def query(sql, resultfile_name): resultfile = open(resultfile_name, "a") try: cur, conn = getConnect() qryHead, qryResult = dbOper.qryData(cur, sql) resultbody = [] #resulthead =[] # for j in range(0,len(qryHead)): # resulthead.append(str(qryHead[j])) # if not os.path.getsize(resultfile_name): # logger.error("--写入数据头") # resultfile.write('|'.join(resulthead) + "\n") if qryResult.__len__(): for i in range(0, qryResult.__len__()): #查询结果 resultbody.append([]) #长度+1 for ii in range(0, len(qryResult[i])): resultbody[i].append(str(qryResult[i][ii])) for i in range(0, len(resultbody)): resultfile.write('|'.join(resultbody[i]) + "\n") else: logger.error("查询结果为空:%s" % sql) except Exception as e: logger.error("%s \n--------执行失败" % sql) logger.error(e)
def qry(self, sql, res_file, connectInfo): historyResult = res_file resultbody = [] time.sleep(5) print connectInfo try: cur, conn = connectInfo qryHead, qryResult = dbOper.qryData(cur, sql) if self.count == 0: resulthead = [] for j in range(0, len(qryHead)): resulthead.append(str(qryHead[j])) historyResult.write(','.join(resulthead) + "\n") self.count += len(qryResult) for i in range(0, qryResult.__len__()): # 查询结果 resultbody.append([]) # 长度+1 for ii in range(0, len(qryResult[i])): resultbody[i].append(str(qryResult[i][ii])) cur.close() conn.close() except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e) for i in range(0, len(resultbody)): historyResult.write('|sp'.join(resultbody[i]) + "\n") return resultbody
def getPhoneFile(self, ): phone_file = self.phone_dir + str(os.sep) + self.phoneFileName if os.path.exists(r'%s' % (phone_file)): print "号码文件:%s" % phone_file"号码文件已经生成,请注意是否需要重新生成,号码文件:%s" % phone_file) else: conn_data = dataBase"开始连接数据库") try: cur, conn = dbOper.conn_db(conn_data) # 获取数据库连接cur"连接数据库成功") except Exception as e:"连接数据库失败") try: sql = self.getSql()"Query starting with sql : " + sql) head, result = dbOper.qryData(cur, sql)"Query end ")'开始生成号码文件') try: with open(phone_file, "a") as phoneFile: for res in result: phoneFile.write(",".join(map(str, res))) phoneFile.write("\n") except Exception as e: print e print "号码文件生成结束:%s" % phone_file phoneFile.close() except Exception as e: print("查询数据失败") return phone_file
def query(self, phones): for phone in phones: sql = """update td_padm_login_info set valid_flag = 1 where CONTACT_PHONE = %s """ % phone try: dbOper.qryData(self.cur, sql) self.conn.commit() except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e) self.logger.error("销户失败:%s" % e.__str__()) sql = """select valid_flag,CONTACT_PHONE from td_padm_login_info where CONTACT_PHONE = %s """ % phone qryHead, qryResult = dbOper.qryData(self.cur, sql) print qryResult
