def encrypt(self, pt): self.buffer = bytearray() #return할 buffer self.enciv = bytearray() #암호화 시킨 iv를 한꺼번에 저장할 buffer = to_bytearray(pt) self.ptlength = len(pt) #리턴시킬 암호문 길이 ''' block count 설정 16배수면 그대로 16배수가 아니면 padding을 통해 16배수로 만들어주고 count 설정 ''' cnt = int(len(pad( / self.block_size) if ((len( % self.block_size) != 0): cnt = len(pad( / self.block_size ''' iv 미리 계산 ''' tmp = self.iv #입력 iv for i in range(cnt - 1): tmp = self.crypto.encrypt(tmp) self.enciv += tmp #iv계산 저장 ''' 암호화 진행 ''' for i in range(cnt): buf1 = self.enciv[(self.block_size * i):(self.block_size * i) + self.block_size] #block size에 맞게 미리 계산한 iv 자르기 buf2 =[(self.block_size * i):(self.block_size * i) + self.block_size] #block size로 평문 자르기 self.buffer += xorAr(buf1, buf2) #xor 진행 return self.buffer[:self.ptlength] #평문 길이만큼 return
def decrypt(self, ct): self.buffer = bytearray() #return buffer self.enciv = bytearray() #계산한 iv를 한꺼번에 저장할 buffer self.ctlength = len(ct) #return할 cipher text의 길이 저장 self.ct = ct ''' 16배수이면 그대로 16배수가 아니면 패딩해서 16배수로 맞춘다음 count 설정 ''' cnt = int(len(pad(self.ct)) / self.block_size) if ((len(self.ct) % self.block_size) != 0): cnt = len(pad(self.ct)) / self.block_size ''' iv 미리 계산 ''' tmp = self.iv for i in range(cnt - 1): tmp = self.crypto.encrypt(tmp) self.enciv += tmp for i in range(cnt): buf1 = self.enciv[ (self.block_size * i):(self.block_size * i) + self.block_size] #미리 계산한 enciv buffer를 block size에 맞게 자르기 buf2 = self.ct[(self.block_size * i):(self.block_size * i) + self.block_size] #block size에 맞게 cipher text 자르기 self.buffer += xorAr(buf1, buf2) #xor 진행 return self.buffer[:self.ctlength]
def connect_to_cert(self): cert_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) cert_socket.connect(('', 9000)) print("[Bob] Now connected to Cert Authority") cert_socket.send(pad(b'Bob')) mess = cert_socket.recv(2000) mess = unpad(mess) if (mess == b'send'): cert_socket.send(pad(self.key_pair.publickey().export_key())) return
def decrypt(self, ct): self.buffer = bytearray() #return buffer self.enciv = bytearray() #미리 계산할 iv를 저장하는 buffer self.ct = ct self.ctlength = len(ct) #return length ''' 만약 cipher block의 크기가 16의 배수가 아니면 padding해서 16배수로 맞춘다. ''' if len(self.ct)%self.block_size != 0: self.ct = pad(ct) cnt = int(len(self.ct)/self.block_size) #count setting c0 = self.iv #초기 입력 ''' iv 미리 계산 ''' self.enciv += self.crypto.encrypt(c0) #cipher block 저장 (미리 iv 계산) for i in range(cnt-1): buf = self.ct[(self.block_size * i) : (self.block_size * i) + self.block_size] #cipher text 자르기 self.enciv += self.crypto.encrypt(buf) #cipher block 추가 ''' 복호화 진행 ''' for i in range(cnt): buf1 = self.enciv[(self.block_size * i) : (self.block_size*i) + self.block_size] #미리 계산한 iv를 block size에 맞게 자르기 buf2 = self.ct[(self.block_size * i) : (self.block_size*i) + self.block_size] #block size에 맞게 cipher text 자르기 self.buffer += xorAr(buf1,buf2) #xor 진행 return self.buffer[:self.ctlength]
def connect_to_cert(self): cert_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) cert_socket.connect(('', 9000)) print("[Alice] Now connected to Cert Authority") cert_socket.send(pad(b'Alice')) b = cert_socket.recv(2000) b = unpad(b) if(b == b'send'): cert_socket.send(pad(self.key_pair.publickey().export_key())) b=unpad(cert_socket.recv(2000)) if(b == b'nonce,ts'): nonce = random.randint(1,20000) timestamp = self.timestamp = timestamp cert_socket.send(pad(bytes(str(nonce)+","+format(timestamp),"utf-8"))) try: cipher_rsa = ## my nonce nonce_c = cert_socket.recv(256) ## my timestamp timestamp_c = cert_socket.recv(256) ## c pub key self.c_pub_key = RSA.import_key(unpad(cert_socket.recv(2000))) ## checksum checksum = cert_socket.recv(256) # check integrity nonce_d = cipher_rsa.decrypt(nonce_c) timestamp_d = parser.parse(cipher_rsa.decrypt(timestamp_c).decode()) hash_object = hash_object.update(data=timestamp_c) assert(int(nonce_d)==nonce) assert(hash_object.digest() == checksum) assert(timestamp_d.strftime("%H:%M:%S")==timestamp.strftime("%H:%M:%S")) ## Send Symmetric-Key to C and wait for Bob cipher_rsa_c = cert_socket.send(cipher_rsa_c.encrypt(self.ab_key)) cert_socket.send(cipher_rsa_c.encrypt(str(self.PORT).encode())) except: print("[Alice] See Ya") return print("[Alice] wait for Bob") return
def connect_to_alice(self, port): alice_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) alice_socket.connect(('', port)) alice_socket.send(pad(b'Bob')) cipher =, AES.MODE_ECB) timestamp_to_a = cipher.encrypt( Padding.pad( self.a_timestamp.strftime("%H:%M:%S").encode(), AES.block_size)) alice_socket.send(timestamp_to_a) time.sleep(0.1) print("[Bob] Now connected to Alice")
def encrypt(self, pt): self.buffer = bytearray() #리턴할 buffer = pad(pt) #padding = to_bytearray( #to bytearray cnt = int(len( / self.block_size) #count ''' 암호화 진행 ''' for i in range(cnt): buf =[(self.block_size * i):(self.block_size * i) + self.block_size] #block 자르기 enc = self.crypto.encrypt(buf) self.buffer += enc return self.buffer
def decrypt(self, ct): self.buffer = bytearray() #return buffer self.ct = ct self.ctlength = len(ct) #return length ''' 16의 배수에 맞게 cnt 설정 ''' cnt = int(len(self.ct) / self.bloc_size) if ((len(self.ct) / self.bloc_size) != 0): cnt = len(pad(self.ct)) for i in range(cnt): self.buffer += xorAr(self.crypto.encrypt( self.ctr), self.ct[(self.bloc_size * i):(self.bloc_size * i) + self.bloc_size]) #암호화 진행 self.cal_ctr() #ctr update return self.buffer[:self.ctlength]
def encrypt(self, pt): self.buffer = bytearray() #return buffer = to_bytearray(pt) #plain text convert to bytearray self.ptlength = len(pt) #return할 cipher ptext 길이 ''' 평문의 길이가 16의 배수이면 그대로 cnt설정 16의 배수가 아니면 padding을 해서 16의 배수로 만든 다음 cnt 설정 ''' cnt = int(len( if((len( != 0): cnt = len(pad( c0 = self.iv #cipher block for i in range(cnt-1): buf =[(self.block_size * i) : (self.block_size*i) + self.block_size] #block size로 plain text 자르기 c0 = self.crypto.encrypt(c0) #암호화 c0 = xorAr(buf, c0) #xor 진행 and cipher block update self.buffer += c0 #adding block return self.buffer[:self.ptlength]
def forward(self, utterances, utterances_mask, roles, conversation_mask, conversation_length): ''' :param input: - utterances = [batch_size * utt_num] * max_seq_len - utterances_mask = [batchsize * utt_num] * max_seq_len - roles = batch_size * max_turn_len - conversation_mask = batch_size * max_turn_len - conversation_length = batch_size :return: output: batchsize * max_turn_len * output_size ''' ''' bert layer since [batch_size * utt_num] may be too large, divide into bert_batch_size * max_seq_len pieces to go through the bert ''' num_sentences = utterances.size(0) input_utterances = [ utterances[i:i + self.bert_batch_size, :] for i in range(0, num_sentences, self.bert_batch_size) ] input_utterances_masks = [ utterances_mask[i:i + self.bert_batch_size, :] for i in range(0, num_sentences, self.bert_batch_size) ] bert_encoded_embeds = [ ] # [batch_size utt_num] * max_seq_len * hidden_size for