class PageBase(): log = cl.customLogger(logging.INFO) def __init__(self, driver): self.driver = driver def open(self, url, wait_time=2): """ Visit the page base_url + url :param url: URL to be opened :param wait_time: time to wait till url opens :return: """ # url = self.base_url + url if self.driver.current_url != url: self.driver.get(url) self.sleep_in_seconds(wait_time) def get_page_source(self): """ Return the page source of current page :return: """ return self.driver.page_source def get_currentdriver(self): """ Return current driver :return: current driver instance """ return self.driver def get_current_title(self): """ Get the current title of the opened browser :return: current browser title """ return self.driver.title def get_current_url(self): """ Get the current URL :return: Return current URL """ return self.driver.current_url def is_element_selected(self, locator): """ Check whether provided element is selected :param locator: Element locator strategy :return: True or False about the element selection """ element = self.find_element(locator) return element.is_selected() def is_element_enabled(self, locator): """ Returns whether given element is enabled or not :param locator: Element locator strategy :return: True if given element is enabled else returns false """ element = self.find_element(locator) return element.is_enabled() @retry(StaleElementReferenceException, tries=5, delay=2) def click(self, locator): """ Clicks the given element :param locator: Element locator strategy :return: element """ element = None if isinstance(locator, str): element = self.find_element(locator) elif isinstance(locator, WebElement): element = locator if element is not None: else: raise Exception("Could not click on locator " + element) def javascript_click(self, locator): element = None if isinstance(locator, str): element = self.find_element(locator) elif isinstance(locator, WebElement): element = locator if element is not None: self.driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", element) else: raise Exception("Could not click on locator " + element) def set_field(self, locator, element_value): """ Locates the element by specified locator and then sets its value :param locator: Element locator strategy :param element_value: value to be written :return: element """ webelement = self.find_element(locator) try: webelement.send_keys(Keys.CONTROL, 'a') webelement.clear() time.sleep(1) webelement.send_keys(element_value) except Exception as e: raise Exception( "Could not write on the the element {} due to {}".format( webelement, e)) return webelement def get_text(self, locator): """ get the inner text of given element :param locator: Element locator strategy :return: text """ element = self.find_element(locator) return element.text def get_element_text(self, element): """ get the inner text of given element :param locator: Element locator strategy :return: text """ # element = self.find_element(locator) return element.text def is_element_displayed(self, locator): """ Returns whether given element is displayed or no :param locator: Element locator strategy :return: True if given element is displayed else returns false """ element = self.find_element(locator) return element.is_displayed() def switch_to_frame(self, frame_id): """ Switch to the given frame based on id :param frame_id: id of the frame (can be xpath also) :return: """ self.driver.switch_to_frame(frame_id) def switch_to_main_window(self): """ Switch to the main browser window :return: """ self.driver.switch_to_default_content() def move_and_click(self, locator): """ Move and click to the given element using selenium action class :param locator: Element locator strategy :return: element """ element = self.find_element(locator) try: action = ActionChains(self.driver) action.move_to_element(element).click().perform() except Exception as e: raise Exception("Could Not click locator {} due to {}".format( element, e)) return element def click_and_move_by_offset(self, locator, offset): element = self.find_element(locator) drawing = ActionChains(self.driver) \ .move_to_element(element) \ .click_and_hold(element) \ .move_by_offset(*offset) \ .release() drawing.perform() @retry(NoSuchElementException, tries=2, delay=2) def find_element(self, locator): """ Find and return element based on the given locator value E.g: draggableElement = ("xpath@@//div[@id='draggable']") :param locator: Element locator strategy :return: Element """ return self.driver.find_element(*self.__get_by( locator_with_strategy=locator)) def find_child_element(self, element, locator): by = self.