def query(self, roles): result = [] for role in roles: historyResultFile = '%s/jcy/result/%s.csv' % (BASE_DIR, role) historyResult = open(historyResultFile, "a") # 记录查询历史的文件history,也可以用来存输出结果。 sql = """select r.ROLE_NAME 角色 ,b1.NAVI_NAME 一级菜单,b2.NAVI_NAME 二级菜单,b3.NAVI_NAME 三级菜单 ,ai.APP_NAME,a.APP_VERSION_URL,a.VERSION_CREATE_DATE 创建时间 from td_padm_role r LEFT JOIN td_padm_role_function_rel ra ON r.ROLE_ID= ra.ROLE_ID LEFT JOIN td_padm_app_version a ON ( ra.APP_ID =a.APP_ID and ra.APP_VERSION= a.APP_VERSION ) LEFT JOIN td_padm_app_channel_rel an ON ( a.APP_ID = an.APP_ID and a.APP_VERSION = an.APP_VERSION) LEFT JOIN td_padm_portal_nav b3 ON an.NAVI_IDS =b3.NAVI_ID LEFT JOIN td_padm_portal_nav b2 ON b3.PARENT_NAVI_ID=b2.NAVI_ID LEFT JOIN td_padm_portal_nav b1 ON b2.PARENT_NAVI_ID=b1.NAVI_ID LEFT JOIN td_padm_app_info ai ON a.APP_ID =ai.APP_ID where #a.APP_VERSION_TYPE ='1' and r.ROLE_NAME like '%%' ORDER BY r.ROLE_ID , b1.NAVI_PRIORITY DESC, b1.NAVI_ID , b2.NAVI_PRIORITY DESC, b2.NAVI_ID , b3.NAVI_PRIORITY DESC, b3.NAVI_ID ,ai.APP_NAME """ % (role) try: qryHead, qryResult = dbOper.qryData(self.cur, sql) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e) self.logger.error("查询失败") resultbody = [] resulthead = [] for j in range(0, len(qryHead)): resulthead.append(str(qryHead[j])) result.append(','.join(resulthead)) # 首先写入头信息 historyResult.write(','.join(resulthead) + "\n") print(','.join(resulthead) + "\n") count = len(qryResult) for i in range(0, qryResult.__len__()): # 查询结果 resultbody.append([]) # 长度+1 for ii in range(0, len(qryResult[i])): resultbody[i].append("'" + str(qryResult[i][ii]) + "'") for i in range(0, len(resultbody)): result.append(','.join(resultbody[i])) historyResult.write(','.join(resultbody[i]) + "\n") print(','.join(resultbody[i]) + "\n") time.sleep(0.05) self.logger.error("Query finished") logger.error("计数:" + str(count)) historyResult.close() return result
def query(self, phones): result = [] for phone in phones: historyResultFile = '%s/jcy/result/%s.csv' % (BASE_DIR, phone) historyResult = open(historyResultFile, "a") # 记录查询历史的文件history,也可以用来存输出结果。 sql = """select l.VALID_FLAG, l.LOGIN_NAME as 姓名, l.LOGIN_NO as 账号编号, l.CONTACT_PHONE 电话,l.UPDATE_TIME,l.EMAIL ,ar.AREA_NAME as 所属机构,sh.SHOP_NAME 商户, r.ROLE_NAME as 角色,l.CREATE_TIME 账号创建时间 FROM td_padm_login_info l LEFT JOIN td_padm_login_role_rel lr ON l.LOGIN_ID= lr.LOGIN_ID LEFT JOIN td_padm_role r on lr.ROLE_ID=r.ROLE_ID LEFT JOIN td_padm_login_shop s ON l.LOGIN_ID= s.LOGIN_ID LEFT JOIN td_padm_shop sh on s.SHOP_ID =sh.SHOP_ID LEFT JOIN td_padm_area ar ON l.AREA_IDS =ar.AREA_CODE where #l.CONTACT_PHONE='%s' """ % (phone) try: qryHead, qryResult = dbOper.qryData(self.cur, sql) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e) self.logger.error("查询失败") resultbody = [] resulthead = [] for j in range(0, len(qryHead)): resulthead.append(str(qryHead[j])) result.append(','.join(resulthead)) # 首先写入头信息 historyResult.write(','.join(resulthead) + "\n") print(','.join(resulthead) + "\n") count = len(qryResult) for i in range(0, qryResult.__len__()): # 查询结果 resultbody.append([]) # 长度+1 for ii in range(0, len(qryResult[i])): resultbody[i].append("'" + str(qryResult[i][ii]) + "'") for i in range(0, len(resultbody)): result.append(','.join(resultbody[i])) historyResult.write(','.join(resultbody[i]) + "\n") print(','.join(resultbody[i]) + "\n") time.sleep(0.05) self.logger.error("Query finished") logger.error("计数:" + str(count)) historyResult.close() return result
