getConvexHull"))
                            if not overlap:
                                other_head_hull = other_node.callDecoration("getConvexHullHead")
                                if other_head_hull:
                                    overlap = node.callDecoration("getConvexHull").translate(move_vector.x, move_vector.z).intersectsPolygon(other_head_hull)
                                    if overlap:
                                        # Moving ensured that overlap was still there. Try anew!
                                        move_vector = move_vector.set(x = move_vector.x + overlap[0] * self._move_factor,
                                                                      z = move_vector.z + overlap[1] * self._move_factor)
                                # Moving ensured that overlap was still there. Try anew!
                                move_vector = move_vector.set(x = move_vector.x + overlap[0] * self._move_factor,
                                                              z = move_vector.z + overlap[1] * self._move_factor)
                            own_convex_hull = node.callDecoration("getConvexHull")
                            other_convex_hull = other_node.callDecoration("getConvexHull")
                            if own_convex_hull and other_convex_hull:
                                overlap = own_convex_hull.translate(move_vector.x, move_vector.z).intersectsPolygon(other_convex_hull)
                                if overlap:  # Moving ensured that overlap was still there. Try anew!
                                    temp_move_vector = move_vector.set(x = move_vector.x + overlap[0] * self._move_factor,
                                                                       z = move_vector.z + overlap[1] * self._move_factor)

                                    # if the distance between two models less than 2mm then try to find a new factor
                                    if abs(temp_move_vector.x - overlap[0]) < self._minimum_gap and abs(temp_move_vector.y - overlap[1]) < self._minimum_gap:
                                        temp_x_factor = (abs(overlap[0]) + self._minimum_gap) / overlap[0] if overlap[0] != 0 else 0 # find x move_factor, like (3.4 + 2) / 3.4 = 1.58
                                        temp_y_factor = (abs(overlap[1]) + self._minimum_gap) / overlap[1] if overlap[1] != 0 else 0 # find y move_factor

                                        temp_scale_factor = temp_x_factor if abs(temp_x_factor) > abs(temp_y_factor) else temp_y_factor

                                        move_vector = move_vector.set(x = move_vector.x + overlap[0] * temp_scale_factor,
                                                                      z = move_vector.z + overlap[1] * temp_scale_factor)
                                        move_vector = temp_move_vector
                                # This can happen in some cases if the object is not yet done with being loaded.
                                # Simply waiting for the next tick seems to resolve this correctly.
                                overlap = None

            if not Vector.Null.equals(move_vector, epsilon = 1e-5):
                op = PlatformPhysicsOperation.PlatformPhysicsOperation(node, move_vector)

        # After moving, we have to evaluate the boundary checks for nodes
        build_volume = Application.getInstance().getBuildVolume()
예제 #13
    def event(self, event):

        if event.type == Event.ToolActivateEvent:
            for node in Selection.getAllSelectedObjects():

        if event.type == Event.ToolDeactivateEvent:
            for node in Selection.getAllSelectedObjects():

        # Handle modifier keys: Shift toggles snap, Control toggles uniform scaling
        if event.type == Event.KeyPressEvent:
            if event.key == KeyEvent.ShiftKey:
                self._snap_scale = False
            elif event.key == KeyEvent.ControlKey:
                self._non_uniform_scale = True

        if event.type == Event.KeyReleaseEvent:
            if event.key == KeyEvent.ShiftKey:
                self._snap_scale = True
            elif event.key == KeyEvent.ControlKey:
                self._non_uniform_scale = False

        if event.type == Event.MousePressEvent and self._controller.getToolsEnabled():
            # Initialise a scale operation
            if MouseEvent.LeftButton not in event.buttons:
                return False

            id = self._selection_pass.getIdAtPosition(event.x, event.y)
            if not id:
                return False

            if self._handle.isAxis(id):
            self._saved_handle_position = self._handle.getWorldPosition()

