def validate(self): print 'Validating' self.model.eval() # Leave LSTM in train mode with torch.no_grad(): ious = [] for step, data in enumerate(tqdm(self.val_loader)): if len(data['orig_poly']) == 1: continue if self.opts['get_point_annotation']: img = data['img'].to(device) annotation = data['annotation_prior'].to(device).unsqueeze( 1) img =[img, annotation], 1) else: img = data['img'].to(device) output = self.model.forward(img, data['fwd_poly']) pred_cps = output['pred_polys'][-1] pred_polys = self.spline.sample_point(pred_cps) pred_polys = # print(pred_polys.shape) # Get IoU iou = 0 orig_poly = data['orig_poly'] for i in range(pred_polys.shape[0]): curr_pred_poly = utils.poly01_to_poly0g( pred_polys[i], self.model.grid_size) curr_gt_poly = utils.poly01_to_poly0g( orig_poly[i], self.model.grid_size) i, masks = metrics.iou_from_poly( np.array(curr_pred_poly, dtype=np.int32), np.array(curr_gt_poly, dtype=np.int32), self.model.grid_size, self.model.grid_size) iou += i iou = iou / pred_polys.shape[0] ious.append(iou) del (output) del (pred_polys) iou = np.mean(ious) self.val_writer.add_scalar('iou', float(iou), self.global_step) print '[VAL] IoU: %f' % iou masks = np.tile(masks, [1, 1, 1, 3]) # Make [2, H, W, 3] img = (data['img'].cpu().numpy()[-1, ...] * 255).astype(np.uint8) img = np.transpose(img, [1, 2, 0]) # Make [H, W, 3] #self.val_writer.add_image('pred_mask', masks[0], self.global_step) #self.val_writer.add_image('gt_mask', masks[1], self.global_step) #self.val_writer.add_image('image', img, self.global_step) self.model.train()
def validate(self): print 'Validating' ggnn_grid_size = self.opts['ggnn_grid_size'] self.model.ggnn.encoder.eval() self.model.temperature = 0 self.model.mode = "test" # Leave LSTM in train mode with torch.no_grad(): ious = [] for step, data in enumerate(tqdm(self.val_loader)): output = self.model(data['img'].to(device), data['fwd_poly'].to(device)) pred_polys = output['pred_polys'].data.numpy() # Get IoU iou = 0 orig_poly = data['orig_poly'] for i in range(pred_polys.shape[0]): p = pred_polys[i] mask_poly = utils.get_masked_poly( p, self.model.ggnn.ggnn_grid_size) mask_poly = utils.class_to_xy( mask_poly, self.model.ggnn.ggnn_grid_size) curr_gt_poly_112 = utils.poly01_to_poly0g( orig_poly[i], ggnn_grid_size) i, masks = metrics.iou_from_poly( np.array(mask_poly, dtype=np.int32), np.array(curr_gt_poly_112, dtype=np.int32), ggnn_grid_size, ggnn_grid_size) iou += i iou = iou / pred_polys.shape[0] ious.append(iou) del (output) del (pred_polys) iou = np.mean(ious) self.val_writer.add_scalar('iou', float(iou), self.global_step) print '[VAL] IoU: %f' % iou self.model.temperature = self.opts['temperature'] self.model.mode = "train_ggnn" self.model.ggnn.encoder.train()
def prepare_component(self, instance, component): """ Prepare a single component within an instance """ get_poly = 'train' in self.mode or 'tool' in self.mode if self.opts['flip']: example_flip = random.random() >= 0.5 else: example_flip = False if self.opts['random_start']: random_start = random.random() >= 0.5 else: random_start = False lo,hi = self.opts['random_context'] context_expansion = random.uniform(lo, hi) crop_info = self.extract_crop(component, instance, context_expansion) img = crop_info['img'] if example_flip: img = np.fliplr(img) train_dict = {} if get_poly: poly = crop_info['poly'] if example_flip: # Flip polygon poly[:,0] = 1. - poly[:,0] if random_start: poly = np.roll(poly, random.choice(range(poly.shape[0])), axis=0) orig_poly = poly.copy() # Convert from [0, 1] to [0, grid_side] poly = utils.poly01_to_poly0g(poly, self.opts['grid_side']) fwd_poly = poly if 'train' in self.mode: # Get masks vertex_mask = np.zeros((self.opts['grid_side'], self.opts['grid_side']), np.float32) edge_mask = np.zeros((self.opts['grid_side'], self.opts['grid_side']), np.float32) vertex_mask = utils.get_vertices_mask(poly, vertex_mask) edge_mask = utils.get_edge_mask(poly, edge_mask) # Don't append first_v to end if in tool mode fwd_poly = np.append(fwd_poly, [fwd_poly[0]], axis=0) bwd_poly = fwd_poly[::-1] if example_flip: fwd_poly, bwd_poly = bwd_poly, fwd_poly arr_fwd_poly = np.ones((self.opts['max_poly_len'], 2), np.float32) * -1 arr_bwd_poly = np.ones((self.opts['max_poly_len'], 2), np.float32) * -1 arr_mask = np.zeros(self.opts['max_poly_len'], np.int32) len_to_keep = min(len(fwd_poly), self.opts['max_poly_len']) arr_fwd_poly[:len_to_keep] = fwd_poly[:len_to_keep] arr_bwd_poly[:len_to_keep] = bwd_poly[:len_to_keep] arr_mask[:len_to_keep+1] = 1 # Numpy doesn't throw an error if the last index is greater than size train_dict = { 'fwd_poly': arr_fwd_poly, 'bwd_poly': arr_bwd_poly, 'mask': arr_mask, 'orig_poly': orig_poly, 'full_poly': fwd_poly, } if 'train' in self.mode: train_dict['vertex_mask'] = vertex_mask train_dict['edge_mask'] = edge_mask train_dict['label'] = instance['label'] # for Torch, use CHW, instead of HWC img = img.transpose(2,0,1) return_dict = { 'img': img, 'img_path': instance['img_path'], 'patch_w': crop_info['patch_w'], 'starting_point': crop_info['starting_point'] } return_dict.update(train_dict) return return_dict
def prepare_component(self, instance, component): """ Prepare a single component within an instance """ get_gt_poly = 'train' in self.mode or 'oracle' in self.mode max_num = self.opts['p_num'] pnum = self.opts['p_num'] cp_num = self.opts['cp_num'] # create circle polygon data pointsnp = np.zeros(shape=(cp_num, 2), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(cp_num): thera = 1.0 * i / cp_num * 2 * np.pi x = np.cos(thera) y = -np.sin(thera) pointsnp[i, 0] = x pointsnp[i, 1] = y fwd_poly = (0.7 * pointsnp + 1) / 2 arr_fwd_poly = np.ones((cp_num, 2), np.float32) * 0. arr_fwd_poly[:, :] = fwd_poly lo, hi = self.opts['random_context'] context_expansion = random.uniform(lo, hi) crop_info = self.extract_crop(component, instance, context_expansion) img = crop_info['img'] train_dict = {} if get_gt_poly: poly = crop_info['poly'] orig_poly = poly.copy() gt_orig_poly = poly.copy() gt_orig_poly = utils.poly01_to_poly0g(gt_orig_poly, 28) # Get masks vertex_mask = np.zeros((28, 28), np.float32) edge_mask = np.zeros((28, 28), np.float32) vertex_mask = utils.get_vertices_mask(gt_orig_poly, vertex_mask) edge_mask = utils.get_edge_mask(gt_orig_poly, edge_mask) if self.opts['get_point_annotation']: gt_poly_224 = np.floor(orig_poly * self.opts['img_side']).astype(np.int32) if self.opts['ext_points']: ex_0, ex_1, ex_2, ex_3 = utils.extreme_points( gt_poly_224, pert=self.opts['ext_points_pert']) nodes = [ex_0, ex_1, ex_2, ex_3] point_annotation = utils.make_gt(nodes, h=self.opts['img_side'], w=self.opts['img_side']) target_annotation = np.array([[0, 0]]) gt_poly = self.uniformsample(poly, pnum) sampled_poly = self.uniformsample(poly, 70) arr_gt_poly = np.ones((pnum, 2), np.float32) * 0. arr_gt_poly[:, :] = gt_poly ff = utils.poly01_to_poly0g(arr_gt_poly, 36) #poly_mask = np.zeros((224, 224), np.float32) #poly_mask = utils.get_vertices_mask(ff, poly_mask) #poly_mask11 = np.ones((224, 224), np.float32) * 0. #poly_mask11[:, :] = poly_mask # Numpy doesn't throw an error if the last index is greater than size if self.opts['get_point_annotation']: train_dict = { 'target_annotation': target_annotation, 'sampled_poly': sampled_poly, 'orig_poly': orig_poly, 'gt_poly': arr_gt_poly, 'annotation_prior': point_annotation } else: train_dict = { 'sampled_poly': sampled_poly, 'orig_poly': orig_poly, 'gt_poly': arr_gt_poly } boundry_dic = { 'vertex_mask': vertex_mask, 'gt_orig_poly': gt_orig_poly, 'poly_mask': ff, 'edge_mask': edge_mask } train_dict.update(boundry_dic) if 'train' in self.mode: train_dict['label'] = instance['label'] # for Torch, use CHW, instead of HWC img = img.transpose(2, 0, 1) # blank_image return_dict = { 'img': img, 'fwd_poly': arr_fwd_poly, 'img_path': instance['img_path'], 'patch_w': crop_info['patch_w'], 'starting_point': crop_info['starting_point'], 'context_expansion': context_expansion } return_dict.update(train_dict) return return_dict