def query(self, batch_id): result = [] historyResult = open(historyResultFile, "a") # 记录查询历史的文件history,也可以用来存输出结果。 for cur in self.cur: for databaseNum in range(1, 6): #range(1,6)---> 序号1到5的数据库 for phoneTail in range(0, 10): #号码尾号0-9 sql = """SELECT BIND_NO 领取号码,BIND_TIME 领取时间,BIND_AREA 省份, use_date 账期, target_no 受赠账号, LIFECYCLE_ST 当前状态, USE_TIME 使用时间, USE_ORDER_ID 使用订单 ,PCARD_CASH 面额 from echnmarketdb%d.td_pcard_info_%s where BATCH_ID in (%s) and LIFECYCLE_ST = '9' and BIND_TIME>='2018-07-01 00:00:00' """ % ( databaseNum, phoneTail, batch_id) #and LIFECYCLE_ST = '10' #print sql try: qryHead, qryResult = dbOper.qryData(cur, sql) resultbody = [] if self.count == 0: resulthead = [] for j in range(0, len(qryHead)): resulthead.append(str(qryHead[j])) result.append('|'.join(resulthead)) # 首先写入头信息 historyResult.write(','.join(resulthead) + "\n") self.count += len(qryResult) for i in range(0, qryResult.__len__()): #查询结果 resultbody.append([]) #长度+1 for ii in range(0, len(qryResult[i])): resultbody[i].append("'" + str(qryResult[i][ii]) + "'") except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e) for i in range(0, len(resultbody)): #print('|'.join(resultbody[i]))#打印查询结果到控制台,logger.error 会打印时间戳,看起来乱 result.append('|'.join(resultbody[i])) historyResult.write(','.join(resultbody[i]) + "\n") time.sleep(0.05) self.logger.error("Query finished") logger.error("计数:" + str(self.count)) historyResult.close() return result
def getPhoneFile(self): phone_file = '%s/%s.dat' % (self.resData, self.phoneFileName) logger = self.logger if os.path.exists(r'%s' % (phone_file)): print '号码文件已经生成,请注意是否需要重新生成' print "号码文件:%s" % phone_file"号码文件已经生成,请注意是否需要重新生成") print "sql is:" + self.getSql() else: conn_data = dataBase optSeq = self.getOptSeq() # print conn_data # 调用数据库连接模块,生成数据库连接cur print '开始连接数据库'"开始连接数据库") try: cur, conn = dbOper.conn_db(conn_data) # 获取数据库连接cur print '连接数据库成功:' print cur, conn"连接数据库成功") except Exception as e: print("连接数据库失败") print e"连接数据库失败") try: sql = self.getSql()"sql is" + sql) print 'getSql()\'s result :' + sql print "查询开始" + sql, self.pcardName head, result = dbOper.qryData(cur, sql) print "查询完成" # 写号码文件 print '开始生成号码文件' with open(phone_file, "a") as phoneFile: for res in result: print(res) print(type(res)) phoneFile.write("%s,%s,%s" % (res[0], res[1], optSeq)) phoneFile.write("\n") print "号码文件生成结束:%s" % phone_file phoneFile.close() except Exception as e: print("查询数据失败") return '%s/%s' % (self.resData, self.phoneFileName)
def query(self, funcs): result = [] for func in funcs: historyResultFile = '%s/jcy/result/%s.csv' % (BASE_DIR, func) historyResult = open(historyResultFile, "a") # 记录查询历史的文件history,也可以用来存输出结果。 sql = """select r.ROLE_ID,r.ROLE_NAME ,a.APP_NAME from td_padm_role r LEFT JOIN td_padm_role_function_rel rf ON r.ROLE_ID= rf.ROLE_ID LEFT JOIN td_padm_app_info a ON rf.APP_ID= a.APP_ID where a.APP_NAME LIKE '\%%s\%' r.ROLE_NAME LIKE '%商城省份客服%'""" % (func) try: qryHead, qryResult = dbOper.qryData(self.cur, sql) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e) self.logger.error("查询失败") resultbody = [] resulthead = [] for j in range(0, len(qryHead)): resulthead.append(str(qryHead[j])) result.append(','.join(resulthead)) # 首先写入头信息 historyResult.write(','.join(resulthead) + "\n") print(','.join(resulthead) + "\n") count = len(qryResult) for i in range(0, qryResult.