예제 #1
  def predict(self, enc_hidden, context, context_lengths, batch, beam_size, max_code_length, generator, replace_unk, vis_params):
    # This decoder does not have input feeding. Parent state replces that
    decState = DecoderState(
      enc_hidden, #encoder hidden
      Variable(torch.zeros(1, 1, self.opt.rnn_size).cuda(), requires_grad=False) # parent state
    # Repeat everything beam_size times.
    def rvar(a, beam_size):
      return Variable(a.repeat(beam_size, 1, 1), volatile=True)
    context = rvar(context.data, beam_size)
    context_lengths = context_lengths.repeat(beam_size)
    decState.repeat_beam_size_times(beam_size) # TODO: get back to this

    # Use only one beam
    beam = TreeBeam(beam_size, True, self.vocabs, self.opt.rnn_size)

    for count in range(0, max_code_length): # We will break when we have the required number of terminals
      # to be consistent with seq2seq

      if beam.done(): # TODO: fix b.done

      # Construct batch x beam_size nxt words.
      # Get all the pending current beam words and arrange for forward.
      # Uses the start symbol in the beginning
      inp = beam.getCurrentState() # Should return a batch of the frontier

      # Run one step., decState gets automatically updated
      output, attn, copy_attn = self.forward(inp, context, context_lengths, decState)
      scores = generator(bottle(output), bottle(copy_attn), batch['src_map'], inp) #generator needs the non-terminals

      out = generator.collapseCopyScores(unbottle(scores.data.clone(), beam_size), batch) # needs seq2seq from batch
      out = out.log()

      # beam x tgt_vocab
      beam.advance(out[:, 0],  attn.data[:, 0], output)
      decState.beam_update(beam.getCurrentOrigin(), beam_size)

    score, times, k = beam.getFinal() # times is the length of the prediction
    #hyp, att = beam.getHyp(times, k)
    goldNl = self.vocabs['seq2seq'].addStartOrEnd(batch['raw_seq2seq'][0]) # because batch = 1
    goldCode = self.vocabs['code'].addStartOrEnd(batch['raw_code'][0])
    # goldProd = self.vocabs['next_rules'].addStartOrEnd(batch['raw_next_rules'][0])
    predictions = []
    for score, times, k in beam.finished:
      hyp, att = beam.getHyp(times, k)
      predSent = self.buildTargetTokens(
      predSent = ProdDecoder.rulesToCode(predSent)
      predictions.append(Prediction(goldNl, goldCode, predSent, att, score))
    return predictions
예제 #2
    def computeLoss(self, scores, batch):

        batch_size = batch['seq2seq'].size(0)

        target = Variable(batch['next_rules'].contiguous().cuda().view(-1),
        if self.opt.decoder_type == "prod":
            align = Variable(
            align_unk = batch['seq2seq_vocab'][0].stoi['<unk>']
        elif self.opt.decoder_type in ["concode"]:
            align = Variable(batch['concode_next_rules_in_src_nums'].
            align_unk = batch['concode_vocab'][0].stoi['<unk>']

        offset = len(self.vocabs['next_rules'])

        out = scores.gather(
            align.view(-1, 1) + offset).view(-1).mul(
                align.ne(align_unk).float())  # all where copy is not unk
        tmp = scores.gather(1, target.view(-1, 1)).view(-1)

        unk_mask = target.data.ne(self.tgt_unks[0])
        for unk in self.tgt_unks:
            unk_mask = unk_mask & target.data.ne(unk)
        unk_mask_var = Variable(unk_mask, requires_grad=False)
        inv_unk_mask_var = Variable(~unk_mask, requires_grad=False)

        out = out + 1e-20 + tmp.mul(unk_mask_var.float()) + \
                      tmp.mul(align.eq(align_unk).float()).mul(inv_unk_mask_var.float()) # copy and target are unks

        # Drop padding.
        loss = -out.log().mul(target.ne(self.tgt_pad).float()).sum()
        scores_data = scores.data.clone()
        target_data = target.data.clone()  #computeLoss populates this

        scores_data = self.collapseCopyScores(
            unbottle(scores_data, batch_size), batch)
        scores_data = bottle(scores_data)

