예제 #1
    def enhance_symbol_flags(self):
        is_float_function_pattern = re.compile(

        def is_float_function_name(n):
            return is_float_function_pattern.match(n)

        float_functions = [
            f for f in self.all_functions() if is_float_function_name(f[NAME])
        for f in self.all_functions():
            callees = f[CALLEES]
            f["calls_float_function"] = any(
                [ff in callees for ff in float_functions])

        for file in self.all_files():
            file["calls_float_function"] = any(
                [f["calls_float_function"] for f in file[FUNCTIONS]])

        def folder_calls_float_function(folder):
            result = any([f["calls_float_function"] for f in folder[FILES]])
            for sub_folder in folder[SUB_FOLDERS]:
                if folder_calls_float_function(sub_folder):
                    result = True
            folder["calls_float_function"] = result
            return result

        for folder in self.root_folders():
예제 #2
 def folder_calls_float_function(folder):
     result = any([f["calls_float_function"] for f in folder[FILES]])
     for sub_folder in folder[SUB_FOLDERS]:
         if folder_calls_float_function(sub_folder):
             result = True
     folder["calls_float_function"] = result
     return result
예제 #3
    def parse_incoming_email(self, email_pickle):
        self.log.write("Parsing incoming")
        email = pickle.loads(email_pickle)
        if not any(eml.endswith("@armadillo.xvm.mit.edu")
                   for eml in email['rcpttos']):
            # ignore emails not sent to a user on this server.
        text = email["data"]
            self.log.write("subject: %s" % email["subject"])
        except Exception as e:
        processed = self.preprocessor.parse(text)

        #add known exception subjects lines. Like
        exceptions = ["Reuse-ask Summary"]

        if processed["subject"] in exceptions:
            parsed = self.parser.parse(processed)
예제 #4
 def folder_calls_float_function(folder):
     result = any([f["calls_float_function"] for f in folder[FILES]])
     for sub_folder in folder[SUB_FOLDERS]:
         if folder_calls_float_function(sub_folder):
             result = True
     folder["calls_float_function"] = result
     return result
예제 #5
    def checkForOutputFailure(self, output, workingDir):
      This method is called by the RAVEN code at the end of each run  if the return code is == 0.
      This method needs to be implemented by the codes that, if the run fails, return a return code that is 0
      This can happen in those codes that record the failure of the job (e.g. not converged, etc.) as normal termination (returncode == 0)
      This method can be used, for example, to parse the outputfile looking for a special keyword that testifies that a particular job got failed
      (e.g. in RELAP5 would be the keyword "********")
      @ In, output, string, the Output name root
      @ In, workingDir, string, current working dir
      @ Out, failure, bool, True if the job is failed, False otherwise
        failure = True
        goodWord = [
            "Transient terminated by end of time step cards",
            "Transient terminated by trip"
            outputToRead = open(os.path.join(workingDir, output + '.o'), "r")
            return failure
        readLines = outputToRead.readlines()

        for goodMsg in goodWord:
            if any(goodMsg in x for x in readLines[-20:]):
                failure = False
        return failure
예제 #6
def get_reverted_revs(revs):
    reverted_revs = []
    diff_sizes = get_diff_sizes(revs)
    for rev_num, (editor, size) in enumerate(diff_sizes):
        rev_range = [x[1] for x in diff_sizes[rev_num:rev_num+REVERT_LOOKAHEAD+1]]
        if any([ r != 0 for r in rev_range ]) and sum(rev_range) == REVERT_THRESHOLD:
    return reverted_revs
예제 #7
 def zip_(*args):
     if __builtin__.any(utils.isvar(a) for a in args):
         raise TypeError(
             'Called zip() on Tensor but Tensors '
             'do not support iteration. Maybe try escaping '
             'the tensor?')
         return zip(*args)
예제 #8
    def process_request(self, req):
		Implements IRequestHandler.process_request

		Build a dict of search criteria from the user and request results from
		the active AdvancedSearchBackend.

            per_page = int(req.args.getfirst('per_page',
        except ValueError:
            self.log.warn('Could not set per_page to %s' %
            per_page = self.DEFAULT_PER_PAGE

            page = int(req.args.getfirst('page', 1))
        except ValueError:
            page = 1

        sort_order = req.args.getfirst('sort_order', 'relevance')

        data = {
            'source': self._get_filter_dicts(req.args),
            'author': [auth for auth in req.args.getlist('author') if auth],
            'date_start': req.args.getfirst('date_start'),
            'date_end': req.args.getfirst('date_end'),
            'q': req.args.get('q'),
            'start_points': StartPoints.parse_args(req.args, self.providers),
            'per_page': per_page,
            'sort_order': sort_order,
            'ticket_statuses': self._get_ticket_statuses(req.args),

        # Initial page request
        if not any(
            (data['q'], data['author'], data['date_start'], data['date_end'])):
            return self._send_response(req, data)

        # Look for quickjump
        quickjump = self._get_quickjump(req, data['q'])
        if quickjump:

        # perform query using backend if q is set
        result_map = {}
        total_count = 0
        for provider in self.providers:
            result_count, result_list = 0, []
                result_count, result_list = provider.query_backend(data)
            except SearchBackendException, e:
                add_warning(req, _('SearchBackendException: %s' % e))
            total_count += result_count
            result_map[provider.get_name()] = result_list
예제 #9
def retrieve_character_real_name(sub_wikia, movie_character_name):
    """Retrieve the complete name of the movie character.
    The character's names in the movie script are often incomplete or
    shortened (for example, "Samwise Gamgee" appears as "Sam" in "The Lord
    of the Rings") so this function uses the movie's sub-wikia to detect
    the character's real name.

