def main_eval_all_files_summary(argv): if len(argv) != 5: sys.exit('usage: {} <algorithm name> <path dir with to reference word boundaries> <path to dir with detected word boundaries> <path_output>'.format(sys.argv[0])) algorithm_name = argv[1] refs_dir_URI = argv[2] detected_dir_URI = argv[3] a = os.path.join(detected_dir_URI, "*.lab") lab_files = glob.glob(a) output_URI = argv[4] errors = [] percentages = [] for lab_file in lab_files: base_name = os.path.basename(lab_file) ref_file = os.path.join(refs_dir_URI, base_name[:-4] + '.wordonset.tsv') error, percentage = main_eval_one_file(["dummy", ref_file, lab_file]) errors.append(error) percentages.append(percentage) meanE, stdevE, medianE = getMeanAndStDevError(errors) meanP, stdevP, medianP = getMeanAndStDevError(percentages) if not os.path.exists(output_URI): results = [['Submission', 'Mean error' , 'Median error', 'St. dev. error', 'Mean percentage' , 'Median percentage', 'St. dev. percentage']] results.append( [algorithm_name,'{:.2f}'.format(meanE), '{:.2f}'.format(medianE) , '{:.2f}'.format(stdevE), '{:.2f}'.format(meanP), '{:.2f}'.format(medianP) , '{:.2f}'.format(stdevP) ] ) writeCsv(output_URI, results) else: results = [[algorithm_name,'{:.2f}'.format(meanE), '{:.2f}'.format(medianE) , '{:.2f}'.format(stdevE), '{:.2f}'.format(meanP), '{:.2f}'.format(medianP) , '{:.2f}'.format(stdevP) ]] writeCsv(output_URI, results, append=1)
def evalOneFile(argv): ''' Main utility function ''' if len(argv) != 5: print ("usage: {} <URI_annotation> <URI_detected> <evalLevel> <URI_audio>".format(argv[0]) ) sys.exit(); annoURI = argv[1] detectedURI = argv[2] evalLevel = int(argv[3]) audio_URI = argv[4] alignmentErrors = evalAlignmentError(annoURI , detectedURI , evalLevel) mean, stDev, median = getMeanAndStDevError(alignmentErrors) # optional # print "mean : ", mean, "st dev: " , stDev print mean, " ", stDev ### OPTIONAL : open detection and annotation in praat. can be provided on request # wordAlignedSuffix = '"wordsAligned"' # phonemeAlignedSuffix = '"phonemesAligned"' # alignedResultPath, fileNameWordAnno = addAlignmentResultToTextGridFIle( detectedURI, annoURI, wordAlignedSuffix, phonemeAlignedSuffix) # # # openTextGridInPraat(alignedResultPath, fileNameWordAnno, audio_URI) return mean, stDev, median, alignmentErrors
def writeResultToFile(resultSet, totalErrors, totalCorrectDurReference, totalCorrectDur, totalDurations, ALPHA): currTime ='%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S') filename = os.path.join(os.getcwdu(), 'alignError_' + currTime + '.out') outputFileHandle = open(filename, 'a')"\n Output file is: " + filename) # // write to file/ outputFileHandle.write('\n' + str(ALPHA)) for mean, listLine in resultSet: if outputFileHandle.closed: outputFileHandle = open(filename, 'a') outputFileHandle.write(listLine) outputFileHandle.close() # total mean mean, stDev, median = getMeanAndStDevError(totalErrors) result = 'tatal scoreDev accuracy {:.2f} \n total accuracy: {:.2f} \n total mean: {} \n'.format( totalCorrectDurReference / totalDurations, totalCorrectDur / totalDurations, mean) if outputFileHandle.closed: outputFileHandle = open(filename, 'a') outputFileHandle.write(result) outputFileHandle.close() print 'written to file ' + filename
def writeResultToFile(resultSet, totalErrors, ALPHA): currTime ='%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S') filename = os.path.join(os.getcwdu(), 'alignError_' + currTime + '.out') outputFileHandle = open(filename, 'a')"\n Output file is: " + filename ) outputFileHandle.write('\n' + str(ALPHA) ) for mean, listLine in resultSet: if outputFileHandle.closed: outputFileHandle = open(filename, 'a') outputFileHandle.write(listLine) outputFileHandle.close() # total mean mean, stDev, median = getMeanAndStDevError(totalErrors) result = '\n' + 'total mean: ' + str(mean) + '\n' result ) if outputFileHandle.closed: outputFileHandle = open(filename, 'a') outputFileHandle.write(result) outputFileHandle.close() print 'written to file ' + filename
