예제 #1
def test_write(tmppath):
    """Test write()."""
    # With a new file.
    xfile = XRootDFile(mkurl(join(tmppath, 'data/nuts')), 'w+')
    assert xfile.size == 0
    conts = xfile.read()
    assert not conts

    nconts = 'Write.'
    assert xfile.tell() == len(nconts)
    assert not xfile.closed
    assert xfile.size == len(nconts)
    assert xfile.read() == nconts

    # Verify persistence after closing.
    xfile = XRootDFile(mkurl(join(tmppath, 'data/nuts')), 'r+')
    assert xfile.size == len(nconts)
    assert xfile.read() == nconts

    # Seek(x>0) followed by a write
    nc2 = 'hello'
    cntr = len(nconts)//2
    assert xfile.tell() == len(nc2) + cntr
    assert xfile.read() == nconts[:cntr] + nc2

    # Seek(x>0) followed by a write of len < size-x
    fd = get_tsta_file(tmppath)
    fp, fc = fd['full_path'], fd['contents']
    xfile = XRootDFile(mkurl(fp), 'r+')
    assert xfile.read() == fc
    nc = 'yo'
    assert xfile.tell() == len(nc) + 2
    assert xfile.read() == fc[2+len(nc):]

    # run w/ flushing == true
    xfile.write('', True)

    # Mock an error, yayy!
    fake_status = {
        "status": 3,
        "code": 0,
        "ok": False,
        "errno": errno.EREMOTE,
        "error": True,
        "message": '[FATAL] Remote I/O Error',
        "fatal": True,
        "shellcode": 51
    xfile._file.write = Mock(return_value=(XRootDStatus(fake_status), None))
    pytest.raises(IOError, xfile.write, '')
예제 #2
파일: file.py 프로젝트: gganis/xrootd
    def read(self, offset=0, size=0, timeout=0, callback=None):
        """Read a data chunk from a given offset.

    :param offset: offset from the beginning of the file
    :type  offset: integer
    :param   size: number of bytes to be read
    :type    size: integer
    :returns:      tuple containing :mod:`XRootD.client.responses.XRootDStatus`
                   object and the data that was read
        if callback:
            callback = CallbackWrapper(callback, None)
            return XRootDStatus(
                self.__file.read(offset, size, timeout, callback))

        status, response = self.__file.read(offset, size, timeout)
        return XRootDStatus(status), response
예제 #3
    def deeplocate(self, path, flags, timeout=0, callback=None):
        """Locate a file, recursively locate all disk servers.

    :param  path: path to the file to be located
    :type   path: string
    :param flags: An `ORed` combination of :mod:`XRootD.client.flags.OpenFlags`
    :returns:     tuple containing :mod:`XRootD.client.responses.XRootDStatus`
                  object and :mod:`XRootD.client.responses.LocationInfo` object
        if callback:
            callback = CallbackWrapper(callback, LocationInfo)
            return XRootDStatus(
                self.__fs.deeplocate(path, flags, timeout, callback))

        status, response = self.__fs.deeplocate(path, flags, timeout)
        if response: response = LocationInfo(response)
        return XRootDStatus(status), response
예제 #4
    def truncate(self, path, size, timeout=0, callback=None):
        """Truncate a file.

    :param path: path to the file to be truncated
    :type  path: string
    :param size: file size
    :type  size: integer
    :returns:    tuple containing :mod:`XRootD.client.responses.XRootDStatus`
                 object and None
        if callback:
            callback = CallbackWrapper(callback, None)
            return XRootDStatus(
                self.__fs.truncate(path, size, timeout, callback))

        status, response = self.__fs.truncate(path, size, timeout)
        return XRootDStatus(status), None
예제 #5
파일: file.py 프로젝트: vokac/xrootd
  def write(self, buffer, offset=0, size=0, timeout=0, callback=None):
    """Write a data chunk at a given offset.

