예제 #1
def __mimic_setup__(fittest, n_objects):
	funcs = []  # functions for pmf

	fittest_count = len(fittest)  # number of fittest individuals

	# cdef np.ndarray[int, ndim=2] medoid = np.zeros((fittest_count, n_objects), dtype=np.int32)
	medoid = np.zeros((n_objects, fittest_count), dtype=np.int32)
	counters = [{True: 0, False: fittest_count} for x in xrange(n_objects)]

	remaining = range(n_objects)

	sets = (x.medoids for x in fittest)  # all medoid sets from individuals

	for j, _set in enumerate(sets):
		for i in xrange(n_objects):
			if i in _set:
				medoid[i, j] = 1
				counters[i][True] += 1
				counters[i][False] -= 1

	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	# -------------------- draws first object - the independent one --------------------
	# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	entropies = map(
		lambda x: entropy(medoid[x], counters[x]),

	last_drawn = remaining[np.argmin(entropies)]

	independent = copy.deepcopy(counters[last_drawn])
	independent = dict(map(lambda (k, x): (k, x / float(fittest_count)), independent.items()))

	for child_value in [True, False]:
		if child_value not in independent:
			independent[child_value] = 1. - independent[not child_value]

		(last_drawn, declare_function(last_drawn, independent=independent, attributes=[last_drawn]))


	return fittest_count, last_drawn, medoid, counters, remaining, funcs
예제 #2
def __umda__(fittest, n_objects):
	Implementation of the UMDA inference method.

	:type fittest: list
	:param fittest: list of fittest individuals in the population.

	:type n_individuals: int
	:param n_individuals: number of individuals in the population.

	:type n_objects: int
	:param n_objects: number of objects in the dataset.

	:rtype: dict
	:return: Returns a dictionary where the keys are the indexes of
		individuals in the dataset, and each value is a function
		representing the probability of that object being a medoid.
	fittest_count = len(fittest)
	all_medoids = reduce(
			lambda (x, f): x.medoids,
	counts = Counter(all_medoids)
	funcs = []
	for _object in xrange(n_objects):
		counted = {x: 0 for x in [True, False]}
		if _object in counts.keys():
			counted[True] = counts.get(_object)
			counted[False] = fittest_count - counts.get(_object)
			counted[True] = 0.
			counted[False] = fittest_count

			(_object, declare_function(_object, fittest_count=fittest_count, counted=counted, attributes=[_object]))
	return dict(funcs), range(n_objects), {x: [] for x in xrange(n_objects)}
예제 #3
def __mimic_link__(fittest_count, last_drawn, drawn, counters, remaining, funcs):
	Links last_drawn object with drawn object.

	:param fittest_count: Number of fittest individuals (i.e, above median) in the population.
	:param last_drawn: The father of drawn object.
	:param drawn: The object to be inserted in the probabilistic model.
	:param counters: A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary counts the number of times that
		the object was a medoid in the (fittest) population.
	:param remaining: The objects not yet added in the probabilistic model.
	:param funcs: A list of functions, each one defining the probability of a given object be a medoid
		in the next generation given the fittest individuals frequencies.

	:rtype: tuple
	:return: Returns the updated last_drawn, remaining and funcs parameters.

	v = counters[drawn]
	f = counters[last_drawn]

	dependent = {x: 0 for x in itertools.product([True, False], [True, False])}
	for (child_value, father_value) in itertools.product([True, False], [True, False]):
		if f[father_value] == 0:
			dependent[(child_value, father_value)] = 0.5
			dependent[(child_value, father_value)] = float(v[child_value]) / float(f[father_value]) * (f[father_value] / float(fittest_count))

	# declares function
		(drawn, declare_function(drawn, dependent=dependent, attributes=[drawn, last_drawn]))

	last_drawn = drawn

	return last_drawn, remaining, funcs