async def resume(_, message: Message): chat_id = get_chat_id( if (chat_id not in callsmusic.active_chats) or ( callsmusic.active_chats[chat_id] == "playing"): await message.reply_text("❗ Nothing is paused!") else: callsmusic.resume(chat_id) await message.reply_text("⏸ Resumed!")
async def update_admin(client, message: Message): chat_id = get_chat_id( set( chat_id, [ member.user for member in await filter="administrators") ], ) await message.reply_text("❇️ Admin cache refreshed!")
async def stop(_, message: Message): chat_id = get_chat_id( if chat_id not in callsmusic.active_chats: await message.reply_text("❗ Nothing is streaming!") else: try: queues.clear(chat_id) except QueueEmpty: pass await callsmusic.stop(chat_id) await message.reply_text("❌ Stopped streaming!")
async def settings(client, message): if in DISABLED_GROUPS: await message.reply("Music Player is Disabled") return playing = None chat_id = get_chat_id( if chat_id in callsmusic.active_chats: playing = True queue = que.get(chat_id) stats = updated_stats(, queue) if stats: if playing: await message.reply(stats, reply_markup=r_ply("pause")) else: await message.reply(stats, reply_markup=r_ply("play")) else: await message.reply("No VC instances running in this chat")
async def skip(_, message: Message): global que chat_id = get_chat_id( if chat_id not in callsmusic.active_chats: await message.reply_text("❗ Nothing is playing to skip!") else: queues.task_done(chat_id) if queues.is_empty(chat_id): await callsmusic.stop(chat_id) else: await callsmusic.set_stream(chat_id, queues.get(chat_id)["file"]) qeue = que.get(chat_id) if qeue: skip = qeue.pop(0) if not qeue: return await message.reply_text( f"- Skipped **{skip[0]}**\n- Now Playing **{qeue[0][0]}**")
async def deezer(client: Client, message_: Message): if in DISABLED_GROUPS: return global que lel = await message_.reply("🔄 <b>Processing</b>") administrators = await get_administrators( chid = try: user = await USER.get_me() except: user.first_name = "VCsMusicBot" usar = user wew = try: # chatdetails = await USER.get_chat(chid) await client.get_chat_member(chid, wew) except: for administrator in administrators: if administrator == if"Channel Music: "): await lel.edit( "<b>Remember to add helper to your channel</b>", ) pass try: invitelink = await client.export_chat_invite_link(chid) except: await lel.edit( "<b>Add me as admin of yor group first</b>", ) return try: await USER.join_chat(invitelink) await USER.send_message(, "I joined this group for playing music in VC") await lel.edit("<b>helper userbot joined your chat</b>", ) except UserAlreadyParticipant: pass except Exception: # print(e) await lel.edit( f"<b>🔴 Flood Wait Error 🔴 \nUser {user.first_name} couldn't join your group due to heavy requests for userbot! Make sure user is not banned in group." "\n\nOr manually add assistant to your Group and try again</b>", ) try: await USER.get_chat(chid) # lmoa = await client.get_chat_member(chid,wew) except: await lel.edit( f"<i> {user.first_name} Userbot not in this chat, Ask admin to send /play command for first time or add {user.first_name} manually</i>" ) return requested_by = message_.from_user.first_name text = message_.text.split(" ", 1) queryy = text[1] query = queryy res = lel await res.edit(f"Searching 🔍 for `{queryy}` on deezer") try: songs = await arq.deezer(query, 1) if not songs.ok: await message_.reply_text(songs.result) return title = songs.result[0].title url = songs.result[0].url artist = songs.result[0].artist duration = songs.result[0].duration thumbnail = "" except: await res.edit( "Found Literally Nothing, You Should Work On Your English!") return try: duuration = round(duration / 60) if duuration > DURATION_LIMIT: await cb.message.edit( f"Music longer than {DURATION_LIMIT}min are not allowed to play" ) return except: pass keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([ [ InlineKeyboardButton("📖 Playlist", callback_data="playlist"), InlineKeyboardButton("Menu ⏯ ", callback_data="menu"), ], [InlineKeyboardButton(text="Listen On Deezer 🎬", url=f"{url}")], [InlineKeyboardButton(text="❌ Close", callback_data="cls")], ]) file_path = await convert( await res.edit("Generating Thumbnail") await generate_cover(requested_by, title, artist, duration, thumbnail) chat_id = get_chat_id( if chat_id in callsmusic.active_chats: await res.edit("adding in queue") position = await queues.put(chat_id, file=file_path) qeue = que.get(chat_id) s_name = title r_by = message_.from_user loc = file_path appendable = [s_name, r_by, loc] qeue.append(appendable) await res.edit_text(f"✯{bn}✯= #️⃣ Queued at position {position}") else: await res.edit_text(f"✯{bn}✯=▶️ Playing.....") que[chat_id] = [] qeue = que.get(chat_id) s_name = title r_by = message_.from_user loc = file_path appendable = [s_name, r_by, loc] qeue.append(appendable) try: await callsmusic.set_stream(chat_id, file_path) except: res.edit("Group call is not connected of I can't join it") return await res.delete() m = await client.send_photo(, reply_markup=keyboard, photo="final.png", caption=f"Playing [{title}]({url}) Via Deezer", ) os.remove("final.png")
async def ytplay(_, message: Message): global que if in DISABLED_GROUPS: return lel = await message.reply("🔄 <b>Processing</b>") administrators = await get_administrators( chid = try: user = await USER.get_me() except: user.first_name = "helper" usar = user wew = try: # chatdetails = await USER.get_chat(chid) await _.get_chat_member(chid, wew) except: for administrator in administrators: if administrator == if"Channel Music: "): await lel.edit( "<b>Remember to add helper to your channel</b>", ) pass try: invitelink = await _.export_chat_invite_link(chid) except: await lel.edit( "<b>Add me as admin of yor group first</b>", ) return try: await USER.join_chat(invitelink) await USER.send_message(, "I joined this group for playing music in VC") await lel.edit("<b>helper userbot joined your chat</b>", ) except UserAlreadyParticipant: pass except Exception: # print(e) await lel.edit( f"<b>🔴 Flood Wait Error 🔴 \nUser {user.first_name} couldn't join your group due to heavy requests for userbot! Make sure user is not banned in group." "\n\nOr manually add assistant to your Group and try again</b>", ) try: await USER.get_chat(chid) # lmoa = await client.get_chat_member(chid,wew) except: await lel.edit( f"<i> {user.first_name} Userbot not in this chat, Ask admin to send /play command for first time or add {user.first_name} manually</i>" ) return await lel.edit("🔎 <b>Finding</b>") user_id = user_name = message.from_user.first_name query = "" for i in message.command[1:]: query += " " + str(i) print(query) await lel.edit("🎵 <b>Processing</b>") ydl_opts = {"format": "bestaudio[ext=m4a]"} try: results = YoutubeSearch(query, max_results=1).to_dict() url = f"{results[0]['url_suffix']}" # print(results) title = results[0]["title"][:40] thumbnail = results[0]["thumbnails"][0] thumb_name = f"thumb{title}.jpg" thumb = requests.get(thumbnail, allow_redirects=True) open(thumb_name, "wb").write(thumb.content) duration = results[0]["duration"] results[0]["url_suffix"] views = results[0]["views"] except Exception as e: await lel.edit( "Song not found.Try another song or maybe spell it properly.") print(str(e)) return try: secmul, dur, dur_arr = 1, 0, duration.split(':') for i in range(len(dur_arr) - 1, -1, -1): dur += (int(dur_arr[i]) * secmul) secmul *= 60 if (dur / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: await lel.edit( f"❌ Videos longer than {DURATION_LIMIT} minutes aren't allowed to play!" ) return except: pass dlurl = url dlurl = dlurl.replace("youtube", "youtubepp") keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([ [ InlineKeyboardButton("📖 Playlist", callback_data="playlist"), InlineKeyboardButton("Menu ⏯ ", callback_data="menu"), ], [ InlineKeyboardButton(text="🎬 YouTube", url=f"{url}"), InlineKeyboardButton(text="Download 📥", url=f"{dlurl}"), ], [InlineKeyboardButton(text="❌ Close", callback_data="cls")], ]) requested_by = message.from_user.first_name await generate_cover(requested_by, title, views, duration, thumbnail) file_path = await convert( chat_id = get_chat_id( if chat_id in callsmusic.active_chats: position = await queues.put(chat_id, file=file_path) qeue = que.get(chat_id) s_name = title r_by = message.from_user loc = file_path appendable = [s_name, r_by, loc] qeue.append(appendable) await message.reply_photo( photo="final.png", caption= f"#⃣ Your requested song <b>queued</b> at position {position}!", reply_markup=keyboard, ) os.remove("final.png") return await lel.delete() else: chat_id = get_chat_id( que[chat_id] = [] qeue = que.get(chat_id) s_name = title r_by = message.from_user loc = file_path appendable = [s_name, r_by, loc] qeue.append(appendable) try: await callsmusic.set_stream(chat_id, file_path) except: message.reply("Group Call is not connected or I can't join it") return await message.reply_photo( photo="final.png", reply_markup=keyboard, caption= "▶️ <b>Playing</b> here the song requested by {} via YouTube Music" .format(message.from_user.mention()), ) os.remove("final.png") return await lel.delete()