    The script will query the wikia search for the short name (for example,
    "Sam") and it will accept anything that shows up as the first result as
    the correct real name.

    It is likely that the movie script contains generic characters which do
    not properly exist in the wikia. For example, in "The Lord of the Rings:
    The Fellowship of the Ring":
        - Character name: "ORC OVERSEER"
        - Wikia search result: "List of unnamed original characters of the
        books and films"
    In cases in which the wikia search result returns "List of", the function
    will return None as the character's real name.

    Sometimes the search result will return something like this:
        - Character name: "HALDIR"
        - Wikia search result: "Haldir (disambiguation)"
    This might happen when there are multiple characters with the same name in
    the movie lore. The function will assume that the less important characters
    with the same name are irrelevant and it will automatically strip the
    substring "(disambiguation)".

        sub_wikia (String): The sub-wikia to be queried
        movie_character_name (String): The character's 

        String: The character's real name

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    black_list = ['List of']

    real_name = wikia.search(sub_wikia, movie_character_name)[0]

    logger.info('Resolved ' + movie_character_name + ' to ' + real_name)

    if __builtin__.any(x in real_name for x in black_list):
        logger.info('Rejecting possible invalid character.' + ' Name: ' +
                    movie_character_name + ' ; Real name: ' + real_name)
        real_name = None
        # Removing any "(disambiguation)" sub-strings
        real_name = real_name.split('(')[0].strip(' ')

    # Remove any special accents from the string
    real_name = unidecode.unidecode(unicode(real_name))

    return real_name
예제 #10
 def checkForOutputFailure(self, output, workingDir):
   This method is called by the RAVEN code at the end of each run  if the return code is == 0.
   This method needs to be implemented by the codes that, if the run fails, return a return code that is 0
   This can happen in those codes that record the failure of the job (e.g. not converged, etc.) as normal termination (returncode == 0)
   This method can be used, for example, to parse the outputfile looking for a special keyword that testifies that a particular job got failed
   (e.g. in RAVEN would be the keyword "raise")
   @ In, output, string, the Output name root
   @ In, workingDir, string, current working dir
   @ Out, failure, bool, True if the job is failed, False otherwise
     failure = False
         outputToRead = open(os.path.join(workingDir, output), "r")
     except IOError:
         failure = True
         print(self.printTag + ' ERROR: The RAVEN SLAVE log file  "' +
               str(os.path.join(workingDir, output)) + '" does not exist!')
     if not failure:
         readLines = outputToRead.readlines()
         if not any("Run complete" in x for x in readLines[-20:]):
             failure = True
         del readLines
     if not failure:
         for filename in self.linkedDataObjectOutStreamsNames:
             outStreamFile = os.path.join(workingDir, self.innerWorkingDir,
                                          filename + ".csv")
                 fileObj = open(outStreamFile, "r")
             except IOError:
                 print(self.printTag +
                       ' ERROR: The RAVEN SLAVE output file "' +
                       str(outStreamFile) + '" does not exist!')
                 failure = True
             if not failure:
                 readLines = fileObj.readlines()
                 if any("nan" in x.lower() for x in readLines):
                     failure = True
                     print(self.printTag +
                           ' ERROR: Found nan in RAVEN SLAVE output "' +
                           str(outStreamFile) + '!')
                 del readLines
     return failure
	def process_request(self, req):
		Implements IRequestHandler.process_request

		Build a dict of search criteria from the user and request results from
		the active AdvancedSearchBackend.

			per_page = int(req.args.getfirst('per_page',
		except ValueError:
			self.log.warn('Could not set per_page to %s' %
			per_page = self.DEFAULT_PER_PAGE

			page = int(req.args.getfirst('page', 1))
		except ValueError:
			page = 1

		sort_order = req.args.getfirst('sort_order', 'relevance')

		data = {
			'source': self._get_filter_dicts(req.args),
			'author': [auth for auth in req.args.getlist('author') if auth],
			'date_start': req.args.getfirst('date_start'),
			'date_end': req.args.getfirst('date_end'),
			'q': req.args.get('q'),
			'start_points': StartPoints.parse_args(req.args, self.providers),
			'per_page': per_page,
			'sort_order': sort_order,
			'ticket_statuses': self._get_ticket_statuses(req.args),

		# Initial page request
		if not any((data['q'], data['author'], data['date_start'], data['date_end'])):
			return self._send_response(req, data)

