def createRudder(parentVtpCPACS, parentVtpVAMPzero, myRudder): """ This is the main export method for the wings aileron """ cpacsPath = "/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/wings/wing[" + + "]" cpacsVtp = getObjfromXpath(parentVtpCPACS, cpacsPath) cpacsComponentSegment = cpacsVtp.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0] # =========================================================================== # Header # =========================================================================== myName = stringBaseType(None, None, None, "rudder") myDescription = stringBaseType(None, None, None, "rudder from VAMPzero") myParentUID = stringUIDBaseType(None, None, "True", None, "vtp_Cseg") # =========================================================================== # Outer Shape # With the rudder this is pretty simple as it is supposed to cover # the same span as the VTP # =========================================================================== # the inner border eta is determined from the rooYLocation of the Rudder and the vtp span vtpSpan = parentVtpVAMPzero.span.getValue() / 2.0 innerEtaLE = 0.0 outerEtaLE = 1.0 innerXsiLE = myRudder.cRoot.getValue() / parentVtpVAMPzero.cRoot.getValue() outerXsiLE = myRudder.cTip.getValue() / parentVtpVAMPzero.cTip.getValue() # start writing back myleadingEdgeShape = leadingEdgeShapeType( relHeightLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(0.5)), xsiUpperSkin=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(0.85)), xsiLowerSkin=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(0.85)), ) innerBorder = controlSurfaceBorderTrailingEdgeType( etaLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(innerEtaLE)), xsiLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(innerXsiLE)), leadingEdgeShape=myleadingEdgeShape, ) outerBorder = controlSurfaceBorderTrailingEdgeType( etaLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(outerEtaLE)), xsiLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(outerXsiLE)), leadingEdgeShape=myleadingEdgeShape, ) myOuterShape = controlSurfaceOuterShapeTrailingEdgeType(innerBorder=innerBorder, outerBorder=outerBorder) cpacsRudder = trailingEdgeDeviceType( uID="rudderUID", name=myName, description=myDescription, parentUID=myParentUID, outerShape=myOuterShape ) createPath(cpacsRudder, "rudder") if type(cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces()) == NoneType: cpacsComponentSegment.set_controlSurfaces(controlSurfacesType()) if type(cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().get_trailingEdgeDevices()) == NoneType: cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().set_trailingEdgeDevices(trailingEdgeDevicesType()) cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().get_trailingEdgeDevices().add_trailingEdgeDevice(cpacsRudder)
def createStabilizer(parentHtpCPACS, parentHtpVAMPzero, myElevator): ''' This is the main export method for the stabilizer, i.e. the whole htp as control surface ''' cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/wings/wing[' + + ']' cpacsHtp = getObjfromXpath(parentHtpCPACS, cpacsPath) cpacsComponentSegment = cpacsHtp.get_componentSegments( ).get_componentSegment()[0] #=========================================================================== # Header #=========================================================================== myName = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'stabilizer') myDescription = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'stabilizer exported from VAMPzero') myParentUID = stringUIDBaseType(None, None, 'True', None, #=========================================================================== # Outer Shape #=========================================================================== innerEtaLE = 0. innerXsiLE = 0. outerEtaLE = 1. outerXsiLE = 0. # start writing back #myleadingEdgeShape = leadingEdgeShapeType(relHeightLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(0.5)), xsiUpperSkin=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(0.85)), xsiLowerSkin=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(0.85))) innerBorder = controlSurfaceBorderTrailingEdgeType( etaLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(innerEtaLE)), xsiLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(innerXsiLE))) outerBorder = controlSurfaceBorderTrailingEdgeType( etaLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(outerEtaLE)), xsiLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(outerXsiLE))) myOuterShape = controlSurfaceOuterShapeTrailingEdgeType( innerBorder=innerBorder, outerBorder=outerBorder) cpacsStabilizer = trailingEdgeDeviceType(uID='stabilizerUID', name=myName, description=myDescription, parentUID=myParentUID, outerShape=myOuterShape) createPath(cpacsStabilizer, 'stabilizer') if type(cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces()) == NoneType: cpacsComponentSegment.set_controlSurfaces(controlSurfacesType()) if type(cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces(). get_trailingEdgeDevices()) == NoneType: cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().set_trailingEdgeDevices( trailingEdgeDevicesType()) cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().get_trailingEdgeDevices( ).add_trailingEdgeDevice(cpacsStabilizer)
def createStabilizer(parentHtpCPACS, parentHtpVAMPzero, myElevator): """ This is the main export method for the stabilizer, i.e. the whole htp as control surface """ cpacsPath = "/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/wings/wing[" + + "]" cpacsHtp = getObjfromXpath(parentHtpCPACS, cpacsPath) cpacsComponentSegment = cpacsHtp.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0] # =========================================================================== # Header # =========================================================================== myName = stringBaseType(None, None, None, "stabilizer") myDescription = stringBaseType(None, None, None, "stabilizer exported from VAMPzero") myParentUID = stringUIDBaseType(None, None, "True", None, # =========================================================================== # Outer Shape # =========================================================================== innerEtaLE = 0.0 innerXsiLE = 0.0 outerEtaLE = 1.0 outerXsiLE = 0.0 # start writing back # myleadingEdgeShape = leadingEdgeShapeType(relHeightLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(0.5)), xsiUpperSkin=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(0.85)), xsiLowerSkin=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(0.85))) innerBorder = controlSurfaceBorderTrailingEdgeType( etaLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(innerEtaLE)), xsiLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(innerXsiLE)) ) outerBorder = controlSurfaceBorderTrailingEdgeType( etaLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(outerEtaLE)), xsiLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(outerXsiLE)) ) myOuterShape = controlSurfaceOuterShapeTrailingEdgeType(innerBorder=innerBorder, outerBorder=outerBorder) cpacsStabilizer = trailingEdgeDeviceType( uID="stabilizerUID", name=myName, description=myDescription, parentUID=myParentUID, outerShape=myOuterShape ) createPath(cpacsStabilizer, "stabilizer") if type(cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces()) == NoneType: cpacsComponentSegment.set_controlSurfaces(controlSurfacesType()) if type(cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().get_trailingEdgeDevices()) == NoneType: cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().set_trailingEdgeDevices(trailingEdgeDevicesType()) cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().get_trailingEdgeDevices().add_trailingEdgeDevice(cpacsStabilizer)