def writeResultToFile(resultSet, totalErrors, ALPHA): currTime ='%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S') filename = os.path.join(os.getcwdu(), 'alignError_' + currTime + '.out') outputFileHandle = open(filename, 'a')"\n Output file is: " + filename) outputFileHandle.write('\n' + str(ALPHA)) for mean, listLine in resultSet: if outputFileHandle.closed: outputFileHandle = open(filename, 'a') outputFileHandle.write(listLine) outputFileHandle.close() # total mean mean, stDev, median = getMeanAndStDevError(totalErrors) result = '\n' + 'total mean: ' + str(mean) + '\n' if outputFileHandle.closed: outputFileHandle = open(filename, 'a') outputFileHandle.write(result) outputFileHandle.close() print 'written to file ' + filename
def main_eval_all_files_summary(argv): if len(argv) != 5: sys.exit( 'usage: {} <algorithm name> <path dir with to reference word boundaries> <path to dir with detected word boundaries> <path_output>' .format(sys.argv[0])) algorithm_name = argv[1] refs_dir_URI = argv[2] detected_dir_URI = argv[3] a = os.path.join(detected_dir_URI, "*.lab") lab_files = glob.glob(a) output_URI = argv[4] errors = [] percentages = [] for lab_file in lab_files: base_name = os.path.basename(lab_file) ref_file = os.path.join(refs_dir_URI, base_name[:-4] + '.wordonset.tsv') error, percentage = main_eval_one_file(["dummy", ref_file, lab_file]) errors.append(error) percentages.append(percentage) meanE, stdevE, medianE = getMeanAndStDevError(errors) meanP, stdevP, medianP = getMeanAndStDevError(percentages) if not os.path.exists(output_URI): results = [[ 'Submission', 'Mean error', 'Median error', 'St. dev. error', 'Mean percentage', 'Median percentage', 'St. dev. percentage' ]] results.append([ algorithm_name, '{:.2f}'.format(meanE), '{:.2f}'.format(medianE), '{:.2f}'.format(stdevE), '{:.2f}'.format(meanP), '{:.2f}'.format(medianP), '{:.2f}'.format(stdevP) ]) writeCsv(output_URI, results) else: results = [[ algorithm_name, '{:.2f}'.format(meanE), '{:.2f}'.format(medianE), '{:.2f}'.format(stdevE), '{:.2f}'.format(meanP), '{:.2f}'.format(medianP), '{:.2f}'.format(stdevP) ]] writeCsv(output_URI, results, append=1)
def doitOneChunk(argv): if len(argv) != 8 and len(argv) != 9 : print ("usage: {} <pathToComposition> <URI_recording_no_ext> <withDuration=True> <withSynthesis> <ALPHA> <ONLY_MIDDLE_STATE> <evalLevel> <usePersistentFiles=True>".format(argv[0]) ) sys.exit(); URIrecordingNoExt = argv[2] whichSection = getSectionNumberFromName(URIrecordingNoExt) pathToComposition = argv[1] withDuration = argv[3] if withDuration=='True': withDuration = True elif withDuration=='False': withDuration = False else: sys.exit("withDuration can be only True or False") withSynthesis = argv[4] if withSynthesis=='True': withSynthesis = True elif withSynthesis=='False': withSynthesis = False else: sys.exit("withSynthesis can be only True or False") ALPHA = float(argv[5]) ONLY_MIDDLE_STATE = argv[6] evalLevel = tierAliases.wordLevel evalLevel = int(argv[7]) params = Parameters(ALPHA, ONLY_MIDDLE_STATE) usePersistentFiles = 'True' if len(argv) == 9: usePersistentFiles = argv[8] set_printoptions(threshold='nan') ################## load lyrics and models htkParser = None if withDuration: htkParser = HtkConverter() htkParser.load(MODEL_URI, HMM_LIST_URI) alignmentErrors, detectedWordList, grTruthDurationWordList, detectedAlignedfileName = alignDependingOnWithDuration(URIrecordingNoExt, whichSection, pathToComposition, withDuration, withSynthesis, evalLevel, params, usePersistentFiles, htkParser) mean, stDev, median = getMeanAndStDevError(alignmentErrors) # writeListOfListToTextFile(detectedWordList, None, '/Users/joro/Downloads/test.txt')"mean : {} st dev: {} ".format( mean,stDev))