            # Save the current positions of the node, as we want to scale arround their current centres
            self._saved_node_positions = []
            for node in Selection.getAllSelectedObjects():
                self._saved_node_positions.append((node, node.getPosition()))

            self._scale_sum = 0.0
            self._last_event = event

            if id == ToolHandle.XAxis:
                self.setDragPlane(Plane(Vector(0, 0, 1), self._saved_handle_position.z))
            elif id == ToolHandle.YAxis:
                self.setDragPlane(Plane(Vector(0, 0, 1), self._saved_handle_position.z))
            elif id == ToolHandle.ZAxis:
                self.setDragPlane(Plane(Vector(0, 1, 0), self._saved_handle_position.y))
                self.setDragPlane(Plane(Vector(0, 1, 0), self._saved_handle_position.y))

            self.setDragStart(event.x, event.y)

        if event.type == Event.MouseMoveEvent:
            # Perform a scale operation
            if not self.getDragPlane():
                return False

            drag_position = self.getDragPosition(event.x, event.y)
            if drag_position:
                drag_length = (drag_position - self._saved_handle_position).length()
                if self._drag_length > 0:
                    drag_change = (drag_length - self._drag_length) / 100 * self._scale_speed
                    if self.getLockedAxis() in [ToolHandle.XAxis, ToolHandle.YAxis, ToolHandle.ZAxis]:
                        # drag the handle, axis is already determined
                        if self._snap_scale:
                            scale_factor = round(drag_change, 1)
                            scale_factor = drag_change
                        # uniform scaling; because we use central cube, we use the screen x, y for scaling.
                        # upper right is scale up, lower left is scale down
                        scale_factor_delta = ((self._last_event.y - event.y) - (self._last_event.x - event.x)) * self._scale_speed
                        self._scale_sum += scale_factor_delta
                        if self._snap_scale:
                            scale_factor = round(self._scale_sum, 1)
                            # remember the decimals when snap scaling
                            self._scale_sum -= scale_factor
                            scale_factor = self._scale_sum
                            self._scale_sum = 0.0
                    if scale_factor:
                        scale_change = Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
                        if self._non_uniform_scale:
                            if self.getLockedAxis() == ToolHandle.XAxis:
                                scale_change = scale_change.set(x=scale_factor)
                            elif self.getLockedAxis() == ToolHandle.YAxis:
                                scale_change = scale_change.set(y=scale_factor)
                            elif self.getLockedAxis() == ToolHandle.ZAxis:
                                scale_change = scale_change.set(z=scale_factor)
                                # Middle handle
                                scale_change = scale_change.set(x=scale_factor, y=scale_factor, z=scale_factor)
                            scale_change = scale_change.set(x=scale_factor, y=scale_factor, z=scale_factor)

                        # Scale around the saved centers of all selected nodes
                        op = GroupedOperation()
                        for node, position in self._saved_node_positions:
                            op.addOperation(ScaleOperation(node, scale_change, relative_scale = True, scale_around_point = position))
                        self._drag_length = (self._saved_handle_position - drag_position).length()
                    self._drag_length = (self._saved_handle_position - drag_position).length() #First move, do nothing but set right length.
                self._last_event = event  # remember for uniform drag
                return True

        if event.type == Event.MouseReleaseEvent:
            # Finish a scale operation
            if self.getDragPlane():
                self._drag_length = 0
                return True
예제 #14
    def _onChangeTimerFinished(self):
        if not self._enabled:

        root = self._controller.getScene().getRoot()
        for node in BreadthFirstIterator(root):
            if node is root or type(node) is not SceneNode or node.getBoundingBox() is None:

            bbox = node.getBoundingBox()

            # Ignore intersections with the bottom
            build_volume_bounding_box = self._build_volume.getBoundingBox().set(bottom=-9001)
            node._outside_buildarea = False

            # Mark the node as outside the build volume if the bounding box test fails.
            if build_volume_bounding_box.intersectsBox(bbox) != AxisAlignedBox.IntersectionResult.FullIntersection:
                node._outside_buildarea = True

            # Move it downwards if bottom is above platform
            move_vector = Vector()
            if not (node.getParent() and node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup")): #If an object is grouped, don't move it down
                z_offset = node.callDecoration("getZOffset") if node.getDecorator(ZOffsetDecorator.ZOffsetDecorator) else 0
                if bbox.bottom > 0:
                    move_vector = move_vector.set(y=-bbox.bottom + z_offset)
                elif bbox.bottom < z_offset:
                    move_vector = move_vector.set(y=(-bbox.bottom) - z_offset)