		# Look for quickjump
		quickjump = self._get_quickjump(req, data['q'])
		if quickjump:

		# perform query using backend if q is set
		result_map = {}
		total_count = 0
		for provider in self.providers:
			result_count, result_list = 0, []
				result_count, result_list = provider.query_backend(data)
			except SearchBackendException, e:
				add_warning(req, _('SearchBackendException: %s' % e))
			total_count += result_count
			result_map[provider.get_name()] = result_list
예제 #12
def select_necessary(covers):
    """Select winners covered by only one component; remove from covers.
    Return a pair of (covers, necessary)."""
    counts = Counter(w for r in covers for w in covers[r])
    necessary = {r for r in covers if any(counts[w] == 1 for w in covers[r])}
    if necessary:
        covered = {w for r in necessary for w in covers[r]}
        covers = {r: covers[r] - covered for r in covers if r not in necessary}
        return covers, OR(necessary)
        return covers, None
예제 #13
def any(sequence):
    Returns True if any element of sequence is True.  It is equivalent
    to calling reduce(op_or, sequence, False).

        >>> any([True, False, False])

        >>> any([])
    return __builtin__.any(sequence)
예제 #14
def any(sequence):
    Returns True if any element of sequence is True.  It is equivalent
    to calling reduce(op_or, sequence, False).

        >>> any([True, False, False])

        >>> any([])
    return __builtin__.any(sequence)
예제 #15
def upstreamEstuary(llid, rm, estuary_stations):
    stations_lyr = "stations_2010_lyr"
    st_query = '"ESTUARY" = 1'
    arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(estuary_stations, stations_lyr, st_query)
    est = pd.DataFrame({'llid': [], 'rm':[], 'estuary':[]})
    with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(stations_lyr, ['LLID', 'RIVER_MILE', 'ESTUARY']) as cursor:
        for row in cursor:
            if row[0] == llid:
                est = est.append({'llid': str(row[0]), 'rm':row[1], 'estuary':row[2]}, ignore_index=True)
    est = est[est['rm']>= rm]
    if any(x==1 for x in est['estuary']):
        return('Needs Further Review')
예제 #16
    def enhance_symbol_flags(self):
        is_float_function_pattern = re.compile(r"^__aeabi_(f.*|.*2f)|__addsf3$")
        def is_float_function_name(n):
            return is_float_function_pattern.match(n)

        float_functions = [f for f in self.all_functions() if is_float_function_name(f[NAME])]
        for f in self.all_functions():
            callees = f[CALLEES]
            f["calls_float_function"] = any([ff in callees for ff in float_functions])

        for file in self.all_files():
            file["calls_float_function"] = any([f["calls_float_function"] for f in file[FUNCTIONS]])

        def folder_calls_float_function(folder):
            result = any([f["calls_float_function"] for f in folder[FILES]])
            for sub_folder in folder[SUB_FOLDERS]:
                if folder_calls_float_function(sub_folder):
                    result = True
            folder["calls_float_function"] = result
            return result

        for folder in self.root_folders():
예제 #17
def eliminate_dominated(covers):
    """Given a dict of {regex: {winner...}}, make a new dict with only the regexes
    that are not dominated by any others. A regex r is dominated by r2 if r2 covers 
    a superset of the matches covered by r, and r2 is shorter."""
    newcovers = {}

    def signature(r):
        return (-len(covers[r]), len(r))

    for r in sorted(covers, key=signature):
        if not covers[r]: break  # All remaining r must not cover anything
        # r goes in newcache if it is not dominated by any other regex
        if not any(covers[r2] >= covers[r] and len(r2) <= len(r)
                   for r2 in newcovers):
            newcovers[r] = covers[r]
    return newcovers
예제 #18
 def multiStreamTest(self, cx=False):
     outFrameA, mainInput = self.datatest(cx, sampleRate, streamID='stream_a')
     output = self.main(mainInput, cx, sampleRate,streamID = 'stream_a')
     outFrameB = output[0]
     assert len(outFrameB)==len(outFrameA)
     self.assertTrue(__builtin__.any([abs(x-y)>.1 for x, y in zip(outFrameA, outFrameB)]))
     output = self.main(mainInput, cx, sampleRate, streamID = 'stream_b')
     outFrameC = output[0]
     assert len(outFrameC)==len(outFrameA)
     self.assertTrue(all([abs(x-y)<.1 for x, y in zip(outFrameC, outFrameA)]))
	def _get_ticket_statuses(self, req_args):
		"""Create map of ticket statuses."""
		status_values = _get_config_values(self.config, 'ticket_status')
		statuses = []

		# Default to new/assigned/reopened
		defaults = set(_get_config_values(self.config, 'ticket_status_enable'))
		if any((req_args.get('status_%s' % s) for s in status_values)):
			defaults = set()

		for status in status_values:
			field_name = 'status_%s' % status
				'name': status,
				'active': req_args.get(field_name) or (status in defaults),
				'field_name': field_name,
		return statuses
	def _get_ticket_statuses(self, req_args):
		"""Create map of ticket statuses."""
		status_values = ('new', 'assigned', 'closed')
		statuses = []