def evalDtw(argv): ''' for a list of recordings, select those which name contains pattern and evlauate total error ''' if len(argv) != 3 and len(argv) != 4: print("usage: {} <pathToRecordings> <pattern> <decodedExtension>". format(argv[0])) sys.exit() DETECTED_EXT = '.dtwDurationsAligned' if len(argv) == 4: DETECTED_EXT = argv[3] os.chdir(argv[1]) # get detected files with starting pattern a = argv[2] + '*' + DETECTED_EXT listDecodedFiles = glob.glob(a) for i in range(len(listDecodedFiles)): listDecodedFiles[i] = os.path.join(argv[1], listDecodedFiles[i]) # get annot files with starting pattern b = argv[2] + '*' + ANNOTATION_EXT listAnnoFiles = glob.glob(b) for i in range(len(listAnnoFiles)): listAnnoFiles[i] = os.path.join(argv[1], listAnnoFiles[i]) for file in listAnnoFiles: print file # check matching decoded if len(listDecodedFiles) != len(listAnnoFiles): print "{} decoded and {} annotations. they should be equal".format( len(listDecodedFiles), len(listAnnoFiles)) sys.exit() totalErrors = [] for URI_decoded, URI_annotation in zip(listDecodedFiles, listAnnoFiles): mean, stDev, median, currAlignmentErrors = evalOneFile( ['blah', URI_annotation, URI_decoded, '1']) totalErrors.extend(currAlignmentErrors) mean, stDev, median = getMeanAndStDevError(totalErrors) print "(", median, ",", mean, ",", stDev, ")"
def evalDtw(argv): ''' for a list of recordings, select those which name contains pattern and evlauate total error ''' if len(argv) != 3 and len(argv) != 4: print ("usage: {} <pathToRecordings> <pattern> <decodedExtension>".format(argv[0]) ) sys.exit(); DETECTED_EXT = '.dtwDurationsAligned' if len(argv) == 4: DETECTED_EXT = argv[3] os.chdir(argv[1]) # get detected files with starting pattern a = argv[2] + '*' + DETECTED_EXT listDecodedFiles = glob.glob(a) for i in range(len(listDecodedFiles)) : listDecodedFiles[i] = os.path.join(argv[1], listDecodedFiles[i]) # get annot files with starting pattern b = argv[2] + '*' + ANNOTATION_EXT listAnnoFiles = glob.glob(b) for i in range(len(listAnnoFiles)) : listAnnoFiles[i] = os.path.join(argv[1], listAnnoFiles[i]) for file in listAnnoFiles: print file # check matching decoded if len(listDecodedFiles) != len(listAnnoFiles): print "{} decoded and {} annotations. they should be equal".format(len(listDecodedFiles), len(listAnnoFiles) ) sys.exit(); totalErrors = [] for URI_decoded, URI_annotation in zip(listDecodedFiles, listAnnoFiles) : mean, stDev, median, currAlignmentErrors = evalOneFile ([ 'blah', URI_annotation, URI_decoded, '1']) totalErrors.extend(currAlignmentErrors) mean, stDev, median = getMeanAndStDevError(totalErrors) print "(", median , ",", mean, "," , stDev , ")"
def main(argv): if len(argv) != 4: print( "usage: {} <pathToComposition> <whichSection> <URI_recording_no_ext>" .format(argv[0])) sys.exit() URIrecordingNOExt = '/Users/joro/Documents/Phd/UPF/adaptation_data_soloVoice/ISTANBUL/goekhan/02_Gel_3_zemin' URIrecordingNOExt = argv[3] URIrecordingWav = URIrecordingNOExt + AUDIO_EXTENSION pathToComposition = '/Users/joro/Documents/Phd/UPF/adaptation_data_soloVoice/nihavent--sarki--aksak--gel_guzelim--faiz_kapanci/' pathToComposition = argv[1] whichSection = 3 whichSection = int(argv[2]) lyrics = loadLyrics(pathToComposition, whichSection) withSynthesis = 1 URIrecordingAnno = URIrecordingNOExt + PHRASE_ANNOTATION_EXT outputHTKPhoneAlignedURI = Aligner.alignOnechunk(MODEL_URI, URIrecordingWav, lyrics, URIrecordingAnno, '/tmp/', withSynthesis) EVALLEVEL = 2 alignmentErrors = evalAlignmentError(URIrecordingAnno, outputHTKPhoneAlignedURI, EVALLEVEL) mean, stDev, median = getMeanAndStDevError(alignmentErrors) print "(", mean, ",", stDev, ")" ### OPTIONAL : open in praat withDuration = False visualiseInPraat(URIrecordingNOExt, withDuration, outputHTKPhoneAlignedURI, []) return mean, stDev, alignmentErrors