            #if not Float.fuzzyCompare(bbox.bottom, 0.0):
            #   pass#move_vector.setY(-bbox.bottom)

            # If there is no convex hull for the node, start calculating it and continue.
            if not node.getDecorator(ConvexHullDecorator):

            if Preferences.getInstance().getValue("physics/automatic_push_free"):
                # Check for collisions between convex hulls
                for other_node in BreadthFirstIterator(root):
                    # Ignore root, ourselves and anything that is not a normal SceneNode.
                    if other_node is root or type(other_node) is not SceneNode or other_node is node:
                    # Ignore colissions of a group with it's own children
                    if other_node in node.getAllChildren() or node in other_node.getAllChildren():
                    # Ignore colissions within a group
                    if other_node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup") is not None or node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup") is not None:
                        #if node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup") is other_node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup"):
                        #    continue
                    # Ignore nodes that do not have the right properties set.
                    if not other_node.callDecoration("getConvexHull") or not other_node.getBoundingBox():

                    # Check to see if the bounding boxes intersect. If not, we can ignore the node as there is no way the hull intersects.
                    #if node.getBoundingBox().intersectsBox(other_node.getBoundingBox()) == AxisAlignedBox.IntersectionResult.NoIntersection:
                    #    continue

                    # Get the overlap distance for both convex hulls. If this returns None, there is no intersection.
                        head_hull = node.callDecoration("getConvexHullHead")
                        if head_hull:
                            overlap = head_hull.intersectsPolygon(other_node.callDecoration("getConvexHull"))
                            if not overlap:
                                other_head_hull = other_node.callDecoration("getConvexHullHead")
                                if other_head_hull:
                                    overlap = node.callDecoration("getConvexHull").intersectsPolygon(other_head_hull)
                            overlap = node.callDecoration("getConvexHull").intersectsPolygon(other_node.callDecoration("getConvexHull"))
                        overlap = None #It can sometimes occur that the calculated convex hull has no size, in which case there is no overlap.

                    if overlap is None:
                    move_vector = move_vector.set(x=overlap[0] * 1.1, z=overlap[1] * 1.1)
            convex_hull = node.callDecoration("getConvexHull")
            if convex_hull:
                if not convex_hull.isValid():
                # Check for collisions between disallowed areas and the object
                for area in self._build_volume.getDisallowedAreas():
                    overlap = convex_hull.intersectsPolygon(area)
                    if overlap is None:

                    node._outside_buildarea = True

            if not Vector.Null.equals(move_vector, epsilon=1e-5):
                op = PlatformPhysicsOperation.PlatformPhysicsOperation(node, move_vector)
예제 #15
    def redo(self):
        if self._set_scale: #Simply change the scale.
            self._node.setScale(self._scale, SceneNode.TransformSpace.World)
        elif self._add_scale: #Add to the current scale.
            self._node.setScale(self._node.getScale() + self._scale)
        elif self._relative_scale: #Scale relatively to the current scale.
            scale_factor = Vector()
            ## Ensure that the direction is correctly applied (it can be flipped due to mirror)
            if self._scale.z == self._scale.y and self._scale.y == self._scale.x:
                ratio = (1 / (self._node.getScale().x + self._node.getScale().y + self._node.getScale().z)) * 3
                ratio_vector = ratio * self._node.getScale()
                self._scale *= ratio_vector
            if self._node.getScale().x > 0:
                scale_factor = scale_factor.set(x=abs(self._node.getScale().x + self._scale.x))
                scale_factor = scale_factor.set(x=-abs(self._node.getScale().x - self._scale.x))
            if self._node.getScale().y > 0:
                scale_factor = scale_factor.set(y=abs(self._node.getScale().y + self._scale.y))
                scale_factor = scale_factor.set(y=-abs(self._node.getScale().y - self._scale.y))
            if self._node.getScale().z > 0:
                scale_factor = scale_factor.set(z=abs(self._node.getScale().z + self._scale.z))
                scale_factor = scale_factor.set(z=-abs(self._node.getScale().z - self._scale.z))

            current_scale = self._node.getScale()

            if scale_factor.x != 0:
                scale_factor = scale_factor.set(x=scale_factor.x / current_scale.x)
            if scale_factor.y != 0:
                scale_factor = scale_factor.set(y=scale_factor.y / current_scale.y)
            if scale_factor.z != 0:
                scale_factor = scale_factor.set(z=scale_factor.z / current_scale.z)