async def play(_, message: Message): global que global useer if in DISABLED_GROUPS: return lel = await message.reply("🔄 <b>Processing</b>") administrators = await get_administrators( chid = try: user = await USER.get_me() except: user.first_name = "helper" usar = user wew = try: # chatdetails = await USER.get_chat(chid) await _.get_chat_member(chid, wew) except: for administrator in administrators: if administrator == if"Channel Music: "): await lel.edit( "<b>Remember to add helper to your channel</b>", ) pass try: invitelink = await _.export_chat_invite_link(chid) except: await lel.edit( "<b>Add me as admin of yor group first</b>", ) return try: await USER.join_chat(invitelink) await USER.send_message(, "I joined this group for playing music in VC") await lel.edit("<b>helper userbot joined your chat</b>", ) except UserAlreadyParticipant: pass except Exception: # print(e) await lel.edit( f"<b>🔴 Flood Wait Error 🔴 \nUser {user.first_name} couldn't join your group due to heavy requests for userbot! Make sure user is not banned in group." "\n\nOr manually add assistant to your Group and try again</b>", ) try: await USER.get_chat(chid) # lmoa = await client.get_chat_member(chid,wew) except: await lel.edit( f"<i> {user.first_name} Userbot not in this chat, Ask admin to send /play command for first time or add {user.first_name} manually</i>" ) return text_links = None await lel.edit("🔎 <b>Finding</b>") if message.reply_to_message: if pass entities = [] toxt = message.reply_to_message.text \ or message.reply_to_message.caption if message.reply_to_message.entities: entities = message.reply_to_message.entities + entities elif message.reply_to_message.caption_entities: entities = message.reply_to_message.entities + entities urls = [entity for entity in entities if entity.type == 'url'] text_links = [ entity for entity in entities if entity.type == 'text_link' ] else: urls = None if text_links: urls = True user_id = user_name = message.from_user.first_name rpk = "[" + user_name + "](tg://user?id=" + str(user_id) + ")" audio = (( or message.reply_to_message.voice) if message.reply_to_message else None) if audio: if round(audio.duration / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: await lel.edit( f"❌ Videos longer than {DURATION_LIMIT} minute(s) aren't allowed to play!" ) return keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([ [ InlineKeyboardButton("📖 Playlist", callback_data="playlist"), InlineKeyboardButton("Menu ⏯ ", callback_data="menu"), ], [InlineKeyboardButton(text="❌ Close", callback_data="cls")], ]) file_name = get_file_name(audio) title = file_name thumb_name = "" thumbnail = thumb_name duration = round(audio.duration / 60) views = "Locally added" requested_by = message.from_user.first_name await generate_cover(requested_by, title, views, duration, thumbnail) file_path = await convert(( await ) if not path.isfile(path.join("downloads", file_name)) else file_name) elif urls: query = toxt await lel.edit("🎵 <b>Processing</b>") ydl_opts = {"format": "bestaudio[ext=m4a]"} try: results = YoutubeSearch(query, max_results=1).to_dict() url = f"{results[0]['url_suffix']}" # print(results) title = results[0]["title"][:40] thumbnail = results[0]["thumbnails"][0] thumb_name = f"thumb{title}.jpg" thumb = requests.get(thumbnail, allow_redirects=True) open(thumb_name, "wb").write(thumb.content) duration = results[0]["duration"] results[0]["url_suffix"] views = results[0]["views"] except Exception as e: await lel.edit( "Song not found.Try another song or maybe spell it properly.") print(str(e)) return try: secmul, dur, dur_arr = 1, 0, duration.split(':') for i in range(len(dur_arr) - 1, -1, -1): dur += (int(dur_arr[i]) * secmul) secmul *= 60 if (dur / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: await lel.edit( f"❌ Videos longer than {DURATION_LIMIT} minutes aren't allowed to play!" ) return except: pass dlurl = url dlurl = dlurl.replace("youtube", "youtubepp") keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([ [ InlineKeyboardButton("📖 Playlist", callback_data="playlist"), InlineKeyboardButton("Menu ⏯ ", callback_data="menu"), ], [ InlineKeyboardButton(text="🎬 YouTube", url=f"{url}"), InlineKeyboardButton(text="Download 📥", url=f"{dlurl}"), ], [InlineKeyboardButton(text="❌ Close", callback_data="cls")], ]) requested_by = message.from_user.first_name await generate_cover(requested_by, title, views, duration, thumbnail) file_path = await convert( else: query = "" for i in message.command[1:]: query += " " + str(i) print(query) await lel.edit("🎵 **Processing**") ydl_opts = {"format": "bestaudio[ext=m4a]"} try: results = YoutubeSearch(query, max_results=5).to_dict() except: await lel.edit("Give me something to play") # Looks like hell. Aren't it?? F**K OFF try: toxxt = "**Select the song you want to play**\n\n" j = 0 useer = user_name emojilist = [ "1️⃣", "2️⃣", "3️⃣", "4️⃣", "5️⃣", ] while j < 5: toxxt += f"{emojilist[j]} <b>Title - [{results[j]['title']}]({results[j]['url_suffix']})</b>\n" toxxt += f" ╚ <b>Duration</b> - {results[j]['duration']}\n" toxxt += f" ╚ <b>Views</b> - {results[j]['views']}\n" toxxt += f" ╚ <b>Channel</b> - {results[j]['channel']}\n\n" j += 1 koyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([ [ InlineKeyboardButton( "1️⃣", callback_data=f'plll 0|{query}|{user_id}'), InlineKeyboardButton( "2️⃣", callback_data=f'plll 1|{query}|{user_id}'), InlineKeyboardButton( "3️⃣", callback_data=f'plll 2|{query}|{user_id}'), ], [ InlineKeyboardButton( "4️⃣", callback_data=f'plll 3|{query}|{user_id}'), InlineKeyboardButton( "5️⃣", callback_data=f'plll 4|{query}|{user_id}'), ], [InlineKeyboardButton(text="❌", callback_data="cls")], ]) await lel.edit(toxxt, reply_markup=koyboard, disable_web_page_preview=True) # WHY PEOPLE ALWAYS LOVE P**N ?? (A point to think) return # Returning to pornhub except: await lel.edit( "No Enough results to choose.. Starting direct play..") # print(results) try: url = f"{results[0]['url_suffix']}" title = results[0]["title"][:40] thumbnail = results[0]["thumbnails"][0] thumb_name = f"thumb{title}.jpg" thumb = requests.get(thumbnail, allow_redirects=True) open(thumb_name, "wb").write(thumb.content) duration = results[0]["duration"] results[0]["url_suffix"] views = results[0]["views"] except Exception as e: await lel.edit( "Song not found.Try another song or maybe spell it properly." ) print(str(e)) return try: secmul, dur, dur_arr = 1, 0, duration.split(':') for i in range(len(dur_arr) - 1, -1, -1): dur += (int(dur_arr[i]) * secmul) secmul *= 60 if (dur / 60) > DURATION_LIMIT: await lel.edit( f"❌ Videos longer than {DURATION_LIMIT} minutes aren't allowed to play!" ) return except: pass dlurl = url dlurl = dlurl.replace("youtube", "youtubepp") keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([ [ InlineKeyboardButton("📖 Playlist", callback_data="playlist"), InlineKeyboardButton("Menu ⏯ ", callback_data="menu"), ], [ InlineKeyboardButton(text="🎬 YouTube", url=f"{url}"), InlineKeyboardButton(text="Download 📥", url=f"{dlurl}"), ], [InlineKeyboardButton(text="❌ Close", callback_data="cls")], ]) requested_by = message.from_user.first_name await generate_cover(requested_by, title, views, duration, thumbnail) file_path = await convert( chat_id = get_chat_id( if chat_id in callsmusic.active_chats: position = await queues.put(chat_id, file=file_path) qeue = que.get(chat_id) s_name = title r_by = message.from_user loc = file_path appendable = [s_name, r_by, loc] qeue.append(appendable) await message.reply_photo( photo="final.png", caption= f"#⃣ Your requested song <b>queued</b> at position {position}!", reply_markup=keyboard, ) os.remove("final.png") return await lel.delete() else: chat_id = get_chat_id( que[chat_id] = [] qeue = que.get(chat_id) s_name = title r_by = message.from_user loc = file_path appendable = [s_name, r_by, loc] qeue.append(appendable) try: await callsmusic.set_stream(chat_id, file_path) except: message.reply("Group Call is not connected or I can't join it") return await message.reply_photo( photo="final.png", reply_markup=keyboard, caption= "▶️ <b>Playing</b> here the song requested by {} via YouTube Music" .format(message.from_user.mention()), ) os.remove("final.png") return await lel.delete()
async def voice_chat_ended(_, message: Message): try: remove(get_chat_id( except Exception: pass