input_utterances_piece, input_utterances_masks_piece in zip( input_utterances, input_utterances_masks): _, _, bert_encoded_piece = self.bert_layer( input_utterances_piece, input_utterances_masks_piece) # extract output tensor from the second-to-last layer and average pooling # use the [CLS] for sentence embedding # bert_batch_size * hidden_size bert_encoded_piece = torch.stack(tuple( bert_encoded_piece[i] for i in range(2, len(bert_encoded_piece), 1)), dim=0) bert_encoded_piece = torch.mean(bert_encoded_piece[:, :, 0, :], dim=0) bert_encoded_embeds += bert_encoded_piece.tolist() # recover to batch_size * max_turn_len * hidden_size max_turn_len = conversation_mask.size(1) start = torch.cumsum(, conversation_length[:-1])), 0) bert_encoded_embeds = torch.stack([ pad( torch.tensor( bert_encoded_embeds, dtype=torch.float32).cuda().narrow( 0, s, l), max_turn_len) for s, l in zip(, ], 0).cuda() # batchsize * max_turn_len * hidden_size '''TCN Input ought to have dimension (N, C_in, L_in), where L_in is the seq_len; here the input is (N, L, C) Ouput batch_size * max_turn_len * output_size ''' # emb = self.drop(bert_encoded_embeds) emb = bert_encoded_embeds y = self.tcn(emb.transpose(1, 2)).transpose(1, 2) y = self.linear_layer(y) # add y = self.sig(y) return y
def callback(self, conn, addr): print("[Auth]" + str(addr) + " is now connected to Cert Authority") data = conn.recv(2000) data = unpad(data) decoded = data.decode("utf-8") ## If ALICE if (decoded == 'Alice'): ## Handshake #self.alice_port = int(decoded.split("on")[1]) self.alice_socket = conn self.alice_socket.send(pad(b'send')) self.alice_pub_key = RSA.import_key( unpad(self.alice_socket.recv(2000))) print("[Auth] got alice key") ## Recive Nonce and Timestamp time_now = self.alice_socket.send(pad(b'nonce,ts')) mess = self.alice_socket.recv(2000) try: nonce = mess.decode("utf-8").split(",")[0] timestamp = mess.decode("utf-8").split(",")[1] date_time_obj = parser.parse(timestamp) hms = date_time_obj.strftime("%H:%M:%S") except: print("[Auth] Timeout Expired") return ## Send back Encrypted Nonce and Timestamp and my pub_key cipher_rsa_c = cipher_rsa_ac = cipher_rsa_bc = if ((date_time_obj - time_now).seconds < 10): nonce_c = cipher_rsa_ac.encrypt(bytes(nonce, "utf-8")) a_timestamp = cipher_rsa_ac.encrypt(format(hms).encode()) c_pub_key = self.key_pair.publickey().export_key() hash_object = hash_object.update(data=a_timestamp) self.alice_socket.send(nonce_c) self.alice_socket.send(a_timestamp) self.alice_socket.send(pad(c_pub_key)) self.alice_socket.send(hash_object.digest()) ## Reciva AB key from A ab_key_enc = self.alice_socket.recv(256) ab_key = cipher_rsa_c.decrypt(ab_key_enc) self.alice_port = int( cipher_rsa_c.decrypt(self.alice_socket.recv(256)).decode()) print("[Auth] recvd key and port from Alice") ## Send AB Key and TS To bob self.bob_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.bob_socket.connect(('', 8000)) self.bob_socket.send(pad(b'Cert')) self.bob_socket.send(cipher_rsa_bc.encrypt(ab_key)) self.bob_socket.send(cipher_rsa_bc.encrypt(hms.encode())) self.bob_socket.send( cipher_rsa_bc.encrypt(str(self.alice_port).encode())) else: print("[Auth] Timeout Expired") return return elif (decoded == 'Bob'): self.bob_socket = conn self.bob_socket.send(pad(b'send')) self.bob_pub_key = RSA.import_key(unpad( self.bob_socket.recv(2000))) print("[Auth] got bob key") return else: print("[Auth] Not identified! closing connection") return return