__len__()): # 查询结果 resultbody.append([]) # 长度+1 for ii in range(0, len(qryResult[i])): resultbody[i].append("'" + str(qryResult[i][ii]) + "'") for i in range(0, len(resultbody)): result.append(','.join(resultbody[i])) historyResult.write(','.join(resultbody[i]) + "\n") print(','.join(resultbody[i]) + "\n") time.sleep(0.05) self.logger.error("Query finished") logger.error("计数:" + str(count)) historyResult.close() return result
def query(connect_info, sql_list, qry_resultfile_name): resultfile = open(qry_resultfile_name, "w") print qry_resultfile_name miss = open(qry_resultfile_name + "_miss", "w") cur, conn = getConnect(connect_info) not_null_count = 0 null_count = 0 result_line_count = 0 for sql in sql_list: try: qryHead, qryResult = dbOper.qryData(cur, sql) print "woshi sql " + sql resultbody = [] if qryResult.__len__(): not_null_count += 1 result_line_count += qryResult.__len__() for i in range(0, qryResult.__len__()): #查询结果 resultbody.append([]) #长度+1 for ii in range(0, len(qryResult[i])): if qryResult[i][ii] is None: qryResult[i][ii] = 'null' resultbody[i].append("'%s'" % qryResult[i][ii]) for i in range(0, len(resultbody)): resultfile.write('\t'.join(resultbody[i]) + "\n") else: logger.error("查询结果为空:%s" % sql) null_count += 1 miss.write(sql + '\n') except Exception as e: logger.error("%s \n--------执行失败" % sql) logger.error(e) try: resultfile.close() miss.close() #conn.close()" query finished ,conn closed") except Exception as e: logger.error(e) try: return "执行查询次数 [%s],结果数 [%s],结果总行数 [%s],无结果数 [%s] " % ( len(sql_list), not_null_count, result_line_count, null_count) except Exception as e: return "查询异常 %s" % e
def query(self, batch_Id, xiaodongxi): batch_Id = batch_Id.strip() result = [] try: batchId = batch_Id batchsql = " select * from echnmarketdb.td_def_pcard_batch where BATCH_ID =" + batchId batchhead, batchResult = dbOper.qryData(self.cur[0], batchsql) # 卡券信息head拼接,只拼接一次 head = [] body = [] if 1 == 1: for j in range(0, len(batchhead)): #print(str(batchhead[j])) head.append(str(batchhead[j])) else: pass #卡券信息body拼接 for k in range(0, len(batchResult[0])): #print(str(batchResult[0][k])) body.append(str(batchResult[0][k])) print('|'.join(head)) print('|'.join(body)) except Exception as e: logger.exception("Exception Logged run") self.falseCount += 1 self.failedUser.append(batch_Id) self.logger.error(e) self.logger.error( "Phone:%s Failed to Query -------------XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" % batch_Id) return result #这个返回,,以后可能有用。
