예제 #1
    def _generate_crop_grid(self, frames, size, shuffle=False):
        """generate randomly cropped box of `frames`

        frames: a list of tuple, commonly returned from `_process_at_file`.
        size: an int scalar to specify number of generated crops.
        shuffle: a boolean, whether to shuffle the outputs.

        list of tuple: containing (HR, LR, box, name) respectively, where HR and LR
          are reference frames, box is a list of 4 int of crop coordinates.
        patch_size = Utility.to_list(self.patch_size, 2)
        patch_size = Utility.shrink_mod_scale(patch_size, self.scale)
        if size < 0:
            index = np.arange(len(frames)).tolist()
            if self.crop == 'random':
                index = np.random.randint(len(frames), size=size).tolist()
                index = np.arange(size).tolist()
        grids = []
        for i in range(len(frames)):
            hr, lr, name = frames[i]
            _w, _h = hr[0].width, hr[0].height
            if self.crop == 'not' or self.crop is None:
                _pw, _ph = _w, _h
                _pw, _ph = patch_size
            amount = index.count(i)
            if self.crop == 'random':
                x = np.random.randint(0, _w - _pw + 1, size=amount)
                y = np.random.randint(0, _h - _ph + 1, size=amount)
            elif self.crop == 'center':
                x = np.array([(_w - _pw) // 2] * amount)
                y = np.array([(_h - _ph) // 2] * amount)
                x = np.zeros([amount])
                y = np.zeros([amount])
            x -= x % self.scale[0]
            y -= y % self.scale[1]
            grids += [(ImageProcess.img_to_array(hr),
                       [_x, _y, _x + _pw, _y + _ph], name)
                      for _x, _y in zip(x, y)]
        if shuffle:
        return grids
예제 #2
def test_resize_upsample():
  Im = Image.open(URL)
  for X in [Im, Im.convert('L')]:
    w = X.width
    h = X.height
    for ss in [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]:
      GT = X.resize([w * ss, h * ss], Image.BICUBIC)
      gt = np.asarray(GT, dtype='float32') / 255
      x = tf.constant(np.asarray(X), dtype='float32') / 255
      y = U.upsample(x, ss).numpy().clip(0, 1)
      assert np.all(np.abs(y[16:-16, 16:-16] - gt[16:-16, 16:-16]) < 1.0e-2), \
        f"Scale: {ss}. Mode: {X.mode}"
예제 #3
def test_resize_2x2():
    scale = 2
    img = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], np.uint8)
    imgp = Image.fromarray(img, 'L')
    img = np.reshape(img, [1, 2, 2, 1])
    y = U.upsample(img.astype(np.float32), scale)
    y = y.numpy()[0, ..., 0].astype('uint8')
    imgp = imgp.resize([2 * scale, 2 * scale], Image.BICUBIC)
    yp = np.array(imgp)
    yf = tf.image.resize_bicubic(img, [2 * scale, 2 * scale])
    yf = yf.numpy()[0, ..., 0].astype('uint8')
    diff = yp - y
예제 #4
def test_resize_img():
    scale = 2
    img = Image.open(URL)
    w = img.width
    h = img.height
    imgp = img.resize([w * scale, h * scale], Image.BICUBIC)
    yp = np.array(imgp)
    img = np.resize(img, [1, h, w, 3])
    y = U.upsample(img.astype(np.float32), scale)
    y = y.numpy()[0].astype('uint8')
    yf = tf.image.resize_bicubic(img, [h * scale, w * scale])
    yf = yf.numpy()[0].astype('uint8')
    diff = yp - y
예제 #5
 def _parse_config(self, config, **kwargs):
     assert isinstance(config, Config)
     _needed_args = ('batch', 'depth', 'patch_size', 'scale',
                     'steps_per_epoch', 'convert_to')
     for _arg in _needed_args:
         if _arg not in config:
             raise ValueError(_arg +
                              ' is required in config, but not found.')
     self.depth = config.depth
     self.patch_size = config.patch_size
     self.scale = Utility.to_list(config.scale, 2)
     self.patches_per_epoch = config.steps_per_epoch * config.batch
     self.batch = config.batch
     self.crop = config.crop
예제 #6
def test_resize_downsample():
  Im = Image.open(URL)
  for X in [Im, Im.convert('L')]:
    w = X.width
    h = X.height
    for ss in [2, 4, 6, 8]:
      w_ = w - w % ss
      h_ = h - h % ss
      X = X.crop([0, 0, w_, h_])
      GT = X.resize([w_ // ss, h_ // ss], Image.BICUBIC)
      gt = np.asarray(GT, dtype='float32') / 255
      x = tf.constant(np.asarray(X), dtype='float32') / 255
      y = U.downsample(x, ss).numpy().clip(0, 1)
      assert np.all(np.abs(y[8:-8, 8:-8] - gt[8:-8, 8:-8]) < 1.0e-2), \
        f"Scale: {ss}. Mode: {X.mode}"
예제 #7
    def _prefetch(self, memory_usage=None, shard=1, index=0):
        """Prefetch `size` files and load into memory. Specify `shard` will divide
    loading files into `shard` shards in order to execute in parallel.

