예제 #1
    def initialize_for_fourier(self, grid):
        # NOTE: This code is only temporary until we get the
        #       more versatile initial value specifications.

        # TODO: Make a specification of the IV setup in configurations
        Psi = []

        for packet_descr in self._parameters["initvals"]:
            packet = BlockFactory().create_wavepacket(packet_descr)

            # Evaluate the
            X = grid.get_nodes(flat=True)
            values = packet.evaluate_at(X, prefactor=True)

            # Reshape values into hypercubic shape
            values = [val.reshape(grid.get_number_nodes()) for val in values]

        # TODO: Maybe sum up immediately instead of at the end to reduce memory usage
        Psi = reduce(add, Psi)

        # Pack the values in a WaveFunction instance
        WF = WaveFunction(self._parameters)

        return WF
예제 #2
    def initialize_for_fourier(self, grid):
        # NOTE: This code is only temporary until we get the
        #       more versatile initial value specifications.

        # TODO: Make a specification of the IV setup in configurations
        Psi = []

        for packet_descr in self._parameters["initvals"]:
            packet = BlockFactory().create_wavepacket(packet_descr)

            # Evaluate the
            X = grid.get_nodes(flat=True)
            values = packet.evaluate_at(X, prefactor=True)

            # Reshape values into hypercubic shape
            values = [val.reshape(grid.get_number_nodes()) for val in values]

        # TODO: Maybe sum up immediately instead of at the end to reduce memory usage
        Psi = reduce(add, Psi)

        # Pack the values in a WaveFunction instance
        WF = WaveFunction(self._parameters)

        return WF