def milestone2(self): """ tests Milestone 2 """ world = World(79, 29, 6, 12, 7, 25) world_controller = WorldController(world) command_interpreter = CommandInterpreter(world_controller) command_interpreter.spawn(20, "Corn", world_controller) print("initial World with 20 Corn objects") world_controller.printWorld() print("cumputing 30 lifecycles") print("new world after 30 lifecycles") cycle_rounds = 30 for i in range(0, cycle_rounds): world_controller.computeLifeCycle() world_controller.printWorld()
"""Starts the Simulation. Creates a World-, WorldController- and CommandInterpreter Object. Gets User\ input and calls CommandInterpreter.unteroret_command() with it. """ from CommandInterpreter import CommandInterpreter from World import World from WorldController import WorldController from copy import copy from random import random from Corn import Corn # main world = World(79, 29, 6, 12, 7, 25) world_controller = WorldController(world) command_interpreter = CommandInterpreter(world_controller) runProgram = True world_controller.printWorld() while(runProgram): input_string = input("Enter command <h> for help, <Return> for next cycle)\ >>") runProgram = command_interpreter.interpret_command(input_string)
def milestone1(self): """ tests Milestone 1 """ world = World(20, 10, 6, 12, 7, 25) world_controller = WorldController(world) thing1 = Thing(15, 0, world_controller) thing2 = Thing(15, 9, world_controller) world_controller.addThingAtPos(15, 0, thing1) world_controller.addThingAtPos(15, 9, thing2) print(world_controller.getThingAtPos(15, 0).symbol) world_controller.getNorthAt(15, 0) world_controller.deleteThingAtPos(15, 9) world_controller.getNorthAt(15, 0) world_controller.printWorld()