예제 #1
파일: models.py 프로젝트: tboosters/tutoria
 def retrieveTransactions(user_id, days):
     # Retrieve wallet object for specific user
     if not Admin.getByUserID(user_id):
         wallet = Wallet.getByUserID(user_id)
         wallet = Wallet.getByUserID(-1)
     # Retrieve time now
     now = datetime.now()
     # Retrieve the transactions
     transactions = Transaction.objects.filter(wallet = wallet, \
               time__lte = now, \
               time__gte = now-dt.timedelta(days=days))
     return transactions
예제 #2
파일: views.py 프로젝트: tboosters/tutoria
def tutorTransferMoney(request):
    # Initialize message variables
    errno = -1
    msg = ''
    data = {}
    # Retrieving tutor information
        # Try retrieving the amount to be added to the wallet
            request_json = json.loads(request.body)
            amount = request_json['amount']
            raise Exception(1, 'Bad request')

        if not request.user.is_authenticated():
            # Raise bad request response by user not logged in
            raise Exception(2, 'User not logged in')

        # Try retrieving tutor user from logged in user
        tutor = Tutor.getByUsername(request.user.username)
        if tutor == None:
            # Raise bad request response by unknown user type
            raise Exception(3, 'Not a tutor')

        # Check if the wallet has enough amount for transfer
        old_balance = Wallet.getByUserID(tutor.user_profile.user.id).wallet_balance
        if old_balance - amount < 0:
            raise Exception(4, 'Not enough balance')
        # Increment the amount
        new_balance = Wallet.decrementBalance(tutor.user_profile.user.id, amount)
        # Create Transaction record for value transferred
        Transaction.createTransaction(tutor.user_profile.user.id, \
                                        -amount, \
                                        'Value transferred by tutor ' +\
                                        str(tutor) + "("+tutor.username+")")

        # Filling response body
        errno = 0
        msg = "Request succeeded"
        data = {
            "new_balance": new_balance
    except Exception as e:
        # Catch error responses raised
            errno, msg = e.args
            raise e

    # Generate response message
    message = {
        "errno": errno,
        "msg": msg,
        "data": data 
    return JsonResponse(message)
예제 #3
파일: models.py 프로젝트: tboosters/tutoria
    def createTransaction(user_id, amount, detail):
        # Retrieve wallet object for specific user
        wallet = Wallet.getByUserID(user_id)

        new_transaction = Transaction(amount = amount, \
               time = datetime.now(), \
               detail = detail, \
               wallet =wallet)
        return new_transaction
예제 #4
파일: views.py 프로젝트: tboosters/tutoria
def getBalance(request):
    # Initialize message variables
    errno = -1
    msg = ''
    data = {}
    # Retrieving tutor information
        if not request.user.is_authenticated():
            # Raise bad request response by user not logged in
            raise Exception(2, 'User not logged in')

        # Retrieve wallet from logged in user
        if not Admin.getByUsername(request.user.username):
            wallet = Wallet.getByUserID(request.user.id)
            wallet = Wallet.getByUserID(-1)
        if wallet == None:
            # Raise bad request response by wallet not found
            raise Exception(3, 'Wallet not found')

        balance = wallet.wallet_balance

        # Filling response body
        errno = 0
        msg = "Request succeeded"
        data = {
            "balance": balance
    except Exception as e:
        # Catch error responses raised
            errno, msg = e.args
            raise e

    # Generate response message
    message = {
        "errno": errno,
        "msg": msg,
        "data": data 
    return JsonResponse(message)