def __init__(self, session, TF_setup, TF_settings, clips_l): # set up class variables self.session = session # TF set up -- check if TF is running already self.TF_setup = TF_setup self.TF_settings = TF_settings self.clips_l = clips_l # Load settings from config self.cfg = load_yaml(track_options['cfg_std']) self.dlc_config_settings = load_yaml(track_options['cfg_dlc']) self.dlc_config_settings['clips'] = { 'visual': {}, 'audio': {}, 'digital': {} } # params for contour extraction self.fps = self.session['Metadata'].videodata[0]['Frame rate'][0] self.background = self.session['Metadata'].videodata[0]['Background'] self.arena_floor = False # params from showing tracing results in preview self.trace_length = 10 self.magnif_factor = 2 # params for data saving self.coord_l = [] #### NOW TRACK #### try: self.main() except: warn('Something went wrong with tracking')
def create_trial_metadata(trial_name, stim_type, start_frame, stop_frame, video_path): """ organise trial metadata """ tr_metadata = { 'Name': trial_name, 'Stim type': stim_type, 'Start frame': start_frame, 'Stop frame': stop_frame, 'Video path': video_path, 'Created':"%y-%m-%d-%H-%M"), 'Last modified':"%y-%m-%d-%H-%M"), 'std tracking settings': load_yaml(track_options['cfg_std']), 'dlc tracking settings': load_yaml(track_options['cfg_dlc']) } return tr_metadata
def __init__(self, session): print(colored('\n Plotting whole session summary', 'green')) # Prep up useful variables self.colors = [[.2, .2, .2], [.8, .4, .4], [.4, .8, .4], [.4, .4, .8]] self.session = session self.settings = load_yaml(plotting_options['cfg']) # Create figure and set up axes self.set_up_fig() # Plot self.session_plot() # Save or display the figure if self.settings['save figs']: path = 'D:\\Dropbox (UCL - SWC)\\Dropbox (UCL - SWC)\\Rotation_vte\\data\\z_TrialImages' name = '{}'.format( print( colored(' ... saving figure {}'.format(name), 'grey')) self.f.savefig(os.path.join(path, name), facecolor=[0.3, 0.3, 0.3]) if send_messages: send_email_attachments(name, os.path.join(path, name)) plt.close('all') else:
def __init__(self, session): print(colored('\n Plotting single trials summaries', 'green')) plt.ion() if not session is None: # Get a number of useful flags plotting_settings = load_yaml(plotting_options['cfg']) self.exploration_maxmin = plotting_settings['exploration max length'] self.plot_pose = plotting_settings['plot pose'] self.save_figs = plotting_settings['save figs'] self.session = session # Define stuff used for extracting data self.sel_trial = 0 self.prestim_frames = 5 self.poststim_frames = 180 # Define stuff used for plotting self.colors = { 'Rear': [0.4, 0.8, 0.4], 'Lear': [0.4, 0.8, 0.4], 'snout': [0.5, 0.6, 0.5], 'neck': [0.6, 0.4, 0.4], 'body': [0.8, 0.3, 0.3], 'tail': [0.4, 0.4, 0.8], } # Get trials data and start main() which takes care of plotting each trial self.get_trials_metadata() self.main()
def plotting_session(self, session): plotting_settings = load_yaml(plotting_options['cfg']) Single_trial_summary.Plotter(session) if plotting_settings['plot exp specific'] and exp_type == 'maze': from Plotting import Maze_session_summary Maze_session_summary.MazeSessionPlotter(session)
def dlc_setupTF(options): dlc_config_settings = load_yaml(options['cfg_dlc']) cfg = load_config(dlc_config_settings['dlc_network_posecfg']) cfg['init_weights'] = dlc_config_settings['dlc_network_snapshot'] scorer = dlc_config_settings['scorer'] sess, inputs, outputs = predict.setup_pose_prediction(cfg) return {'scorer': scorer, 'sess': sess, 'inputs': inputs, 'outputs': outputs, 'cfg': cfg}
def __init__(self, session, database): print(colored(' processing...', 'green')) # load processing settings from yaml file self.settings = load_yaml(processing_options['cfg']) self.session = session self.database = database # Process tracking data for data_name, tracking_data in sorted(list(self.session.Tracking.items())): try: if data_name == 'Exploration' or data_name == 'Whole Session': print(colored(' processing currently only supports processing of trial data, not {}'.format( data_name), 'yellow')) continue print(colored(' Trial {}'.format(data_name), 'green')) self.tracking_data = tracking_data # Save info about processing options in the metadata self.define_processing_metadata() # Apply processes in parallel # TODO use decorator to make sure that functions are automatically added to the list, avoid bugs funcs = [self.extract_bodylength, self.extract_velocity, self.extract_location_relative_shelter, self.extract_orientation] pool = ThreadPool(len(funcs)) [pool.apply(func) for func in funcs] # Other processing steps will not be done in parallel self.extract_ang_velocity() # PoseReconstructor(self.tracking_data.dlc_tracking['Posture']) # WORK IN PROGRESS, buggy except: warnings.warn('Could not analyse this trial!!!') # but avoid crashing the whole analysis print(colored(' trial {} could not be processed!'.format(data_name), 'yellow')) slack_chat_messenger('Could not process trial {}'.format(data_name)) # Call experiment specific processing tools [only implemented for maze experiments] if self.settings['apply exp-specific']: ProcessingTrialsMaze(self.session, debugging=self.settings['debug exp-specific']) ProcessingSessionMaze(self.session) else: from warnings import warn warn('Experiment type {} is not supported yet'.format(exp_type))
def tracking_use_dlc(database, clips_l): print( '====================================\nExtracting Pose using DeepLabCut' ) dlc_config_settings = load_yaml(track_options['cfg_dlc']) print(' ... extracting pose from clips') TF_settings = dlc_setupTF(track_options) dlc_analyseVideos.analyse(TF_settings, dlc_config_settings['clips_folder'], clips_l) print(' ... integrating results in database') database = dlc_retreive_data(dlc_config_settings['clips_folder'], database, clips_l) print(' ... cleaning up') if not dlc_config_settings['store trial videos']: dlc_clear_folder(dlc_config_settings['clips_folder'], dlc_config_settings['store trial videos']) return database