def createFlapsSBW(parentWingCPACS, parentWingVAMPzero, myFlap): ''' This is the main export method for the wings flaps @todo: it is possible that the inner flap overlaps the kink area ''' cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/wings/wing[' + + ']' cpacsWing = getObjfromXpath(parentWingCPACS, cpacsPath) cpacsComponentSegment = cpacsWing.get_componentSegments( ).get_componentSegment()[0] myFlaps = [] #=========================================================================== # Initialization, i.e. fetching values throughout the code #=========================================================================== xsiSparRoot = eval(cpacsComponentSegment.get_structure().get_spars( ).get_sparPositions().get_sparPosition()[3].get_xsi().valueOf_) xsiSparFuselage = eval(cpacsComponentSegment.get_structure().get_spars( ).get_sparPositions().get_sparPosition()[4].get_xsi().valueOf_) xsiSparKink = eval(cpacsComponentSegment.get_structure().get_spars( ).get_sparPositions().get_sparPosition()[5].get_xsi().valueOf_) xsiSparTip = eval(cpacsComponentSegment.get_structure().get_spars( ).get_sparPositions().get_sparPosition()[6].get_xsi().valueOf_) etaSparRoot = eval(cpacsComponentSegment.get_structure().get_spars( ).get_sparPositions().get_sparPosition()[3].get_eta().valueOf_) etaSparFuselage = eval(cpacsComponentSegment.get_structure().get_spars( ).get_sparPositions().get_sparPosition()[4].get_eta().valueOf_) etaSparKink = eval(cpacsComponentSegment.get_structure().get_spars( ).get_sparPositions().get_sparPosition()[5].get_eta().valueOf_) etaSparTip = eval(cpacsComponentSegment.get_structure().get_spars( ).get_sparPositions().get_sparPosition()[6].get_eta().valueOf_) xsiSpar_interp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d( [etaSparRoot, etaSparFuselage, etaSparKink, etaSparTip], [xsiSparRoot, xsiSparFuselage, xsiSparKink, xsiSparTip]) yFus = parentWingVAMPzero.yFuselage.getValue() span = parentWingVAMPzero.span.getValue() / 2. etaFus = yFus / span etaKink = parentWingVAMPzero.etaKink.getValue() cRoot = parentWingVAMPzero.cRoot.getValue() cKink = calcChordLengthAtEta(etaKink, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) phiLE = parentWingVAMPzero.phiLE.getValue() innerFlapArea = myFlap.refAreaInnerFlap.getValue() outerFlapArea = myFlap.refAreaOuterFlap.getValue() #=========================================================================== # OuterFlap #=========================================================================== sparOffset = 0.08 # maxX is the maximum extension of the flap maxX = cRoot * (1. - (xsiSparRoot + sparOffset)) / 2. newOuterFlapArea = innerFlapArea + outerFlapArea cRootOuterFlap = cRoot * (1. - (xsiSparRoot + sparOffset)) #=========================================================================== # Determine the total flap span by iteration #=========================================================================== calcArea = 0. spanOuterFlap = 0. absSparOffset = sparOffset * cKink # Obtain the maxEtaValue. This is forwarded from the ailerons export routine. maxEta = myFlap.maxEta.getValue() - 0.02 # the tip root length is a function of the span (as the xsi location of the spar changes) while abs(calcArea - newOuterFlapArea) > 0.1: spanOuterFlap += .01 cTipOuterFlap = calcChordLengthAtEta( etaFus + spanOuterFlap / span, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing ) * (1 - xsiSpar_interp(etaFus + spanOuterFlap / span)) - absSparOffset oldcalcArea = calcArea calcArea = spanOuterFlap * (cRootOuterFlap + cTipOuterFlap) / 2. if calcArea < oldcalcArea: log.warning( 'VAMPzero FLAP: Outer Flap Area can not be established decreasing spar offset by 2% chord!' ) sparOffset = sparOffset - 0.02 calcArea = 0. spanOuterFlap = 0. absSparOffset = sparOffset * cKink break if spanOuterFlap / span + etaFus > maxEta: log.warning( 'VAMPzero FLAP: Outer Flap overlaps with the aileron decreasing spar offset by 2% chord!' ) sparOffset = sparOffset - 0.02 calcArea = 0. spanOuterFlap = 0. absSparOffset = sparOffset * cRoot break while abs(calcArea - newOuterFlapArea) > 0.1: spanOuterFlap += .01 cTipOuterFlap = calcChordLengthAtEta( etaKink + spanOuterFlap / span, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * ( 1 - xsiSpar_interp(etaKink + spanOuterFlap / span)) - absSparOffset oldcalcArea = calcArea calcArea = spanOuterFlap * (cRootOuterFlap + cTipOuterFlap) / 2. if calcArea < oldcalcArea: log.warning( 'VAMPzero FLAP: Outer Flap Area can not be established! Continuing with outerArea = %s' % str(calcArea)) newOuterFlapArea = calcArea break if spanOuterFlap / span + etaFus > maxEta: log.warning( 'VAMPzero FLAP: Outer Flap overlaps with the aileron! Continuing with outerArea = %s' % str(calcArea)) newOuterFlapArea = calcArea break #=========================================================================== # Determine the number of flaps # The aspect ratio of a flap should not be higher than 6. #=========================================================================== nOuterFlaps = spanOuterFlap**2. / (newOuterFlapArea * 6.) log.debug( 'VAMPzero FLAP: Exporting %s Flaps outboard of the engine for an area of %s m2.' % (str(nOuterFlaps), str(newOuterFlapArea))) #=========================================================================== # 1 Flap #=========================================================================== if nOuterFlaps <= 1.: # the inner border eta is located at the kink innerEtaLE = etaFus + 0.05 innerXsiLE = xsiSparRoot + sparOffset # the outer border eta is determined from the span of the outer flap outerEtaLE = etaFus + 0.05 + spanOuterFlap / span outerXsiLE = 1 - (cTipOuterFlap / calcChordLengthAtEta( outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing)) #Fowler Motion is restricted to 75% of the flap depth innerX = (1. - innerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta( innerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 outerX = (1. - outerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta( outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 myFlaps.append( createFlap('outerFlap1',, innerEtaLE, innerXsiLE, outerEtaLE, outerXsiLE, maxX, appendInnerCruiseRoller=True, type='flap', innerX=innerX, outerX=outerX)) #=========================================================================== # 2 Flaps #=========================================================================== elif nOuterFlaps > 1. and nOuterFlaps <= 2.: # the inner border eta is located at the kink innerEtaLE = etaFus + 0.05 innerXsiLE = xsiSparKink + sparOffset # the outer border eta is determined from the half span of the total outer flap outerEtaLE = etaFus + 0.05 + spanOuterFlap / (2 * span) outerXsiLE = xsiSpar_interp( outerEtaLE) + absSparOffset / calcChordLengthAtEta( outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) #Fowler Motion is restricted to 75% of the flap depth innerX = (1. - innerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta( innerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 outerX = (1. - outerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta( outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 myFlaps.append( createFlap('outerFlap1',, innerEtaLE, innerXsiLE, outerEtaLE, outerXsiLE, maxX, type='flap', innerX=innerX, outerX=outerX)) # new inner is the old outer innerEtaLE = outerEtaLE innerXsiLE = outerXsiLE # the outer border eta is determined from the full span of the total outer flap outerEtaLE = etaFus + 0.05 + spanOuterFlap / span outerXsiLE = 1 - (cTipOuterFlap / calcChordLengthAtEta( outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing)) #Fowler Motion is restricted to 75% of the flap depth innerX = (1. - innerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta( innerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 outerX = (1. - outerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta( outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 myFlaps.append( createFlap('outerFlap2',, innerEtaLE, innerXsiLE, outerEtaLE, outerXsiLE, maxX, appendInnerCruiseRoller=True, type='flap', innerX=innerX, outerX=outerX)) #=========================================================================== # n Flaps #=========================================================================== elif nOuterFlaps > 2.: n = int(ceil(nOuterFlaps)) # First Flap # the inner border eta is located at the kink innerEtaLE = etaFus + 0.05 innerXsiLE = xsiSparKink + sparOffset # the outer border eta is determined from the half span of the total outer flap outerEtaLE = etaFus + 0.05 + spanOuterFlap / (n * span) outerXsiLE = xsiSpar_interp( outerEtaLE) + absSparOffset / calcChordLengthAtEta( outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) #Fowler Motion is restricted to 75% of the flap depth innerX = (1. - innerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta( innerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 outerX = (1. - outerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta( outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 myFlaps.append( createFlap('outerFlap1',, innerEtaLE, innerXsiLE, outerEtaLE, outerXsiLE, maxX, type='flap', innerX=innerX, outerX=outerX)) for i in range(2, n): # nth Flap # new inner is the old outer innerEtaLE = outerEtaLE innerXsiLE = outerXsiLE # the outer border eta is determined from the full span of the total outer flap outerEtaLE = innerEtaLE + spanOuterFlap / n / span outerXsiLE = xsiSpar_interp( outerEtaLE) + absSparOffset / calcChordLengthAtEta( outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) #Fowler Motion is restricted to 75% of the flap depth innerX = (1. - innerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta( innerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 outerX = (1. - outerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta( outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 myFlaps.append( createFlap('outerFlap' + str(i),, innerEtaLE, innerXsiLE, outerEtaLE, outerXsiLE, maxX, appendInnerCruiseRoller=True, type='flap', innerX=innerX, outerX=outerX)) # Last Flap # new inner is the old outer innerEtaLE = outerEtaLE innerXsiLE = outerXsiLE # the outer border eta is determined from the full span of the total outer flap outerEtaLE = etaFus + 0.05 + spanOuterFlap / span outerXsiLE = 1 - (cTipOuterFlap / calcChordLengthAtEta( outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing)) #Fowler Motion is restricted to 75% of the flap depth innerX = (1. - innerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta( innerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 outerX = (1. - outerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta( outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 myFlaps.append( createFlap('outerFlap' + str(n),, innerEtaLE, innerXsiLE, outerEtaLE, outerXsiLE, maxX, appendInnerCruiseRoller=True, type='flap', innerX=innerX, outerX=outerX)) #=============================================================================== # Output to Spoiler # as the spoiler is relying on data of the flaps some basic information is written # back to the the VAMPzero components #=============================================================================== parentWingVAMPzero.spoiler.outerEta = parameter( parent=parentWingVAMPzero.spoiler, value=outerEtaLE, unit='', status='calc', doc= 'The outermost eta coordinate of all flaps. This overlaps with the outer eta coordinate of the spoiler' ) spoilerChord = maxX parentWingVAMPzero.spoiler.chord = parameter( spoilerChord, 'm', 'calc', 'The absolute chord of the spoiler: 5% of the kink chord length + 50% of the innerFlap Chord length', parent=parentWingVAMPzero.spoiler) #=========================================================================== # Output to CPACS #=========================================================================== if type(cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces()) == NoneType: cpacsComponentSegment.set_controlSurfaces(controlSurfacesType()) if type(cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces(). get_trailingEdgeDevices()) == NoneType: cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().set_trailingEdgeDevices( trailingEdgeDevicesType()) log.debug('VAMPzero SLAT: Exporting %s Flaps to CPACS.' % (str(len(myFlaps)))) for flap in myFlaps: cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().get_trailingEdgeDevices( ).add_trailingEdgeDevice(flap)
def createFlapsSBW(parentWingCPACS, parentWingVAMPzero, myFlap): ''' This is the main export method for the wings flaps for the strut braced wing. The SBW does not feature any inner flaps as no kink exists @todo: it is possible that the inner flap overlaps the kink area ''' cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/wings/wing[' + + ']' cpacsWing = getObjfromXpath(parentWingCPACS, cpacsPath) cpacsComponentSegment = cpacsWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0] myFlaps = [] # Initialization, i.e. fetching values throughout the code xsis = [] etas = [] for i in range(3,7): try: xsis.append(eval(cpacsComponentSegment.get_structure().get_spars().get_sparPositions().get_sparPosition()[i].get_xsi().valueOf_)) etas.append(eval(cpacsComponentSegment.get_structure().get_spars().get_sparPositions().get_sparPosition()[i].get_eta().valueOf_)) except IndexError: pass xsiSpar_interp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(etas, xsis) yFus = parentWingVAMPzero.yFuselage.getValue() span = parentWingVAMPzero.span.getValue() / 2. etaFus = yFus / span etaKink = parentWingVAMPzero.etaKink.getValue() cRoot = parentWingVAMPzero.cRoot.getValue() cKink = calcChordLengthAtEta(etaKink, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) innerFlapArea = myFlap.refAreaInnerFlap.getValue() outerFlapArea = myFlap.refAreaOuterFlap.getValue() # OuterFlap sparOffset = 0.08 # maxX is the maximum extension of the flap maxX = cRoot * (1. - (xsis[0] + sparOffset)) /2. newOuterFlapArea = innerFlapArea + outerFlapArea cRootOuterFlap = cRoot * (1. - (xsis[0] + sparOffset)) # Determine the total flap span by iteration calcArea = 0. spanOuterFlap = 0. absSparOffset = sparOffset * cKink # Obtain the maxEtaValue. This is forwarded from the ailerons export routine. maxEta = myFlap.maxEta.getValue() - 0.02 # the tip root length is a function of the span (as the xsi location of the spar changes) while abs(calcArea - newOuterFlapArea) > 0.1: spanOuterFlap += .01 cTipOuterFlap = calcChordLengthAtEta(etaFus + spanOuterFlap / span, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * (1 - xsiSpar_interp(etaFus + spanOuterFlap / span)) - absSparOffset oldcalcArea = calcArea calcArea = spanOuterFlap * (cRootOuterFlap + cTipOuterFlap) / 2. if calcArea < oldcalcArea: log.warning('VAMPzero FLAP: Outer Flap Area can not be established decreasing spar offset by 2% chord!') sparOffset = sparOffset - 0.02 calcArea = 0. spanOuterFlap = 0. absSparOffset = sparOffset * cKink break if spanOuterFlap / span + etaFus > maxEta: log.warning('VAMPzero FLAP: Outer Flap overlaps with the aileron decreasing spar offset by 2% chord!') sparOffset = sparOffset - 0.02 calcArea = 0. spanOuterFlap = 0. absSparOffset = sparOffset * cRoot break while abs(calcArea - newOuterFlapArea) > 0.1: spanOuterFlap += .01 cTipOuterFlap = calcChordLengthAtEta(etaFus + spanOuterFlap / span, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * (1 - xsiSpar_interp(etaFus + spanOuterFlap / span)) - absSparOffset oldcalcArea = calcArea calcArea = spanOuterFlap * (cRootOuterFlap + cTipOuterFlap) / 2. if calcArea < oldcalcArea: log.warning('VAMPzero FLAP: Outer Flap Area can not be established! Continuing with outerArea = %s' % str(calcArea)) newOuterFlapArea = calcArea break if spanOuterFlap / span + etaFus + 0.06 > maxEta: log.warning('VAMPzero FLAP: Outer Flap overlaps with the aileron! Continuing with outerArea = %s' % str(calcArea)) newOuterFlapArea = calcArea break # Determine the number of flaps # The aspect ratio of a flap should not be higher than 6. nOuterFlaps = spanOuterFlap ** 2. / (newOuterFlapArea * 6.) log.debug('VAMPzero FLAP: Exporting %s Flaps outboard of the engine for an area of %s m2.' % (str(nOuterFlaps), str(newOuterFlapArea))) # 1 Flap if nOuterFlaps <= 1.: # the inner border eta is located at the kink innerEtaLE = etaFus + 0.05 innerXsiLE = xsis[0] + sparOffset # the outer border eta is determined from the span of the outer flap outerEtaLE = etaFus + 0.05 + spanOuterFlap / span outerXsiLE = 1 - (cTipOuterFlap / calcChordLengthAtEta(outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing)) #Fowler Motion is restricted to 75% of the flap depth innerX = (1. - innerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta(innerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 outerX = (1. - outerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta(outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 myFlaps.append(createFlap('outerFlap1',, innerEtaLE, innerXsiLE, outerEtaLE, outerXsiLE, maxX, appendInnerCruiseRoller=True, type='flap', innerX=innerX, outerX=outerX)) # 2 Flaps elif nOuterFlaps > 1. and nOuterFlaps <= 2.: # the inner border eta is located at the kink innerEtaLE = etaFus + 0.05 innerXsiLE = xsis[2] + sparOffset # the outer border eta is determined from the half span of the total outer flap outerEtaLE = etaFus + 0.05 + spanOuterFlap / (2*span) outerXsiLE = xsiSpar_interp(outerEtaLE) + absSparOffset / calcChordLengthAtEta(outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) #Fowler Motion is restricted to 75% of the flap depth innerX = (1. - innerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta(innerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 outerX = (1. - outerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta(outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 