def getLLVMBuildFactory( triple = None, # Triple to build, host, and target. clean = True, # "clean-llvm" step is requested if true. test = True, # "test-llvm" step is requested if true. expensive_checks = False, examples = False, # "compile.examples" step is requested if true. valgrind = False, # Valgrind is used on "test-llvm" step if true. valgrindLeakCheck = False, # Valgrind leak check is requested if true. valgrindSuppressions = None, # Valgrind suppression file. jobs = '%(jobs)s', # Number of concurrent jobs. timeout = 20, # Timeout if no activity seen (minutes). make = 'make', # Make command. enable_shared = False, # Enable shared (--enable-shared configure parameters added) if true. enable_targets = None, # List of enabled targets (--enable-targets configure param). defaultBranch = 'trunk', # Branch to build. llvmgccdir = None, # Path to llvm-gcc. config_name = 'Debug+Asserts', # Configuration name. env = {}, # Environmental variables for all steps. extra_configure_args = []): # Extra args for the conigure step. # Prepare environmental variables. Set here all env we want everywhere. merged_env = { 'TERM' : 'dumb' # Make sure Clang doesn't use color escape sequences. } if env is not None: merged_env.update(env) # Overwrite pre-set items with the given ones, so user can set anything. llvm_srcdir = "llvm.src" llvm_objdir = "llvm.obj" f = buildbot.process.factory.BuildFactory() # Determine the build directory. f.addStep( name = "get_builddir", command = ["pwd"], property = "builddir", description = "set build dir", workdir = ".", env = merged_env)) # Checkout sources. f.addStep( SVN( name = 'svn-llvm', mode = 'update', baseURL='', defaultBranch = defaultBranch, workdir = llvm_srcdir)) # Force without llvm-gcc so we don't run afoul of Frontend test failures. configure_args = [WithProperties("%%(builddir)s/%s/configure" % llvm_srcdir)] if llvmgccdir: configure_args += ['--with-llvmgccdir=%s' % llvmgccdir] else: configure_args += ["--without-llvmgcc", "--without-llvmgxx"] configure_args += getConfigArgs(config_name) if enable_targets is not None: configure_args.append('--enable-targets=%s' % enable_targets) if triple: configure_args += ['--build=%s' % triple, '--host=%s' % triple, '--target=%s' % triple] if enable_shared: configure_args.append('--enable-shared') configure_args.extend(extra_configure_args) f.addStep( Configure( command = configure_args, description = ['configuring', config_name], descriptionDone = ['configure', config_name], workdir = llvm_objdir, env = merged_env)) if clean: f.addStep( WarningCountingShellCommand( name = "clean-llvm", command = [make, 'clean'], haltOnFailure = True, description = "cleaning llvm", descriptionDone = "clean llvm", workdir = llvm_objdir, env = merged_env)) f.addStep( WarningCountingShellCommand( name = "compile", command = ['nice', '-n', '10', make, WithProperties("-j%s" % jobs)], haltOnFailure = True, description = "compiling llvm", descriptionDone = "compile llvm", workdir = llvm_objdir, env = merged_env, timeout = timeout * 60)) if examples: f.addStep( WarningCountingShellCommand( name = "compile.examples", command = ['nice', '-n', '10', make, WithProperties("-j%s" % jobs), 'BUILD_EXAMPLES=1'], haltOnFailure = True, description = ["compiling", "llvm", "examples"], descriptionDone = ["compile", "llvm", "examples"], workdir = llvm_objdir, env = merged_env, timeout = timeout * 60)) if test: litTestArgs = '-v -j %s' % jobs if valgrind: litTestArgs += ' --vg ' if valgrindLeakCheck: litTestArgs += ' --vg-leak' if valgrindSuppressions is not None: litTestArgs += ' --vg-arg --suppressions=%%(builddir)s/llvm/%s' % valgrindSuppressions f.addStep( LitTestCommand( name = 'test-llvm', command = [make, "check-lit", "VERBOSE=1", WithProperties("LIT_ARGS=%s" % litTestArgs)], description = ["testing", "llvm"], descriptionDone = ["test", "llvm"], workdir = llvm_objdir, env = merged_env)) return f