            self._node.setPosition(-self._scale_around_point) #If scaling around a point, shift that point to the axis origin first and shift it back after performing the transformation.
            self._node.scale(scale_factor, SceneNode.TransformSpace.Parent)
            new_scale = self._node.getScale()
            if self._snap:
                if scale_factor.x != 1.0:
                    new_scale = new_scale.set(x=round(new_scale.x, 2))
                if scale_factor.y != 1.0:
                    new_scale = new_scale.set(y=round(new_scale.y, 2))
                if scale_factor.z != 1.0 :
                    new_scale = new_scale.set(z=round(new_scale.z, 2))

            # Enforce min size.
            if new_scale.x < self._min_scale and new_scale.x >= 0:
                new_scale = new_scale.set(x=self._min_scale)
            if new_scale.y < self._min_scale and new_scale.y >= 0:
                new_scale = new_scale.set(y=self._min_scale)
            if new_scale.z < self._min_scale and new_scale.z >= 0:
                new_scale = new_scale.set(z=self._min_scale)

            # Enforce min size (when mirrored)
            if new_scale.x > -self._min_scale and new_scale.x <= 0:
                new_scale = new_scale.set(x=-self._min_scale)
            if new_scale.y > -self._min_scale and new_scale.y <= 0:
                new_scale = new_scale.set(y=-self._min_scale)
            if new_scale.z > -self._min_scale and new_scale.z <=0:
                new_scale = new_scale.set(z=-self._min_scale)
            self._node.setScale(new_scale, SceneNode.TransformSpace.World)
            self._node.setPosition(-self._scale_around_point, SceneNode.TransformSpace.World)  # If scaling around a point, shift that point to the axis origin first and shift it back after performing the transformation.
            self._node.scale(self._scale, SceneNode.TransformSpace.World) #Default to _set_scale
            self._node.setPosition(self._scale_around_point, SceneNode.TransformSpace.World)  # If scaling around a point, shift that point to the axis origin first and shift it back after performing the transformation.
예제 #16
    def redo(self):
        if self._set_scale:  #Simply change the scale.
            self._node.setScale(self._scale, SceneNode.TransformSpace.World)
        elif self._add_scale:  #Add to the current scale.
            self._node.setScale(self._node.getScale() + self._scale)
        elif self._relative_scale:  #Scale relatively to the current scale.
            scale_factor = Vector()
            ## Ensure that the direction is correctly applied (it can be flipped due to mirror)
            if self._scale.z == self._scale.y and self._scale.y == self._scale.x:
                ratio = (1 /
                         (self._node.getScale().x + self._node.getScale().y +
                          self._node.getScale().z)) * 3
                ratio_vector = ratio * self._node.getScale()
                self._scale *= ratio_vector
            if self._node.getScale().x > 0:
                scale_factor = scale_factor.set(x=abs(self._node.getScale().x +
                scale_factor = scale_factor.set(
                    x=-abs(self._node.getScale().x - self._scale.x))
            if self._node.getScale().y > 0:
                scale_factor = scale_factor.set(y=abs(self._node.getScale().y +
                scale_factor = scale_factor.set(
                    y=-abs(self._node.getScale().y - self._scale.y))
            if self._node.getScale().z > 0:
                scale_factor = scale_factor.set(z=abs(self._node.getScale().z +
                scale_factor = scale_factor.set(
                    z=-abs(self._node.getScale().z - self._scale.z))

            current_scale = self._node.getScale()

            if scale_factor.x != 0:
                scale_factor = scale_factor.set(x=scale_factor.x /
            if scale_factor.y != 0:
                scale_factor = scale_factor.set(y=scale_factor.y /
            if scale_factor.z != 0:
                scale_factor = scale_factor.set(z=scale_factor.z /

            )  #If scaling around a point, shift that point to the axis origin first and shift it back after performing the transformation.
            self._node.scale(scale_factor, SceneNode.TransformSpace.Parent)
            new_scale = self._node.getScale()
            if self._snap:
                if scale_factor.x != 1.0:
                    new_scale = new_scale.set(x=round(new_scale.x, 2))
                if scale_factor.y != 1.0:
                    new_scale = new_scale.set(y=round(new_scale.y, 2))
                if scale_factor.z != 1.0:
                    new_scale = new_scale.set(z=round(new_scale.z, 2))