		# Default to new/assigned
		defaults = set(('new', 'assigned'))
		if any((req_args.get('status_%s' % s) for s in status_values)):
			defaults = set()

		for status in status_values:
			field_name = 'status_%s' % status
				'name': status,
				'active': req_args.get(field_name) or (status in defaults),
				'field_name': field_name,
		return statuses
예제 #21
def user_location(address):
    This function uses the pygeocoder.Geocoder module to reformat an user input into the suggested format by Google  
      The format is as follow: House_Number Street_Address, City, State Zip_Code, Country

      address: string, user input address
      address_state.formatted_address: string, reformatted address
  # if original string does not contain variation of NY, add in the string to make sure the addressed searched for is definitely in NYC.
  state_city = set(['new york','New York','ny','NY','Ny','New york','new York'])
  if __builtin__.any(keyword in address for keyword in state_city):
    address_state = Geocoder.geocode(address)
    address_state = Geocoder.geocode(address + "New York")
  return address_state.formatted_address
def compare(mobile_path, desktop_path):
    """Returns the set intersection and outliers for all wpr resources

    :param mobile_path: str path to wpr-mobile directory
    :param desktop_path: str path to wpr-desktop directory
    mobile_files = glob(path.join(mobile_path,'*.inter'))
    desktop_files = glob(path.join(desktop_path, '*.inter'))

    assert len(mobile_files) == len(desktop_files), 'Directories must have the '
    'same number of files'

    for mobile_file in mobile_files:
        file_name = mobile_file.split('/')[-1]
        if any(file_name in x for x in desktop_files):
            desktop_file = path.join(desktop_path, file_name)

            mobile_dict = pickle.load(open(mobile_file, 'rb'))['data']
            mobile_requests = set(mobile_dict[0])
            mobile_responses = set(mobile_dict[1])

            desktop_dict = pickle.load(open(desktop_file, 'rb'))['data']
            desktop_requests = set(desktop_dict[0])
            desktop_responses = set(desktop_dict[1])

            mobile_intersection, mobile_difference = \
                compare_wpr_resources(mobile_requests, desktop_requests)
            desktop_intersection, desktop_difference = \
                    compare_wpr_resources(mobile_responses, desktop_responses)

            if mobile_difference:
                print '\n'
                print 'Found difference in mobile: {0}'.format(mobile_file)
                print mobile_difference
            if desktop_difference:
                print '\n'
                print 'Found difference in desktop: {0}'.format(desktop_file)
                print desktop_difference
            print 'File not found in desktop: {0}'.format(file_name)
예제 #23
	def _get_ticket_statuses(self, req_args):
		"""Create map of ticket statuses."""
		status_values = self.config.get('advanced_search_plugin', 'ticket_status_filters', '').split(',')

		statuses = []

		# Default to new/assigned
		defaults = self.config.get('advanced_search_plugin', 'status_filter_defaults', '').split(',')

		if any((req_args.get('status_%s' % s) for s in status_values)):
			defaults = set()

		for status in status_values:
			field_name = 'status_%s' % status
				'name': status,
				'active': req_args.get(field_name) or (status in defaults),
				'field_name': field_name,
		return statuses
예제 #24
    def _get_ticket_statuses(self, req_args):
        """Create map of ticket statuses."""
        status_values = _get_config_values(self.config, 'ticket_status')
        statuses = []

        # Default to new/assigned/reopened
        defaults = set(_get_config_values(self.config, 'ticket_status_enable'))
        if any((req_args.get('status_%s' % s) for s in status_values)):
            defaults = set()

        for status in status_values:
            field_name = 'status_%s' % status
                req_args.get(field_name) or (status in defaults),
        return statuses
예제 #25
 def eosTest(self, cx=False):
     streamID = 'testStream'
     outFrameA, mainInput = self.datatest(cx, sampleRate,streamID=streamID)
     output = self.main(mainInput, cx, sampleRate,eos=True, streamID=streamID)
     outFrameB = output[0]
     assert len(outFrameB)==len(outFrameA)
     self.assertTrue(__builtin__.any([abs(x-y)>.1 for x, y in zip(outFrameA, outFrameB)]))
     #work arround a bug here to force an SRI push by the src
     output = self.main(mainInput, cx, sampleRate, streamID=streamID)
     outFrameC = output[0]
     assert len(outFrameC)==len(outFrameA)
     self.assertTrue(all([abs(x-y)<.1 for x, y in zip(outFrameC, outFrameA)]))
예제 #26
#[x for x in set(''.join(list(clean.loc[pd.isnull(clean.official) == False].official))) if re.compile('[a-z]', re.I).search(x) == None]
#clean.loc[clean.official.str.contains('lonnie', regex = True)]

name_str = ' (?!(jr|sr|ii))(?!(van|von) )(?!(mc|st) )(?!de la )'

