예제 #1
def html_from_mmm(mmm_attrs, add_header_func=None):
    """Returns valid XHTML page from given attributes."""
    def anchor(str):
        return str.replace(' ', '_')
    def header_link(anchor):
        """Returns header permalink string for given anchor."""
        return '<a href="#%s" class="headerlink" ' \
                  'title="Permalink to this headline">&#182;</a>' % anchor
    def parse_section_outline(doc, section, section_name, is_index_page=False):
        doc.push_tag('ul') # <ul>
        doc.push_tag('li') # <li>
        doc.insert_link(section_name, '#' + anchor(section_name))
        doc.push_tag('ul') # <ul>

        for subsection_name in section:
            if subsection_name == 'description': continue

            for subsubsection_name in section[subsection_name]:
                doc.push_tag('li') # <li>
                                subsubsection_name + '.html' if is_index_page
                                else '#' + anchor(subsubsection_name))
                doc.pop_tag() # </li>

        doc.pop_tag() # </ul>
        doc.pop_tag() # </li>
        doc.pop_tag() # </ul>
    def parse_section_contents(doc, module_name, section, section_name,
        # <h2 id="section_name"> ... </h2>
        section_id = anchor(section_name)
        doc.insert_tag('h2', [('id', section_id)],
                       text=section_name.title() + header_link(section_id))

        doc.push_tag('dl', [('class', 'section')]) # <dl>

        if section.has_key('description'):
            doc.push_tag('dd') # <dd>
            doc.pop_tag() # </dd>

        if is_index_page and section.has_key('modules'):
            parse_module_list(doc, section['modules'])

        if section.has_key('functions'):
            parse_functions_contents(doc, module_name, section['functions'])
        if section.has_key('constants'):
            parse_constants_contents(doc, module_name, section['constants'])

        doc.pop_tag() # </dl>
    def parse_functions_contents(doc, module_name, functions):
        def html_for_function(module_name, function, arguments):
            """Returns string of HTML for given function and attributes."""
            args = ", ".join(['<span class="funcarg">%s</span>' % arg
                             for arg in arguments])
            class_tag = '<tt class="class-name">%s.</tt>' % module_name \
                        if module_name else ''
            return class_tag + \
                   '<tt class="name">%s</tt><big>(</big>%s<big>)</big>%s' \
                   % (function, args, header_link(anchor(function)))
        def parse_exceptions(doc, exceptions):
            doc.insert_tag('div', [('class', 'exceptions-header')],
            doc.push_tag('ul', [('class', 'exceptions')]) # <ul>
            for exception_name in exceptions:
                text = "%s is thrown if %s." % \
                        (('<tt class="var">%s</tt>') % exception_name,
                doc.insert_tag('li', text=text) # <li> ... </li>
            doc.pop_tag() # </ul>

        class_name = module_name
        for function_name in functions:
            function = functions[function_name]

            # <dt> ... </dt>
            class_name = module_name if not function.has_key('class') or \
                                        function['class'] \
                                     else ''
            doc.insert_tag('dt', [('class', 'function'),
                                  ('id', anchor(function_name))],
                                                  function.get('args', [])))
            if function.has_key('description'):
                doc.push_tag('dd') # <dd>

                if function.has_key('exceptions'):
                    parse_exceptions(doc, function['exceptions'])

                doc.pop_tag() # </dd>
    def parse_constants_contents(doc, module_name, constants):
        def html_for_constant(module_name, name):
            class_tag = '<tt class="class-name">%s.</tt>' % module_name \
                        if module_name else ''
            name_id = anchor(name)
            return class_tag + \
                   '<tt class="name">%s</tt>%s' % (name, header_link(name_id))

        for constant_name in constants:
            constant = constants[constant_name]