def getKLEEBuildFactory(triple, jobs='%(jobs)d', llvm_branch='trunk', config_name='Release+Asserts', clean=True, llvmgccdir=None, *args, **kwargs): if False: f = buildbot.process.factory.BuildFactory() # Determine the build directory. f.addStep("get_builddir", command=["pwd"], property="builddir", description="set build dir", workdir=".")) else: # If we are building from trunk, we need to build Clang as # well so we have access to an LLVM capable compiler. if llvm_branch == 'trunk': f = ClangBuilder.getClangBuildFactory(triple, jobs=jobs, stage1_config=config_name, extra_configure_args=['--with-built-clang', '--enable-targets=host', '--with-llvmcc=clang'], clean=clean, test=False, *args, **kwargs) else: f = LLVMBuilder.getLLVMBuildFactory(triple, jobs=jobs, defaultBranch=llvm_branch, config_name=config_name, llvmgccdir=llvmgccdir, enable_targets='x86', clean=clean, test=False, *args, **kwargs) # Checkout sources. f.addStep(SVN(name='svn-klee', mode='update', baseURL='', defaultBranch='trunk', workdir='klee')) # Configure. configure_args = ["./configure", WithProperties("--with-llvm=%(builddir)s/llvm")] configure_args += getConfigArgs(config_name) if triple: configure_args += ['--build=%s' % triple, '--host=%s' % triple, '--target=%s' % triple] f.addStep(Configure(command=configure_args, workdir='klee', description=['configure','klee',config_name])) # Clean, if requested. if clean: f.addStep(WarningCountingShellCommand(name="clean-klee", command=['make', 'clean'], haltOnFailure=True, description="clean klee", workdir='klee')) # Compile. f.addStep(WarningCountingShellCommand(name="compile", command=['nice', '-n', '10', 'make', WithProperties("-j%s" % jobs)], haltOnFailure=True, description="compile klee", workdir='klee')) # Test. f.addStep(DejaGNUCommand(name="test", command=['nice', '-n', '10', 'make', 'check'], haltOnFailure=True, description="test klee", workdir='klee', logfiles={ 'dg.sum' : 'test/testrun.sum' })) return f
def getLLVMGCCBuildFactory(jobs='%(jobs)s', update=True, clean=True, gxxincludedir=None, triple=None, build=None, host=None, target=None, useTwoStage=True, stage1_config='Release+Asserts', stage2_config='Release+Asserts', make='make', extra_configure_args=[], extra_languages=None, verbose=False, env = {}, defaultBranch='trunk', timeout=20, package_dst=None): if build or host or target: if not build or not host or not target: raise ValueError,"Must specify all of 'build', 'host', 'target' if used." if triple: raise ValueError,"Cannot specify 'triple' and 'build', 'host', 'target' options." elif triple: build = host = target = triple # Prepare environmental variables. Set here all env we want everywhere. merged_env = { 'TERM' : 'dumb' # Make sure Clang doesn't use color escape sequences. } if env is not None: merged_env.update(env) # Overwrite pre-set items with the given ones, so user can set anything. f = buildbot.process.factory.BuildFactory() # Determine the build directory. f.addStep("get_builddir", command=["pwd"], property = "builddir", description = "set build dir", workdir = ".", env = merged_env)) # Get the sources. if update: f.addStep(SVN(name='svn-llvm', mode='update', baseURL='', defaultBranch = defaultBranch, workdir = "llvm.src")) f.addStep(SVN(name='svn-llvm-gcc', mode='update', baseURL='', defaultBranch = defaultBranch, workdir = "llvm-gcc.src")) # Clean up llvm (stage 1). if clean: f.addStep(ShellCommand(name="rm-llvm.obj.stage1", command=["rm", "-rf", "llvm.obj"], haltOnFailure = True, description = ["rm build dir", "llvm", "(stage 1)"], workdir = ".", env = merged_env)) # Configure llvm (stage 1). base_llvm_configure_args = [WithProperties("%(builddir)s/llvm.src/configure")] if build: base_llvm_configure_args.append('--build=' + build) base_llvm_configure_args.append('--host=' + host) base_llvm_configure_args.append('--target=' + target) stage_configure_args = getConfigArgs(stage1_config) f.addStep(Configure(name='configure.llvm.stage1', command=base_llvm_configure_args + stage_configure_args + ["--without-llvmgcc", "--without-llvmgxx"], description = [ "configure", "llvm", "(stage 1)", stage1_config ], workdir = "llvm.obj", env = merged_env)) # Build llvm (stage 1). base_llvm_make_args = ['nice', '-n', '10', make, WithProperties("-j%s" % jobs)] if verbose: base_llvm_make_args.append('VERBOSE=1') f.addStep(WarningCountingShellCommand(name = "compile.llvm.stage1", command = base_llvm_make_args, haltOnFailure = True, description = ["compile", "llvm", "(stage 1)", stage1_config], workdir = "llvm.obj", env = merged_env, timeout = timeout * 60)) # Run LLVM tests (stage 1). f.addStep(LitTestCommand(name = 'test.llvm.stage1', command = [make, "check-lit", "VERBOSE=1"], description = ["testing", "llvm"], descriptionDone = ["test", "llvm"], workdir = 'llvm.obj', env = merged_env)) # Clean up llvm-gcc. if clean: f.addStep(ShellCommand(name="rm-llvm-gcc.obj.stage1", command=["rm", "-rf", "llvm-gcc.obj"], haltOnFailure = True, description = ["rm build dir", "llvm-gcc"], workdir = ".", env = merged_env)) # Configure llvm-gcc. base_llvmgcc_configure_args = ["../llvm-gcc.src/configure"] llvmgcc_languages = "--enable-languages=c,c++" if extra_languages: llvmgcc_languages = llvmgcc_languages + "," + extra_languages base_llvmgcc_configure_args.append(llvmgcc_languages) if gxxincludedir: base_llvmgcc_configure_args.append('--with-gxx-include-dir=' + gxxincludedir) base_llvmgcc_configure_args.extend(extra_configure_args) if build: base_llvmgcc_configure_args.append('--build=' + build) base_llvmgcc_configure_args.append('--host=' + host) base_llvmgcc_configure_args.append('--target=' + target) f.addStep(Configure(name='configure.llvm-gcc.stage1', command=(base_llvmgcc_configure_args + ["--program-prefix=llvm-", WithProperties("--prefix=%(builddir)s/llvm-gcc.install"), WithProperties("--enable-llvm=%(builddir)s/llvm.obj")]), haltOnFailure = True, description = ["configure", "llvm-gcc", "(stage 1)"], workdir = "llvm-gcc.obj", env = merged_env)) # Build llvm-gcc. f.addStep(WarningCountingShellCommand(name="compile.llvm-gcc.stage1", command=['nice', '-n', '10', make, WithProperties("-j%s" % jobs)], haltOnFailure = True, description = ["compile", "llvm-gcc"], workdir = "llvm-gcc.obj", env = merged_env, timeout = timeout * 60)) # Clean up llvm-gcc install. if clean: f.addStep(ShellCommand(name="rm-llvm-gcc.install.stage1", command=["rm", "-rf", "llvm-gcc.install"], haltOnFailure = True, description = ["rm install dir", "llvm-gcc"], workdir = ".", env = merged_env)) # Install llvm-gcc. f.addStep(WarningCountingShellCommand(name="install.llvm-gcc.stage1", command=['nice', '-n', '10', make, 'install'], haltOnFailure = True, description = ["install", "llvm-gcc"], workdir = "llvm-gcc.obj", env = merged_env)) # We are done if not doing a two-stage build. if not useTwoStage: return f # Clean up llvm (stage 2). if clean: f.addStep(ShellCommand(name="rm-llvm.obj.stage2", command=["rm", "-rf", "llvm.obj.2"], haltOnFailure = True, description = ["rm build dir", "llvm", "(stage 2)"], workdir = ".", env = merged_env)) # Configure llvm (stage 2). stage_configure_args = getConfigArgs(stage2_config) local_env = dict(merged_env) local_env['CC'] = WithProperties("%(builddir)s/llvm-gcc.install/bin/llvm-gcc") local_env['CXX'] = WithProperties("%(builddir)s/llvm-gcc.install/bin/llvm-g++") f.addStep(Configure(name="configure.llvm.stage2", command=base_llvm_configure_args + stage_configure_args + [WithProperties("--with-llvmgcc=%(builddir)s/llvm-gcc.install/bin/llvm-gcc"), WithProperties("--with-llvmgxx=%(builddir)s/llvm-gcc.install/bin/llvm-g++")], haltOnFailure = True, description = ["configure", "llvm", "(stage 2)", stage2_config], workdir = "llvm.obj.2", env = local_env)) # Build LLVM (stage 2). f.addStep(WarningCountingShellCommand(name = "compile.llvm.stage2", command = base_llvm_make_args, haltOnFailure = True, description = ["compile", "llvm", "(stage 2)", stage2_config], workdir = "llvm.obj.2", env = merged_env, timeout = timeout * 60)) # Run LLVM tests (stage 2). f.addStep(LitTestCommand(name = 'test.llvm.stage2', command = [make, "check-lit", "VERBOSE=1"], description = ["testing", "llvm", "(stage 2)"], descriptionDone = ["test", "llvm", "(stage 2)"], workdir = 'llvm.obj.2', env = merged_env)) # Clean up llvm-gcc (stage 2). if clean: f.addStep(ShellCommand(name="rm-llvm-gcc.obj.stage2", command=["rm", "-rf", "llvm-gcc.obj.2"], haltOnFailure = True, description = ["rm build dir", "llvm-gcc", "(stage 2)"], workdir = ".", env = merged_env)) # Configure llvm-gcc (stage 2). local_env = dict(merged_env) local_env['CC'] = WithProperties("%(builddir)s/llvm-gcc.install/bin/llvm-gcc") local_env['CXX'] = WithProperties("%(builddir)s/llvm-gcc.install/bin/llvm-g++") f.addStep(Configure(name = 'configure.llvm-gcc.stage2', command=base_llvmgcc_configure_args + [ "--program-prefix=llvm.2-", WithProperties("--prefix=%(builddir)s/llvm-gcc.install.2"), WithProperties("--enable-llvm=%(builddir)s/llvm.obj.2")], haltOnFailure = True, description = ["configure", "llvm-gcc", "(stage 2)"], workdir = "llvm-gcc.obj.2", env = local_env)) # Build llvm-gcc (stage 2). f.addStep(WarningCountingShellCommand(name="compile.llvm-gcc.stage2", command=['nice', '-n', '10', make, WithProperties("-j%s" % jobs)], haltOnFailure = True, description = ["compile", "llvm-gcc", "(stage 2)"], workdir = "llvm-gcc.obj.2", env = merged_env, timeout = timeout * 60)) # Clean up llvm-gcc install (stage 2). if clean: f.addStep(ShellCommand(name="rm-llvm-gcc.install.stage2", command=["rm", "-rf", "llvm-gcc.install.2"], haltOnFailure = True, description = ["rm install dir", "llvm-gcc", "(stage 2)"], workdir = ".", env = merged_env)) # Install llvm-gcc. f.addStep(WarningCountingShellCommand(name="install.llvm-gcc.stage2", command = ['nice', '-n', '10', make, 'install'], haltOnFailure = True, description = ["install", "llvm-gcc", "(stage 2)"], workdir = "llvm-gcc.obj.2", env = merged_env)) if package_dst: addPackageStep(f, package_dst, obj_path = 'llvm-gcc.install.2', env = merged_env) return f