            # Enforce min size.
            if new_scale.x < self._min_scale and new_scale.x >= 0:
                new_scale = new_scale.set(x=self._min_scale)
            if new_scale.y < self._min_scale and new_scale.y >= 0:
                new_scale = new_scale.set(y=self._min_scale)
            if new_scale.z < self._min_scale and new_scale.z >= 0:
                new_scale = new_scale.set(z=self._min_scale)

            # Enforce min size (when mirrored)
            if new_scale.x > -self._min_scale and new_scale.x <= 0:
                new_scale = new_scale.set(x=-self._min_scale)
            if new_scale.y > -self._min_scale and new_scale.y <= 0:
                new_scale = new_scale.set(y=-self._min_scale)
            if new_scale.z > -self._min_scale and new_scale.z <= 0:
                new_scale = new_scale.set(z=-self._min_scale)
            self._node.setScale(new_scale, SceneNode.TransformSpace.World)
                -self._scale_around_point, SceneNode.TransformSpace.World
            )  # If scaling around a point, shift that point to the axis origin first and shift it back after performing the transformation.
                SceneNode.TransformSpace.World)  #Default to _set_scale
                self._scale_around_point, SceneNode.TransformSpace.World
            )  # If scaling around a point, shift that point to the axis origin first and shift it back after performing the transformation.
예제 #17
    def _onChangeTimerFinished(self):
        if not self._enabled:

        root = self._controller.getScene().getRoot()

        # Keep a list of nodes that are moving. We use this so that we don't move two intersecting objects in the
        # same direction.
        transformed_nodes = []

        # We try to shuffle all the nodes to prevent "locked" situations, where iteration B inverts iteration A.
        # By shuffling the order of the nodes, this might happen a few times, but at some point it will resolve.
        nodes = list(BreadthFirstIterator(root))

        # Only check nodes inside build area.
        nodes = [
            node for node in nodes if (hasattr(node, "_outside_buildarea")
                                       and not node._outside_buildarea)

        for node in nodes:
            if node is root or not isinstance(node, SceneNode) or isinstance(
                    node, DuplicatedNode) or node.getBoundingBox() is None:

            bbox = node.getBoundingBox()

            # Move it downwards if bottom is above platform
            move_vector = Vector()

            if Preferences.getInstance().getValue(
                    "physics/automatic_drop_down") and not (
                        node.getParent() and node.getParent().callDecoration(
                            "isGroup")) and node.isEnabled(
                            ):  #If an object is grouped, don't move it down
                z_offset = node.callDecoration(
                    "getZOffset") if node.getDecorator(
                        ZOffsetDecorator.ZOffsetDecorator) else 0
                move_vector = move_vector.set(y=-bbox.bottom + z_offset)

            # If there is no convex hull for the node, start calculating it and continue.
            if not node.getDecorator(ConvexHullDecorator):

            # only push away objects if this node is a printing mesh
            if not node.callDecoration(
                    "isNonPrintingMesh") and Preferences.getInstance(
                               ) and type(node) != DuplicatedNode:
                # Check for collisions between convex hulls
                for other_node in BreadthFirstIterator(root):
                    # Ignore root, ourselves and anything that is not a normal SceneNode.
                    if other_node is root or not issubclass(
                            type(other_node), SceneNode
                    ) or other_node is node or other_node.callDecoration(
                            "getBuildPlateNumber") != node.callDecoration(

                    # Ignore collisions of a group with it's own children
                    if other_node in node.getAllChildren(
                    ) or node in other_node.getAllChildren():

                    # Ignore collisions within a group
                    if other_node.getParent() and node.getParent() and (
                            is not None
                            or node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup")
                            is not None):

                    # Ignore nodes that do not have the right properties set.
                    if not other_node.callDecoration(
                            "getConvexHull") or not other_node.getBoundingBox(

                    if other_node in transformed_nodes:
                        continue  # Other node is already moving, wait for next pass.