__get_by(locator_with_strategy=locator) return element.find_element(*by) def find_child_elements(self, element, locator): by = self.__get_by(locator_with_strategy=locator) return element.find_elements(*by) def __get_by(self, locator_with_strategy): """ Get and return By instance based on the locator strategy :param locator_with_strategy: Element locator strategy :return: By instance of the element """ if "@@" not in locator_with_strategy: locator_with_strategy = Strategy.ID.value + "@@" + locator_with_strategy strategy_and_locator = str(locator_with_strategy).split("@@") strategy = strategy_and_locator[0] locator = strategy_and_locator[1] by = None if strategy == Strategy.XPATH.value: by = (By.XPATH, locator) elif strategy == Strategy.ID.value: by = (By.ID, locator) elif strategy == Strategy.CSS.value: by = (By.CSS_SELECTOR, locator) elif strategy == Strategy.TAGNAME.value: by = (By.TAG_NAME, locator) return by def find_elements(self, locator): """ Find and return the list of webelements based on the given locator value :param locator: Element locator strategy :return: list of the elements """ return self.driver.find_elements(*self.__get_by( locator_with_strategy=locator)) @retry(StaleElementReferenceException, tries=5, delay=2) def get_attribute(self, locator, attribute): """ Get the provided attribute value for the given element :param locator: Element locator strategy :param attribute: attribute :return: value of the attribute """ if isinstance(locator, WebElement): return locator.get_attribute(attribute) else: element = self.find_element(locator) return element.get_attribute(attribute) def drag_and_drop(self, draggable, droppable): """ Performs drag and drop action using selenium action class :param draggable: draggable element :param droppable: droppable element :return: """ try: action = ActionChains(self.driver) action.drag_and_drop(draggable, droppable).perform() except Exception as e: raise e def sleep_in_seconds(self, seconds=1): """ Method for hard wait as per given seconds :param seconds: time in seconds :return: """ time.sleep(seconds) def select_value_from_dropdown(self, locator, value): """ It will select value from dropdown based on visible text :param locator: dropdwon Element locator strategy :return: """ element = self.find_element(locator) select = Select(element) time.sleep(3) select.select_by_visible_text(value) def select_value_from_dropdown_by_index(self, locator, index): """ It will select first value from dropdown :param locator: dropdwon Element locator strategy :param index: index of the dropdown element :return: """ element = self.find_element(locator) select = Select(element) time.sleep(3) select.select_by_index(index) time.sleep(3) def explicit_wait(self, locator): """ Smart Wait in Selenium, wait till element is clickable :param locator: Element locator strategy :return: Found Element """ element = self.find_element(locator) try: element = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 10).until( EC.element_to_be_clickable(element)) except Exception as e: raise e return element def select_dropdown_option(self, locator, option_text): """ Selects the option in the drop-down based on the tag text :param locator: element :param option_text: value to be selected :return: """ dropdown = self.find_element(locator) for option in dropdown.find_elements_by_tag_name('option'): if option.text == option_text: break def hit_enter(self, locator, wait_time=2): """ Hit Enter :param locator: element :param wait_time: time to wait :return: """ element = self.find_element(locator) try: element.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) self.sleep_in_seconds(wait_time) except Exception as e: raise e def send_keys(self, locator, *keys): """ send keys to locator :param locator: element :param wait_time: time to wait :return: """ element = self.find_element(locator) try: element.send_keys(*(keys)) except Exception as e: raise e def scroll_down(self, locator, wait_time=2): """ Scroll down WebPage :param locator: locator :param wait_time: time to wait :return: """ element = self.find_element(locator) try: element.send_keys(Keys.PAGE_DOWN) self.sleep_in_seconds(wait_time) element.send_keys(Keys.PAGE_DOWN) self.sleep_in_seconds(wait_time) except Exception as e: raise e def press_down_key(self, locator, wait_time=2): ''' Press the down key on the element ''' element = self.find_element(locator) try: element.send_keys(Keys.ARROW_DOWN, Keys.RETURN) self.sleep_in_seconds(wait_time) except Exception as e: raise e def hover(self, locator, wait_seconds=2): """ Hover over the element :param locator: locator :param wait_seconds: time to wait :return: """ element = self.find_element(locator) action_obj = ActionChains(self.driver) action_obj.move_to_element(element) action_obj.perform() self.sleep_in_seconds(wait_seconds) def read_browser_console_log(self, log_type='browser'): """ Read Browser Console log :param log_type: driver.get_log('browser') driver.get_log('driver') driver.get_log('client') driver.get_log('server') :return: logs """ return self.driver.get_log(log_type) def execute_javascript(self, js_script): """ Execute javascipt :param js_script: :return: """ try: self.driver.execute_script(js_script) except Exception as e: raise e def accept_alert(self): """ Accepts Java Alert :return: """ try: self.driver.switch_to_alert().accept() except NoAlertPresentException: raise NoAlertPresentException def dismiss_alert(self): """ Dismiss Java Alert :return: """ try: self.driver.switch_to_alert().dismiss() except NoAlertPresentException: raise NoAlertPresentException def wait_till_element_is_present(self, locator, timeout=10): """ WebDriver Explicit wait till element is present :param locator: element to be checked :param timeout: timeout :return: """ try: element = WebDriverWait(self.driver, timeout). \ until(EC.presence_of_element_located(self.__get_by(locator))) return element except Exception as e: raise e def wait_till_element_is_visible(self, locator, timeout=10): """ WebDriver Explicit wait till element is visible, once disappeared wait will over :param locator: element to be checked :param timeout: timeout :return: """ web_element = self.find_element(locator) try: element = WebDriverWait(self.driver, timeout). \ until_not(EC.visibility_of_element_located(web_element)) return element except Exception as e: raise e def teardown_browser(self): """ Close all browser instances :return: """ self.driver.quit() def close_browser(self): """ Close current browser instance :return: """ self.driver.close() def disconnect_browser(self): """ Disconnect browser :return: """ # network_conditions = self.get_network_conditions() # self.driver.set_network_conditions(offline=True, latency=network_conditions["latency"], # download_throughput=network_conditions["download_throughput"], # upload_throughput=network_conditions["upload_throughput"]) self.driver.set_network_conditions( offline=True, latency=1, # additional latency (ms) download_throughput=500 * 1024, # maximal throughput upload_throughput=500 * 1024) # maximal throughput def connect_browser(self): """ Connect browser :return: """ # network_conditions = self.get_network_conditions() # self.driver.set_network_conditions(offline=False, latency=network_conditions["latency"], # download_throughput=network_conditions["download_throughput"], # upload_throughput=network_conditions["upload_throughput"]) self.driver.set_network_conditions( offline=False, latency=1, # additional latency (ms) download_throughput=500 * 1024, # maximal throughput upload_throughput=500 * 1024) # maximal throughput def get_network_conditions(self): """ Gets Chrome network emulation settings :return: A dict. For example: {'latency': 4, 'download_throughput': 2, 'upload_throughput': 2, 'offline': False} """ return self.driver.get_network_conditions() def print_version(self): """ Prints version :return: """ print("print_version = 2.0") def maximize_browser(self): """ Maximize the browser :return: """ self.driver.maximize_window() def back(self): """ browser back button :return: """ self.driver.back() def is_element_present(self, locator): """ Check the presence of element. :return: Boolean """ try: self.sleep_in_seconds(2) self.find_element(locator) except: return False return True def get_css_value(self, locator, css_property): """" This method will get the CSS property of the element :return: CSS property Value Usage get_css_value(locator,"color") get_css_value(locator,"font-family") get_css_value(locator,"font-size") The above code will return value in RGB format such as “rgba(36, 93, 193, 1)” """ element = self.find_element(locator) return element.value_of_css_property(css_property) def get_current_window_handle(self): """ Returns the handle of the current window. :return: string containing current window handle """ return self.driver.current_window_handle def switch_control_to_app(self): ''' Method to switch control to app ''' try: self.driver.switch_to.context('NATIVE_APP') except Exception as e: raise Exception("Unable to switch control to app") def hide_keyboard(self): ''' Method to hide keyboard ''' try: self.driver.hide_keyboard() except