myFlaps.append(createFlap('outerFlap1',, innerEtaLE, innerXsiLE, outerEtaLE, outerXsiLE, maxX, type='flap', innerX=innerX, outerX=outerX)) # new inner is the old outer innerEtaLE = outerEtaLE innerXsiLE = outerXsiLE # the outer border eta is determined from the full span of the total outer flap outerEtaLE = etaFus + 0.05 + spanOuterFlap / span outerXsiLE = 1 - (cTipOuterFlap / calcChordLengthAtEta(outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing)) #Fowler Motion is restricted to 75% of the flap depth innerX = (1. - innerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta(innerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 outerX = (1. - outerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta(outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 myFlaps.append(createFlap('outerFlap2',, innerEtaLE, innerXsiLE, outerEtaLE, outerXsiLE, maxX, appendInnerCruiseRoller=True, type='flap', innerX=innerX, outerX=outerX)) # n Flaps elif nOuterFlaps > 2. : n = int(ceil(nOuterFlaps)) # First Flap # the inner border eta is located at the kink innerEtaLE = etaFus + 0.05 innerXsiLE = xsis[2] + sparOffset # the outer border eta is determined from the half span of the total outer flap outerEtaLE = etaFus + 0.05 + spanOuterFlap / (n*span) outerXsiLE = xsiSpar_interp(outerEtaLE) + absSparOffset / calcChordLengthAtEta(outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) #Fowler Motion is restricted to 75% of the flap depth innerX = (1. - innerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta(innerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 outerX = (1. - outerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta(outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 myFlaps.append(createFlap('outerFlap1',, innerEtaLE, innerXsiLE, outerEtaLE, outerXsiLE, maxX, type='flap', innerX=innerX, outerX=outerX)) for i in range(2, n): # nth Flap # new inner is the old outer innerEtaLE = outerEtaLE innerXsiLE = outerXsiLE # the outer border eta is determined from the full span of the total outer flap outerEtaLE = innerEtaLE + spanOuterFlap / n / span outerXsiLE = xsiSpar_interp(outerEtaLE) + absSparOffset / calcChordLengthAtEta(outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) #Fowler Motion is restricted to 75% of the flap depth innerX = (1. - innerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta(innerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 outerX = (1. - outerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta(outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 myFlaps.append(createFlap('outerFlap' + str(i),, innerEtaLE, innerXsiLE, outerEtaLE, outerXsiLE, maxX, appendInnerCruiseRoller=True, type='flap', innerX=innerX, outerX=outerX)) # Last Flap # new inner is the old outer innerEtaLE = outerEtaLE innerXsiLE = outerXsiLE # the outer border eta is determined from the full span of the total outer flap outerEtaLE = etaFus + 0.05 + spanOuterFlap / span outerXsiLE = 1 - (cTipOuterFlap / calcChordLengthAtEta(outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing)) #Fowler Motion is restricted to 75% of the flap depth innerX = (1. - innerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta(innerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 outerX = (1. - outerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta(outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 myFlaps.append(createFlap('outerFlap' + str(n),, innerEtaLE, innerXsiLE, outerEtaLE, outerXsiLE, maxX, appendInnerCruiseRoller=True, type='flap', innerX=innerX, outerX=outerX)) # Output to Spoiler # as the spoiler is relying on data of the flaps some basic information is written # back to the the VAMPzero components parentWingVAMPzero.spoiler.outerEta = parameter(parent=parentWingVAMPzero.spoiler, value=outerEtaLE, unit='', status='calc', doc='The outermost eta coordinate of all flaps. This overlaps with the outer eta coordinate of the spoiler') spoilerChord = maxX parentWingVAMPzero.spoiler.chord = parameter(spoilerChord, 'm', 'calc', 'The absolute chord of the spoiler: 5% of the kink chord length + 50% of the innerFlap Chord length', parent=parentWingVAMPzero.spoiler) # Output to CPACS if type(cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces()) == NoneType: cpacsComponentSegment.set_controlSurfaces(controlSurfacesType()) if type(cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().get_trailingEdgeDevices()) == NoneType: cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().set_trailingEdgeDevices(trailingEdgeDevicesType()) log.debug('VAMPzero SLAT: Exporting %s Flaps to CPACS.' % (str(len(myFlaps)))) for flap in myFlaps: cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().get_trailingEdgeDevices().add_trailingEdgeDevice(flap)
def createFlapsAdvDoubleTrapezoid(parentWingCPACS, parentWingVAMPzero, myFlap): ''' This is the main export method for the wings flaps @todo: it is possible that the inner flap overlaps the kink area ''' cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/wings/wing[' + + ']' cpacsWing = getObjfromXpath(parentWingCPACS, cpacsPath) cpacsComponentSegment = cpacsWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0] myFlaps = [] # Initialization, i.e. fetching values throughout the code xsiSparRoot = eval(cpacsComponentSegment.get_structure().get_spars().get_sparPositions().get_sparPosition()[3].get_xsi().valueOf_) xsiSparFuselage = eval(cpacsComponentSegment.get_structure().get_spars().get_sparPositions().get_sparPosition()[4].get_xsi().valueOf_) xsiSparKink = eval(cpacsComponentSegment.get_structure().get_spars().get_sparPositions().get_sparPosition()[5].get_xsi().valueOf_) xsiSparTip = eval(cpacsComponentSegment.get_structure().get_spars().get_sparPositions().get_sparPosition()[6].get_xsi().valueOf_) etaSparRoot = eval(cpacsComponentSegment.get_structure().get_spars().get_sparPositions().get_sparPosition()[3].get_eta().valueOf_) etaSparFuselage = eval(cpacsComponentSegment.get_structure().get_spars().get_sparPositions().get_sparPosition()[4].get_eta().valueOf_) etaSparKink = eval(cpacsComponentSegment.get_structure().get_spars().get_sparPositions().get_sparPosition()[5].get_eta().valueOf_) etaSparTip = eval(cpacsComponentSegment.get_structure().get_spars().get_sparPositions().get_sparPosition()[6].get_eta().valueOf_) xsiSpar_interp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d([etaSparRoot, etaSparFuselage, etaSparKink, etaSparTip], [xsiSparRoot, xsiSparFuselage, xsiSparKink, xsiSparTip]) yFus = parentWingVAMPzero.yFuselage.getValue() span = parentWingVAMPzero.span.getValue() / 2. etaFus = yFus / span etaKink = parentWingVAMPzero.etaKink.getValue() cRoot = parentWingVAMPzero.cRoot.getValue() cKink = calcChordLengthAtEta(etaKink, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) phiLE = parentWingVAMPzero.phiLE.getValue() innerFlapArea = myFlap.refAreaInnerFlap.getValue() outerFlapArea = myFlap.refAreaOuterFlap.getValue() # InnerFlap # Determine the number of flaps # The aspect ratio of a flap should not be higher than 9. sparOffset = 0.08 if phiLE > 0.: # if the wing is backward swept the chord of the inner flap equals the chord at kink behind the rear spar + sparOffset cInnerFlap = cKink * (1. - (xsiSparKink + sparOffset)) elif phiLE < 0.: # if the wing is forward swept the chord of the inner flap is similar to the chord of the root section behind the spar + 20% cInnerFlap = cRoot * (1. - (xsiSparFuselage + 0.2)) # maxX is the maximum extension of the flap maxX = cInnerFlap / 2. # The area of the innerFlap is determined by the chord and span # The difference in the area will be substituted by the outerFlap Area spanInnerFlap = (etaKink - etaFus) * span newInnerFlapArea = cInnerFlap * spanInnerFlap deltaArea = innerFlapArea - newInnerFlapArea nInnerFlaps = spanInnerFlap ** 2. / (newInnerFlapArea * 9.) log.debug('VAMPzero FLAP: Exporting %s Flaps inside of the engine for an area of %s m2.' % (str(nInnerFlaps), str(innerFlapArea))) if nInnerFlaps < 1.: # the inner border eta is located at the intersection with the fuselage innerEtaLE = etaFus # the inner border xsi is determined from the wing chord at the fuselage station (which equals CRoot) innerXsiLE = 1. - (cInnerFlap / cRoot) # the outer border eta is determined from the span of the inner flap outerEtaLE = etaKink # the outer xsi location is found from the avg chord and the chord length at that station outerXsiLE = 1. - (cInnerFlap / cKink) myFlaps.append(createFlap('innerFlap',, innerEtaLE, innerXsiLE, outerEtaLE, outerXsiLE, maxX, type='innerFlap', innerX=maxX, outerX=maxX)) elif nInnerFlaps > 1. and nInnerFlaps <= 2.: # First Flap # the inner border eta is located at the intersection with the fuselage innerEtaLE = etaFus # the inner border xsi is determined from the wing chord at the fuselage station (which equals CRoot) innerXsiLE = 1. - (cInnerFlap / cRoot) # the outer border eta is determined from the span of the inner flap outerEtaLE = etaFus + (etaKink - etaFus) / 2. # the outer xsi location is found from the avg chord and the chord length at that station outerXsiLE = 1. - (cInnerFlap / calcChordLengthAtEta(outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing)) myFlaps.append(createFlap('innerFlap1',, innerEtaLE, innerXsiLE, outerEtaLE, outerXsiLE, maxX, type='innerFlap', innerX=maxX, outerX=maxX)) # Second Flap # new inner is old outer innerEtaLE = outerEtaLE # new outer is kink outerEtaLE = etaKink # new inner is old outer innerXsiLE = outerXsiLE # new outer is kink outerXsiLE = 1. - (cInnerFlap / cKink) myFlaps.append(createFlap('innerFlap2',, innerEtaLE, innerXsiLE, outerEtaLE, outerXsiLE, maxX, type='flap', innerX=maxX, outerX=maxX)) # OuterFlap newOuterFlapArea = outerFlapArea + deltaArea cRootOuterFlap = cKink * (1. - (xsiSparKink + sparOffset)) # Determine the total flap span by iteration calcArea = 0. spanOuterFlap = 0. absSparOffset = sparOffset * cKink # Obtain the maxEtaValue. This is forwarded from the ailerons export routine. maxEta = myFlap.maxEta.getValue() - 0.02 # the tip root length is a function of the span (as the xsi location of the spar changes) while abs(calcArea - newOuterFlapArea) > 0.1: spanOuterFlap += .01 cTipOuterFlap = calcChordLengthAtEta(etaKink + spanOuterFlap / span, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * (1 - xsiSpar_interp(etaKink + spanOuterFlap / span)) - absSparOffset oldcalcArea = calcArea calcArea = spanOuterFlap * (cRootOuterFlap + cTipOuterFlap) / 2. if calcArea < oldcalcArea: log.warning('VAMPzero FLAP: Outer Flap Area can not be established decreasing spar offset by 2% chord!') sparOffset = sparOffset - 0.02 calcArea = 0. spanOuterFlap = 0. absSparOffset = sparOffset * cKink break if spanOuterFlap / span + etaKink > maxEta: log.warning('VAMPzero FLAP: Outer Flap overlaps with the aileron decreasing spar offset by 2% chord!') sparOffset = sparOffset - 0.02 calcArea = 0. spanOuterFlap = 0. absSparOffset = sparOffset * cKink break while abs(calcArea - newOuterFlapArea) > 0.1: spanOuterFlap += .01 cTipOuterFlap = calcChordLengthAtEta(etaKink + spanOuterFlap / span, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * (1 - xsiSpar_interp(etaKink + spanOuterFlap / span)) - absSparOffset oldcalcArea = calcArea calcArea = spanOuterFlap * (cRootOuterFlap + cTipOuterFlap) / 2. if calcArea < oldcalcArea: log.warning('VAMPzero FLAP: Outer Flap Area can not be established! Continuing with outerArea = %s' % str(calcArea)) newOuterFlapArea = calcArea break if spanOuterFlap / span + etaKink > maxEta: log.warning('VAMPzero FLAP: Outer Flap overlaps with the aileron! Continuing with outerArea = %s' % str(calcArea)) newOuterFlapArea = calcArea break # Determine the number of flaps # The aspect ratio of a flap should not be higher than 9. nOuterFlaps = spanOuterFlap ** 2. / (newOuterFlapArea * 9.) log.debug('VAMPzero FLAP: Exporting %s Flaps outboard of the engine for an area of %s m2.' % (str(nOuterFlaps), str(newOuterFlapArea))) # 1 Flap if nOuterFlaps <= 1.: # the inner border eta is located at the kink innerEtaLE = etaKink innerXsiLE = xsiSparKink + sparOffset # the outer border eta is determined from the span of the outer flap outerEtaLE = etaKink + spanOuterFlap / span outerXsiLE = 1 - (cTipOuterFlap / calcChordLengthAtEta(outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing)) #Fowler Motion is restricted to 75% of the flap depth innerX = (1. - innerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta(innerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 outerX = (1. - outerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta(outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 myFlaps.append(createFlap('outerFlap1',, innerEtaLE, innerXsiLE, outerEtaLE, outerXsiLE, maxX, appendInnerCruiseRoller=True, type='flap', innerX=innerX, outerX=outerX)) # 2 Flaps elif nOuterFlaps > 1. and nOuterFlaps <= 2.: # the inner border eta is located at the kink innerEtaLE = etaKink innerXsiLE = xsiSparKink + sparOffset # the outer border eta is determined from the half span of the total outer flap outerEtaLE = etaKink + spanOuterFlap / (2. * span) outerXsiLE = xsiSpar_interp(outerEtaLE) + absSparOffset / calcChordLengthAtEta(outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) #Fowler Motion is restricted to 75% of the flap depth innerX = (1. - innerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta(innerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 outerX = (1. - outerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta(outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 myFlaps.append(createFlap('outerFlap1',, innerEtaLE, innerXsiLE, outerEtaLE, outerXsiLE, maxX, type='flap', innerX=innerX, outerX=outerX)) # new inner is the old outer innerEtaLE = outerEtaLE innerXsiLE = outerXsiLE # the outer border eta is determined from the full span of the total outer flap outerEtaLE = etaKink + spanOuterFlap / span outerXsiLE = 1 - (cTipOuterFlap / calcChordLengthAtEta(outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing)) #Fowler Motion is restricted to 75% of the flap depth innerX = (1. - innerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta(innerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 outerX = (1. - outerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta(outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 myFlaps.append(createFlap('outerFlap2',, innerEtaLE, innerXsiLE, outerEtaLE, outerXsiLE, maxX, appendInnerCruiseRoller=True, type='flap', innerX=innerX, outerX=outerX)) # n Flaps elif nOuterFlaps > 2. : n = int(ceil(nOuterFlaps)) # First Flap # the inner border eta is located at the kink innerEtaLE = etaKink innerXsiLE = xsiSparKink + sparOffset # the outer border eta is determined from the half span of the total outer flap outerEtaLE = etaKink + spanOuterFlap / n / span outerXsiLE = xsiSpar_interp(outerEtaLE) + absSparOffset / calcChordLengthAtEta(outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) #Fowler Motion is restricted to 75% of the flap depth innerX = (1. - innerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta(innerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 outerX = (1. - outerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta(outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 myFlaps.append(createFlap('outerFlap1',, innerEtaLE, innerXsiLE, outerEtaLE, outerXsiLE, maxX, type='flap', innerX=innerX, outerX=outerX)) for i in range(2, n): # nth Flap # new inner is the old outer innerEtaLE = outerEtaLE innerXsiLE = outerXsiLE # the outer border eta is determined from the full span of the total outer flap outerEtaLE = innerEtaLE + spanOuterFlap / n / span outerXsiLE = xsiSpar_interp(outerEtaLE) + absSparOffset / calcChordLengthAtEta(outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) #Fowler Motion is restricted to 75% of the flap depth innerX = (1. - innerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta(innerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 outerX = (1. - outerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta(outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 myFlaps.append(createFlap('outerFlap' + str(i),, innerEtaLE, innerXsiLE, outerEtaLE, outerXsiLE, maxX, appendInnerCruiseRoller=True, type='flap', innerX=innerX, outerX=outerX)) # Last Flap # new inner is the old outer innerEtaLE = outerEtaLE innerXsiLE = outerXsiLE # the outer border eta is determined from the full span of the total outer flap outerEtaLE = etaKink + spanOuterFlap / span outerXsiLE = 1 - (cTipOuterFlap / calcChordLengthAtEta(outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing)) #Fowler Motion is restricted to 75% of the flap depth innerX = (1. - innerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta(innerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 outerX = (1. - outerXsiLE) * calcChordLengthAtEta(outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) * 0.5 