    :param buffer: data to be written
    :param offset: offset from the beginning of the file
    :type  offset: integer
    :param   size: number of bytes to be written
    :type    size: integer
    :returns:      tuple containing :mod:`XRootD.client.responses.XRootDStatus`
                   object and None
    if callback:
      callback = CallbackWrapper(callback, None)
      return XRootDStatus(self.__file.write(buffer, offset, size, timeout, callback))

    status, response = self.__file.write(buffer, offset, size, timeout)
    return XRootDStatus(status), None
예제 #6
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: gganis/xrootd
 def __call__(self, status, response, *argv):
     self.status = XRootDStatus(status)
     self.response = response
     if self.responsetype:
         self.response = self.responsetype(response)
     if argv:
         self.hostlist = HostList(argv[0])
         self.hostlist = HostList([])
     self.callback(self.status, self.response, self.hostlist)
예제 #7
    def prepare(self, files, flags, priority=0, timeout=0, callback=None):
        """Prepare one or more files for access.

    :param    files: list of files to be prepared
    :type     files: list
    :param    flags: An `ORed` combination of
    :param priority: priority of the request 0 (lowest) - 3 (highest)
    :type  priority: integer
    :returns:        tuple containing :mod:`XRootD.client.responses.XRootDStatus`
                     object and None
        if callback:
            callback = CallbackWrapper(callback, None)
            return XRootDStatus(
                self.__fs.prepare(files, flags, priority, timeout, callback))

        status, response = self.__fs.prepare(files, flags, priority, timeout)
        return XRootDStatus(status), response
예제 #8
파일: file.py 프로젝트: vokac/xrootd
  def open(self, url, flags=0, mode=0, timeout=0, callback=None):
    """Open the file pointed to by the given URL.

    :param   url: url of the file to be opened
    :type    url: string
    :param flags: An `ORed` combination of :mod:`XRootD.client.flags.OpenFlags`
                  where the default is `OpenFlags.NONE`
    :param  mode: access mode for new files, an `ORed` combination of
                 :mod:`XRootD.client.flags.AccessMode` where the default is
    :returns:    tuple containing :mod:`XRootD.client.responses.XRootDStatus`
                 object and None
    if callback:
      callback = CallbackWrapper(callback, None)
      return XRootDStatus(self.__file.open(url, flags, mode, timeout, callback))

    status, response = self.__file.open(url, flags, mode, timeout)
    return XRootDStatus(status), None
예제 #9
파일: file.py 프로젝트: vokac/xrootd
  def vector_read(self, chunks, timeout=0, callback=None):
    """Read scattered data chunks in one operation.

    :param chunks: list of the chunks to be read. The default maximum
                   chunk size is 2097136 bytes and the default maximum
                   number of chunks per request is 1024. The server may
                   be queried using :func:`XRootD.client.FileSystem.query`
                   for the actual settings.
    :type  chunks: list of 2-tuples of the form (offset, size)
    :returns:      tuple containing :mod:`XRootD.client.responses.XRootDStatus`
                   object and :mod:`XRootD.client.responses.VectorReadInfo`
    if callback:
      callback = CallbackWrapper(callback, VectorReadInfo)
      return XRootDStatus(self.__file.vector_read(chunks, timeout, callback))

    status, response = self.__file.vector_read(chunks, timeout)
    if response: response = VectorReadInfo(response)
    return XRootDStatus(status), response
예제 #10
  def query(self, querycode, arg, timeout=0, callback=None):
    """Obtain server information.

    :param querycode: the query code as specified in
    :param       arg: query argument
    :type        arg: string
    :returns:         the query response or None if there was an error
    :rtype:           string

    .. note::
      For more information about XRootD query codes and arguments, see
      `the relevant section in the protocol reference
    if callback:
      callback = CallbackWrapper(callback, None)
      return XRootDStatus(self.__fs.query(querycode, arg, timeout, callback))

    status, response = self.__fs.query(querycode, arg, timeout)
    return XRootDStatus(status), response
예제 #11
def test_checksum(tmppath):
    """Test checksum method."""
    fs = XRootDPyFS(mkurl(tmppath))

    # Local xrootd server does not support checksum operation
    pytest.raises(UnsupportedError, fs.xrd_checksum, "data/testa.txt")