    NOTE: parallelism is implemented via `QuickLoader`

        memory_usage: desired virtual memory to use, could be int (in bytes) or
          a readable string (i.e. '3GB', '1TB'). Default to use all available
        shard: an int scalar to specify the number of shards operating in parallel.
        index: an int scalar, representing shard index

        if self.all_loaded:
            interval = len(self.frames) // shard
            return self.frames[index * interval:(index + 1) * interval], True
        # check memory usage
        if isinstance(memory_usage, str):
            memory_usage = Utility.str_to_bytes(memory_usage)
        if not memory_usage:
            memory_usage = virtual_memory().total
        memory_usage = np.min([np.uint64(memory_usage), virtual_memory().free])
        capacity = self.size
        frames = []
        if capacity <= memory_usage and shard == 1 or capacity <= memory_usage // 2:
            # load all clips
            self.all_loaded = True
            interval = len(self.file_objects) // shard
            for file in self.file_objects[index * interval:(index + 1) *
                frames += self._process_at_file(file, file.frames)
            prop = memory_usage / capacity / shard / 2
            size = int(np.round(len(self) * prop))
            for file, amount in self._random_select(size).items():
                frames += self._process_at_file(file, amount)
        self.frames = frames
        return frames, self.all_loaded
예제 #8
def dummy_test_str_to_bytes():
    for t, a in zip(TEST_STR, ANS):
        ans = U.str_to_bytes(t)
        print(t, ans)
        assert ans == a
예제 #9
    def build_loader(self, crop=True, **kwargs):
        """Build image1(s) pair loader, make self iterable

         crop: if True, crop the images into patches
         kwargs: you can override attribute in the dataset
        _crop_args = ['scale', 'patch_size', 'strides', 'depth']
        for _arg in _crop_args:
            if _arg in kwargs and kwargs[_arg]:
                self.__setattr__(_arg, kwargs[_arg])

        self.scale = Utility.to_list(self.scale, 2)
        self.patch_size = Utility.to_list(self.patch_size, 2)
        self.strides = Utility.to_list(self.strides, 2)
        self.patch_size = Utility.shrink_mod_scale(
            self.patch_size, self.scale) if crop else None
        self.strides = Utility.shrink_mod_scale(self.strides,
                                                self.scale) if crop else None

        for vf in self.dataset:
            tf.logging.debug('loading ' + vf.name)
            depth = self.depth
            # read all frames if depth is set to -1
            if depth == -1: depth = vf.frames
            for _ in range(vf.frames // depth):
                frames_hr = [
                    ImageProcess.shrink_to_multiple_scale(img, self.scale)
                    if self.modcrop else img for img in vf.read_frame(depth)
                frames_lr = [
                                          np.ones(2) / self.scale)
                    for img in frames_hr
                self.frames.append((frames_hr, frames_lr, vf.name))
            'all files load finished, generating cropping meshes...')
        self.random = self.random and crop
        if self.random:
            rand_index = np.random.randint(len(self.frames),
            for i in rand_index:
                hr, lr, name = self.frames[i]
                _w, _h = hr[0].width, hr[0].height
                _pw, _ph = self.patch_size or [_w, _h]
                x = np.random.randint(0, _w - _pw + 1)
                x -= x % self.scale[0]
                y = np.random.randint(0, _h - _ph + 1)
                y -= y % self.scale[1]
                self.grid.append((hr, lr, x, y, name))
            for hr, lr, name in self.frames:
                _w, _h = hr[0].width, hr[0].height
                _sw, _sh = self.strides or [_w, _h]
                _pw, _ph = self.patch_size or [_w, _h]
                x, y = np.mgrid[0:_w - _pw - (_w - _pw) % _sw + _sw:_sw,
                                0:_h - _ph - (_h - _ph) % _sh + _sh:_sh]
                self.grid += [(hr, lr, _x, _y, name)
                              for _x, _y in zip(x.flatten(), y.flatten())]
        tf.logging.info('data loader is ready!')
        self.batch_iterator = self._build_iter()
        self.built = True