                    if other_node.callDecoration("isNonPrintingMesh"):

                    overlap = (0, 0)  # Start loop with no overlap
                    current_overlap_checks = 0
                    # Continue to check the overlap until we no longer find one.
                    while overlap and current_overlap_checks < self._max_overlap_checks:
                        current_overlap_checks += 1
                        head_hull = node.callDecoration("getConvexHullHead")
                        if head_hull:  # One at a time intersection.
                            overlap = head_hull.translate(
                            if not overlap:
                                other_head_hull = other_node.callDecoration(
                                if other_head_hull:
                                    overlap = node.callDecoration(
                                    if overlap:
                                        # Moving ensured that overlap was still there. Try anew!
                                        move_vector = move_vector.set(
                                            x=move_vector.x +
                                            overlap[0] * self._move_factor,
                                            z=move_vector.z +
                                            overlap[1] * self._move_factor)
                                # Moving ensured that overlap was still there. Try anew!
                                move_vector = move_vector.set(
                                    x=move_vector.x +
                                    overlap[0] * self._move_factor,
                                    z=move_vector.z +
                                    overlap[1] * self._move_factor)
                            own_convex_hull = node.callDecoration(
                            other_convex_hull = other_node.callDecoration(
                            if own_convex_hull and other_convex_hull:
                                overlap = own_convex_hull.translate(
                                if overlap:  # Moving ensured that overlap was still there. Try anew!
                                    temp_move_vector = move_vector.set(
                                        x=move_vector.x +
                                        overlap[0] * self._move_factor,
                                        z=move_vector.z +
                                        overlap[1] * self._move_factor)

                                    # if the distance between two models less than 2mm then try to find a new factor
                                    if abs(temp_move_vector.x - overlap[0]
                                           ) < self._minimum_gap and abs(
                                               temp_move_vector.y -
                                               overlap[1]) < self._minimum_gap:
                                        temp_x_factor = (
                                            abs(overlap[0]) + self._minimum_gap
                                        ) / overlap[0] if overlap[
                                            0] != 0 else 0  # find x move_factor, like (3.4 + 2) / 3.4 = 1.58
                                        temp_y_factor = (
                                            abs(overlap[1]) + self._minimum_gap
                                        ) / overlap[1] if overlap[
                                            1] != 0 else 0  # find y move_factor

                                        temp_scale_factor = temp_x_factor if abs(
                                            temp_x_factor) > abs(
                                            ) else temp_y_factor

                                        move_vector = move_vector.set(
                                            x=move_vector.x +
                                            overlap[0] * temp_scale_factor,
                                            z=move_vector.z +
                                            overlap[1] * temp_scale_factor)
                                        move_vector = temp_move_vector
                                # This can happen in some cases if the object is not yet done with being loaded.
                                # Simply waiting for the next tick seems to resolve this correctly.
                                overlap = None

            if not Vector.Null.equals(move_vector, epsilon=1e-5):
                op = PlatformPhysicsOperation.PlatformPhysicsOperation(
                    node, move_vector)

        # After moving, we have to evaluate the boundary checks for nodes
        build_volume = Application.getInstance().getBuildVolume()
예제 #18
    def _onChangeTimerFinished(self):
        if not self._enabled:

        root = self._controller.getScene().getRoot()

        # Keep a list of nodes that are moving. We use this so that we don't move two intersecting objects in the
        # same direction.
        transformed_nodes = []

        group_nodes = []
        # We try to shuffle all the nodes to prevent "locked" situations, where iteration B inverts iteration A.
        # By shuffling the order of the nodes, this might happen a few times, but at some point it will resolve.
        nodes = list(BreadthFirstIterator(root))
        for node in nodes:
            if node is root or type(node) is not SceneNode or node.getBoundingBox() is None:

            bbox = node.getBoundingBox()

            # Ignore intersections with the bottom
            build_volume_bounding_box = self._build_volume.getBoundingBox()
            if build_volume_bounding_box:
                # It's over 9000!
                build_volume_bounding_box = build_volume_bounding_box.set(bottom=-9001)
                # No bounding box. This is triggered when running Cura from command line with a model for the first time
                # In that situation there is a model, but no machine (and therefore no build volume.
            node._outside_buildarea = False