myFlaps.append(createFlap('outerFlap' + str(n),, innerEtaLE, innerXsiLE, outerEtaLE, outerXsiLE, maxX, appendInnerCruiseRoller=True, type='flap', innerX=innerX, outerX=outerX)) # Output to Spoiler # as the spoiler is relying on data of the flaps some basic information is written # back to the the VAMPzero components parentWingVAMPzero.spoiler.outerEta = parameter(outerEtaLE, '', 'calc', 'The outermost eta coordinate of all flaps. This overlaps with the outer eta coordinate of the spoiler', parent=parentWingVAMPzero.spoiler) spoilerChord = 0.05 * cKink + 0.5 * cInnerFlap parentWingVAMPzero.spoiler.chord = parameter(spoilerChord, 'm', 'calc', 'The absolute chord of the spoiler: 5% of the kink chord length + 50% of the innerFlap Chord length', parent=parentWingVAMPzero.spoiler) # Output to CPACS if type(cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces()) == NoneType: cpacsComponentSegment.set_controlSurfaces(controlSurfacesType()) if type(cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().get_trailingEdgeDevices()) == NoneType: cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().set_trailingEdgeDevices(trailingEdgeDevicesType()) log.debug('VAMPzero SLAT: Exporting %s Flaps to CPACS.' % (str(len(myFlaps)))) for flap in myFlaps: cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().get_trailingEdgeDevices().add_trailingEdgeDevice(flap)
def createElevator(parentHtpCPACS, parentHtpVAMPzero, myElevator): """ This is the main export method for the htp elevator """ cpacsPath = "/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/wings/wing[" + + "]" cpacsHtp = getObjfromXpath(parentHtpCPACS, cpacsPath) cpacsComponentSegment = cpacsHtp.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0] # =========================================================================== # Header # =========================================================================== myName = stringBaseType(None, None, None, "elevator") myDescription = stringBaseType(None, None, None, "elevator from VAMPzero") myParentUID = stringUIDBaseType(None, None, "True", None, # =========================================================================== # Outer Shape # =========================================================================== # the inner border eta is determined from the rooYLocation of the Elevator and the htp span htpSpan = parentHtpVAMPzero.span.getValue() / 2.0 innerEtaLE = myElevator.rootYLocation.getValue() / htpSpan # the inner border xsi is determined from the Root Chord and the Chord of the Htp at the location phiLE = parentHtpVAMPzero.phiLE.getValue() phiTE = parentHtpVAMPzero.phiTE.getValue() x1 = tan(phiLE * rad) * htpSpan * innerEtaLE x2 = tan(phiTE * rad) * htpSpan * innerEtaLE cInnerWing = (x2 + parentHtpVAMPzero.cRoot.getValue()) - x1 innerXsiLE = 1 - (myElevator.cRoot.getValue() / cInnerWing) # The outer border eta station is set to the inner eta plus the span of the elevator outerEtaLE = innerEtaLE + myElevator.span.getValue() / htpSpan # The outer border xsi is determined in the same way as the inner border xsi x1 = tan(phiLE * rad) * htpSpan * outerEtaLE x2 = tan(phiTE * rad) * htpSpan * outerEtaLE cOuterWing = (x2 + parentHtpVAMPzero.cRoot.getValue()) - x1 outerXsiLE = 1 - (myElevator.cTip.getValue() / cOuterWing) # start writing back myleadingEdgeShape = leadingEdgeShapeType( relHeightLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(0.5)), xsiUpperSkin=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(0.85)), xsiLowerSkin=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(0.85)), ) innerBorder = controlSurfaceBorderTrailingEdgeType( etaLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(innerEtaLE)), xsiLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(innerXsiLE)), leadingEdgeShape=myleadingEdgeShape, ) outerBorder = controlSurfaceBorderTrailingEdgeType( etaLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(outerEtaLE)), xsiLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(outerXsiLE)), leadingEdgeShape=myleadingEdgeShape, ) myOuterShape = controlSurfaceOuterShapeTrailingEdgeType(innerBorder=innerBorder, outerBorder=outerBorder) cpacsElevator = trailingEdgeDeviceType( uID="elevatorUID", name=myName, description=myDescription, parentUID=myParentUID, outerShape=myOuterShape ) createPath(cpacsElevator, "elevator") if type(cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces()) == NoneType: cpacsComponentSegment.set_controlSurfaces(controlSurfacesType()) if type(cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().get_trailingEdgeDevices()) == NoneType: cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().set_trailingEdgeDevices(trailingEdgeDevicesType()) cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().get_trailingEdgeDevices().add_trailingEdgeDevice(cpacsElevator)
def createElevator(parentHtpCPACS, parentHtpVAMPzero, myElevator): ''' This is the main export method for the htp elevator ''' cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/wings/wing[' + + ']' cpacsHtp = getObjfromXpath(parentHtpCPACS, cpacsPath) cpacsComponentSegment = cpacsHtp.get_componentSegments( ).get_componentSegment()[0] #=========================================================================== # Header #=========================================================================== myName = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'elevator') myDescription = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'elevator from VAMPzero') myParentUID = stringUIDBaseType(None, None, 'True', None, #=========================================================================== # Outer Shape #=========================================================================== # the inner border eta is determined from the rooYLocation of the Elevator and the htp span htpSpan = parentHtpVAMPzero.span.getValue() / 2. innerEtaLE = myElevator.rootYLocation.getValue() / htpSpan # the inner border xsi is determined from the Root Chord and the Chord of the Htp at the location phiLE = parentHtpVAMPzero.phiLE.getValue() phiTE = parentHtpVAMPzero.phiTE.getValue() x1 = tan(phiLE * rad) * htpSpan * innerEtaLE x2 = tan(phiTE * rad) * htpSpan * innerEtaLE cInnerWing = (x2 + parentHtpVAMPzero.cRoot.getValue()) - x1 innerXsiLE = 1 - (myElevator.cRoot.getValue() / cInnerWing) # The outer border eta station is set to the inner eta plus the span of the elevator outerEtaLE = innerEtaLE + myElevator.span.getValue() / htpSpan # The outer border xsi is determined in the same way as the inner border xsi x1 = tan(phiLE * rad) * htpSpan * outerEtaLE x2 = tan(phiTE * rad) * htpSpan * outerEtaLE cOuterWing = (x2 + parentHtpVAMPzero.cRoot.getValue()) - x1 outerXsiLE = 1 - (myElevator.cTip.getValue() / cOuterWing) # start writing back myleadingEdgeShape = leadingEdgeShapeType( relHeightLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(0.5)), xsiUpperSkin=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(0.85)), xsiLowerSkin=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(0.85))) innerBorder = controlSurfaceBorderTrailingEdgeType( etaLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(innerEtaLE)), xsiLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(innerXsiLE)), leadingEdgeShape=myleadingEdgeShape) outerBorder = controlSurfaceBorderTrailingEdgeType( etaLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(outerEtaLE)), xsiLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(outerXsiLE)), leadingEdgeShape=myleadingEdgeShape) myOuterShape = controlSurfaceOuterShapeTrailingEdgeType( innerBorder=innerBorder, outerBorder=outerBorder) cpacsElevator = trailingEdgeDeviceType(uID='elevatorUID', name=myName, description=myDescription, parentUID=myParentUID, outerShape=myOuterShape) createPath(cpacsElevator, 'elevator') if type(cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces()) == NoneType: cpacsComponentSegment.set_controlSurfaces(controlSurfacesType()) if type(cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces(). get_trailingEdgeDevices()) == NoneType: cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().set_trailingEdgeDevices( trailingEdgeDevicesType()) cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().get_trailingEdgeDevices( ).add_trailingEdgeDevice(cpacsElevator)
