def point_creator(refer_dir:str, name:str, dst:str, point_label=True, direct_mask=False, limit_pkl:str=None) -> None: """the refer_dir is the directory where all refer are; the name is the name of the created .pkl file; the dst is where the .pkl file will be saved; if the limit_pkl is provided, only the files in limit_pkl will be used, this .pkl files should follow the format of""" containor = {} refers = path_list_creator(refer_dir) if limit_pkl: target = load_pickle(limit_pkl) refers = [refer for refer in refers if get_name(refer) in target['labels']] if point_label: for label_p in refers: points = point_detect(cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(label_p), cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)) containor[get_name(label_p)] = points elif direct_mask: for mask_p in refers: containor[get_name(mask_p)] = mask_p else: for mask_p in refers: mask = cv2.imread(mask_p, 0) cnts = mask_to_cnts_watershed(mask, min_distance=14, for_real_mask=True) points = [middle(c) for c in cnts] containor[get_name(mask_p)] = points save_dict(containor, name, dst)
def _loc_updator(self): if self.cur >= self.length: self.cur = 0 elif self.cur < 0: self.cur = self.length - 1 self.loc = self.path_list[self.cur] self.ID = get_name(self.loc)
def _temp_init(self): img_dir = filedialog.askdirectory( title='Select the directory where your slides are ...', mustexist=True) self.dst = join(dirname(img_dir), 'temp') os.makedirs(self.dst, exist_ok=True) self.path_list = path_list_creator(img_dir) self.cur = 0 self.length = len(self.path_list) self.loc = self.path_list[self.cur] self.ID = get_name(self.loc)
def metric(self, img_p: str, label_p: str = None, show_info=False, show_img=True, dst='.', name=None, show_mask=False, target=15, label_points=None) -> None: """true_positives = Correct objects false_positives = Missed objects false_negatives = Extra objects (PPV), Precision = Σ True positive / Σ Predicted condition positive Sensitivity, probability of detection = Σ True positive / Σ Condition positive If it is not form dir, we show the outcome directly""" if not name: name = get_name(img_p) if show_info: print(name) img = cv2.imread(img_p) pred_cnts, pred_mask_img = self._mask_creator(img) mask_img = None if isinstance(label_points, list): label_points = label_points elif label_p: mask_img = cv2.imread(label_p, 0) possible_right_cnts, label_num = overlap(pred_cnts, mask_img=mask_img, label_points=label_points) if show_img: fit_out = mask_visualization(img, possible_right_cnts, method='box', target=target) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dst, name + '_fit.jpg'), fit_out) pred_out = mask_visualization(img, pred_cnts, target=target) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dst, name + '_pred.jpg'), pred_out) if show_mask: cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dst, name + '_mask.jpg'), pred_mask_img) values = stats(label_num, pred_cnts, possible_right_cnts) self.metric_record[name] = values if show_info: print_dict = {} print_dict.update(dict(zip(self.metric_keys.split(', '), values))) print(print_dict)
def make_gif_from_dir(metric_dir_path, dst): maid = defaultdict(dict) path_list = path_list_creator(metric_dir_path) for fp in path_list: name = get_name(fp) if '_pred' in fp: maid[name]['predicted'] = fp elif '_label' in fp: maid[name]['labeled'] = fp # elif '_fit' in fp: # maid[name]['fit'] = fp for f_name, fp_dict in maid.items(): if len(fp_dict) == 2: out_p = join(dst, f_name + '.gif') make_gif(fp_dict, out_p)
def train_test_info_creator(label_dir: str, tiles_dir: str, dst: str, percent: float = 0.2, test_dir=None) -> None: """label_dir is the directory where point labelled images are; tiles_dir is the directory where all tiles are, including 'raw_imgs' and 'labels'; dst is the directory where the 'test.pkl' and the 'others.pkl' will be saved""" all_names = names_creator(label_dir) if test_dir: test_names = [get_name(fn) for fn in os.listdir(test_dir)] else: test_names = names_separator(all_names, percent=percent) test_family, other_family = from_names_to_path_list(test_names, tiles_dir) save_dict(test_family, 'test', dst) save_dict(other_family, 'others', dst) return len(other_family['labels'])
def predict_from_imgs(self, img_p_list, result_dst, visualize_dst=None, show_mask=False, target=15, assistance=False): # self.result.clear() for img_p in img_p_list: img = cv2.imread(img_p) ID = get_name(img_p) if ID in self.result: continue self.predict_from_img(img, ID, visualize_dst=visualize_dst, show_mask=show_mask, target=target, assistance=assistance) show_result(self.result, ['Counts'], title='Count', dst=result_dst)
def test_dict(img_dir:str) -> list: return {get_name(fp):fp for fp in path_list_creator(img_dir)}
def names_creator(dir_path): return [get_name(fn) for fn in os.listdir(dir_path)]