class H1CandleApp(BaseSync): """ """ def __init__(self): self.platform = Platform.PLATFORM_FCOIN.value self.data_type = PlatformDataType.PLATFORM_DATA_KLINE.value self.interval = 'H1' BaseSync(self.platform, self.data_type, self.interval) self.client = FcoinClient() self._init_log() self._sender = MqSender('3', 'kline') # self._sender = MqSender('fcoin', 'kline') self.wdata = {} def candle(self, data): # print('数据:', data) name, ml, osym = self.client.channel_config[0].split('.') sym = Symbol.convert_to_standard_symbol(Platform.PLATFORM_FCOIN, osym) ts = int(round(data['id'] * 1000)) # self.client.get_ts() # 从服务器得到的数据中没有ts,只有id,根据文档要求,要把获取到数据的时间存入csv文件及数据库中 ticks = ts # int(round(time.time() * 1000)) data['id'] = ts # print("当前时间戳为:", ticks) # send to mq # if self._sender is not None: # try: # mqdata = {} # tdata = {'symbol': sym, 'ts': ticks, 'tm_intv': m_interval, 'exchange':} # mqdata.update(tdata) # mqdata.update(data) # # print(mqdata) # self._sender.send(str(mqdata)) # except Exception as error: # print(error) # self._sender.close() # else: # # print('fail to connect rabbitmq server') # pass # send to mq # print('symbol: ', sym) # create the no-exist folder to save date stime = time.strftime('%Y%m%d', time.localtime()) skldir = os.path.join(sDir, stime,, config.klinedir) if not os.path.exists(skldir): os.makedirs(skldir) # for original data # sTfile = '{0}_{1}_{2}{3}'.format(config.klinedir, stime, osym, '.txt') # sTfilepath = os.path.join(skldir, sTfile) # # write original data to txt files # with open(sTfilepath, 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as tf: # tf.writelines(json.dumps(data) + '\n') # for no-duplicated csv data sfile = '{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}{4}'.format(config.klinedir, stime, ml, osym, '.csv') sfilepath = os.path.join(skldir, sfile) if self.wdata: if ts in self.wdata.values(): # self.wdata['ts'] = ts pass else: self.wdata['ts'] = ts self.wdata['wlen'] = 0 # write the current data sent from server to the csv but the position will be changed else: self.wdata['ts'] = ts self.wdata['wlen'] = 0 self.w2csv(sfilepath, ticks, sym, data) # 是要把ticks写入csv,而不是和id值一致的ts def w2csv(self, sfilepath, ts, sym, data): sflag = 'close' rFind = False kklist = [] vvlist = [] # will delete the data from the end if the ts is the same to the previous data iseekpos = self.wdata['wlen'] # print('iseekpos= '+'{0}'.format(iseekpos)) if iseekpos > 0: # print('will call deleteFromMmap') self.delline(sfilepath, iseekpos, 0, True) # will delete the data from the end if the ts is the same to the one of the previous data else: pass if os.path.exists(sfilepath): with open(sfilepath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: first_line = f.readline() # 取第一行 rFind = sflag in first_line with open(sfilepath, 'a+', encoding='utf-8', newline='') as f: w = csv.writer(f) if rFind is True: # vlist = list(data.values()) self.additem2list(ts, vvlist, sym, self.interval, data) w.writerow(vvlist) else: # khead = ['symbol', 'ts', 'tm_intv', 'id', 'open', 'close', 'low', 'high', 'amount', 'vol', 'count'] klist = list(data.keys()) # open,close,high,quote_vol,id,count,low,seq,base_vol kklist.insert(0, 'symbol') kklist.insert(1, 'ts') kklist.insert(2, 'tm_intv') kklist.insert(3, klist[4]) kklist.insert(4, klist[0]) kklist.insert(5, klist[1]) kklist.insert(6, klist[6]) kklist.insert(7, klist[2]) kklist.insert(8, 'amount') kklist.insert(9, 'vol') kklist.insert(10, klist[5]) w.writerow(kklist) self.additem2list(ts, vvlist, sym, self.interval, data) w.writerow(vvlist) # update the lenth of data wroten to csv prelen = len('{0},{1},{2}'.format(sym, ts, self.interval)) # print('prelen= ' + '{0}'.format(prelen)) for i in dkey: ss = '{0}{1}'.format(',', data[i]) prelen += len(ss) prelen += len( '\t\n') # because there is a extra '\t\n' which is equal 2 bytes # print('w2csv prelen= ' + '{0}'.format(prelen)) self.wdata['wlen'] = prelen # print('w2csv after prelen= ' + '{0}'.format(self.wdata['wlen'])) # update the lenth of data wroten to csv def sync_data(self, *args): self.client.subscribe_candle(args[1], args[0])