def prepare_component(self, instance, component): """ Prepare a single component within an instance """ get_gt_poly = 'train' in self.mode or 'oracle' in self.mode max_num = self.opts['p_num'] pnum = self.opts['p_num'] cp_num = self.opts['cp_num'] # create circle polygon data pointsnp = np.zeros(shape=(cp_num, 2), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(cp_num): thera = 1.0 * i / cp_num * 2 * np.pi x = np.cos(thera) y = -np.sin(thera) pointsnp[i, 0] = x pointsnp[i, 1] = y fwd_poly = (0.7 * pointsnp + 1) / 2 arr_fwd_poly = np.ones((cp_num, 2), np.float32) * 0. arr_fwd_poly[:, :] = fwd_poly lo, hi = self.opts['random_context'] context_expansion = random.uniform(lo, hi) crop_info = self.extract_crop(component, instance, context_expansion) img = crop_info['img'] ## get the onehot labels and dist_maps for boundary loss train_dict = {} if get_gt_poly: poly = crop_info['poly'] orig_poly = poly.copy() gt_orig_poly = poly.copy() gt_orig_poly = utils.poly01_to_poly0g(gt_orig_poly, 28) # Get masks vertex_mask = np.zeros((28, 28), np.float32) edge_mask = np.zeros((28, 28), np.float32) vertex_mask = utils.get_vertices_mask(gt_orig_poly, vertex_mask) edge_mask = utils.get_edge_mask(gt_orig_poly, edge_mask) if 'train' in self.mode: mask = np.asarray(crop_info['mask']) # wh mask_tensor = torch.from_numpy(mask) onehot_label = utils.class2one_hot(mask_tensor, 2)[0] mask_distmap = utils.one_hot2dist(onehot_label) if self.opts['get_point_annotation']: gt_poly_224 = np.floor(orig_poly * self.opts['img_side']).astype(np.int32) if self.opts['ext_points']: ex_0, ex_1, ex_2, ex_3 = utils.extreme_points(gt_poly_224, pert=self.opts['ext_points_pert']) nodes = [ex_0, ex_1, ex_2, ex_3] point_annotation = utils.make_gt(nodes, h=self.opts['img_side'], w=self.opts['img_side']) target_annotation = np.array([[0, 0]]) gt_poly = self.uniformsample(poly, pnum) sampled_poly = self.uniformsample(poly, 70) #sampled_interactive = self.uniformsample(poly, 40) ## uniformsample by 1280%32 interactive_temp = [] for i in range(pnum): #pnum: 1280 if i% 32 == 0: interactive_temp.append(gt_poly[i,:]) sampled_interactive = np.array(interactive_temp) #sampled_interactive = self.uniformsample(gt_poly, 40) # gt_poly = self.uniformsample(sampled_interactive, pnum) arr_gt_poly = np.ones((pnum, 2), np.float32) * 0. arr_gt_poly[:, :] = gt_poly # Numpy doesn't throw an error if the last index is greater than size if self.opts['get_point_annotation']: train_dict = { 'target_annotation': target_annotation, 'sampled_poly': sampled_poly, 'orig_poly': orig_poly, 'gt_poly': arr_gt_poly, 'annotation_prior':point_annotation, 'sampled_interactive': sampled_interactive, } else: train_dict = { 'sampled_poly': sampled_poly, 'orig_poly': orig_poly, 'gt_poly': arr_gt_poly, 'sampled_interactive': sampled_interactive, } if 'train' in self.mode: train_dict['onehot_label'] = np.array(onehot_label), train_dict['mask_distmap'] = np.array(mask_distmap) # cwh boundry_dic = { 'vertex_mask':vertex_mask, 'edge_mask':edge_mask } train_dict.update(boundry_dic) if 'train' in self.mode: train_dict['label'] = instance['label'] # for Torch, use CHW, instead of HWC img = img.transpose(2, 0, 1) # blank_image return_dict = { 'img': img, 'fwd_poly': arr_fwd_poly, 'img_path': instance['img_path'], 'patch_w': crop_info['patch_w'], 'starting_point': crop_info['starting_point'], 'context_expansion': context_expansion } return_dict.update(train_dict) return return_dict