def getLLVMBuildFactory( triple=None, # Triple to build, host, and target. clean=True, # "clean-llvm" step is requested if true. test=True, # "test-llvm" step is requested if true. expensive_checks=False, examples=False, # "compile.examples" step is requested if true. valgrind=False, # Valgrind is used on "test-llvm" step if true. valgrindLeakCheck=False, # Valgrind leak check is requested if true. valgrindSuppressions=None, # Valgrind suppression file. jobs='%(jobs)s', # Number of concurrent jobs. timeout=20, # Timeout if no activity seen (minutes). make='make', # Make command. enable_shared=False, # Enable shared (--enable-shared configure parameters added) if true. enable_targets=None, # List of enabled targets (--enable-targets configure param). defaultBranch='trunk', # Branch to build. llvmgccdir=None, # Path to llvm-gcc. config_name='Debug+Asserts', # Configuration name. env={}, # Environmental variables for all steps. extra_configure_args=[]): # Extra args for the conigure step. # Prepare environmental variables. Set here all env we want everywhere. merged_env = { 'TERM': 'dumb' # Make sure Clang doesn't use color escape sequences. } if env is not None: merged_env.update( env ) # Overwrite pre-set items with the given ones, so user can set anything. llvm_srcdir = "llvm.src" llvm_objdir = "llvm.obj" f = buildbot.process.factory.BuildFactory() # Determine the build directory. f.addStep("get_builddir", command=["pwd"], property="builddir", description="set build dir", workdir=".", env=merged_env)) # Checkout sources. f.addStep( SVN(name='svn-llvm', mode='update', baseURL='', defaultBranch=defaultBranch, workdir=llvm_srcdir)) # Force without llvm-gcc so we don't run afoul of Frontend test failures. configure_args = [ WithProperties("%%(builddir)s/%s/configure" % llvm_srcdir) ] if llvmgccdir: configure_args += ['--with-llvmgccdir=%s' % llvmgccdir] else: configure_args += ["--without-llvmgcc", "--without-llvmgxx"] configure_args += getConfigArgs(config_name) if enable_targets is not None: configure_args.append('--enable-targets=%s' % enable_targets) if triple: configure_args += [ '--build=%s' % triple, '--host=%s' % triple, '--target=%s' % triple ] if enable_shared: configure_args.append('--enable-shared') configure_args.extend(extra_configure_args) f.addStep( Configure(command=configure_args, description=['configuring', config_name], descriptionDone=['configure', config_name], workdir=llvm_objdir, env=merged_env)) if clean: f.addStep( WarningCountingShellCommand(name="clean-llvm", command=[make, 'clean'], haltOnFailure=True, description="cleaning llvm", descriptionDone="clean llvm", workdir=llvm_objdir, env=merged_env)) f.addStep( WarningCountingShellCommand( name="compile", command=['nice', '-n', '10', make, WithProperties("-j%s" % jobs)], haltOnFailure=True, description="compiling llvm", descriptionDone="compile llvm", workdir=llvm_objdir, env=merged_env, timeout=timeout * 60)) if examples: f.addStep( WarningCountingShellCommand( name="compile.examples", command=[ 'nice', '-n', '10', make, WithProperties("-j%s" % jobs), 'BUILD_EXAMPLES=1' ], haltOnFailure=True, description=["compiling", "llvm", "examples"], descriptionDone=["compile", "llvm", "examples"], workdir=llvm_objdir, env=merged_env, timeout=timeout * 60)) if test: litTestArgs = '-v -j %s' % jobs if valgrind: litTestArgs += ' --vg ' if valgrindLeakCheck: litTestArgs += ' --vg-leak' if valgrindSuppressions is not None: litTestArgs += ' --vg-arg --suppressions=%%(builddir)s/llvm/%s' % valgrindSuppressions f.addStep( LitTestCommand(name='test-llvm', command=[ make, "check-lit", "VERBOSE=1", WithProperties("LIT_ARGS=%s" % litTestArgs) ], description=["testing", "llvm"], descriptionDone=["test", "llvm"], workdir=llvm_objdir, env=merged_env)) return f