예제 #1
 def FindBestMove(self, hand, board):
     #Return word, anchor, anchorindex, direction
     #Get words for each anchor, find best word, compare best words sequentially
     anchors = board.GetAnchors()
     bestWord = Word()
     for anchor in anchors:
         # get list of possible words for each anchor
         # match words to hand
         words = self.MatchWords(hand, anchor, board)
         # check for case no legal move is found
         if words is not None :
             # set scores for words, find best word
             for word in words.keys():
                 word.SetScore(self.heuristic.ScoreWord(word, hand))
                 if word.GetScore() > bestWord.GetScore() :
                     bestWord = word
                     bestAnchor = anchor
                     bestIndex = words[word][0]
                     bestDirection = words[word][1]
     # check for case no legal move is found
     if bestWord.GetScore() is min:
         raise Exception("BRI: No valid word options found!")
     return bestWord, bestAnchor, bestIndex, bestDirection
예제 #2
    def test_Constructor_CallWithDefaultParameters_WordSetCorrectly(self):

        # Arrange
        expectedTiles = None
        expectedString = ''
        expectedScore = 0
        expectedPrime = 1

        # Act
        testWord = Word()
        actualTiles = testWord.GetTiles()
        actualString = testWord.GetString()
        actualScore = testWord.GetScore()
        actualPrime = testWord.GetPrime()

        # Assert
        self.assertEqual(expectedTiles, actualTiles)
        self.assertEqual(expectedString, actualString)
        self.assertEqual(expectedScore, actualScore)
        self.assertEqual(expectedPrime, actualPrime)
예제 #3
    def test_Constructor_CallWithTiles_WordSetCorrectly(self):

        # Arrange
        c = Tile('C', 3, 0.04049934678472928, 29)
        a = Tile('A', 1, 0.07633656680151722, 7)
        t = Tile('T', 1, 0.06566549066880407, 17)
        expectedTiles = [c, a, t]
        expectedString = 'CAT'
        expectedScore = 5
        expectedPrime = 29 * 7 * 17

        # Act
        testWord = Word(expectedTiles)
        actualTiles = testWord.GetTiles()
        actualString = testWord.GetString()
        actualScore = testWord.GetScore()
        actualPrime = testWord.GetPrime()

        # Assert
        self.assertEqual(expectedTiles, actualTiles)
        self.assertEqual(expectedString, actualString)
        self.assertEqual(expectedScore, actualScore)
        self.assertEqual(expectedPrime, actualPrime)