def ProcessOutputText(self): """ Process the result of the compilation steps. """ self.project.hasBeenCompiled = True if self.compiler != "py2exe": # This is available only for py2exe return # Look for what py2exe thinks are the missing modules indx = self.fullText.rfind("The following modules") moduleText = self.fullText[indx:] # They are usually put inside square braces indx1, indx2 = moduleText.find("["), moduleText.find("]") if indx1 < 0 or indx2 < 0: missingModules = [] else: missingModules = eval(moduleText[indx1:indx2+1]) missingModules = [tuple(miss.split(".")) for miss in missingModules] # Look for what py2exe thinks are the binary dependencies binaryDependencies = [] text = self.fullText indx = text.find("*** binary dependencies ***") text = text[indx:].split("\n") text = text[7:] # Here it's bit tricky, but it works for line in text: line = line.strip().split("-") dll, path = line[0], "".join(line[1:]) if not dll: break binaryDependencies.append([dll.strip(), opj(path.strip())]) self.project.SetCompilationData(missingModules, binaryDependencies)
def Destroy(self): """ Destroy the process. """ # Ok, this line is commented because if I leave it as it is Python # bombs with the classical Windows error dialog self.process.Destroy() self.MainFrame.process = None if self.compiler != "vendorid": # Close the temporary file os.close(self.tmpFileName[0]) # Remove the temporary file from the compilation directory if os.path.isfile(opj(self.tmpFileName[1])): try: os.remove(opj(self.tmpFileName[1])) except: # Something is keeping it open... skip for now pass # Returns to the installation directory os.chdir(self.MainFrame.installDir)
def Start(self): """ Starts the compilation process. """ # Change the directory to the compilation folder os.chdir(opj(self.buildDir)) # Verify if it is a dry-run or a real compilation dryRun = ( and [""] or ["--dry-run"])[0] # Create a temporary file that we will delete later if self.compiler == "PyInstaller": suffix = ".spec" elif self.compiler == "vendorid": if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__": suffix = ".bat" else: suffix = ".sh" else: suffix = ".py" # Run the optimized, if the user chose to configuration = self.project[self.compiler] optimize = "" if "optimize" in configuration: value = int(configuration["optimize"]) if value > 0: optimize = "-" + "O"*value setupScript = self.setupScript fd, tmpFileName = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=suffix, dir=self.buildDir) if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__": separator = "&" else: separator = ";" # Build the compilation command if self.compiler == "py2exe": cmd = '%s %s -u "%s" %s %s'%(self.pythonVersion, optimize, tmpFileName, self.compiler, dryRun) elif self.compiler == "cx_Freeze": distDir = configuration["dist_dir"] distChoice = configuration["dist_dir_choice"] if not distDir.strip() or not distChoice: distDir = "dist" cmd = '%s %s -u "%s" %s%s'%(self.pythonVersion, optimize, tmpFileName, "build --build-exe=", distDir) elif self.compiler == "bbfreeze": cmd = '%s %s -u "%s"'%(self.pythonVersion, optimize, tmpFileName) elif self.compiler == "PyInstaller": pyInstallerPath = self.MainFrame.GetPyInstallerPath() build = os.path.normpath(pyInstallerPath + "/") cmd = '%s %s -u "%s" "%s"'%(self.pythonVersion, optimize, build, tmpFileName) elif self.compiler == "py2app": cmd = '%s %s -u "%s" %s'%(self.pythonVersion, optimize, tmpFileName, self.compiler) elif self.compiler == "vendorid": sibPath, makeOrNmake = self.MainFrame.GetVendorIDPath() sibString = self.setupScript.split(separator) setupScript = '%s %s -u %s %s\n'%(self.pythonVersion, optimize, sibPath, sibString[0]) for strs in sibString[1:]: setupScript += strs + "\n" if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__": cmd = '%s'%tmpFileName else: cmd = 'chmod +x %s; ./%s'%(tmpFileName, tmpFileName) # Write the setup script string in the temporary file fid = open(tmpFileName, "wt") fid.write(setupScript) fid.close() # Store the temporary file data self.tmpFileName = (fd, tmpFileName) if self.compiler == "vendorid": os.close(fd) # Monitor the elapsed time self.startTime = time.time() # Start the process, redirecting the output to catch stdio self.process = wx.Process(self.MainFrame) self.process.Redirect() # We want the process to be asynchronous = wx.Execute(cmd, wx.EXEC_ASYNC, self.process)