def getInfo(self, phone): cur = self.cur sql = self.getSql(phone) print "查询开始" head, result = dbOper.qryData(cur, sql) print "查询完成" #exception = [] if result.__len__() > 0: flag = 1 login_id = result[0][0] #判断账号是否同时含有客服主管和客服角色 for res in result: #判断同一个手机号是否存在多个工号 if login_id != res[0]: print("该号码" + phone.__str__() + "存在不一致工号" + str(login_id) + "和" + str(res[0])) #exception .append("该号码" + phone.__str__() + "存在不一致工号" + str(login_id) + "和" + str(res[0])) return try: flag *= res[-2] except Exception as e: flag = 0 roleName = res[-1] shopid = res[3] print("login_id:%s role:%s shop_id:%s") % (login_id, roleName, shopid) print "flag is :" + flag.__str__() if flag == -1: agent_type = '0' print("该账号只含客服角色") elif flag < -1: agent_type = '0,1' print("该账号同时包含客服和其他角色") elif flag > 1: agent_type = '1' print("该账号不含客服角色") else: print("我不知道这是咋地了") return #return #print("没有在线客服角色我还执行了") agentType = agent_type print "agentType will be " + agentType loginId = login_id.encode('utf8') #result[0][0] #misassperId = quote((result[0][1]).encode('utf8'),safe=string.printable),params 如果是字符串拼接的用这个 misassperId = (result[0][1]).encode('utf8') phone = (result[0][2]).encode('utf8') shop_id = (result[0][3]) if shop_id == None: pass else: shop_id = (result[0][3]).encode('utf8') finalInfo = { 'agentType': agentType, 'loginId': loginId, 'misassperId': misassperId, 'phone': phone, 'shopId': shop_id } return finalInfo else: print("该号码在基础域工号表不存在在线客服类角色:" + phone.__str__()) return
def query(self, phone, kami, xiaodongxi): phone = phone.strip() result = [] if re.match(r'1\d{10}$', phone):"我是手机号") module = int(phone[6:7]) databaseNum = module % 5 + 1 tableNum = (phone[-1]) if module <= 4: cur = self.cur[0] else: cur = self.cur[1] sql = "select EXPIRE_TIME,BIND_NO as '领券号码' ,BIND_TIME as '领取时间', PCARD_PASSWD as '卡密' ,LIFECYCLE_ST as '状态' ,LOCK_TIME AS '锁定时间',USE_TIME as '使用时间',USE_ORDER_ID as '充值订单号' from echnmarketdb%d.td_pcard_info_%s where bind_no ='%s' and PCARD_PASSWD=%s" % ( databaseNum, tableNum, phone, kami) #logger.error(sql) # sql = "select BIND_NO, PCARD_PASSWD ,LIFECYCLE_ST ,BIND_TIME,USE_TIME,USE_DATE,TARGET_NO from echnmarketdb%d.td_pcard_info_%s where bind_no ='%s'" % (databaseNum, tableNum, phone) elif re.match(r'^[\w-]+@[0-9a-zA-Z-]{1,13}(\.\w{2,})+$', phone):"我是邮箱") cur = self.cur[1] #,TARGET_NO as '转赠号码' sql = "select BIND_NO as '领券号码' , PCARD_PASSWD as '卡密' ,LIFECYCLE_ST as '状态' ,BIND_TIME as '领取时间',USE_TIME as '使用时间'',USE_ORDER_ID as '充值订单号',BATCH_ID as '批次id' from echnmarketdb.td_pcard_info_u where bind_no ='%s'" % ( phone) #logger.error(sql) else: self.logger.error("号码格式不对:" + phone + ' 长度:' + str(len(phone))) self.falseCount += 1 self.failedUser.append(phone) return #self.logger.error(sql) try: qryHead, qryResult = dbOper.qryData(cur, sql) if qryResult == [] or qryResult == None: self.falseCount += 1 self.failedUser.append(phone) self.logger.error("No result for user:"******"'" + str(qryResult[i][ii])) #输出结果 historyRuslt = open(historyResultFile, "a") #记录查询历史的文件history,也可以用来存输出结果。 result.append('|'.join(resulthead)) #首先写入头信息 if xiaodongxi == 0: print(sql) time.sleep(0.001) print('|'.join(resulthead)) historyRuslt.write(','.join(resulthead) + "\n") for i in range(0, len(resultbody)): print('|'.join( resultbody[i])) #打印查询结果到控制台,logger.error 会打印时间戳,看起来乱 result.append('|'.join(resultbody[i])) historyRuslt.write(','.join(resultbody[i]) + "\n") historyRuslt.close() except Exception as e: logger.exception("Exception Logged run") self.falseCount += 1 self.failedUser.append(phone) self.logger.error(e) self.logger.error( "Phone:%s Failed to Query -------------XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" % phone) return result #这个返回,,以后可能有用。