Exception as e: raise Exception("Unable to hide keyboard due to " + str(e)) def switch_control_to_webview(self): ''' Method to switch control to app ''' try: webview = self.driver.contexts[1] self.driver.switch_to.context(webview) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Unable to switch control to webview") def get_window_handles(self): """ Returns the list containing handles of all windows within the current session. :return: list containing all opened window handles in current session """ return self.driver.window_handles def is_special_char_available(self, url): url = unquote(url) allowed_ascii = range(128) try: for literal in url: try: if not ord(literal) in allowed_ascii: return True except TypeError as e: raise TypeError(str(e), url, literal) return False except Exception as e: raise Exception("Unable to check special character: " + str(e)) def switch_to_new_window(self, win_handle): """ Switch to window corresponding to windows handle id :return: """ self.driver.switch_to_window(win_handle) def refresh_browser(self): """ Refreshes the page :return: """ self.driver.refresh() def download_bluestacks(self, locator, page): """ Click the download bluestacks button :return: """ try: self.wait_till_element_is_present(locator) element = self.find_element(locator) display = self.get_css_value(locator, css_property="display") visibility = self.get_css_value(locator, css_property="visibility") opacity = self.get_css_value(locator, css_property="opacity") if display != "none" or visibility != "hidden" or opacity != 0: self.driver.get("chrome://downloads") time.sleep(10) manager = self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector( 'body/deep/downloads-manager') shadow = self.driver.execute_script( 'return arguments[0].shadowRoot;', manager) item = shadow.find_element_by_css_selector( 'iron-list>downloads-item') shadow = self.driver.execute_script( 'return arguments[0].shadowRoot;', item) file_name = shadow.find_element_by_css_selector( 'div#details>#title-area>a') downloaded_file = str(file_name.text) time.sleep(20) file_size = self.get_size(downloaded_file) self.remove_file(downloaded_file) return file_size else: return False except Exception as e: raise Exception("Unable to click on download button on page " + page + " due to " + str(e)) def get_size(self, file): """ Function to check the size of the file :return: """ try: file_size = os.path.getsize( f"C:\\Users\\{os.environ['USERNAME']}\\Downloads\\" + str(file)) return file_size except Exception as e: raise Exception("Unable to get file size: " + str(e)) def remove_file(self, file): """ Function to remove the file from location :param file: :return: """ if file: os.remove(f"C:\\Users\\{os.environ['USERNAME']}\\Downloads\\" + str(file)) # def get_element_screen_shot(self, locator, filename): # element = self.find_element(locator) # location = element.location # size = element.size # self.get_full_page_screen_shot(filename) # im = # uses PIL library to open image in memory # # left = location['x'] # top = location['y'] # right = location['x'] + size['width'] # bottom = location['y'] + size['height'] # # im = im.crop((left, top, right, bottom)) # defines crop points # # saves new cropped image def get_full_page_screen_shot(self, filename): self.driver.save_screenshot(filename) def get_page_cookies(self): return self.driver.get_cookies() def get_page_useragent(self): return self.driver.execute_script("return navigator.userAgent") def get_page_type(self, url): page_comps = url.split('/') locale_list = [ 'tw', 'vi', 'tr', 'th', 'ru', 'pt-br', 'pl', 'nl', 'ms', 'ko', 'ja', 'it', 'id', 'fr', 'es', 'de', 'cs', 'ar' ] locale = 'en' if page_comps[3] in locale_list: locale = page_comps[3] if page_comps[-1] == "index.html": return ('homepage', locale) if page_comps[-1] == "blog.html": return ('blog', locale) if page_comps[-1] == "affiliate-guides.html": return ('affiliate-guides', locale) if page_comps[-1] == "bluestacks-4.html": return ('bluestacks-4', locale) if page_comps[-1] == "affiliate.html": return ('affiliate.html', locale) if page_comps[-1] == "copyright-dispute-policy.html": return ('copyright-dispute-policy.html', locale) if page_comps[-1] == "terms-and-privacy.html": return ('terms-and-privacy.html', locale) if page_comps[-1] == "about-us.html": return ('about-us.html', locale) if page_comps[-1] == "apps.html": return ('apps.html', locale) if 'download.html' in page_comps[3]: return ('download.html', locale) if locale != 'en': index = 4 else: index = 3 if page_comps[index] == 'apps': return ('apps', locale) elif