            # Mark the node as outside the build volume if the bounding box test fails.
            if build_volume_bounding_box.intersectsBox(bbox) != AxisAlignedBox.IntersectionResult.FullIntersection:
                node._outside_buildarea = True

            if node.callDecoration("isGroup"):
                group_nodes.append(node)  # Keep list of affected group_nodes

            # Move it downwards if bottom is above platform
            move_vector = Vector()
            if Preferences.getInstance().getValue("physics/automatic_drop_down") and not (node.getParent() and node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup")): #If an object is grouped, don't move it down
                z_offset = node.callDecoration("getZOffset") if node.getDecorator(ZOffsetDecorator.ZOffsetDecorator) else 0
                move_vector = move_vector.set(y=-bbox.bottom + z_offset)

            # If there is no convex hull for the node, start calculating it and continue.
            if not node.getDecorator(ConvexHullDecorator):

            if Preferences.getInstance().getValue("physics/automatic_push_free"):
                # Check for collisions between convex hulls
                for other_node in BreadthFirstIterator(root):
                    # Ignore root, ourselves and anything that is not a normal SceneNode.
                    if other_node is root or type(other_node) is not SceneNode or other_node is node:
                    # Ignore collisions of a group with it's own children
                    if other_node in node.getAllChildren() or node in other_node.getAllChildren():
                    # Ignore collisions within a group
                    if other_node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup") is not None or node.getParent().callDecoration("isGroup") is not None:
                    # Ignore nodes that do not have the right properties set.
                    if not other_node.callDecoration("getConvexHull") or not other_node.getBoundingBox():

                    if other_node in transformed_nodes:
                        continue  # Other node is already moving, wait for next pass.

                    overlap = (0, 0)  # Start loop with no overlap
                    current_overlap_checks = 0
                    # Continue to check the overlap until we no longer find one.
                    while overlap and current_overlap_checks < self._max_overlap_checks:
                        current_overlap_checks += 1
                        head_hull = node.callDecoration("getConvexHullHead")
                        if head_hull:  # One at a time intersection.
                            overlap = head_hull.translate(move_vector.x, move_vector.z).intersectsPolygon(other_node.callDecoration("getConvexHull"))
                            if not overlap:
                                other_head_hull = other_node.callDecoration("getConvexHullHead")
                                if other_head_hull:
                                    overlap = node.callDecoration("getConvexHull").translate(move_vector.x, move_vector.z).intersectsPolygon(other_head_hull)
                                    if overlap:
                                        # Moving ensured that overlap was still there. Try anew!
                                        move_vector = move_vector.set(x=move_vector.x + overlap[0] * self._move_factor,
                                                                      z=move_vector.z + overlap[1] * self._move_factor)
                                # Moving ensured that overlap was still there. Try anew!
                                move_vector = move_vector.set(x=move_vector.x + overlap[0] * self._move_factor,
                                                              z=move_vector.z + overlap[1] * self._move_factor)
                            own_convex_hull = node.callDecoration("getConvexHull")
                            other_convex_hull = other_node.callDecoration("getConvexHull")
                            if own_convex_hull and other_convex_hull:
                                overlap = own_convex_hull.translate(move_vector.x, move_vector.z).intersectsPolygon(other_convex_hull)
                                if overlap:  # Moving ensured that overlap was still there. Try anew!
                                    move_vector = move_vector.set(x=move_vector.x + overlap[0] * self._move_factor,
                                                                  z=move_vector.z + overlap[1] * self._move_factor)
                                # This can happen in some cases if the object is not yet done with being loaded.
                                #  Simply waiting for the next tick seems to resolve this correctly.
                                overlap = None

            convex_hull = node.callDecoration("getConvexHull")
            if convex_hull:
                if not convex_hull.isValid():
                # Check for collisions between disallowed areas and the object
                for area in self._build_volume.getDisallowedAreas():
                    overlap = convex_hull.intersectsPolygon(area)
                    if overlap is None:
                    node._outside_buildarea = True

            if not Vector.Null.equals(move_vector, epsilon=1e-5):
                op = PlatformPhysicsOperation.PlatformPhysicsOperation(node, move_vector)

        # Group nodes should override the _outside_buildarea property of their children.
        for group_node in group_nodes:
            for child_node in group_node.getAllChildren():
                child_node._outside_buildarea = group_node._outside_buildarea