for i in range(2):
    multiple = set(clean_df.loc[clean_df.official.apply(lambda x: len(re.findall(name_str, x)) > 2)].official)
    single = set(clean_df.loc[clean_df.official.apply(lambda x: len(x) >= 6)
        & clean_df.official.apply(lambda x: len(re.findall(name_str, x)) in [1,2])
        & clean_df.official.apply(lambda x: re.compile('^[a-z] [a-z\-]+$').search(x) == None)].official)
    for string in multiple:
        matches = [x[0] for x in process.extractBests(string, single, scorer = fuzz.partial_ratio, score_cutoff = 100)]
        matches = [x for x in matches if not any(x in y for y in set(matches) - set([x]))]
        if len(matches) > 0:
            new_string = string
            new_names = []
            for name in matches:
                string_start = string.find(name)
                string_end = string.find(name) + len(name)
                if 0 in [string_start, string_end]:
                    new_string = re.sub(name,'',new_string).strip()
                    new_string = re.sub(name,'&&',new_string).strip()
            new_names = matches + ([x.strip() for x in new_string.split('&&') if x.strip() != ''] if new_string != '' else [])
def getGoals (rYear):

	rounds = {'r2l1' : ["R16 L1", 8] , 'r2l2' : ["R16 L2", 8], 
		's0l1' : ["Quarters L1", 4], 's0l2' : ["Quarters L2", 4], 
		't0l1' : ["Semis L1", 2], 't0l2' : ["Semis L2", 4],
		'u0' : ["Finals", 1]}

	goalArray = []

	temp = rYear-2000
	year = str(temp)+str(temp+1)

	goalTimeArray = {}
	rx = {}
	teamNo = 0
	htSquad = []
	atSquad = []
	homeTeam = ""
	awayTeam = ""
	hScore = 0
	aScore = 0

	for r in rounds.keys():

		#print "Parsing Round: " + rounds[r][0]

		url = "http://www.soccerassociation.com/CL/%s/%s.htm" % (year, r)
		#get request that ish
		while True:
				toScrape = requests.get(url)
			except ConnectionError:
				print "Connection Error. Will try again"		

		#soup it too
		soup = BeautifulSoup(toScrape.content) 

		#this will give us the results section
		results = soup.findAll('table', { "cellspacing" : "1", "cellpadding" : "1"})[0]

		#this gives us the 
		teamsAndPlayers = results.findAll('td')

		#get all the teams playing
		#all the data we need is in 'td' tags but they aren't ordered by match
		rows = results.findAll('td')

		acount = 0
		hcount = 0
		awayGoal = False
		homeGoal = False

		#now we have each match to iterate through
		#if a 'td' tag with attributes align center and colspan is found, the a tags within have the team name

		for row in rows:

			if row.has_attr('align') and row.has_attr('colspan'):
				if row['align'] == 'center' and row['colspan'] == '2':

					#if we're here, we're looking at a new match (or the first one)
					#so now we make the goal objects and add to goalArray
					if teamNo%2==0:
						while len(goalTimeArray) > 0:

							#this will give us the min key in the array
							#this is also the first goal
							gt = 120
							for key in goalTimeArray.keys():
								#print goalTimeArray[key]
								if key <= gt:
									gt = key

							#now we have the smallest remaining value in the array at key = gt
							minScorer = goalTimeArray.pop(gt)
							rnd = rx.pop(gt)

							#if (homeTeam == 'Real Madrid'):
							#	print goalTimeArray[19]

							if any(minScorer in names for names in htSquad):

								print "Scorer: " + minScorer + " at minute " + str(gt)

								#for final, assume both teams are away
								if rounds[r][0] == 'Finals':
									newGoal = Goal(minScorer, gt, False, hScore, aScore, rnd)
									newGoal = Goal(minScorer, gt, True, hScore, aScore, rnd)


							elif any(minScorer in names for names in atSquad):

								print "Scorer: " + minScorer + " at minute " + str(gt)

								newGoal = Goal(minScorer, gt, False, aScore, hScore, rnd)


					#if teamNo%2 is 0 then home team, else away team. increment every time team is found
					#update homeTeam & awayTeam and get their squads
					#also set the scores to 0-0

					hScore = 0
					aScore = 0
					#goalTimeArray = {}

					teamName = row.find('a')

					strTeamName = str(teamName)
					strTeamName = re.sub('<[^<]+?>', '', strTeamName)
					if (teamNo%2==0):
						homeTeam = strTeamName
						htSquad = getRoster(homeTeam, rYear)
						awayTeam = strTeamName
						atSquad = getRoster(awayTeam, rYear)


			#if 'td' tag has attributes align right, then its a goal - this contains the goal time
			elif row.has_attr('align') and row['align'] == 'right':

				#for the name, look at the td tag immediately after the goal time thing
				#the a tags within that have the name of the team
				#check if player name is in htSquad or atSquad and increment scores accordingly
				#then create new instance of Goal class and add to array

				goalTime = str(row)
				goalTime = re.sub('<[^<]+?>', '', goalTime)
				goalTime = goalTime.replace('(p)', '')

