예제 #1
    def draw_greytrack(self, track):
        """ draw_greytrack(self) -> ([element, element,...], [element, element,...])

            o track     Track object

            Put in a grey background to the current track in all fragments,
            if track specifies that we should
        greytrack_bgs = []  # Holds grey track backgrounds
        greytrack_labels = []  # Holds grey foreground labels

        if not track.greytrack:  # No greytrack required, return early
            return [], []

        # Get track location
        btm, ctr, top = self.track_offsets[self.current_track_level]

        # Add greytrack to all fragments for this track
        for fragment in range(self.fragments):
            tbtm = btm + self.fragment_lines[fragment][0]
            tctr = ctr + self.fragment_lines[fragment][0]
            ttop = top + self.fragment_lines[fragment][0]
            box = draw_box(
                (self.x0, tbtm),
                (self.xlim, ttop),  # Grey track bg
                colors.Color(0.96, 0.96, 0.96))  # is just a box

            if track.greytrack_labels:  # If labels are required
                labelstep = (
                ) / track.greytrack_labels  # how far apart should they be?
                label = String(
                    track.name,  # label contents
                # Create a new labelgroup at each position the label is required
                for x in range(int(self.x0), int(self.xlim), int(labelstep)):
                    labelgroup = Group(label)
                    rotation = angle2trig(track.greytrack_font_rotation)
                    labelgroup.transform = (rotation[0], rotation[1],
                                            rotation[2], rotation[3], x, tbtm)
                    if not self.xlim - x <= labelstep:  # Don't overlap the end of the track

        return greytrack_bgs, greytrack_labels
예제 #2
    def draw_greytrack(self, track):
        """ draw_greytrack(self) -> ([element, element,...], [element, element,...])

            o track     Track object

            Put in a grey background to the current track in all fragments,
            if track specifies that we should
        greytrack_bgs = []      # Holds grey track backgrounds
        greytrack_labels = []   # Holds grey foreground labels

        if not track.greytrack: # No greytrack required, return early
            return [], []

        # Get track location
        btm, ctr, top = self.track_offsets[self.current_track_level]

        # Add greytrack to all fragments for this track
        for fragment in range(self.fragments):
            tbtm = btm + self.fragment_lines[fragment][0]
            tctr = ctr + self.fragment_lines[fragment][0]
            ttop = top + self.fragment_lines[fragment][0]  
            box = draw_box((self.x0, tbtm), (self.xlim, ttop),  # Grey track bg
                           colors.Color(0.98,0.98, 0.98))       # is just a box

            if track.greytrack_labels:  # If labels are required
                labelstep = (self.pagewidth)/track.greytrack_labels # how far apart should they be?
                label = String(0, 0, track.name,    # label contents
                # Create a new labelgroup at each position the label is required
                for x in range(int(self.x0), int(self.xlim), int(labelstep)):
                    labelgroup = Group(label)
                    rotation = angle2trig(track.greytrack_font_rotation)
                    labelgroup.transform = (rotation[0], rotation[1], rotation[2],
                                            rotation[3], x, tbtm)
                    if not self.xlim-x <= labelstep:    # Don't overlap the end of the track

        return greytrack_bgs, greytrack_labels
예제 #3
    def draw_bar_graph(self, graph):
        """ draw_bar_graph(self, graph) -> [element, element,...]

            o graph     Graph object

            Returns a list of drawable elements for a bar graph of the passed
            Graph object
        #print '\tdraw_bar_graph'
        # At each point contained in the graph data, we draw a vertical bar
        # from the track center to the height of the datapoint value (positive
        # values go up in one color, negative go down in the alternative
        # color).
        bar_elements = []   # Holds drawable elements for the graph
        # Set the number of pixels per unit for the data
        data_quartiles = graph.quartiles()
        minval, maxval = data_quartiles[0],data_quartiles[4]
        btm, ctr, top = self.track_offsets[self.current_track_level]
        trackheight = 0.5*(top-btm)
        datarange = maxval - minval
        if datarange == 0:
            datarange = trackheight
        data = graph[self.start:self.end]
        # midval is the value at which the x-axis is plotted, and is the
        # central ring in the track
        if graph.center is None:
            midval = (maxval + minval)/2.    
            midval = graph.center

        # Convert data into 'binned' blocks, covering half the distance to the
        # next data point on either side, accounting for the ends of fragments
        # and tracks
        newdata = intermediate_points(self.start, self.end,

        # Whichever is the greatest difference: max-midval or min-midval, is
        # taken to specify the number of pixel units resolved along the
        # y-axis
        resolution = max((midval-minval), (maxval-midval))
        if resolution == 0:
            resolution = trackheight
        # Create elements for the bar graph based on newdata
        for pos0, pos1, val in newdata:
            fragment0, x0 = self.canvas_location(pos0)
            fragment1, x1 = self.canvas_location(pos1)
            x0, x1 = self.x0 + x0, self.x0 + x1     # account for margin
            barval = trackheight*(val-midval)/resolution
            if barval >=0:  # Different colors for bars that extend above...
                barcolor = graph.poscolor
            else:           # ...or below the axis
                barcolor = graph.negcolor