class MarketApp: """ """ def __init__(self): self.client = FcoinClient() self.fcoin = Fcoin() self.fcoin.auth(config.key, config.secret) self._sender = MqSender('fcoin', 'kline') self.sym = '' self.wdata = {} self._init_log() # self.deleteFromMmap(sfilepath, size-iseekpos,size) def deleteFromMmap(self, filename, start, end, lastline=False): self.sym = self.sym # acutally it will not be used just for fix the warnning error f = open(filename, "r+") VDATA = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0) size = len(VDATA) if lastline is True: start = size - start end = size else: pass length = end - start newsize = size - length VDATA.move(start, end, size - end) VDATA.flush() VDATA.close() f.truncate(newsize) f.close() def candle(self, data): # print('数据:', data) name, ml, sym = self.client.channel_config[0].split('.') ts = int(round(data['id'] * 1000)) # self.client.get_ts() # send to mq try: mqdata = {} tdata = { 'symbol': sym, 'ts': ts, 'tm_intv': m_interval, 'exchange': } mqdata.update(tdata) mqdata.update(data) # print(mqdata) self._sender.send(str(mqdata)) except Exception as error: print(error) self._sender.close() # send to mq # print('symbol: ', sym) # create the no-exist folder to save date stime = time.strftime('%Y%m%d', time.localtime()) stradeDir = os.path.join(sDir, stime,, config.klinedir) if not os.path.exists(stradeDir): os.makedirs(stradeDir) # for original data sTfile = '{0}_{1}_{2}{3}'.format(config.klinedir, stime, sym, '.txt') sTfilepath = os.path.join(stradeDir, sTfile) # write original data to txt files with open(sTfilepath, 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as tf: tf.writelines(json.dumps(data) + '\n') # for no-duplicated csv data sfile = '{0}_{1}_{2}{3}'.format(config.klinedir, stime, sym, '.csv') sfilepath = os.path.join(stradeDir, sfile) if self.wdata: if ts in self.wdata.values(): # self.wdata['ts'] = ts pass else: self.wdata['ts'] = ts self.wdata['wlen'] = 0 # write the current data sent from server to the csv but the position will be changed else: self.wdata['ts'] = ts self.wdata['wlen'] = 0 self.w2csv(sfilepath, ts, sym, data) def w2csv(self, sfilepath, ts, sym, data): sflag = 'close' rFind = False kklist = [] vvlist = [] # will delete the data from the end if the ts is the same to the previous data iseekpos = self.wdata['wlen'] # print('iseekpos= '+'{0}'.format(iseekpos)) if iseekpos > 0: # print('will call deleteFromMmap') self.deleteFromMmap(sfilepath, iseekpos, 0, True) # will delete the data from the end if the ts is the same to the one of the previous data else: pass if os.path.exists(sfilepath): with open(sfilepath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: first_line = f.readline() # 取第一行 rFind = sflag in first_line with open(sfilepath, 'a+', encoding='utf-8', newline='') as f: w = csv.writer(f) if rFind is True: vlist = list(data.values()) self.additem2list(ts, vvlist, sym, m_interval, vlist) w.writerow(vvlist) else: # khead = ['symbol', 'ts', 'tm_intv', 'id', 'open', 'close', 'low', 'high', 'amount', 'vol', 'count'] klist = list(data.keys()) # open,close,high,quote_vol,id,count,low,seq,base_vol kklist.insert(0, 'symbol') kklist.insert(1, 'ts') kklist.insert(2, 'tm_intv') kklist.insert(3, klist[4]) kklist.insert(4, klist[0]) kklist.insert(5, klist[1]) kklist.insert(6, klist[6]) kklist.insert(7, klist[2]) kklist.insert(8, 'amount') kklist.insert(9, 'vol') kklist.insert(10, klist[5]) w.writerow(kklist) vlist = list(data.values()) self.additem2list(ts, vvlist, sym, m_interval, vlist) w.writerow(vvlist) # update the lenth of data wroten to csv prelen = len('{0},{1},{2}'.format(sym, ts, m_interval)) # print('prelen= ' + '{0}'.format(prelen)) for i in dkey: ss = '{0}{1}'.format(',', data[i]) prelen += len(ss) prelen += len( '\t\n') # because there is a extra '\t\n' which is equal 2 bytes # print('w2csv prelen= ' + '{0}'.format(prelen)) self.wdata['wlen'] = prelen # print('w2csv after prelen= ' + '{0}'.format(self.wdata['wlen'])) # update the lenth of data wroten to csv # add extral items to the original list def additem2list(self, ts, vvlist, sym, ml, vlist): self.sym = sym # acutally it will not be used just for fix the warnning error vvlist.insert(0, sym) vvlist.insert(1, ts) vvlist.insert(2, ml) vvlist.insert(3, vlist[4]) vvlist.insert(4, vlist[0]) vvlist.insert(5, vlist[1]) vvlist.insert(6, vlist[6]) vvlist.insert(7, vlist[2]) vvlist.insert(8, vlist[3]) vvlist.insert(9, vlist[8]) vvlist.insert(10, vlist[5]) # 循环 def loop(self): self.client.start() while not self.client.isConnected:'waitting……') time.sleep(1) self.sync_kline(self.sym) while True: try: pass except Exception as error: print(error) time.sleep(1) # sync_trades def sync_kline(self, sym): self.client.subscribe_candle(sym, config.mflag) # 日志初始化 def _init_log(self): self._log = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._log.setLevel(level=logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(message)s') # 格式 ''' 保存文档 ''' handler = logging.FileHandler("app.log") handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) handler.setFormatter(formatter) self._log.addHandler(handler) ''' 控制台显示 ''' console = logging.StreamHandler() console.setLevel(logging.INFO) console.setFormatter(formatter) self._log.addHandler(console)