            # <dt> ... </dt>
            doc.insert_tag('dt', [('class', 'constant'),
                                  ('id', anchor(constant_name))],
                           text=html_for_constant(module_name, constant_name))

            if constant.has_key('description'):
                doc.push_tag('dd', [('class', 'constant')]) # <dd>
                doc.pop_tag() # </dd>

    def parse_module_list(doc, modules):
        def html_for_module(name, link):
            return '<a class="module" id="%s" href="%s">%s module</a>' % \
                    (anchor(name), link, name)

        for module_name in modules:
            # <dt> ... </dt>
            doc.insert_tag('dt', text=html_for_module(module_name,
                                                      module_name + '.html'))

    doctype = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"\n' \
    doc = XMLGen(doctype)
    doc.push_tag('html', [('xmlns', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'),
                          ('xml:lang', 'en')]) # <html>
    doc.push_tag('head') # <head>
    doc.insert_tag('meta', [('http-equiv', 'content-type'),
                           ('content', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')],
                   autoclose=True) # <meta content-type="..." />

    summary = mmm_attrs.get('summary', '')
    if summary:
        doc.insert_tag('meta', [('name', 'description'),
                                ('content', summary)],
                       autoclose=True) # <meta name="description" />

    title = '%s &#8212; %s' % (mmm_attrs['name'], summary)

    doc.insert_tag('title', text=title) # <title> ... </title>

    # Add stylesheet
    doc.insert_tag('link', [('rel', 'stylesheet'),
                            ('href', 'style.css'),
                            ('type', 'text/css'),
                            ('charset', 'utf-8')],
                   autoclose=True) # <link type="text/css" ... />

    doc.pop_tag() # </head>

    doc.push_tag('body') # <body>

    if add_header_func:

    doc.push_tag('div', [('id', 'container')]) # <div id="container">

    doc.push_tag('div', [('id', 'sidebar')]) # <div id="sidebar">
    doc.insert_tag('h3', text='Table of Contents') # <h3> ... </h3>

    doc.push_tag('ul') # <ul>

    # <li><a href="#module-name">module-name</a></li>
    title_anchor = anchor("module-%s" % mmm_attrs['name'])
    doc.push_tag('li') # <li>
    doc.insert_link(title, '#' + title_anchor)

    sections = mmm_attrs.get('sections', {})
    is_index = mmm_attrs['type'] == 'index'
    for section_name in sections:
        parse_section_outline(doc, sections[section_name], section_name,

    doc.pop_tag() # </li>
    doc.pop_tag() # </ul>
    doc.pop_tag() # </div>

    doc.push_tag('div', [('id', 'main')]) # <div id="main">
    doc.insert_tag('h1', [('id', title_anchor)],
                   text=title + header_link(title_anchor)) # <h1> ... </h1>

    if mmm_attrs.has_key('description'):
        doc.push_tag('div', [('class', 'description')])

    module_name = mmm_attrs['name'] if mmm_attrs['type'] == 'module' else ''
    for section_name in sections:
        parse_section_contents(doc, module_name,
                               sections[section_name], section_name,

    doc.pop_tag() # </div>
    doc.pop_tag() # </div>
    doc.pop_tag() # </body>
    doc.pop_tag() # </html>

    document, errors = tidy_document(doc.str)
    return document
예제 #2
def create_mmm_file(name, module):
    Returns string describing an "MMM" psuedo-XML file using a module
    attributes dictionary.
    def insert_function_section(xml, function):
        xml.push_tag('function', [('name', function['name'])])  # <function>
        xml.insert_tag('syntax', text=function['syntax'])

        for tagname in ['description']:
            if function.has_key(tagname):
                xml.insert_tag(tagname, text=function[tagname])

        if function.has_key('exceptions'):
            xml.push_tag('exceptions')  # <exceptions>

            exceptions = function['exceptions']
            for exception_name in exceptions:
                xml.insert_tag('exception', [('name', exception_name)],

            xml.pop_tag()  # </exceptions>

        xml.pop_tag()  # </function>

    xml = XMLGen('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>')
                 [('type', 'class' if 'class' in name else 'module')])  # <mmm>
    xml.insert_tag('name', text=name)  # <name> ... </name>

    for tagname in 'summary', 'description':
        if module.has_key(tagname):
            xml.insert_tag(tagname, text=module[tagname])

    if module.has_key('functions'):
        xml.push_tag('section', [('name', 'Functions')])  # <section>
        for function in module['functions']:
            insert_function_section(xml, function)
        xml.pop_tag()  # </section>

