def getFileGeodatabases(root_path):
    # Get list of all folders ending in ".gdb"
    gdbs = findFolderPath(root_path, "*.gdb", False)
    # Ensure that list only contains entries that are local geodatabase
    # (file geodatabase); just in case there happens to be a folder with ".gdb"
    # that is not a geodatabase
    gdbs[:] = [gdb for gdb in gdbs if
                  arcpy.Describe(gdb).workspaceType.upper() == "LOCALDATABASE"]

    return gdbs
def getFileGeodatabases(root_path):
    # Get list of all folders ending in ".gdb"
    gdbs = findFolderPath(root_path, "*.gdb", False)

    # Ensure that list only contains entries that are local geodatabase
    # (file geodatabase); just in case there happens to be a folder with ".gdb"
    # that is not a geodatabase
    gdbs[:] = [
        gdb for gdb in gdbs
        if arcpy.Describe(gdb).workspaceType.upper() == "LOCALDATABASE"

    return gdbs
def repairMosaicDatasets(dataDrive):
        totalSuccess = True
        newPath = OpsServerConfig.getEnvDataRootPath(dataDrive)

        # "Create" RepairMosaicDatasetPaths GP tool Original Path/New Path
        # parameter string
        repairOrigNewPath = ""
        for regName in installOnlyPublishingFolders.keys():
            repairOrigNewPath = repairOrigNewPath + "; " + \
                    installOnlyPublishingFolders[regName] + " " + newPath
        # Remove leading semicolon
        repairOrigNewPath = repairOrigNewPath.replace("; ", "", 1)

        rootSearchPath = newPath
        # Get list of all folders ending in ".gdb"
        print "Searching " + rootSearchPath + " looking for file geodatabases..."
        gdbList = findFolderPath(rootSearchPath, "*.gdb", False)
        # Ensure that list only contains entries that are local geodatabase
        # (file geodatabase); just in case there happens to be a folder with ".gdb"
        # that is not a geodatabase
        gdbList[:] = [gdb for gdb in gdbList if
                      arcpy.Describe(gdb).workspaceType.upper() == "LOCALDATABASE"]
        # Loop through all file geodatabases and repair paths for any non-referenced
        # mosaic datasets
        for gdb in gdbList:
            print "Found file geodatabase: " + gdb
            print "\tChecking for existence of non-referenced mosaic datasets..."
            # Get any mosaic datasets in geodatabase
            arcpy.env.workspace = gdb
            mdList = arcpy.ListDatasets("*", "Mosaic")
            # Modify list to contain only non-reference mosaic datasets
            mdList[:] = [md for md in mdList if not arcpy.Describe(md).referenced]
            if len(mdList) == 0:
                print "\tNone found."
                print "\tFound " + str(len(mdList)) + " non-referenced mosaic dataset(s)."
            for md in mdList:
                print "\tRepairing paths in mosaic dataset '" + md + "'..."
                results = repairMosaicDatasetPaths(md, repairOrigNewPath)
                success = checkResults(results, printMsg)
                if not success:
                    totalSuccess = success
        # Get the traceback object
        tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
        tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0]
        # Concatenate information together concerning the error into a message string
        pymsg = "PYTHON ERRORS:\nTraceback info:\n" + tbinfo + "\nError Info:\n" + str(sys.exc_info()[1])
        # Print Python error messages for use in Python / Python Window
        print "***** ERROR ENCOUNTERED *****"
        print pymsg + "\n"
        if totalSuccess:
            print "Done repairing mosaic dataset paths."
            print "ERROR occurred during mosaic dataset path repair."
        return totalSuccess
예제 #4
totalCopySuccess = True

    #startTime =
    # ----------------------------------------
    # Determine which databases to copy
    # ----------------------------------------
    print "- Determining which databases to copy..."
    # Get list of all workspaces in destination folder
    # (these could be file or enterprise geodatabases)
    destDBPathsSDE = findFilePath(destPath, "*.sde", returnFirst=False)
    destDBPathsFGDB = findFolderPath(destPath, "*.gdb", returnFirst=False)
    destDBPaths = destDBPathsSDE + destDBPathsFGDB
    # Create dictionary where destination db name is key and
    # path to workspace is value.
    destDBs = {}
    for dbPath in destDBPaths:
        destDBs[os.path.basename(dbPath).split(".")[0].lower()] = dbPath
    # Get list of all workspaces in source folder
    # (these could be file or enterprise geodatabases)
    srcDBPathsSDE = findFilePath(srcPath, "*.sde", returnFirst=False)
    srcDBPathsFGDB = findFolderPath(srcPath, "*.gdb", returnFirst=False)
    srcDBPaths = srcDBPathsSDE + srcDBPathsFGDB
    # Create dictionary where source db name is key and
def repairMosaicDatasets(dataDrive):


        totalSuccess = True

        newPath = OpsServerConfig.getEnvDataRootPath(dataDrive)

        # "Create" RepairMosaicDatasetPaths GP tool Original Path/New Path
        # parameter string
        repairOrigNewPath = ""
        for regName in installOnlyPublishingFolders.keys():
            repairOrigNewPath = repairOrigNewPath + "; " + \
                    installOnlyPublishingFolders[regName] + " " + newPath
        # Remove leading semicolon
        repairOrigNewPath = repairOrigNewPath.replace("; ", "", 1)

        rootSearchPath = newPath

        # Get list of all folders ending in ".gdb"
        print "Searching " + rootSearchPath + " looking for file geodatabases..."
        gdbList = findFolderPath(rootSearchPath, "*.gdb", False)

        # Ensure that list only contains entries that are local geodatabase
        # (file geodatabase); just in case there happens to be a folder with ".gdb"
        # that is not a geodatabase
        gdbList[:] = [
            gdb for gdb in gdbList
            if arcpy.Describe(gdb).workspaceType.upper() == "LOCALDATABASE"

        # Loop through all file geodatabases and repair paths for any non-referenced
        # mosaic datasets
        for gdb in gdbList:
            print "Found file geodatabase: " + gdb
            print "\tChecking for existence of non-referenced mosaic datasets..."

            # Get any mosaic datasets in geodatabase
            arcpy.env.workspace = gdb
            mdList = arcpy.ListDatasets("*", "Mosaic")

            # Modify list to contain only non-reference mosaic datasets
            mdList[:] = [
                md for md in mdList if not arcpy.Describe(md).referenced

            if len(mdList) == 0:
                print "\tNone found."
                print "\tFound " + str(
                    len(mdList)) + " non-referenced mosaic dataset(s)."

            for md in mdList:
                print "\tRepairing paths in mosaic dataset '" + md + "'..."
                results = repairMosaicDatasetPaths(md, repairOrigNewPath)
                success = checkResults(results, printMsg)
                if not success:
                    totalSuccess = success


        # Get the traceback object
        tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
        tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[0]

        # Concatenate information together concerning the error into a message string
        pymsg = "PYTHON ERRORS:\nTraceback info:\n" + tbinfo + "\nError Info:\n" + str(

        # Print Python error messages for use in Python / Python Window
        print "***** ERROR ENCOUNTERED *****"
        print pymsg + "\n"

        if totalSuccess:
            print "Done repairing mosaic dataset paths."
            print "ERROR occurred during mosaic dataset path repair."

        return totalSuccess