예제 #1
def classifyTranscript(classURL, transcript):	
  # Runs classification against a transcript
  # The classifier url must be passed in, as it contains the classifier id.
  classifiedData = {}
  classifiedData["message"] = transcript
  theData = {}
  wdc = WDCService('LC')
  nlcService = wdc.nlcService()
  if nlcService is not None:
    nlcResult = nlcService.getNLClassification({"text":transcript,}, classURL)
    if "error" in nlcResult:
      theData = {"error": nlcResult["error"]} 
      if "top_class" in nlcResult:
        classifiedData["top_class"] = nlcResult["top_class"]
        if "classes" in nlcResult:
          classes = nlcResult["classes"]
          for c in classes:
            if classifiedData["top_class"] == c["class_name"]:
              classifiedData["confidence"] = c["confidence"]
    theData = {"error": "Natural Language Classifier service not found"} 	
  if "error" not in theData:
    theData = {"classification" : classifiedData}	
  return theData	
예제 #2
def nlcnewx(request):
  # This is a call that is not done through REST. 
  # The request is for a new classifier. The file is sent through a form 
  # The return is a redirect back to the classifier list, which forces it to refresh.
  wdc = WDCService('LC')
  service_creds = wdc.getCreds()   

  if request.POST:  
    form = UploadClassifierForm(request.FILES)	
    if request.FILES and 'classInputFile' in request.FILES:
      f = request.FILES['classInputFile']	  
      module_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)  
      file_path = os.path.join(module_dir, '../static/', 'xx.json')		  
      with open(file_path, 'wb+') as destination:
        for chunk in f.chunks():

      with open(file_path) as fj:
        data = json.loads(fj.read())

      wdc = WDCService('LC')
      service_creds = wdc.getCreds() 
      nlcService = wdc.nlcService()
      if nlcService is not None:
        nlcResults = nlcService.createClassifier(data)
        if nlcResults and 'error' in nlcResults:
            service_creds['error'] = nlcResults['description']		
            return render(request, 'Watson/lcindex.html', service_creds)
  return redirect('watson:nlclassifier')  
예제 #3
def classifyTweets(classURL, twitTimeLine):
  # This is an internal helper method that runs a classification on each tweet.
  tweetDataArray = []
  theData = {}
  wdc = WDCService('LC')
  nlcService = wdc.nlcService()
  if nlcService is not None:
    tweets = twitTimeLine["tweets"]
    for t in tweets:
      tweetData = {}	
      tweetData["message"] = t
      nlcResult = nlcService.getNLClassification({"text":t,}, classURL)
      if "error" in nlcResult:
        theData = {"error": nlcResult["error"]} 
      if "top_class" in nlcResult:
        tweetData["top_class"] = nlcResult["top_class"]
        if "classes" in nlcResult:
          classes = nlcResult["classes"]
          for c in classes:
            if tweetData["top_class"] == c["class_name"]:
              tweetData["confidence"] = c["confidence"]
    theData = {"error": "Natural Language Classifier service not found"} 	
  if "error" not in theData:
    theData = {"classification" : tweetDataArray}	
  return theData	
예제 #4
def lcindex(request):   
  # These are the views for the Natural Language Classifier portion of the application. 
  # It makes use of both the NLC and a Twitter service, and all calls to the services
  # are done from the client via AJAX calls to REST APIs  
  wdc = WDCService('LC')
  service_creds = wdc.getCreds()  
  nlcService = wdc.nlcService() 
  return render(request, 'Watson/lcindex.html', service_creds)
예제 #5
def lclist(request):  
  # This is a request for a list of the classifiers available. We expect no input
  # so all the classifiers found are returned.
  results = {}
  theData = {"error":"No Response as list request has failed"} 
  wdc = WDCService('LC')
  nlcService = wdc.nlcService()
  if nlcService is not None:
    nlcResults = nlcService.listClassifiers()  
    theData = {"classifiers": nlcResults} 		
  results["results"] = theData	
  return HttpResponse(json.dumps(results), content_type="application/json")   
예제 #6
def nlcnew(request):
  # This is a call that is not done through REST. Though it should also change to REST.
  # This is the original new classifier request, but has been superseded by nlcnewx method.
  # Will be removed in a future iteration, but is here for reference.
  # The request is for a new classifier. Currently the file chosen is hardcoded and sits in the 
  # static directory. This should be modified to allow a file from the client to be submitted.
  # The return is a redirect back to the classifier list, which forces it to refresh.
  wdc = WDCService('LC')
  data = ""
  module_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)  
  file_path = os.path.join(module_dir, '../static/', 'nlcsample.json')	

  with open(file_path) as f:
    data = json.loads(f.read())

  nlcService = wdc.nlcService()
  if nlcService is not None:
    nlcResults = nlcService.createClassifier(data)  

  return redirect('watson:nlclassifier')
예제 #7
def drop(request):
  # Has we are only allowed 2 classifiers, we added in an option of dropping them to free up
  # resources and to allow us to modify the training.
  # In the input we are expecting a link to the classifier, which will be used to drop it.
  results = {}
  theData = {"error":"No Response as drop request has failed"} 

  if request.POST and "data" in request.POST:
    d = request.POST["data"]
    theRequestData = json.loads(d)
    if theRequestData:
      if "url" in theRequestData:     
        wdc = WDCService('LC')
        nlcService = wdc.nlcService()
        if nlcService is not None:
          classURL = theRequestData["url"]
          nlcResult = nlcService.dropClassifier(classURL)		  
          if "error" in nlcResult:
            theData = {"error": nlcResult["error"]}  		  
            theData = {"ok": classURL}  		  
  results["results"] = theData	
  return HttpResponse(json.dumps(results), content_type="application/json")