page_comps[index] == 'blog': return ('blog', locale) elif page_comps[index] == 'about-us': return ('about-us', locale) elif page_comps[index] == 'bluestacks-4': return ('bluestacks-4', locale) elif page_comps[index] == 'terms-and-privacy': return ('terms-and-privacy', locale) else: return ('unknown', locale) def get_page_locale(self, url): try: locale_list = [ 'tw', 'vi', 'tr', 'th', 'ru', 'pt-br', 'pl', 'nl', 'ms', 'ko', 'ja', 'it', 'id', 'fr', 'es', 'de', 'cs', 'ar' ] locale = url.split('/')[3] if locale in locale_list: return locale else: return 'en' except IndexError as e: locale = 'en' return locale def get_console_error_logs(self, driver_obj): return driver_obj.get_log('browser')
from Utilities.PageBase import PageBase import logging import Utilities.CustomLogger as cl log = cl.customLogger(logging.INFO) class MobileContact(PageBase): ''' Class for methods of contact Page of mobile view ''' def __init__(self, driver): super().__init__(driver) self.driver = driver
class SeleniumDriver(): log = custom_Log.custom_logger(logging.DEBUG) def __init__(self, driver): self.driver = driver def screenShot(self, resultMessage): fileName = resultMessage + "." + str(round( time.time() * 1000)) + ".png" screenshotDirectory = "../screenshots/" relativeFileName = screenshotDirectory + fileName currentDirectory = os.path.dirname(__file__) destinationFile = os.path.join(currentDirectory, relativeFileName) destinationDirectory = os.path.join(currentDirectory, screenshotDirectory) try: if not os.path.exists(destinationDirectory): os.makedirs(destinationDirectory) self.driver.save_screenshot(destinationFile)"Screenshot save to directory: " + destinationFile) except: self.log.error("### Exception Occurred when taking screenshot") print_stack() def getTitle(self): return self.driver.title def getByType(self, locatorType): locatorType = locatorType.lower() if locatorType == "id": return By.ID elif locatorType == "name": return By.NAME elif locatorType == "xpath": return By.XPATH elif locatorType == "css": return By.CSS_SELECTOR elif locatorType == "class": return By.CLASS_NAME elif locatorType == "link": return By.LINK_TEXT else:"Locator type " + locatorType + " not correct/supported") return False def getElement(self, locator, locatorType="id"): element = None try: locatorType = locatorType.lower() byType = self.getByType(locatorType) element = self.driver.find_element(byType, locator)"Element found with locator: " + locator + " and locatorType: " + locatorType) except:"Element not found with locator: " + locator + " and locatorType: " + locatorType) return element def elementClick(self, locator, locatorType="id"): try: element = self.getElement(locator, locatorType)"Clicked on element with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) except:"Cannot click on the element with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) print_stack() def sendKeys(self, data, locator, locatorType="id"): try: element = self.getElement(locator, locatorType) element.send_keys(data)"Sent data on element with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) except:"Cannot send data on the element with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) print_stack() def isElementPresent(self, locator, locatorType="id"): try: element = self.getElement(locator, locatorType) if element is not None:"Element present with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) return True else:"Element not present with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + locatorType) return False except: print("Element not found") return False def elementPresenceCheck(self, locator, byType): try: elementList = self.driver.find_elements(byType, locator) if len(elementList) > 0:"Element present with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + str(byType)) return True else:"Element not present with locator: " + locator + " locatorType: " + str(byType)) return False except:"Element not found") return False def waitForElement(self, locator, locatorType="id", timeout=10, pollFrequency=0.5): element = None try: byType = self.getByType(locatorType)"Waiting for maximum :: " + str(timeout) + " :: seconds for element to be clickable") wait = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 10, poll_frequency=1, ignored_exceptions=[ NoSuchElementException, ElementNotVisibleException, ElementNotSelectableException ]) element = wait.until( EC.element_to_be_clickable((byType, "stopFilter_stops-0")))"Element appeared on the web page") except:"Element not appeared on the web page") print_stack() return element