def query(self,phone,xiaodongxi): phone =phone.strip() result =[] if re.match(r'1\d{10}$',phone): ("我是手机号") module = int(phone[6:7]) databaseNum = module%5 + 1 tableNum =(phone[-1]) if module <= 4 : cur =self.cur[0] else: cur =self.cur[1] sql = "select serial_NUMber, EXPIRE_TIME,BIND_NO as '领券号码' ,BIND_TIME as '领取时间', PCARD_PASSWD as '卡密' ,LIFECYCLE_ST as '状态' ,LOCK_TIME AS '锁定时间',USE_TIME as '使用时间',USE_ORDER_ID as '充值订单号',TARGET_NO as '转赠号码',BATCH_ID as '批次id' from echnmarketdb%d.td_pcard_info_%s where bind_no ='%s' " % (databaseNum, tableNum, phone) logger.error(sql) # sql = "select BIND_NO, PCARD_PASSWD ,LIFECYCLE_ST ,BIND_TIME,USE_TIME,USE_DATE,TARGET_NO from echnmarketdb%d.td_pcard_info_%s where bind_no ='%s'" % (databaseNum, tableNum, phone) elif re.match(r'^[\w-]+@[0-9a-zA-Z-]{1,13}(\.\w{2,})+$',phone):"我是邮箱") cur =self.cur[1] sql = "select BIND_NO as '领券号码' , PCARD_PASSWD as '卡密' ,LIFECYCLE_ST as '状态' ,BIND_TIME as '领取时间',USE_TIME as '使用时间'',USE_ORDER_ID as '充值订单号',TARGET_NO as '转赠号码',BATCH_ID as '批次id' from echnmarketdb.td_pcard_info_u where bind_no ='%s'" % (phone) else: self.logger.error("号码格式不对:"+phone+' 长度:'+str(len(phone))) self.falseCount += 1 self.failedUser.append(phone) return #self.logger.error(sql) try: qryHead,qryResult = dbOper.qryData(cur, sql) if qryResult==[] or qryResult==None : self.falseCount += 1 self.failedUser.append(phone) self.logger.error("No result for user:"******" select t.PCARD_NAME as '卡券类型',t.PCARD_INFO as '卡券信息', p.PCARD_NAME as '卡券名称',t.PCARD_CASH as '面额', p.PCARD_ACT_NAME as '活动名称' from echnmarketdb.td_def_pcard_batch t LEFT JOIN echnmarketdb.td_def_pcard_info p ON t.PCARD_ID=p.PCARD_ID where t.BATCH_ID ="+batchId batchhead,batchResult = dbOper.qryData(self.cur[0], batchsql) # 卡券信息head拼接,只拼接一次 if i == 0: for j in range(0, len(batchhead)): resulthead.append(str(batchhead[j])) else: pass #用户卡券数据拼接 resultbody.append([]) #元素列表+1 for ii in range(0,len(qryResult[i])): resultbody[i].append(str(qryResult[i][ii])) #卡券信息body拼接 for k in range(0,len(batchResult[0])): resultbody[i].append(str(batchResult[0][k])) #输出结果 result.append('|'.join(resulthead))#首先写入头信息 if xiaodongxi ==0 : print(sql) time.sleep(0.001) print( '|'.join(resulthead)) historyRuslt = open(historyResultFile, "a")#记录查询历史的文件history,也可以用来存输出结果。 for i in range(0,len(resultbody)): print('|'.join(resultbody[i]))#打印查询结果到控制台,logger.error 会打印时间戳,看起来乱 result.append('|'.join(resultbody[i])) historyRuslt.write('|'.join(resultbody[i])+"\n") historyRuslt.close() except Exception as e: logger.exception("Exception Logged run") self.falseCount += 1 self.failedUser.append(phone) self.logger.error(e) self.logger.error ("Phone:%s Failed to Query -------------XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"%phone) return result #这个返回,,以后可能有用。