choice = int(choice) if choice == 1: print("books available {} ".format( Book.display_books() print("\n") elif choice == 2: book = input("name of book you want to issue") student = input("enter your name") m1.issue_book(book, student) print("\n") elif choice == 3: book = input("name of book you want to return") student = input("enter your name") m1.return_book(book, student) elif choice == 4: book_name = input("enter the name of the book") Catalog.searchbyname(book_name) print("\n") elif choice == 5: author = input("enter the name of the author") Catalog.searchbyauthor(author) print("\n") elif choice == 6: libr = Librarian("Shekhar suman", "howrah", 23, 456782125, "Na") book_name = input("name of the book which is going to be added") quantity = int(input())
else: user_choice = int(user_choice) if user_choice == 1: print("we have following books in {} library".format( library.display_books() print("\n") elif user_choice == 2: book = input("please Enter the name of the book you want to lend :") user = input("please enter your name:") m1.lend_book(library,book,user) print("\n") elif user_choice == 3: book = input("please Enter the name of the book you want to return :") user = input("please enter your name:") m1.return_book(library,book,user) print("\n") elif user_choice == 4: book = input("please Enter the name of the book having fine :") user = input("please enter your name:") m1.cheack_fine(library,book,user) print("\n") elif user_choice == 5: book_name = input("Enter the name of book: ") catalog.searchByName(library,book_name) print("\n") elif user_choice == 6: Author = input("Enter the name of author: ") catalog.searchByAuthor(library,Author)
lib.viewBooks() member1 = Member("Ashwani Devesh Kashyap", "Mumbai", 23, "ADK4321", "NESS4321") member2 = Member("Shivani Kashyap", "Surat", 19, "SK1234", "MSU8765") member3 = Member("Navneet Kashyap", "Patna", 21, "NK9876", "JSPM1715") print(member1) print(member2) print(member3) member1.viewBooks() member1.search_by_book_name("Theory of everything") member1.search_by_book_name("The magic of thinking big") member1.search_by_author_name("Stephen Hawking") member1.search_by_author_name("JK rowling") member1.issue_book("Theory of everything", 8) member2.issue_book("Crack IELTS", 10) member1.viewBooks() lib.view_issued_books() member1.return_book("001ac") member1.viewBooks() member2.issue_book("Crack IELTS") lib.viewMembers() lib.removeMember("Navneet") member1.issue_book("Crack IELTS") lib.viewMembers() lib.view_issued_books()