    xml.pop_tag()  # </mmm>
    return xml.str
예제 #3
파일: doc_helper.py 프로젝트: 2014/autopy
def create_mmm_file(name, module):
    Returns string describing an "MMM" psuedo-XML file using a module
    attributes dictionary.
    def insert_function_section(xml, function):
        xml.push_tag('function', [('name', function['name'])]) # <function>
        xml.insert_tag('syntax', text=function['syntax'])

        for tagname in ['description']:
            if function.has_key(tagname):
                xml.insert_tag(tagname, text=function[tagname])

        if function.has_key('exceptions'):
            xml.push_tag('exceptions') # <exceptions>

            exceptions = function['exceptions']
            for exception_name in exceptions:
                xml.insert_tag('exception', [('name', exception_name)],

            xml.pop_tag() # </exceptions>

        xml.pop_tag() # </function>

    xml = XMLGen('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>')
                 [('type', 'class' if 'class' in name else 'module')]) # <mmm>
    xml.insert_tag('name', text=name) # <name> ... </name>

    for tagname in 'summary', 'description':
        if module.has_key(tagname):
            xml.insert_tag(tagname, text=module[tagname])

    if module.has_key('functions'):
        xml.push_tag('section', [('name', 'Functions')]) # <section>
        for function in module['functions']:
            insert_function_section(xml, function)
        xml.pop_tag() # </section>

    xml.pop_tag() # </mmm>
    return xml.str
예제 #4
def html_from_mmm(mmm_attrs, add_header_func=None, add_footer_func=None):
    """Returns valid XHTML page from given attributes."""
    def anchor(str):
        return str.replace(' ', '_')
    def header_link(anchor):
        """Returns header permalink string for given anchor."""
        return '<a href="#%s" class="headerlink" ' \
                  'title="Permalink to this headline">&#182;</a>' % anchor
    def parse_section_outline(doc, section, section_name, is_index_page=False):
        doc.push_tag('ul') # <ul>
        doc.push_tag('li') # <li>
        doc.insert_link(section_name, '#' + anchor(section_name))
        doc.push_tag('ul') # <ul>

        for subsection_name in section:
            if subsection_name == 'description': continue

            for subsubsection_name in section[subsection_name]:
                doc.push_tag('li') # <li>
                                subsubsection_name + '.html' if is_index_page
                                else '#' + anchor(subsubsection_name))
                doc.pop_tag() # </li>

        doc.pop_tag() # </ul>
        doc.pop_tag() # </li>
        doc.pop_tag() # </ul>
    def parse_section_contents(doc, module_name, section, section_name,
        # <h2 id="section_name"> ... </h2>
        section_id = anchor(section_name)
        doc.insert_tag('h2', [('id', section_id)],
                       text=section_name.title() + header_link(section_id))

        doc.push_tag('dl', [('class', 'section')]) # <dl>

        if section.has_key('description'):
            doc.push_tag('dd') # <dd>
            doc.pop_tag() # </dd>

        if is_index_page and section.has_key('modules'):
            parse_module_list(doc, section['modules'])

        if section.has_key('functions'):
            parse_functions_contents(doc, module_name, section['functions'])
        if section.has_key('constants'):
            parse_constants_contents(doc, module_name, section['constants'])

        doc.pop_tag() # </dl>
    def parse_functions_contents(doc, module_name, functions):
        def html_for_function(module_name, function, arguments):
            """Returns string of HTML for given function and attributes."""
            args = ", ".join(['<span class="funcarg">%s</span>' % arg
                             for arg in arguments])
            class_tag = '<tt class="class-name">%s.</tt>' % module_name \
                        if module_name else ''
            return class_tag + \
                   '<tt class="name">%s</tt><big>(</big>%s<big>)</big>%s' \
                   % (function, args, header_link(anchor(function)))
        def parse_exceptions(doc, exceptions):
            doc.insert_tag('div', [('class', 'exceptions-header')],
            doc.push_tag('ul', [('class', 'exceptions')]) # <ul>
            for exception_name in exceptions:
                text = "%s is thrown if %s." % \
                        (('<tt class="var">%s</tt>') % exception_name,
                doc.insert_tag('li', text=text) # <li> ... </li>
            doc.pop_tag() # </ul>

        class_name = module_name
        for function_name in functions:
            function = functions[function_name]