				#we dont want own goals to count for anything
				if ('(og)' not in goalTime):
					gTime = int(goalTime)

			elif (len(row.findAll('a')) > 0) and not row.has_attr('bgcolor'):

				scorer = row.find('a')

				scorer = str(scorer)
				scorer = re.sub('<[^<]+?>', '', scorer)

				if any(scorer in names for names in atSquad):
					#make the goal object now - note that it requires the score BEFORE the goal is scored
					#if this is the finals, assume Away

					if acount%2==0:
						goalTimeArray[gTime] = scorer
						rx[gTime] = rounds[r][0]
						#print "Scorer: " + scorer + " at minute " + str(gTime)
						#add time of the goal and the scorer to the goaltimearray
						#we need this because goals are not ordered by time on the website we're scraping from
					awayGoal = True
					homeGoal = False

				elif any(scorer in names for names in htSquad):

					if hcount%2==0:
						#print "Scorer: " + scorer + " at minute " + str(gTime)
						goalTimeArray[gTime] = scorer
						rx[gTime] = rounds[r][0]
						#print goalTimeArray[scorer]
					awayGoal = False
					homeGoal = True

				#all of this shpiel is because scorers get counted twice for some odd reason
				if awayGoal:
				elif homeGoal:

	return goalArray

def getGoals(rYear):

    rounds = {
        'r2l1': ["R16 L1", 8],
        'r2l2': ["R16 L2", 8],
        's0l1': ["Quarters L1", 4],
        's0l2': ["Quarters L2", 4],
        't0l1': ["Semis L1", 2],
        't0l2': ["Semis L2", 4],
        'u0': ["Finals", 1]

    goalArray = []

    temp = rYear - 2000
    year = str(temp) + str(temp + 1)

    goalTimeArray = {}
    rx = {}
    teamNo = 0
    htSquad = []
    atSquad = []
    homeTeam = ""
    awayTeam = ""
    hScore = 0
    aScore = 0

    for r in rounds.keys():

        #print "Parsing Round: " + rounds[r][0]

        url = "http://www.soccerassociation.com/CL/%s/%s.htm" % (year, r)
        #get request that ish
        while True:
                toScrape = requests.get(url)
            except ConnectionError:
                print "Connection Error. Will try again"

        #soup it too
        soup = BeautifulSoup(toScrape.content)

        #this will give us the results section
        results = soup.findAll('table', {
            "cellspacing": "1",
            "cellpadding": "1"

        #this gives us the
        teamsAndPlayers = results.findAll('td')

        #get all the teams playing
        #all the data we need is in 'td' tags but they aren't ordered by match
        rows = results.findAll('td')

        acount = 0
        hcount = 0
        awayGoal = False
        homeGoal = False

        #now we have each match to iterate through
        #if a 'td' tag with attributes align center and colspan is found, the a tags within have the team name

        for row in rows:

            if row.has_attr('align') and row.has_attr('colspan'):
                if row['align'] == 'center' and row['colspan'] == '2':

                    #if we're here, we're looking at a new match (or the first one)
                    #so now we make the goal objects and add to goalArray
                    if teamNo % 2 == 0:
                        while len(goalTimeArray) > 0:

                            #this will give us the min key in the array
                            #this is also the first goal
                            gt = 120
                            for key in goalTimeArray.keys():
                                #print goalTimeArray[key]
                                if key <= gt:
                                    gt = key

                            #now we have the smallest remaining value in the array at key = gt
                            minScorer = goalTimeArray.pop(gt)
                            rnd = rx.pop(gt)

                            #if (homeTeam == 'Real Madrid'):
                            #	print goalTimeArray[19]

                            if any(minScorer in names for names in htSquad):

                                print "Scorer: " + minScorer + " at minute " + str(

                                #for final, assume both teams are away
                                if rounds[r][0] == 'Finals':
                                    newGoal = Goal(minScorer, gt, False,
                                                   hScore, aScore, rnd)
                                    newGoal = Goal(minScorer, gt, True, hScore,
                                                   aScore, rnd)

                                hScore += 1

                            elif any(minScorer in names for names in atSquad):

                                print "Scorer: " + minScorer + " at minute " + str(

                                newGoal = Goal(minScorer, gt, False, aScore,
                                               hScore, rnd)

                                aScore += 1

                    #if teamNo%2 is 0 then home team, else away team. increment every time team is found
                    #update homeTeam & awayTeam and get their squads
                    #also set the scores to 0-0

                    hScore = 0
                    aScore = 0
                    #goalTimeArray = {}

                    teamName = row.find('a')

                    strTeamName = str(teamName)
                    strTeamName = re.sub('<[^<]+?>', '', strTeamName)

                    if (teamNo % 2 == 0):
                        homeTeam = strTeamName
                        htSquad = getRoster(homeTeam, rYear)
                        awayTeam = strTeamName
                        atSquad = getRoster(awayTeam, rYear)

                    teamNo += 1

            #if 'td' tag has attributes align right, then its a goal - this contains the goal time
            elif row.has_attr('align') and row['align'] == 'right':

                #for the name, look at the td tag immediately after the goal time thing
                #the a tags within that have the name of the team
                #check if player name is in htSquad or atSquad and increment scores accordingly
                #then create new instance of Goal class and add to array

                goalTime = str(row)
                goalTime = re.sub('<[^<]+?>', '', goalTime)
                goalTime = goalTime.replace('(p)', '')

