예제 #1
    def test_create_dict_string(self):
        from UnitTesting.create_dict_string import create_dict_string
        from mpmath import mpf, mpc

        calculated_dict = {}
        self.assertEqual("{}", create_dict_string(calculated_dict))

        calculated_dict = {'a': 0}
        self.assertEqual("{'a': 0}", create_dict_string(calculated_dict))

        calculated_dict = {'b': mpf('1.0')}
        self.assertEqual("{'b': mpf('1.0')}", create_dict_string(calculated_dict))

        calculated_dict = {'c': mpc(real='1.0', imag='2.0')}
        self.assertEqual("{'c': mpc(real='1.0', imag='2.0')}", create_dict_string(calculated_dict))

        calculated_dict = {'alpha': 4, 'beta': mpf('0.2'), 'gamma': mpc(real='3.14', imag='6.28')}
        self.assertEqual("{'alpha': 4, 'beta': mpf('0.2'), 'gamma': mpc(real='3.14', imag='6.28')}",

        calculated_dict = {'beta': mpf('0.2'), 'gamma': mpc(real='3.14', imag='6.28'), 'alpha': 4}
        self.assertEqual("{'alpha': 4, 'beta': mpf('0.2'), 'gamma': mpc(real='3.14', imag='6.28')}",

        calculated_dict = {'AZ': mpf('2.4287654'), 'ab': mpc(real='0.0', imag='123.1234123412341234')}
        self.assertEqual("{'ab': mpc(real='0.0', imag='123.1234123412341234'), 'AZ': mpf('2.4287654')}",

        calculated_dict = {'betaU[0]': mpf('1.0'), 'betaU[1]': mpf('0.0'), 'betaU[2]': mpf('-0.733235010089164696012176136719')}
        self.assertEqual("{'betaU[0]': mpf('1.0'), 'betaU[1]': mpf('0.0'), 'betaU[2]': mpf('-0.733235010089164696012176136719')}",

        logging.info(' All create_dict_string tests passed.')
예제 #2
def first_time_print(self, write=True):
Module: {}
Please copy the following code between the ##### and paste it into your trusted_values_dict.py file for this module:


# Generated on: {}
trusted_values_dict['{}'] = {}

'''.format(self.module_name, date.today(), self.trusted_values_dict_name,

    # If [write] is [True], write to [trusted_values_dict]
    if write:
            ' Writing trusted_values_dict entry to trusted_values_dict.py...')
        fw = open(os.path.join(self.path, 'trusted_values_dict.py'), 'a')
# Generated on: {}
trusted_values_dict['{}'] = {}
'''.format(date.today(), self.trusted_values_dict_name, self.calculated_dict))
        logging.debug(' ...Success: entry written to trusted_values_dict.py\n')
예제 #3
def first_time_print(self, write=True):
    dict_name = self.trusted_values_dict_name

    output_string = r"""
# Generated on: """ + str(date.today()) + r"""
trusted_values_dict['""" + dict_name + r"""'] = """ + \

    error = r"""
Module: """ + self.module_name + r"""
Please copy the following code between the ##### and paste it into your trusted_values_dict.py file for this module:


""" + output_string + """


    # If [write] is [True], write to [trusted_values_dict]
    if write:
            ' Writing trusted_values_dict entry to trusted_values_dict.py...')
        with open(os.path.join(self.path, 'trusted_values_dict.py'),
                  'a') as file:
        logging.debug(' ...Success: entry written to trusted_values_dict.py\n')
예제 #4
def calc_error(self):

    # Setting precision
    mp.dps = precision

    # Creating sets to easily compare the keys of calculated_dict and trusted_dict
    calculated_set = set(self.calculated_dict)
    trusted_set = set(self.trusted_values_dict_entry)

    logging.debug(' Checking that calculated and trusted dicts contain the same variables...')
    # If the sets differ, output the differing variables
    if calculated_set != trusted_set:
        logging.error(' {}: Calculated dictionary and trusted dictionary have different variables.'
        calculated_minus_trusted = calculated_set - trusted_set
        trusted_minus_calculated = trusted_set - calculated_set
        if calculated_minus_trusted != set([]):
            logging.error(' Calculated Dictionary variables not in Trusted Dictionary: ' +
        if trusted_minus_calculated != set([]):
            logging.error(' Trusted Dictionary variables not in Calculated Dictionary: ' +
        # Automatically fail and don't proceed
        return False

    logging.debug(' ...Success: same variables in both dicts.\n')

    # Initialize list of variables whose values differ
    bad_var_list = []

    logging.debug(' Comparing all calculated and trusted values...')
    # Loop through all variables in sorted order
    for var in sorted(self.calculated_dict):

        # Values to compare
        calculated_val = self.calculated_dict[var]
        trusted_val = self.trusted_values_dict_entry[var]

        # For each variable, print calculated and trusted values
        logging.debug('\n' + self.module_name + ': ' + var + ': Calculated: ' + str(calculated_val) + '\n' + self.module_name + ': ' + var
                      + ': Trusted:    ' + str(trusted_val) + '\n')

        # Calculate the error between both values
        if trusted_val == 0:
            log10_relative_error = log10(fabs(calculated_val))
        elif calculated_val == 0:
            log10_relative_error = log10(fabs(trusted_val))
            log10_relative_error = log10(fabs((trusted_val - calculated_val) / trusted_val))

        # Boolean determining if their difference is within the tolerance we accept
        good = (log10_relative_error < (precision / -2.0))

        # Store all variables who are not 'good'
        if not good:

    # If we want to output and there exists at least one variable with error, print
    if bad_var_list != []:
\nVariable(s) {} in module {} failed. Please check values.
If you are confident that the newly calculated values are correct, comment out the old trusted values for
{} in your trusted_values_dict and copy the following code between the ##### into your trusted_values_dict.
Make sure to fill out the TODO comment describing why the values had to be changed. Then re-run test script.


# Generated on: {}
# Reason for changing values: TODO
trusted_values_dict['{}'] = {}

'''.format(bad_var_list, self.module_name, self.trusted_values_dict_name, date.today(),
           self.trusted_values_dict_name, create_dict_string(self.calculated_dict)))
        logging.debug(' ...Success: all variables identical.\n')

    # Return True if all variables are good, False otherwise
    return bad_var_list == []