    # Let's fake a success response
    fake_status = {
        "status": 0,
        "code": 0,
        "ok": True,
        "errno": 0,
        "error": False,
        "message": '[SUCCESS] ',
        "fatal": False,
        "shellcode": 0
    fs.xrd_client.query = Mock(
        return_value=(XRootDStatus(fake_status), b'adler32 3836a69a\x00'))
    algo, val = fs.xrd_checksum("data/testa.txt")
    assert algo == 'adler32' and val == "3836a69a"

    # Fake a bad response (e.g. on directory)
    fake_status = {
        "status": 1,
        "code": 400,
        "ok": False,
        "errno": 3011,
        "error": True,
        "message": '[ERROR] Server responded with an error: [3011] no such '
                   'file or directory\n',
        "fatal": False,
        "shellcode": 54
    fs.xrd_client.query = Mock(
        return_value=(XRootDStatus(fake_status), None))
    pytest.raises(FSError, fs.xrd_checksum, "data/")
예제 #12
파일: file.py 프로젝트: gganis/xrootd
    def close(self, timeout=0, callback=None):
        """Close the file.

    :returns: tuple containing :mod:`XRootD.client.responses.XRootDStatus`
              object and None

    As of Python 2.5, you can avoid having to call this method explicitly if you
    use the :keyword:`with` statement.  For example, the following code will
    automatically close *f* when the :keyword:`with` block is exited::

      from __future__ import with_statement # This isn't required in Python 2.6

      with client.File() as f:
        for line in f:
          print line,
        if callback:
            callback = CallbackWrapper(callback, None)
            return XRootDStatus(self.__file.close(timeout, callback))

        status, response = self.__file.close(timeout)
        return XRootDStatus(status), None
예제 #13
  def mkdir(self, path, flags=0, mode=0, timeout=0, callback=None):
    """Create a directory.

    :param  path: path to the directory to create
    :type   path: string
    :param flags: An `ORed` combination of :mod:`XRootD.client.flags.MkDirFlags`
                  where the default is `MkDirFlags.NONE`
    :param  mode: the initial file access mode, an `ORed` combination of
                  :mod:`XRootD.client.flags.AccessMode` where the default is
    :returns:     tuple containing :mod:`XRootD.client.responses.XRootDStatus`
                  object and None
    if mode == 0:
      mode = AccessMode.UR | AccessMode.UW | AccessMode.UX | \
             AccessMode.GR | AccessMode.GX

    if callback:
      callback = CallbackWrapper(callback, None)
      return XRootDStatus(self.__fs.mkdir(path, flags, mode, timeout, callback))

    status, response = self.__fs.mkdir(path, flags, mode, timeout)
    return XRootDStatus(status), None
예제 #14
  def dirlist(self, path, flags=0, timeout=0, callback=None):
    """List entries of a directory.

    :param  path: path to the directory to list
    :type   path: string
    :param flags: An `ORed` combination of :mod:`XRootD.client.flags.DirListFlags`
                  where the default is `DirListFlags.NONE`
    :returns:     tuple containing :mod:`XRootD.client.responses.XRootDStatus`
                  object and :mod:`XRootD.client.responses.DirectoryList` object

    .. warning:: Currently, passing `DirListFlags.STAT` with an asynchronous
                 call to :mod:`XRootD.client.FileSystem.dirlist()` does not
                 work, due to an xrootd client limitation. So you'll get
                 ``None`` instead of the ``StatInfo`` instance. See
                 `the GitHub issue <https://github.com/xrootd/xrootd/issues/2>`_
                 for more details.
    if callback:
      callback = CallbackWrapper(callback, DirectoryList)
      return XRootDStatus(self.__fs.dirlist(path, flags, timeout, callback))

    status, response = self.__fs.dirlist(path, flags, timeout)
    if response: response = DirectoryList(response)
    return XRootDStatus(status), response
예제 #15
def test_query_error(tmppath):
    """Test unknown error from query."""
    fs = XRootDPyFS(mkurl(tmppath))
    fake_status = {
        "status": 3,
        "code": 101,
        "ok": False,
        "errno": 0,
        "error": True,
        "message": '[FATAL] Invalid address',
        "fatal": True,
        "shellcode": 51
    fs.xrd_client.query = Mock(return_value=(XRootDStatus(fake_status), None))
    pytest.raises(FSError, fs._query, 3, "data/testa.txt")
예제 #16
def test_remove_dir_mock1(tmppath):
    """Test removedir."""
    fs = XRootDPyFS(mkurl(tmppath))