            # Draw bar
            if fragment0 == fragment1:  # Box is contiguous
                if pos1 >= self.fragment_limits[fragment0][1]:
                    x1 = self.xlim
                tctr = ctr + self.fragment_lines[fragment0][0]
                barval += tctr                
                bar_elements.append(draw_box((x0, tctr), (x1, barval),
            else:   # Box is split over two or more fragments                       
                fragment = fragment0
                #if pos0 >= self.fragment_limits[fragment0][0]:
                #    fragment += 1         
                start = x0
                while self.fragment_limits[fragment][1] < pos1:
                    tctr = ctr + self.fragment_lines[fragment][0]
                    thisbarval = barval + tctr
                    bar_elements.append(draw_box((start, tctr),
                                                 (self.xlim, thisbarval),
                    fragment += 1
                    start = self.x0
                tctr = ctr + self.fragment_lines[fragment1][0]
                barval += tctr
                # Add the last part of the bar
                bar_elements.append(draw_box((self.x0, tctr), (x1, barval),

        return bar_elements
예제 #4
    def draw_heat_graph(self, graph):
        """ draw_heat_graph(self, graph) -> [element, element,...]

            o graph     Graph object

            Returns a list of drawable elements for the heat graph
        #print '\tdraw_heat_graph'
        # At each point contained in the graph data, we draw a box that is the
        # full height of the track, extending from the midpoint between the
        # previous and current data points to the midpoint between the current
        # and next data points
        heat_elements = []  # Holds drawable elements for the graph

        # Get graph data and information
        data_quartiles = graph.quartiles()
        minval, maxval = data_quartiles[0],data_quartiles[4]
        midval = (maxval + minval)/2.    # mid is the value at the X-axis
        btm, ctr, top = self.track_offsets[self.current_track_level]
        trackheight = (top-btm)
        #print self.start, self.end
        newdata = intermediate_points(self.start, self.end,
        #print newdata

        # Create elements on the graph, indicating a large positive value by
        # the graph's poscolor, and a large negative value by the graph's
        # negcolor attributes
        for pos0, pos1, val in newdata:
            fragment0, x0 = self.canvas_location(pos0)
            fragment1, x1 = self.canvas_location(pos1)
            x0, x1 = self.x0 + x0, self.x0 + x1     # account for margin
            #print 'x1 before:', x1
            # Calculate the heat color, based on the differential between
            # the value and the median value
            heat = colors.linearlyInterpolatedColor(graph.poscolor,
                                                    maxval, minval, val)
            # Draw heat box
            if fragment0 == fragment1:  # Box is contiguous on one fragment
                if pos1 >= self.fragment_limits[fragment0][1]:
                    x1 = self.xlim
                ttop = top + self.fragment_lines[fragment0][0]
                tbtm = btm + self.fragment_lines[fragment0][0]
                #print 'equal', pos0, pos1, val
                #print pos0, pos1, fragment0, fragment1
                heat_elements.append(draw_box((x0, tbtm), (x1, ttop),
                                              color=heat, border=None))
            else:   # box is split over two or more fragments
                #if pos0 >= self.fragment_limits[fragment0][0]:
                #    fragment0 += 1
                fragment = fragment0
                start = x0
                while self.fragment_limits[fragment][1] <= pos1:
                    #print pos0, self.fragment_limits[fragment][1], pos1
                    ttop = top + self.fragment_lines[fragment][0]
                    tbtm = btm + self.fragment_lines[fragment][0]
                    heat_elements.append(draw_box((start, tbtm),
                                                  (self.xlim, ttop),
                    fragment += 1
                    start = self.x0
                ttop = top + self.fragment_lines[fragment][0]
                tbtm = btm + self.fragment_lines[fragment][0]
                # Add the last part of the bar
                #print 'x1 after:', x1, '\n'
                heat_elements.append(draw_box((self.x0, tbtm), (x1, ttop),
                                              color=heat, border=None))                    

        return heat_elements
예제 #5
    def draw_heat_graph(self, graph):
        """ draw_heat_graph(self, graph) -> [element, element,...]

            o graph     Graph object

            Returns a list of drawable elements for the heat graph
        #print '\tdraw_heat_graph'
        # At each point contained in the graph data, we draw a box that is the
        # full height of the track, extending from the midpoint between the
        # previous and current data points to the midpoint between the current
        # and next data points
        heat_elements = []  # Holds drawable elements for the graph

        # Get graph data and information
        data_quartiles = graph.quartiles()
        minval, maxval = data_quartiles[0], data_quartiles[4]
        midval = (maxval + minval) / 2.  # mid is the value at the X-axis
        btm, ctr, top = self.track_offsets[self.current_track_level]
        trackheight = (top - btm)
        #print self.start, self.end
        newdata = intermediate_points(self.start, self.end,
        #print newdata