                #we dont want own goals to count for anything
                if ('(og)' not in goalTime):
                    gTime = int(goalTime)

            elif (len(row.findAll('a')) > 0) and not row.has_attr('bgcolor'):

                scorer = row.find('a')

                scorer = str(scorer)
                scorer = re.sub('<[^<]+?>', '', scorer)

                if any(scorer in names for names in atSquad):
                    #make the goal object now - note that it requires the score BEFORE the goal is scored
                    #if this is the finals, assume Away

                    if acount % 2 == 0:
                        goalTimeArray[gTime] = scorer
                        rx[gTime] = rounds[r][0]
                        #print "Scorer: " + scorer + " at minute " + str(gTime)
                        #add time of the goal and the scorer to the goaltimearray
                        #we need this because goals are not ordered by time on the website we're scraping from

                    awayGoal = True
                    homeGoal = False

                elif any(scorer in names for names in htSquad):

                    if hcount % 2 == 0:
                        #print "Scorer: " + scorer + " at minute " + str(gTime)
                        goalTimeArray[gTime] = scorer
                        rx[gTime] = rounds[r][0]
                        #print goalTimeArray[scorer]

                    awayGoal = False
                    homeGoal = True

                #all of this shpiel is because scorers get counted twice for some odd reason
                if awayGoal:
                    acount += 1
                elif homeGoal:
                    hcount += 1

    return goalArray
예제 #29
def any(f, x):
    return __builtin__.any(__builtin__.map(f, x))
예제 #30
def any(iterable, pred):
    "Returns True if ANY element in the given iterable is True for the given pred function"
    return builtins.any(pred(x) for x in iterable)
예제 #31
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: kroman0/products
def detectInlineValidation(validation_module):
    validation_module_path = get_source_file_path(validation_module)
    path = operator.itemgetter(1)
    return any(path(frame) == validation_module_path
               for frame in inspect.stack())
예제 #32
def any(iterable):
    warnings.warn("django.utils.itercompat.any is deprecated; use the native version instead",
    return __builtin__.any(iterable)
예제 #33
  def createNewInput(self,currentInputFiles,oriInputFiles,samplerType,**Kwargs):
      this generates a new input file depending on which sampler has been chosen
      @ In, currentInputFiles, list,  list of current input files (input files from last this method call)
      @ In, oriInputFiles, list, list of the original input files
      @ In, samplerType, string, Sampler type (e.g. MonteCarlo, Adaptive, etc. see manual Samplers section)
      @ In, Kwargs, dictionary, kwarded dictionary of parameters. In this dictionary there is another dictionary called "SampledVars"
             where RAVEN stores the variables that got sampled (e.g. Kwargs['SampledVars'] => {'var1':10,'var2':40})
      @ Out, newInputFiles, list, list of newer input files, list of the new input files (modified and not)
    import RAVENparser
    if 'dynamiceventtree' in str(samplerType).strip().lower():
      raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: DynamicEventTree-based sampling not supported!')
    index = self.__findInputFile(currentInputFiles)
    parser = RAVENparser.RAVENparser(currentInputFiles[index].getAbsFile())
    # get the OutStreams names
    self.outStreamsNamesAndType = parser.returnOutstreamsNamesAnType()
    # check if the linked DataObjects are among the Outstreams
    pointSetNumber, historySetNumber = 0, 0
    for outstream, dataObj in self.outStreamsNamesAndType.items():
      if outstream in self.linkedDataObjectOutStreamsNames:
        if dataObj[1].strip() == 'PointSet':
        if pointSetNumber > 1 or historySetNumber > 1:
          raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: Only one OutStream for PointSet and/or one for HistorySet can be linked as output export!')
    if pointSetNumber == 0 and historySetNumber == 0:
      raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: No one of the OutStreams linked to this interface have been found in the SLAVE RAVEN!'
                                 +' Expected: "'+' '.join(self.linkedDataObjectOutStreamsNames)+'" but found "'
                                 +' '.join(self.outStreamsNamesAndType.keys())+'"!')
    # get variable groups
    varGroupNames = parser.returnVarGroups()
    if len(varGroupNames) > 0:
      # check if they are not present in the linked outstreams
      for outstream in self.linkedDataObjectOutStreamsNames:
        inputNode = self.outStreamsNamesAndType[outstream][2].find("Input")
        outputNode = self.outStreamsNamesAndType[outstream][2].find("Output")
        inputVariables = inputNode.text.split(",") if inputNode is not None else []
        outputVariables =  outputNode.text.split(",") if outputNode is not None else []
        if any (varGroupName in inputVariables+outputVariables for varGroupName in varGroupNames):
          raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: The VariableGroup system is not supported in the current ' +
                                      'implementation of the interface for the DataObjects specified in the '+
                                      '<outputExportOutStreams> XML node!')
    # get inner working dir
    self.innerWorkingDir = parser.workingDir
    # get sampled variables
    modifDict = Kwargs['SampledVars']