def prepare_instance(self, idx): """ Prepare a single instance, can be both multicomponent or just a single component """ instance = self.instances[idx] n_component = len(instance['components']) n_sample_point = int(self.opts['p_num'] / n_component) n_additional_point = self.opts['p_num'] - n_component * n_sample_point if self.opts['skip_multicomponent']: # Skip_multicomponent is true even during test because we use only # 1 bbox and no polys assert len( instance['components']) == 1, 'Found multicomponent instance\ with skip_multicomponent set to True!' component = instance['components'][0] results = self.prepare_component(instance, component) results['gt_img'] = np.zeros( (self.opts['diff_iou_dim'], self.opts['diff_iou_dim']), dtype=np.int32) results['vertex_mask'] = np.zeros((28, 28), np.float32) results['edge_mask'] = np.zeros((28, 28), np.float32) all_comp_gt_poly_list = [] all_comp_gt_poly = [] comp = self.extract_crop(component, instance, results['context_expansion']) all_comp_gt_poly_list.append(comp['poly']) all_comp_gt_poly.extend(comp['poly'].tolist()) all_comp_gt_poly_img_side = np.array( all_comp_gt_poly) * self.opts['img_side'] ex_0, ex_1, ex_2, ex_3 = utils.extreme_points( all_comp_gt_poly_img_side) nodes = [ex_0, ex_1, ex_2, ex_3] point_annotation = utils.make_gt(nodes, h=self.opts['img_side'], w=self.opts['img_side']) results['annotation_prior'] = point_annotation for gt_poly in all_comp_gt_poly_list: gt_orig_poly = gt_poly.copy() gt_poly = np.array(gt_poly * self.opts['diff_iou_dim'], dtype=np.int32) img_mask = utils.masks_from_poly(gt_poly, self.opts['diff_iou_dim'], self.opts['diff_iou_dim']) results['gt_img'] = results['gt_img'] + img_mask.astype( np.int32) gt_orig_poly = utils.poly01_to_poly0g(gt_orig_poly, 28) results['vertex_mask'] = utils.get_vertices_mask( gt_orig_poly, results['vertex_mask']) results['edge_mask'] = utils.get_edge_mask( gt_orig_poly, results['edge_mask']) results['gt_img'][results['gt_img'] > 0] = 255 if 'test' in self.mode: results['instance'] = instance else: if 'test' in self.mode: component = instance['components'][0] results = self.prepare_component(instance, component) if self.opts['ext_points']: all_comp_gt_poly = [] for component in instance['components']: if component['area'] < self.opts['min_area']: continue else: comp = self.extract_crop( component, instance, results['context_expansion']) all_comp_gt_poly.extend(comp['poly'].tolist()) all_comp_gt_poly = np.array( all_comp_gt_poly) * self.opts['img_side'] ex_0, ex_1, ex_2, ex_3 = utils.extreme_points( all_comp_gt_poly) nodes = [ex_0, ex_1, ex_2, ex_3] point_annotation = utils.make_gt(nodes, h=self.opts['img_side'], w=self.opts['img_side']) results['annotation_prior'] = point_annotation else: component = random.choice(instance['components']) results = self.prepare_component(instance, component) results['gt_img'] = np.zeros( (self.opts['diff_iou_dim'], self.opts['diff_iou_dim']), dtype=np.int32) results['gt_edge_img'] = np.zeros( (self.opts['diff_iou_dim'], self.opts['diff_iou_dim']), dtype=np.int32) results['vertex_mask'] = np.zeros((28, 28), np.float32) results['edge_mask'] = np.zeros((28, 28), np.float32) all_comp_gt_poly_list = [] all_comp_gt_poly = [] all_comp_sample_poly_list = [] for component in instance['components']: if component['area'] < self.opts['min_area']: continue else: comp = self.extract_crop(component, instance, results['context_expansion']) all_comp_gt_poly_list.append(comp['poly']) all_comp_gt_poly.extend(comp['poly'].tolist()) sampled_poly = self.uniformsample( comp['poly'], n_sample_point) all_comp_sample_poly_list.append(sampled_poly) all_comp_sample_poly_list.append( sampled_poly[:n_additional_point]) all_comp_sample_poly_array = np.vstack( all_comp_sample_poly_list) all_comp_gt_poly_img_side = np.array( all_comp_gt_poly) * self.opts['img_side'] ex_0, ex_1, ex_2, ex_3 = utils.extreme_points( all_comp_gt_poly_img_side) nodes = [ex_0, ex_1, ex_2, ex_3] point_annotation = utils.make_gt(nodes, h=self.opts['img_side'], w=self.opts['img_side']) results['annotation_prior'] = point_annotation for gt_poly in all_comp_gt_poly_list: gt_orig_poly = gt_poly.copy() gt_poly = np.array(gt_poly * self.opts['diff_iou_dim'], dtype=np.int32) img_mask = utils.masks_from_poly(gt_poly, self.opts['diff_iou_dim'], self.opts['diff_iou_dim']) results['gt_img'] = results['gt_img'] + img_mask.astype( np.int32) results['gt_edge_img'] = utils.get_edge_mask( gt_poly, results['gt_edge_img']) gt_orig_poly = utils.poly01_to_poly0g(gt_orig_poly, 28) results['vertex_mask'] = utils.get_vertices_mask( gt_orig_poly, results['vertex_mask']) results['edge_mask'] = utils.get_edge_mask( gt_orig_poly, results['edge_mask']) results['gt_edge_img'][results['gt_edge_img'] > 0] = 255 results['gt_img'][results['gt_img'] > 0] = 255 results['gt_poly_for_chamfer'] = all_comp_sample_poly_array results['instance'] = instance return results
def train(self, epoch): print 'Starting training' self.model.temperature = self.opts['temperature'] self.model.ggnn.encoder.train() accum = defaultdict(float) # To accumulate stats for printing ggnn_grid_size = self.opts['ggnn_grid_size'] for step, data in enumerate(self.train_loader): self.optimizer.zero_grad() if self.global_step % self.opts['val_freq'] == 0: self.validate() self.save_checkpoint(epoch) output = self.model(data['img'].to(device), data['fwd_poly'].to(device), orig_poly=data['orig_poly']) ggnn_logits = output['ggnn_logits'] local_prediction = output['ggnn_local_prediction'].to(device) poly_masks = output['ggnn_mask'].to(device) pred_polys = output['pred_polys'].data.numpy() loss_sum = losses.poly_vertex_loss_mle_ggnn( local_prediction, poly_masks, ggnn_logits) loss_sum.backward() if 'grad_clip' in self.opts.keys(): # "grad_clip": 40 nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.model.ggnn.parameters(), self.opts['grad_clip']) self.optimizer.step() with torch.no_grad(): # Get IoU iou = 0 orig_poly = data['orig_poly'] for i in range(pred_polys.shape[0]): p = pred_polys[i] mask_poly = utils.get_masked_poly( p, self.model.ggnn.ggnn_grid_size) #"ggnn_grid_size": 112 mask_poly = utils.class_to_xy( mask_poly, self.model.ggnn.ggnn_grid_size) curr_gt_poly_112 = utils.poly01_to_poly0g( orig_poly[i], ggnn_grid_size) cur_iou, masks = metrics.iou_from_poly( np.array(mask_poly, dtype=np.int32), np.array(curr_gt_poly_112, dtype=np.int32), ggnn_grid_size, ggnn_grid_size) iou += cur_iou iou = iou / pred_polys.shape[0] accum['loss'] += float(loss_sum.item()) accum['iou'] += iou accum['length'] += 1 if step % self.opts['print_freq'] == 0: #"print_freq": 20 # Mean of accumulated values for k in accum.keys(): if k == 'length': continue accum[k] /= accum['length'] # Add summaries masks = np.expand_dims(masks, -1).astype( np.uint8) # Add a channel dimension masks = np.tile(masks, [1, 1, 1, 3]) # Make [2, H, W, 3] img = (data['img'].cpu().numpy()[-1, ...] * 255).astype( np.uint8) img = np.transpose( img, [1, 2, 0]) # Make [H, W, 3], swap the dimention self.writer.add_image('pred_mask', masks[0], self.global_step) self.writer.add_image('gt_mask', masks[1], self.global_step) self.writer.add_image('image', img, self.global_step) for k in accum.keys(): if k == 'length': continue self.writer.add_scalar(k, accum[k], self.global_step) print( "[%s] Epoch: %d, Step: %d, Polygon Loss: %f, IOU: %f" \ % (str(, epoch, self.global_step, accum['loss'], accum['iou'])) accum = defaultdict(float) del (output, local_prediction, poly_masks, masks, ggnn_logits, pred_polys, loss_sum) self.global_step += 1