def testLoad(self): """ _testLoad_ Test the loading of file meta data using the ID of a file and the LFN of a file. """ testFileA = File(lfn="/this/is/a/lfn", size=1024, events=10, checksums={'cksum': 101}, first_event=2, merged=True) testFileA.create() testFileB = File(lfn=testFileA["lfn"]) testFileB.load() testFileC = File(id=testFileA["id"]) testFileC.load() self.assertEqual(testFileA, testFileB, "File load by LFN didn't work") self.assertEqual(testFileA, testFileC, "File load by ID didn't work") self.assertTrue(isinstance(testFileB["id"], int), "File id is not an integer type.") self.assertTrue(isinstance(testFileB["size"], int), "File size is not an integer type.") self.assertTrue(isinstance(testFileB["events"], int), "File events is not an integer type.") self.assertTrue(isinstance(testFileB["checksums"], dict), "File cksum is not a string type.") self.assertTrue(isinstance(testFileB["first_event"], int), "File first_event is not an integer type.") self.assertTrue(isinstance(testFileC["id"], int), "File id is not an integer type.") self.assertTrue(isinstance(testFileC["size"], int), "File size is not an integer type.") self.assertTrue(isinstance(testFileC["events"], int), "File events is not an integer type.") self.assertTrue(isinstance(testFileC["checksums"], dict), "File cksum is not an string type.") self.assertTrue(isinstance(testFileC["first_event"], int), "File first_event is not an integer type.") self.assertEqual(testFileC['checksums'], {'cksum': '101'}) testFileA.delete() return
def testSetLocationOrder(self): """ _testSetLocationOrder_ This tests that you can specify a location before creating the file, instead of having to do it afterwards. """ myThread = threading.currentThread() testFileA = File(lfn="/this/is/a/lfn", size=1024, events=10) testFileA.setLocation("") testFileA.create() testFileB = File(lfn=testFileA["lfn"]) testFileB.load() daoFactory = DAOFactory(package="WMCore.WMBS", logger=logging, dbinterface=myThread.dbi) locationFac = daoFactory(classname="Files.GetLocation") location = locationFac.execute(testFileB['lfn']).pop() self.assertEqual(location, '') return
def testLoad(self): """ _testLoad_ Test the loading of file meta data using the ID of a file and the LFN of a file. """ testFileA = File(lfn="/this/is/a/lfn", size=1024, events=10, checksums={'cksum': 101}, first_event=2, merged=True) testFileA.create() testFileB = File(lfn=testFileA["lfn"]) testFileB.load() testFileC = File(id=testFileA["id"]) testFileC.load() assert testFileA == testFileB, \ "ERROR: File load by LFN didn't work" assert testFileA == testFileC, \ "ERROR: File load by ID didn't work" assert type(testFileB["id"]) == int, \ "ERROR: File id is not an integer type." assert type(testFileB["size"]) == int, \ "ERROR: File size is not an integer type." assert type(testFileB["events"]) == int, \ "ERROR: File events is not an integer type." assert type(testFileB["checksums"]) == dict, \ "ERROR: File cksum is not a string type." assert type(testFileB["first_event"]) == int, \ "ERROR: File first_event is not an integer type." assert type(testFileC["id"]) == int, \ "ERROR: File id is not an integer type." assert type(testFileC["size"]) == int, \ "ERROR: File size is not an integer type." assert type(testFileC["events"]) == int, \ "ERROR: File events is not an integer type." assert type(testFileC["checksums"]) == dict, \ "ERROR: File cksum is not an string type." assert type(testFileC["first_event"]) == int, \ "ERROR: File first_event is not an integer type." self.assertEqual(testFileC['checksums'], {'cksum': '101'}) testFileA.delete() return
def testLoad(self): """ _testLoad_ Test the loading of file meta data using the ID of a file and the LFN of a file. """ testFileA = File( lfn="/this/is/a/lfn", size=1024, events=10, checksums={"cksum": 101}, first_event=2, last_event=3, merged=True, ) testFileA.create() testFileB = File(lfn=testFileA["lfn"]) testFileB.load() testFileC = File(id=testFileA["id"]) testFileC.load() assert testFileA == testFileB, "ERROR: File load by LFN didn't work" assert testFileA == testFileC, "ERROR: File load by ID didn't work" assert type(testFileB["id"]) == int, "ERROR: File id is not an integer type." assert type(testFileB["size"]) == int, "ERROR: File size is not an integer type." assert type(testFileB["events"]) == int, "ERROR: File events is not an integer type." assert type(testFileB["checksums"]) == dict, "ERROR: File cksum is not a string type." assert type(testFileB["first_event"]) == int, "ERROR: File first_event is not an integer type." assert type(testFileB["last_event"]) == int, "ERROR: File last_event is not an integer type." assert type(testFileC["id"]) == int, "ERROR: File id is not an integer type." assert type(testFileC["size"]) == int, "ERROR: File size is not an integer type." assert type(testFileC["events"]) == int, "ERROR: File events is not an integer type." assert type(testFileC["checksums"]) == dict, "ERROR: File cksum is not an string type." assert type(testFileC["first_event"]) == int, "ERROR: File first_event is not an integer type." assert type(testFileC["last_event"]) == int, "ERROR: File last_event is not an integer type." self.assertEqual(testFileC["checksums"], {"cksum": "101"}) testFileA.delete() return
def filesOfStatusByRun(self, status, runID): """ _filesOfStatusByRun_ Return all the files in the given subscription and the given run which have the given status. """ existingTransaction = self.beginTransaction() files = [] action = self.daofactory(classname = "Subscriptions.Get%sFilesByRun" % status) for f in action.execute(self["id"], runID, conn = self.getDBConn(), transaction = self.existingTransaction()): fl = File(id = f["file"]) fl.load() files.append(fl) self.commitTransaction(existingTransaction) return files
def filesOfStatusByRun(self, status, runID): """ _filesOfStatusByRun_ Return all the files in the given subscription and the given run which have the given status. """ existingTransaction = self.beginTransaction() files = [] action = self.daofactory(classname="Subscriptions.Get%sFilesByRun" % status) for f in action.execute(self["id"], runID, conn=self.getDBConn(), transaction=self.existingTransaction()): fl = File(id=f["file"]) fl.load() files.append(fl) self.commitTransaction(existingTransaction) return files
def testSetLocationOrder(self): """ _testSetLocationOrder_ This tests that you can specify a location before creating the file, instead of having to do it afterwards. """ myThread = threading.currentThread() testFileA = File(lfn = "/this/is/a/lfn", size = 1024, events = 10) testFileA.setLocation("") testFileA.create() testFileB = File(lfn = testFileA["lfn"]) testFileB.load() daoFactory = DAOFactory(package = "WMCore.WMBS", logger = logging, dbinterface = myThread.dbi) locationFac = daoFactory(classname = "Files.GetLocation") location = locationFac.execute(testFileB['lfn']).pop() self.assertEqual(location, '') return
def testReportHandling(self): """ _testReportHandling_ Verify that we're able to parse a CMSSW report, convert it to a Report() style report, pickle it and then have the accountant process it. """ self.procPath = os.path.join(WMCore.WMBase.getTestBase(), "WMCore_t/FwkJobReport_t/CMSSWProcessingReport.xml") myReport = Report("cmsRun1") myReport.parse(self.procPath) # Fake some metadata that should be added by the stageout scripts. for fileRef in myReport.getAllFileRefsFromStep("cmsRun1"): fileRef.size = 1024 fileRef.location = "" fwjrPath = os.path.join(self.tempDir, "ProcReport.pkl") cmsRunStep = myReport.retrieveStep("cmsRun1") cmsRunStep.status = 0 myReport.setTaskName('/TestWF/None') myReport.persist(fwjrPath) self.setFWJRAction.execute(jobID = self.testJob["id"], fwjrPath = fwjrPath) pFile = DBSBufferFile(lfn = "/path/to/some/lfn", size = 600000, events = 60000) pFile.setAlgorithm(appName = "cmsRun", appVer = "UNKNOWN", appFam = "RECO", psetHash = "GIBBERISH", configContent = "MOREGIBBERISH") pFile.setDatasetPath("/bogus/dataset/path") #pFile.addRun(Run(1, *[45])) pFile.create() config = self.createConfig(workerThreads = 1) accountant = JobAccountantPoller(config) accountant.setup() accountant.algorithm() self.verifyJobSuccess(self.testJob["id"]) self.verifyFileMetaData(self.testJob["id"], myReport.getAllFilesFromStep("cmsRun1")) inputFile = File(lfn = "/store/backfill/2/unmerged/WMAgentCommissioining10/MinimumBias/RECO/rereco_GR09_R_34X_V5_All_v1/0000/outputRECORECO.root") inputFile.load() self.testMergeJob = Job(name = "testMergeJob", files = [inputFile]) self.testMergeJob.create(group = self.mergeJobGroup) self.testMergeJob["state"] = "complete" self.stateChangeAction.execute(jobs = [self.testMergeJob]) self.mergePath = os.path.join(WMCore.WMBase.getTestBase(), "WMCore_t/FwkJobReport_t/CMSSWMergeReport.xml") myReport = Report("mergeReco") myReport.parse(self.mergePath) # Fake some metadata that should be added by the stageout scripts. for fileRef in myReport.getAllFileRefsFromStep("mergeReco"): fileRef.size = 1024 fileRef.location = "" fileRef.dataset = {"applicationName": "cmsRun", "applicationVersion": "CMSSW_3_4_2_patch1", "primaryDataset": "MinimumBias", "processedDataset": "Rereco-v1", "dataTier": "RECO"} fwjrPath = os.path.join(self.tempDir, "MergeReport.pkl") myReport.setTaskName('/MergeWF/None') cmsRunStep = myReport.retrieveStep("mergeReco") cmsRunStep.status = 0 myReport.persist(fwjrPath) self.setFWJRAction.execute(jobID = self.testMergeJob["id"], fwjrPath = fwjrPath) accountant.algorithm() self.verifyJobSuccess(self.testMergeJob["id"]) self.verifyFileMetaData(self.testMergeJob["id"], myReport.getAllFilesFromStep("mergeReco")) return
def printBlocksAndFiles(self, location, blockList, type = "missing", verbose = 1): """ print blocks and files: verbose = 1 only blocks, verbose > 1 blocks and files """ for block in blockList: print "\n" print "#################################################################" print "Block ID: %s Name: %s" % (block["BLOCK_ID"], block["BLOCK_NAME"]) if verbose < 2: continue if location == "global": print "\n" print "List all files from %s block from Global DBS: Get info from local DBS " % type for file in self.localDbsApi.listFiles(blockName=block["BLOCK_NAME"]): print "parent list: %s" % file["ParentList"] print "file LFN: %s" % file["LogicalFileName"] print "\n" fileIDs = ListFiles.listFileIDsByBlockID(self.t0astDBConn, block["BLOCK_ID"]) print "List all files from %s block from Global DBS: Get info from T0AST " % type print "=====================================================" for fileID in fileIDs: wmbsFile = WMBSFile(id = fileID) wmbsFile.load() print "--------------------------------------" print "Info from: T0AST" print "file LFN: %s" % wmbsFile["lfn"] print "" file = T0ASTFile(wmbsFile) file.datasetPathID = \ ListDatasets.listDatasetIDForWMBSFile(self.t0astDBConn, wmbsFile["id"]) datasetNames = \ ListDatasets.listDatasetNamesForWMBSFile(self.t0astDBConn, wmbsFile["id"]) file["PRIMARY_DATASET"] = datasetNames["PRIMARY"] file["PROCESSED_DATASET"] = datasetNames["PROCESSED"] file["DATA_TIER"] = datasetNames["TIER"] if file["DATA_TIER"] == "RECO": t0ParentFileList = file.getParentList(type="file") for wmbsFile in t0ParentFileList: t0File = T0ASTFile(wmbsFile) t0File["BLOCK_ID"] = ListBlock.getBlockIDByFileID(self.t0astDBConn, wmbsFile["id"]) print "Block ID: %s : Parent File: %s" % (t0File["BLOCK_ID"], t0File["LFN"]) if t0File["BLOCK_ID"] != None: blockInfo = ListBlock.getBlockInfoByID(self.t0astDBConn, t0File["BLOCK_ID"]) print "Block Name: %s \nStatus: %s" % (blockInfo["BLOCK_NAME"], blockInfo["STATUS"]) if blockInfo["STATUS"] == "InFlight" or blockInfo["MIGRATE_STATUS"] == "Migrated": dbsBlock = self.localDbsApi.listBlocks(block_name=blockInfo["BLOCK_NAME"]) if dbsBlock == []: print "It doesn't exist in Local dbs: Something wrong" else: print "Block: %s exist in Local DBS" % blockInfo["BLOCK_NAME"] try: for file in self.localDbsApi.listFiles(patternLFN=t0File["LFN"]): print "File: %s exist in Local DBS" % file["LogicalFileName"] except: print "File doesn't exist in Local DBS" if blockInfo["MIGRATE_STATUS"] == "Migrated": dbsBlock = self.globalDbsApi.listBlocks(block_name=blockInfo["BLOCK_NAME"]) if dbsBlock == []: print "It doesn't exist in Global dbs: Something wrong" else: print "Block: %s exist in Global DBS" % blockInfo["BLOCK_NAME"] try: for file in self.globalDbsApi.listFiles(patternLFN=t0File["LFN"]): print "File: %s exist in Global DBS" % file["LogicalFileName"] except: print "File doesn't exist in Global DBS" print "\n" print "Info from Local DBS: List all parent files from %s block:" % type try: for pfile in self.localDbsApi.listFileParents(file["LFN"]): print "Parent Block: %s" % pfile["Block"]["NAME"] print "Parent File: %s" % pfile["LogicalFileName"] print "Info from Global DBS: parent block for %s block:" % type blockList = self.globalDbsApi.listBlocks(block_name=block["BLOCK_NAME"]) if blockList == []: print "Global DBS doen't have block %s "% pfile["Block"]["NAME"] else: for dbsBlock in blockList: print "Global DBS Parent block %s exsist" % dbsBlock["NAME"] except Exception, ex: print "No parents file found in Local DBS " print "====================================================="