audioName = '01_Bakmiyor_0_zemin' annotationURI = os.path.join(PATH_TEST_DATASET, audioName + ANNOTATION_EXT) # TODO: load from file # detectedURI = os.path.join(PATH_TEST_DATASET, audioName + '.phrasesDurationAligned') detectedList = [ [0.386834650351, 0.996834650351, '_SAZ_'], [0.996834650351,3.17683465035, u'Bakmıyor'], [3.17683465035,4.44683465035, u'çeşmi'], [4.44683465035,6.02683465035, 'siyah'], [6.02683465035,11.5068346504, u'feryâde']] alignmentErrors = _evalAlignmentError(annotationURI, detectedList, tierAliases.phraseLevel) mean, stDev, median = getMeanAndStDevError(alignmentErrors) print mean, " ", stDev ############# FROM HERE ON: old testing code for word-level eval # tmpMLF= '/Users/joro/Documents/Phd/UPF/turkish-makam-lyrics-2-audio-test-data/muhayyerkurdi--sarki--duyek--ruzgar_soyluyor--sekip_ayhan_ozisik/1-05_Ruzgar_Soyluyor_Simdi_O_Yerlerde/' # listWordsAndTs = mlf2WordAndTsList(tmpMLF) # # # # # # TODO: error in parsing of sertan's textGrid # textGridFile = '/Users/joro/Documents/Phd/UPF/turkish-makam-lyrics-2-audio-test-data/muhayyerkurdi--sarki--duyek--ruzgar_soyluyor--sekip_ayhan_ozisik/1-05_Ruzgar_Soyluyor_Simdi_O_Yerlerde/1-05_Ruzgar_Soyluyor_Simdi_O_Yerlerde.TextGrid' # # textGridFile='/Volumes/IZOTOPE/adaptation_data/kani_karaca-cargah_tevsih.TextGrid' # # textGridFile = '/Users/joro/Documents/Phd/UPF/Example_words_phonemes.TextGrid' # textGridFile = '/Users/joro/Documents/Phd/UPF/adaptation_data_soloVoice/04_Hamiyet_Yuceses_-_Bakmiyor_Cesm-i_Siyah_Feryade/04_Hamiyet_Yuceses_-_Bakmiyor_Cesm-i_Siyah_Feryade_gazel.wordAnnotation.TextGrid'
def doitOneRecording(argv): ''' for a list of recordings, select those which name contains pattern and evlauate total error ''' if len(argv) != 9 and len(argv) != 10 : print ("usage: {} <pathToComposition> <pathToRecordings> <pattern> <withDuration=True/False> <withSynthesis> <ALPHA> <ONLY_MIDDLE_STATE> <evalLevel> <usePersistentFiles=True> ".format(argv[0]) ) sys.exit(); os.chdir(argv[2]) # get annot files with starting pattern pattern = argv[3] + '*' + AUDIO_EXT listAudioFilesAll = glob.glob(pattern) for i in range(len(listAudioFilesAll)) : listAudioFilesAll[i] = os.path.join(argv[2], listAudioFilesAll[i]) # listAudioFiles = [] # if not isfile( os.path.splitext(listAudioFilesAll[i])[0] + ".notUsed"): # listAudioFiles.append(listAudioFilesAll[i]) listAudioFiles = listAudioFilesAll for file in listAudioFiles: logger.debug(file) pathToComposition = argv[1] withDuration = argv[4] if withDuration=='True': withDuration = True elif withDuration=='False': withDuration = False else: sys.exit("withDuration can be only True or False") withSynthesis = argv[5] if withSynthesis=='True': withSynthesis = True elif withSynthesis=='False': withSynthesis = False else: sys.exit("withSynthesis can be only True or False") ALPHA = float(argv[6]) ONLY_MIDDLE_STATE = argv[7] params = Parameters(ALPHA, ONLY_MIDDLE_STATE) evalLevel = int(argv[8]) usePersistentFiles = 'True' if len(argv) == 10: usePersistentFiles = argv[9] totalErrors = [] htkParser = None if withDuration: htkParser = HtkConverter() htkParser.load(MODEL_URI, HMM_LIST_URI) for URI_annotation in listAudioFiles : URIrecordingNoExt = os.path.splitext(URI_annotation)[0] logger.debug("PROCESSING {}".format(URIrecordingNoExt) ) whichSection = getSectionNumberFromName(URIrecordingNoExt) currAlignmentErrors, detectedWordList, grTruthDurationWordList, detectedAlignedfileName = alignDependingOnWithDuration(URIrecordingNoExt, whichSection, pathToComposition, withDuration, withSynthesis, evalLevel, params, usePersistentFiles, htkParser) totalErrors.extend(currAlignmentErrors) # visualiseInPraat(URIrecordingNoExt, withDuration, detectedWordList, grTruthDurationWordList) mean = [] stDev = [] if len(totalErrors) != 0: mean, stDev, median = getMeanAndStDevError(totalErrors) infoA = "Total mean: " "," + str(mean), ", st dev: " + str(stDev) + " ALPHA: " + str(ALPHA) return mean, stDev, totalErrors