def createElevator(parentHtpCPACS, parentHtpVAMPzero, myElevator): ''' This is the main export method for the htp elevator ''' cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/wings/wing[' + + ']' cpacsHtp = getObjfromXpath(parentHtpCPACS, cpacsPath) cpacsComponentSegment = cpacsHtp.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0] #=========================================================================== # Header #=========================================================================== myName = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'elevator') myDescription = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'elevator from VAMPzero') myParentUID = stringUIDBaseType(None, None, 'True', None, #=========================================================================== # Outer Shape #=========================================================================== # the inner border eta is determined from the rooYLocation of the Elevator and the htp span htpSpan = parentHtpVAMPzero.span.getValue() / 2. innerEtaLE = myElevator.rootYLocation.getValue() / htpSpan # the inner border xsi is determined from the Root Chord and the Chord of the Htp at the location # the inner border xsi is determined from the Root Chord and the Chord of the Htp at the location cTipHtp = parentHtpVAMPzero.cTip.getValue() cRootHtp = parentHtpVAMPzero.cRoot.getValue() cInnerWing = cRootHtp - (cRootHtp - cTipHtp)*innerEtaLE innerXsiLE = 1 - (myElevator.cRoot.getValue() / cInnerWing) if innerXsiLE < 0.2: parentHtpVAMPzero.log.warning('VAMPzero EXPORT: The Elevator tap inner border is larger than the available chord') parentHtpVAMPzero.log.warning('VAMPzero EXPORT: The Elevator tap inner border is now set to 0.1') innerXsiLE = 0.2 # The outer border eta station is set to the inner eta plus the span of the elevator outerEtaLE = innerEtaLE + myElevator.span.getValue() / htpSpan # The outer border xsi is determined in the same way as the inner border xsi cOuterWing = cRootHtp - (cRootHtp - cTipHtp)*outerEtaLE outerXsiLE = 1 - (myElevator.cTip.getValue() / cOuterWing) if outerXsiLE < 0.2: parentHtpVAMPzero.log.warning('VAMPzero EXPORT: The Elevator tap outer border is larger than the available chord') parentHtpVAMPzero.log.warning('VAMPzero EXPORT: The Elevator tap outer border is now set to 0.1') outerXsiLE = 0.2 # start writing back myleadingEdgeShape = leadingEdgeShapeType(relHeightLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(0.5)), xsiUpperSkin=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(0.85)), xsiLowerSkin=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(0.85))) innerBorder = controlSurfaceBorderTrailingEdgeType(etaLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(innerEtaLE)), xsiLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(innerXsiLE)), leadingEdgeShape=myleadingEdgeShape) outerBorder = controlSurfaceBorderTrailingEdgeType(etaLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(outerEtaLE)), xsiLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(outerXsiLE)), leadingEdgeShape=myleadingEdgeShape) myOuterShape = controlSurfaceOuterShapeTrailingEdgeType(innerBorder=innerBorder, outerBorder=outerBorder) cpacsElevator = trailingEdgeDeviceType(uID='elevatorUID', name=myName, description=myDescription, parentUID=myParentUID, outerShape=myOuterShape) createPath(cpacsElevator, 'elevator') if type(cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces()) == NoneType: cpacsComponentSegment.set_controlSurfaces(controlSurfacesType()) if type(cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().get_trailingEdgeDevices()) == NoneType: cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().set_trailingEdgeDevices(trailingEdgeDevicesType()) cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().get_trailingEdgeDevices().add_trailingEdgeDevice(cpacsElevator)
def createAileron(parentWingCPACS, parentWingVAMPzero, myAileron): ''' This is the main export method for the wings aileron ''' cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/wings/wing[' + + ']' cpacsWing = getObjfromXpath(parentWingCPACS, cpacsPath) cpacsComponentSegment = cpacsWing.get_componentSegments().get_componentSegment()[0] # Header myName = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'aileron') myDescription = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'aileron from VAMPzero') myParentUID = stringUIDBaseType(None, None, 'True', None, 'wing_Cseg') # Initialization, i.e. fetching values throughout the code xsis = [] etas = [] for i in range(3,7): try: xsis.append(eval(cpacsComponentSegment.get_structure().get_spars().get_sparPositions().get_sparPosition()[i].get_xsi().valueOf_)) etas.append(eval(cpacsComponentSegment.get_structure().get_spars().get_sparPositions().get_sparPosition()[i].get_eta().valueOf_)) except IndexError: pass xsiSpar_interp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(etas, xsis) sparOffset = 0.1 wingSpan = parentWingVAMPzero.span.getValue() / 2. # Outer Shape # The outer border eta station is set to 96 percent outerEtaLE = 0.96 # The outer chord station is determined from the wing's chord at eta = 0.96 # and the rear spar location + the spar offset outerXsiLE = xsiSpar_interp(0.96) + sparOffset outerWingChord = calcChordLengthAtEta(outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) cTip = (1 - outerXsiLE) * outerWingChord # now we need to determine the necessary span for the aileron by gently increasing the span # this is an iterative process as the chord of the aileron is a function of the inbound span aileronArea = parentWingVAMPzero.aileron.refArea.getValue() delta = 0.01 calcArea = 0. while abs(calcArea - aileronArea) > 0.1: if delta > outerEtaLE: parentWingVAMPzero.log.warning('VAMPzero EXPORT: Cannot determine the span of the aileron') parentWingVAMPzero.log.warning('VAMPzero EXPORT: aileronArea= '+str(aileronArea)) parentWingVAMPzero.log.warning('VAMPzero EXPORT: Decreasing Spar Offset') sparOffset = sparOffset - 0.02 delta = 0.01 innerEtaLE = outerEtaLE - delta innerXsiLE = xsiSpar_interp(innerEtaLE) + sparOffset innerWingChord = calcChordLengthAtEta(innerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) cRoot = (1 - innerXsiLE) * innerWingChord calcArea = (cTip + cRoot) / 2 * (outerEtaLE - innerEtaLE) * wingSpan delta += 0.005 # start outer shape myleadingEdgeShape = leadingEdgeShapeType(relHeightLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(0.5)), xsiUpperSkin=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(0.85)), xsiLowerSkin=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(0.85))) innerBorder = controlSurfaceBorderTrailingEdgeType(etaLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(innerEtaLE)), etaTE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(innerEtaLE)), xsiLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(innerXsiLE)), leadingEdgeShape=myleadingEdgeShape) outerBorder = controlSurfaceBorderTrailingEdgeType(etaLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(outerEtaLE)), etaTE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(outerEtaLE)), xsiLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(outerXsiLE)), leadingEdgeShape=myleadingEdgeShape) myOuterShape = controlSurfaceOuterShapeTrailingEdgeType(innerBorder=innerBorder, outerBorder=outerBorder) # structure myStructure = wingComponentSegmentStructureType() cpacsAileron = trailingEdgeDeviceType(uID='aileronUID', name=myName, description=myDescription, parentUID=myParentUID, outerShape=myOuterShape, structure=myStructure) createAileronStructure(cpacsAileron) # Forward information about innerEtaLE to the flap parentWingVAMPzero.flap.maxEta = parameter(value=innerEtaLE, doc='This it the inner position of the aileron, the flap may not exceed it') # moveables deltaEta = outerEtaLE - innerEtaLE innerParentXsi = xsiSpar_interp(innerEtaLE + 0.3 * deltaEta) + 0.02 outerParentXsi = xsiSpar_interp(innerEtaLE + 0.7 * deltaEta) + 0.02 createPath(cpacsAileron, 'aileron') createTracks(cpacsAileron, 'aileron') createActuators(cpacsAileron, 'aileron', [innerParentXsi, outerParentXsi]) if type(cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces()) == NoneType: cpacsComponentSegment.set_controlSurfaces(controlSurfacesType()) if type(cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().get_trailingEdgeDevices()) == NoneType: cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().set_trailingEdgeDevices(trailingEdgeDevicesType()) cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().get_trailingEdgeDevices().add_trailingEdgeDevice(cpacsAileron)