    # apply conversion scripts
    for source,convDict in self.conversionDict.items():
      module = utils.importFromPath(source)
      varVals = dict((var,np.asarray(modifDict[var])) for var in convDict['variables'])
      # modify vector+ variables that need to be flattened
      if convDict['noScalar']:
        # call conversion
        newVars = module.convertNotScalarSampledVariables(varVals)
        # check type
        if type(newVars).__name__ != 'dict':
          raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: convertNotScalarSampledVariables in "{}" must return a dictionary!'.format(source))
        # apply new and/or updated values
      # modify scalar variables
      if convDict['scalar']:
        # call conversion, value changes happen in-place

    # we work on batchSizes here
    newBatchSize = Kwargs['NumMPI']
    internalParallel = Kwargs.get('internalParallel',False)
    if int(Kwargs['numberNodes']) > 0:
      # we are in a distributed memory machine => we allocate a node file
      nodeFileToUse = os.path.join(Kwargs['BASE_WORKING_DIR'],"node_" +str(Kwargs['INDEX']))
      if os.path.exists(nodeFileToUse):
        modifDict['RunInfo|mode'           ] = 'mpi'
        modifDict['RunInfo|mode|nodefile'  ] = nodeFileToUse
        raise IOError(self.printTag+' ERROR: The nodefile "'+str(nodeFileToUse)+'" does not exist!')
    if internalParallel or newBatchSize > 1:
      # either we have an internal parallel or NumMPI > 1
      modifDict['RunInfo|batchSize'       ] = newBatchSize
    #modifDict['RunInfo|internalParallel'] = internalParallel
    #make tree
    modifiedRoot = parser.modifyOrAdd(modifDict,save=True,allowAdd = True)
    #make input
    # copy slave files
    return currentInputFiles
예제 #34
파일: compatibility.py 프로젝트: regit/nufw
Compatibility functions for Python 1.5 to 2.5.

any() function

any() returns True if at least one items is True, or False otherwise.

>>> any([False, True])
>>> any([True, True])
>>> any([False, False])

all() function

all() returns True if all items are True, or False otherwise.
This function is just apply binary and operator (&) on all values.

>>> all([True, True])
>>> all([False, True])
>>> all([False, False])
예제 #35
Compatibility functions for Python 2.4.

any() function

any() returns True if at least one items is True, or False otherwise.

>>> any([False, True])
>>> any([True, True])
>>> any([False, False])

all() function

all() returns True if all items are True, or False otherwise.
This function is just apply binary and operator (&) on all values.

>>> all([True, True])
>>> all([False, True])
>>> all([False, False])
예제 #36
def any(iterable):
        "django.utils.itercompat.any is deprecated; use the native version instead",
    return __builtin__.any(iterable)
예제 #37
def exists(sequence, function):
    return __builtin__.any(function(x) for x in sequence)
예제 #38
def any(f, x):
    return __builtin__.any(__builtin__.map(f, x))
예제 #39
    r = requests.put("{}/{}/_mapping/search".format(request_url,

    data_paths = literal_eval(os.getenv('SHARED_DATA_PATHS'))
except ValueError:
    log_message("Could not parse script paths from the environment",

# We sit and poll to see if elastic search has started, if not, wait 30 seconds and try again
while True:
    log_message("Elastic search has not started, waiting.")
    res = subprocess.Popen(["/usr/bin/sv", "status", "elasticsearch"],

    if any(es_running in item for item in res.stdout.readlines()):
        log_message("Elastic search is running")
        log_message("Waiting {} seconds for indices to be created".format(
예제 #40
파일: stream.py 프로젝트: egisatoshi/masala
def any(xs, predicate=lambda x: True):
    return __builtin__.any(x for x in xs if predicate(x))
예제 #41
print x
order = ""
rollback = ""
ins_exe = []
locktable = []
point = [0] * tno
tstate = ["0"] * (tno)
while True:
    for p in range(tno):
        count = 0
        while count < 3:
            if (tstate[p] == 'committed'):
            if x[p][point[p]][0] == 'r' and any(
                    x[p][point[p]][1] in c
                    for c in locktable) and not (str(p) + x[p][point[p]][1]
                                                 in locktable):
                m = [m for m in locktable if x[p][point[p]][1] in m]
                rmlock = []
                if p > int(m[0][0]):
                    for i in locktable:
                        if str(p) != i[0]:
                    ins_exe.append("rollback" + str(p))
                    point[p] = 0
                    locktable = rmlock
                    rollback = rollback + str(p)
            if x[p][point[p]][0] == 'r' and any(
                    x[p][point[p]][1] in c
예제 #42
    def any (self, constraint, *constraints):
        for extra in constraints:
            constraint = constraint & extra

        return Filter(lambda x: __builtin__.any(constraint(inst) for inst in \
예제 #43
def detectInlineValidation(validation_module):
    validation_module_path = get_source_file_path(validation_module)
    path = operator.itemgetter(1)
    return any(path(frame) == validation_module_path
               for frame in inspect.stack())