        # Create elements on the graph, indicating a large positive value by
        # the graph's poscolor, and a large negative value by the graph's
        # negcolor attributes
        for pos0, pos1, val in newdata:
            fragment0, x0 = self.canvas_location(pos0)
            fragment1, x1 = self.canvas_location(pos1)
            x0, x1 = self.x0 + x0, self.x0 + x1  # account for margin
            #print 'x1 before:', x1

            # Calculate the heat color, based on the differential between
            # the value and the median value
            heat = colors.linearlyInterpolatedColor(graph.poscolor,
                                                    graph.negcolor, maxval,
                                                    minval, val)

            # Draw heat box
            if fragment0 == fragment1:  # Box is contiguous on one fragment
                if pos1 >= self.fragment_limits[fragment0][1]:
                    x1 = self.xlim
                ttop = top + self.fragment_lines[fragment0][0]
                tbtm = btm + self.fragment_lines[fragment0][0]
                #print 'equal', pos0, pos1, val
                #print pos0, pos1, fragment0, fragment1
                    draw_box((x0, tbtm), (x1, ttop), color=heat, border=None))
            else:  # box is split over two or more fragments
                #if pos0 >= self.fragment_limits[fragment0][0]:
                #    fragment0 += 1
                fragment = fragment0
                start = x0
                while self.fragment_limits[fragment][1] <= pos1:
                    #print pos0, self.fragment_limits[fragment][1], pos1
                    ttop = top + self.fragment_lines[fragment][0]
                    tbtm = btm + self.fragment_lines[fragment][0]
                        draw_box((start, tbtm), (self.xlim, ttop),
                    fragment += 1
                    start = self.x0
                ttop = top + self.fragment_lines[fragment][0]
                tbtm = btm + self.fragment_lines[fragment][0]
                # Add the last part of the bar
                #print 'x1 after:', x1, '\n'
                    draw_box((self.x0, tbtm), (x1, ttop),

        return heat_elements
예제 #6
    def draw_bar_graph(self, graph):
        """ draw_bar_graph(self, graph) -> [element, element,...]

            o graph     Graph object

            Returns a list of drawable elements for a bar graph of the passed
            Graph object
        #print '\tdraw_bar_graph'
        # At each point contained in the graph data, we draw a vertical bar
        # from the track center to the height of the datapoint value (positive
        # values go up in one color, negative go down in the alternative
        # color).
        bar_elements = []  # Holds drawable elements for the graph

        # Set the number of pixels per unit for the data
        data_quartiles = graph.quartiles()
        minval, maxval = data_quartiles[0], data_quartiles[4]
        btm, ctr, top = self.track_offsets[self.current_track_level]
        trackheight = 0.5 * (top - btm)
        datarange = maxval - minval
        if datarange == 0:
            datarange = trackheight
        data = graph[self.start:self.end]
        # midval is the value at which the x-axis is plotted, and is the
        # central ring in the track
        if graph.center is None:
            midval = (maxval + minval) / 2.
            midval = graph.center

        # Convert data into 'binned' blocks, covering half the distance to the
        # next data point on either side, accounting for the ends of fragments
        # and tracks
        newdata = intermediate_points(self.start, self.end,

        # Whichever is the greatest difference: max-midval or min-midval, is
        # taken to specify the number of pixel units resolved along the
        # y-axis
        resolution = max((midval - minval), (maxval - midval))
        if resolution == 0:
            resolution = trackheight

        # Create elements for the bar graph based on newdata
        for pos0, pos1, val in newdata:
            fragment0, x0 = self.canvas_location(pos0)
            fragment1, x1 = self.canvas_location(pos1)
            x0, x1 = self.x0 + x0, self.x0 + x1  # account for margin
            barval = trackheight * (val - midval) / resolution
            if barval >= 0:  # Different colors for bars that extend above...
                barcolor = graph.poscolor
            else:  # ...or below the axis
                barcolor = graph.negcolor

            # Draw bar
            if fragment0 == fragment1:  # Box is contiguous
                if pos1 >= self.fragment_limits[fragment0][1]:
                    x1 = self.xlim
                tctr = ctr + self.fragment_lines[fragment0][0]
                barval += tctr
                    draw_box((x0, tctr), (x1, barval), color=barcolor))
            else:  # Box is split over two or more fragments
                fragment = fragment0
                #if pos0 >= self.fragment_limits[fragment0][0]:
                #    fragment += 1
                start = x0
                while self.fragment_limits[fragment][1] < pos1:
                    tctr = ctr + self.fragment_lines[fragment][0]
                    thisbarval = barval + tctr
                        draw_box((start, tctr), (self.xlim, thisbarval),
                    fragment += 1
                    start = self.x0
                tctr = ctr + self.fragment_lines[fragment1][0]
                barval += tctr
                # Add the last part of the bar
                    draw_box((self.x0, tctr), (x1, barval), color=barcolor))

        return bar_elements