def createAileron(parentWingCPACS, parentWingVAMPzero, myAileron): ''' This is the main export method for the wings aileron ''' cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/wings/wing[' + + ']' cpacsWing = getObjfromXpath(parentWingCPACS, cpacsPath) cpacsComponentSegment = cpacsWing.get_componentSegments( ).get_componentSegment()[0] #=========================================================================== # Header #=========================================================================== myName = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'aileron') myDescription = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'aileron from VAMPzero') myParentUID = stringUIDBaseType(None, None, 'True', None, 'wing_Cseg') #=========================================================================== # Initialization, i.e. fetching values throughout the code #=========================================================================== xsiSparRoot = eval(cpacsComponentSegment.get_structure().get_spars( ).get_sparPositions().get_sparPosition()[3].get_xsi().valueOf_) xsiSparFuselage = eval(cpacsComponentSegment.get_structure().get_spars( ).get_sparPositions().get_sparPosition()[4].get_xsi().valueOf_) xsiSparKink = eval(cpacsComponentSegment.get_structure().get_spars( ).get_sparPositions().get_sparPosition()[5].get_xsi().valueOf_) xsiSparTip = eval(cpacsComponentSegment.get_structure().get_spars( ).get_sparPositions().get_sparPosition()[6].get_xsi().valueOf_) etaSparRoot = eval(cpacsComponentSegment.get_structure().get_spars( ).get_sparPositions().get_sparPosition()[3].get_eta().valueOf_) etaSparFuselage = eval(cpacsComponentSegment.get_structure().get_spars( ).get_sparPositions().get_sparPosition()[4].get_eta().valueOf_) etaSparKink = eval(cpacsComponentSegment.get_structure().get_spars( ).get_sparPositions().get_sparPosition()[5].get_eta().valueOf_) etaSparTip = eval(cpacsComponentSegment.get_structure().get_spars( ).get_sparPositions().get_sparPosition()[6].get_eta().valueOf_) xsiSpar_interp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d( [etaSparRoot, etaSparFuselage, etaSparKink, etaSparTip], [xsiSparRoot, xsiSparFuselage, xsiSparKink, xsiSparTip]) sparOffset = 0.1 wingSpan = parentWingVAMPzero.span.getValue() / 2. #=========================================================================== # Outer Shape #=========================================================================== # The outer border eta station is set to 96 percent outerEtaLE = 0.96 # The outer chord station is determined from the wing's chord at eta = 0.96 # and the rear spar location + the spar offset outerXsiLE = xsiSpar_interp(0.96) + sparOffset outerWingChord = calcChordLengthAtEta(outerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) cTip = (1 - outerXsiLE) * outerWingChord # now we need to determine the necessary span for the aileron by gently increasing the span # this is an iterative process as the chord of the aileron is a function of the inbound span aileronArea = parentWingVAMPzero.aileron.refArea.getValue() delta = 0.01 calcArea = 0. while abs(calcArea - aileronArea) > 0.1: if delta > outerEtaLE: parentWingVAMPzero.log.warning( 'VAMPzero EXPORT: Cannot determine the span of the aileron') parentWingVAMPzero.log.warning('VAMPzero EXPORT: aileronArea= ' + str(aileronArea)) parentWingVAMPzero.log.warning( 'VAMPzero EXPORT: Decreasing Spar Offset') sparOffset = sparOffset - 0.02 delta = 0.01 innerEtaLE = outerEtaLE - delta innerXsiLE = xsiSpar_interp(innerEtaLE) + sparOffset innerWingChord = calcChordLengthAtEta(innerEtaLE, parentWingVAMPzero, cpacsWing) cRoot = (1 - innerXsiLE) * innerWingChord calcArea = (cTip + cRoot) / 2 * (outerEtaLE - innerEtaLE) * wingSpan delta += 0.005 # start outer shape myleadingEdgeShape = leadingEdgeShapeType( relHeightLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(0.5)), xsiUpperSkin=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(0.85)), xsiLowerSkin=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(0.85))) innerBorder = controlSurfaceBorderTrailingEdgeType( etaLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(innerEtaLE)), etaTE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(innerEtaLE)), xsiLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(innerXsiLE)), leadingEdgeShape=myleadingEdgeShape) outerBorder = controlSurfaceBorderTrailingEdgeType( etaLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(outerEtaLE)), etaTE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(outerEtaLE)), xsiLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(outerXsiLE)), leadingEdgeShape=myleadingEdgeShape) myOuterShape = controlSurfaceOuterShapeTrailingEdgeType( innerBorder=innerBorder, outerBorder=outerBorder) # structure myStructure = wingComponentSegmentStructureType() cpacsAileron = trailingEdgeDeviceType(uID='aileronUID', name=myName, description=myDescription, parentUID=myParentUID, outerShape=myOuterShape, structure=myStructure) createAileronStructure(cpacsAileron) # Forward information about innerEtaLE to the flap parentWingVAMPzero.flap.maxEta = parameter( value=innerEtaLE, doc= 'This it the inner position of the aileron, the flap may not exceed it' ) # moveables deltaEta = outerEtaLE - innerEtaLE innerParentXsi = xsiSpar_interp(innerEtaLE + 0.3 * deltaEta) + 0.02 outerParentXsi = xsiSpar_interp(innerEtaLE + 0.7 * deltaEta) + 0.02 createPath(cpacsAileron, 'aileron') createTracks(cpacsAileron, 'aileron') createActuators(cpacsAileron, 'aileron', [innerParentXsi, outerParentXsi]) if type(cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces()) == NoneType: cpacsComponentSegment.set_controlSurfaces(controlSurfacesType()) if type(cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces(). get_trailingEdgeDevices()) == NoneType: cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().set_trailingEdgeDevices( trailingEdgeDevicesType()) cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().get_trailingEdgeDevices( ).add_trailingEdgeDevice(cpacsAileron)
def createRudder(parentVtpCPACS, parentVtpVAMPzero, myRudder): ''' This is the main export method for the wings aileron ''' cpacsPath = '/cpacs/vehicles/aircraft/model/wings/wing[' + + ']' cpacsVtp = getObjfromXpath(parentVtpCPACS, cpacsPath) cpacsComponentSegment = cpacsVtp.get_componentSegments( ).get_componentSegment()[0] #=========================================================================== # Header #=========================================================================== myName = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'rudder') myDescription = stringBaseType(None, None, None, 'rudder from VAMPzero') myParentUID = stringUIDBaseType(None, None, 'True', None, 'vtp_Cseg') #=========================================================================== # Outer Shape # With the rudder this is pretty simple as it is supposed to cover # the same span as the VTP #=========================================================================== # the inner border eta is determined from the rooYLocation of the Rudder and the vtp span vtpSpan = parentVtpVAMPzero.span.getValue() / 2. innerEtaLE = 0. outerEtaLE = 1. innerXsiLE = myRudder.cRoot.getValue() / parentVtpVAMPzero.cRoot.getValue() outerXsiLE = myRudder.cTip.getValue() / parentVtpVAMPzero.cTip.getValue() # start writing back myleadingEdgeShape = leadingEdgeShapeType( relHeightLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(0.5)), xsiUpperSkin=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(0.85)), xsiLowerSkin=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(0.85))) innerBorder = controlSurfaceBorderTrailingEdgeType( etaLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(innerEtaLE)), xsiLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(innerXsiLE)), leadingEdgeShape=myleadingEdgeShape) outerBorder = controlSurfaceBorderTrailingEdgeType( etaLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(outerEtaLE)), xsiLE=doubleBaseType(valueOf_=str(outerXsiLE)), leadingEdgeShape=myleadingEdgeShape) myOuterShape = controlSurfaceOuterShapeTrailingEdgeType( innerBorder=innerBorder, outerBorder=outerBorder) cpacsRudder = trailingEdgeDeviceType(uID='rudderUID', name=myName, description=myDescription, parentUID=myParentUID, outerShape=myOuterShape) createPath(cpacsRudder, 'rudder') if type(cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces()) == NoneType: cpacsComponentSegment.set_controlSurfaces(controlSurfacesType()) if type(cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces(). get_trailingEdgeDevices()) == NoneType: cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().set_trailingEdgeDevices( trailingEdgeDevicesType()) cpacsComponentSegment.get_controlSurfaces().get_trailingEdgeDevices( ).add_trailingEdgeDevice(cpacsRudder)