        # Correct target copy token instead of <unk>
        # tgt[i] = align[i] + len(tgt_vocab)
        # for i such that tgt[i] == 0 and align[i] != 0
        # when target is <unk> but can be copied, make sure we get the copy index right
        correct_mask = inv_unk_mask_var.data * align.data.ne(align_unk)
        correct_copy = (align.data + offset) * correct_mask.long()
        target_data = (target_data * (~correct_mask).long()) + correct_copy

        pred = scores_data.max(1)[1]
        non_padding = target_data.ne(self.tgt_pad)
        num_correct = pred.eq(target_data).masked_select(non_padding).sum()

        return loss, non_padding.sum(), num_correct  #, stats
예제 #3
    def computeLoss(self, scores, batch):
            batch: the current batch.
            target: the validate target to compare output with.
            align: the align info.
        batch_size = batch['seq2seq'].size(0)

        self.target = Variable(shiftLeft(batch['code'].cuda(),

        align = Variable(
        # All individual vocabs have the same unk index
        align_unk = batch['seq2seq_vocab'][0].stoi['<unk>']
        loss = self.criterion(scores, self.target, align, align_unk)

        scores_data = scores.data.clone()
        target_data = self.target.data.clone()  #computeLoss populates this

        if self.opt.copy_attn:
            scores_data = self.collapseCopyScores(
                unbottle(scores_data, batch_size), batch)
            scores_data = bottle(scores_data)

            # Correct target copy token instead of <unk>
            # tgt[i] = align[i] + len(tgt_vocab)
            # for i such that tgt[i] == 0 and align[i] != 0
            # when target is <unk> but can be copied, make sure we get the copy index right
            correct_mask = target_data.eq(
                self.tgt_unk_idx) * align.data.ne(align_unk)
            correct_copy = (align.data +
                            self.tgt_dict_size) * correct_mask.long()
            target_data = (target_data *
                           (1 - correct_mask).long()) + correct_copy

        pred = scores_data.max(1)[1]
        non_padding = target_data.ne(self.tgt_padding_idx)
        num_correct = pred.eq(target_data).masked_select(non_padding).sum()

        return loss, non_padding.sum(), num_correct  #, stats
예제 #4
    def predict(self, enc_hidden, context, context_lengths, batch, beam_size,
                max_code_length, generator, replace_unk, vis_params):

        # This decoder does not have input feeding. Parent state replces that
        decState = DecoderState(
            enc_hidden,  #encoder hidden
            Variable(torch.zeros(1, 1, self.opt.decoder_rnn_size).cuda(),
                     requires_grad=False)  # parent state

        # Repeat everything beam_size times.
        def rvar(a, beam_size):
            return Variable(a.repeat(beam_size, 1, 1), volatile=True)

        context = tuple(
            rvar(context[i].data, beam_size) for i in range(0, len(context)))
        context_lengths = tuple(context_lengths[i].repeat(beam_size, 1)
                                for i in range(0, len(context_lengths)))


        # Use only one beam
        beam = TreeBeam(beam_size, True, self.vocabs,

        for count in range(
                0, max_code_length
        ):  # We will break when we have the required number of terminals
            # to be consistent with seq2seq

            if beam.done():

            # Construct batch x beam_size nxt words.
            # Get all the pending current beam words and arrange for forward.
            # Uses the start symbol in the beginning
            inp = beam.getCurrentState(
            )  # Should return a batch of the frontier

            # Run one step., decState gets automatically updated
            output, attn, copy_attn = self.forward(inp, context,
                                                   context_lengths, decState)
            src_map = torch.zeros(0, 0)
            if self.opt.var_names:
                src_map = torch.cat((src_map, batch['concode_src_map_vars']),
            if self.opt.method_names:
                src_map = torch.cat(
                    (src_map, batch['concode_src_map_methods']), 1)

            scores = generator(bottle(output), bottle(copy_attn), src_map,
                               inp)  #generator needs the non-terminals

            out = generator.collapseCopyScores(
                unbottle(scores.data.clone(), beam_size),
                batch)  # needs seq2seq from batch
            out = out.log()

            # beam x tgt_vocab

            beam.advance(out[:, 0], attn.data[:, 0], output)
            decState.beam_update(beam.getCurrentOrigin(), beam_size)

        pred_score_total = 0
        pred_words_total = 0

        score, times, k = beam.getFinal(
        )  # times is the length of the prediction
        hyp, att = beam.getHyp(times, k)
        goldNl = []
        if self.opt.var_names:
            goldNl += batch['concode_var'][0]  # because batch = 1
        if self.opt.method_names:
            goldNl += batch['concode_method'][0]  # because batch = 1

        goldCode = self.vocabs['code'].addStartOrEnd(batch['raw_code'][0])
        predSent, copied_tokens, replaced_tokens = self.buildTargetTokens(
            hyp, self.vocabs, goldNl, att, batch['concode_vocab'][0],
        predSent = ConcodeDecoder.rulesToCode(predSent)
        pred_score_total += score
        pred_words_total += len(predSent)

        return Prediction(goldNl, goldCode, predSent, att)