    status = XRootDStatus({
        "status": 3,
        "code": 101,
        "ok": False,
        "errno": 0,
        "error": True,
        "message": '[FATAL] Invalid address',
        "fatal": True,
        "shellcode": 51
    fs.xrd_client.rm = Mock(return_value=(status, None))
    pytest.raises(ResourceError, fs.removedir, "data/bfolder/", force=True)
예제 #17
def test_ping(tmppath):
    """Test ping method."""
    fs = XRootDPyFS(mkurl(tmppath))
    assert fs.xrd_ping()
    fake_status = {
        "status": 3,
        "code": 101,
        "ok": False,
        "errno": 0,
        "error": True,
        "message": '[FATAL] Invalid address',
        "fatal": True,
        "shellcode": 51
    fs.xrd_client.ping = Mock(return_value=(XRootDStatus(fake_status), None))
    pytest.raises(RemoteConnectionError, fs.xrd_ping)
예제 #18
def test_close_error(tmppath):
    """Test error on close()."""
    xfile = XRootDPyFile(mkurl(get_tsta_file(tmppath)['full_path']))
    # Mock error response on close.
    fake_status = {
        "status": 1,
        "code": 3,
        "ok": False,
        "errno": 0,
        "error": True,
        "message": '[ERROR] Invalid operation',
        "fatal": False,
        "shellcode": 50
    xfile._file.close = Mock(return_value=(XRootDStatus(fake_status), None))
    # Ensure error is raised.
    pytest.raises(IOError, xfile.close)
예제 #19
def test_size_len(tmppath):
    """Tests for the size and len property."""
    fd = get_tsta_file(tmppath)
    full_path, fc = fd['full_path'], fd['contents']
    xfile = XRootDPyFile(mkurl(full_path))

    assert xfile.size == len(fc)
    assert len(xfile) == len(fc)

    # Length of empty file
    xfile = XRootDPyFile(mkurl(join(tmppath, fd['dir'], 'whut')), 'w+')
    assert xfile.size == len('')
    assert len(xfile) == len('')

    # Length of multiline file
    fd = get_mltl_file(tmppath)
    fpp, fc = fd['full_path'], fd['contents']
    xfile = XRootDPyFile(mkurl(fpp))
    assert xfile.size == len(fc)
    assert len(xfile) == len(fc)

    # Mock the error
    fake_status = {
        "status": 3,
        "code": 0,
        "ok": False,
        "errno": errno.EREMOTE,
        "error": True,
        "message": '[FATAL] Remote I/O Error',
        "fatal": True,
        "shellcode": 51
    xfile = XRootDPyFile(mkurl(full_path))
    xfile._file.stat = Mock(return_value=(XRootDStatus(fake_status), None))
        assert False
    except IOError:
        assert True

        assert False
    except IOError:
        assert True
예제 #20
    def copy(self, source, target, force=False):
        """Copy a file.

    .. note:: This method is less configurable than using
              :mod:`XRootD.client.CopyProcess` - it is designed to be as simple
              as possible by using sensible defaults for the underlying copy
              job. If you need more configurability, or want to make multiple
              copy jobs run at once in parallel, use

    :param source: Source file path
    :type  source: string
    :param target: Destination file path
    :type  target: string
    :param  force: overwrite target if it exists
    :type   force: boolean
    :returns:      tuple containing :mod:`XRootD.client.responses.XRootDStatus`
                   object and None
        result = self.__fs.copy(source=source, target=target, force=force)[0]
        return XRootDStatus(result), None
예제 #21
 def end(self, jobId, results):
     if results.has_key('status'):
         results['status'] = XRootDStatus(results['status'])
     if self.handler:
         self.handler.end(jobId, results)
예제 #22
 def end(self, jobId, results):
     if 'status' in results:
         results['status'] = XRootDStatus(results['status'])
     if self.handler:
         self.handler.end(jobId, results)
예제 #23
 def prepare(self):
     """Prepare the copy jobs. **Must be called before** ``run()``."""
     status = self.__process.prepare()
     return XRootDStatus(status)