            # <dt> ... </dt>
            class_name = module_name if not function.has_key('class') or \
                                        function['class'] \
                                     else ''
            doc.insert_tag('dt', [('class', 'function'),
                                  ('id', anchor(function_name))],
                                                  function.get('args', [])))
            if function.has_key('description'):
                doc.push_tag('dd') # <dd>

                if function.has_key('exceptions'):
                    parse_exceptions(doc, function['exceptions'])

                doc.pop_tag() # </dd>
    def parse_constants_contents(doc, module_name, constants):
        def html_for_constant(module_name, name):
            class_tag = '<tt class="class-name">%s.</tt>' % module_name \
                        if module_name else ''
            name_id = anchor(name)
            return class_tag + \
                   '<tt class="name">%s</tt>%s' % (name, header_link(name_id))

        for constant_name in constants:
            constant = constants[constant_name]

            # <dt> ... </dt>
            doc.insert_tag('dt', [('class', 'constant'),
                                  ('id', anchor(constant_name))],
                           text=html_for_constant(module_name, constant_name))

            if constant.has_key('description'):
                doc.push_tag('dd', [('class', 'constant')]) # <dd>
                doc.pop_tag() # </dd>

    def parse_module_list(doc, modules):
        def html_for_module(name, link):
            return '<a class="module" id="%s" href="%s">%s module</a>' % \
                    (anchor(name), link, name)

        for module_name in modules:
            # <dt> ... </dt>
            doc.insert_tag('dt', text=html_for_module(module_name,
                                                      module_name + '.html'))

    doctype = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"\n' \
    doc = XMLGen(doctype)
    doc.push_tag('html', [('xmlns', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'),
                          ('xml:lang', 'en')]) # <html>
    doc.push_tag('head') # <head>
    doc.insert_tag('meta', [('http-equiv', 'content-type'),
                           ('content', 'text/html; charsetutf-8')],
                   autoclose=True) # <meta content-type="..." />

    summary = mmm_attrs.get('summary', '')
    if summary:
        doc.insert_tag('meta', [('name', 'description'),
                                ('content', summary)],
                       autoclose=True) # <meta name="description" />

    title = '%s &#8212; %s' % (mmm_attrs['name'], summary)

    doc.insert_tag('title', text=title) # <title> ... </title>

    # Add stylesheet
    doc.insert_tag('link', [('rel', 'stylesheet'),
                            ('href', 'style.css'),
                            ('type', 'text/css'),
                            ('charset', 'utf-8')],
                   autoclose=True) # <link type="text/css" ... />

    doc.pop_tag() # </head>

    doc.push_tag('body') # <body>

    if add_header_func:

    doc.push_tag('div', [('id', 'container')]) # <div id="container">

    doc.push_tag('div', [('id', 'sidebar')]) # <div id="sidebar">
    doc.insert_tag('h3', text='Table of Contents') # <h3> ... </h3>

    doc.push_tag('ul') # <ul>

    # <li><a href="#module-name">module-name</a></li>
    title_anchor = anchor("module-%s" % mmm_attrs['name'])
    doc.push_tag('li') # <li>
    doc.insert_link(title, '#' + title_anchor)

    sections = mmm_attrs.get('sections', {})
    is_index = mmm_attrs['type'] == 'index'
    for section_name in sections:
        parse_section_outline(doc, sections[section_name], section_name,

    doc.pop_tag() # </li>
    doc.pop_tag() # </ul>
    doc.pop_tag() # </div>

    doc.push_tag('div', [('id', 'main')]) # <div id="main">
    doc.insert_tag('h1', [('id', title_anchor)],
                   text=title + header_link(title_anchor)) # <h1> ... </h1>

    if mmm_attrs.has_key('description'):
        doc.push_tag('div', [('class', 'description')])

    module_name = mmm_attrs['name'] if mmm_attrs['type'] == 'module' else ''
    for section_name in sections:
        parse_section_contents(doc, module_name,
                               sections[section_name], section_name,

    doc.pop_tag() # </div>
    doc.pop_tag() # </div>

    if add_footer_func:

    doc.pop_tag() # </body>
    doc.pop_tag() # </html>

    document, errors = tidy_document(doc.str, {'char-encoding': 'utf8'})
    return document