예제 #1
파일: db_models.py 프로젝트: RaigaX9/ranger
    def remove_extra_spec(self, extra_spec_key_name):
        deleted_flag = False
        assert isinstance(extra_spec_key_name, basestring)
            LOG.debug("remove extra_spec {} from flavor {}".format(
                extra_spec_key_name, str(self)))

            for extra_spec in reversed(self.flavor_extra_specs):
                if extra_spec.key_name == extra_spec_key_name:
                    deleted_flag = True

            if not deleted_flag:
                # no need to raise in delete not found
                LOG.debug("Failed to remove extra_spec {0} from flavor id {1}".
                          format(extra_spec_key_name, str(self.id)))

        except ErrorStatus as e:

        except Exception as exception:
                "Failed to remove extra_spec {0} from flavor {1}".format(
                    extra_spec_key_name, str(self)), exception)
예제 #2
파일: db_models.py 프로젝트: RaigaX9/ranger
    def remove_tag(self, tag_name):
        deleted_flag = False
        assert isinstance(tag_name, basestring)
            LOG.debug("remove tag {0} from flavor {1}".format(
                tag_name, str(self)))

            for tag in reversed(self.flavor_tags):
                if tag.key_name == tag_name:
                    deleted_flag = True

            if not deleted_flag:
                raise ErrorStatus(
                    404, "Failed to remove tag {0} from flavor id {1}".format(
                        tag_name, str(self.id)))

        except ErrorStatus as e:

        except Exception as exception:
                "Failed to remove tag {0} from flavor {1}".format(
                    tag_name, str(self)), exception)
예제 #3
파일: db_models.py 프로젝트: RaigaX9/ranger
    def remove_region(self, region_name):
        region_deleted_flag = False
        assert isinstance(region_name, basestring)
            LOG.debug("remove regions {0} from flavor {1}".format(
                region_name, str(self)))

            for region in reversed(self.flavor_regions):
                if region.region_name == region_name:
                    region_deleted_flag = True

            if not region_deleted_flag:
                raise ErrorStatus(
                    "Failed to remove region {0} from flavor id {1}".format(
                        region_name, str(self.id)))

        except ErrorStatus as e:

        except Exception as exception:
                "Failed to remove region {0} from flavor {1}".format(
                    region_name, str(self)), exception)
예제 #4
def reversed(sequence):
    Return a sequence containing the elements of the input in reverse

        >>> reversed([3, 0, 1, 2])
        [2, 1, 0, 3]
    return list(__builtin__.reversed(sequence))
예제 #5
def reversed(sequence):
    Return a sequence containing the elements of the input in reverse

        >>> reversed([3, 0, 1, 2])
        [2, 1, 0, 3]
    return list(__builtin__.reversed(sequence))
예제 #6
def reversed(seq):
        return __builtin__.reversed(seq)

        def rev():
            i = len(seq) - 1
            while i >= 0:
                yield seq[i]
                i -= 1
            raise StopIteration()

        return rev()
예제 #7
def to_and_fro_flight(list1):
            for i in list1:
                diff=" ".join(reversed(rev))
                same=" ".join(rev)
                if cmp(l,l1) == 1:
                    for item in l:
                        print item
예제 #8
파일: db_models.py 프로젝트: RaigaX9/ranger
    def remove_tenant(self, tenant_id):
        assert isinstance(tenant_id, basestring)
            LOG.debug("remove tenants {0} from flavor {1}".format(
                tenant_id, str(self)))

            for tenant in reversed(self.flavor_tenants):
                if tenant.tenant_id == tenant_id:

        except Exception as exception:
                "Failed to remove tenant {0} from flavor {1}".format(
                    tenant_id, str(self)), exception)
예제 #9
파일: math.py 프로젝트: dooglus/p2pool
def reversed(x):
        return __builtin__.reversed(x)
    except TypeError:
        return reversed(list(x))
예제 #10
def reversed(x):
        return __builtin__.reversed(x)
    except TypeError:
        return reversed(list(x))
예제 #11
def church_list(xs):
    churched = nil
    for x in reversed(list(xs)):
        churched = cons(x)(churched)
    return churched
예제 #12
def main():
# Remove file name from args
    args = (list)((reversed)((list)(takewhile(lambda x: file_no_ext(x) != file_no_ext(__file__), reversed(sys.argv)))))
# Remove boolean flags from args
    args = (parse_boolean_args)(args)
# Group args in pairs, parse args and remove any options from the args
    paths_to_backup = (list)(filter(lambda x: x if not parse_arg(x) else None, groupsof(2, args)))
# Flatten (the paths will still be grouped)
    paths_to_backup = [path for paths in paths_to_backup for path in paths]

# Create the output directory if needed
    os.path.isdir(out_path) or os.mkdir(out_path)

    (debug)(*('paths_to_backup: ' + repr(paths_to_backup), 2))
    (debug)(*('output: {_coconut_format_0}'.format(_coconut_format_0=(out_path)), 2))
    (debug)(*('force: {_coconut_format_0}'.format(_coconut_format_0=(cron_force)), 2))
    (debug)(*('cron: {_coconut_format_0}'.format(_coconut_format_0=(cron_slices_str)), 2))

    for path in paths_to_backup:
        if not exists(path):
            (error)("{_coconut_format_0} does not exist!".format(_coconut_format_0=(path)))
        if os.path.isdir(path):
            out_file_name = ((list)(dropwhile(lambda x: len(x) == 0, (reversed)(path.split("/")))))[0]
            out_file_name = basename(path)
        rsync_args = ["rsync", "-avz", normpath(path), normpath("{_coconut_format_0}/{_coconut_format_1}".format(_coconut_format_0=(out_path), _coconut_format_1=(out_file_name)))]
        (debug)("EXEC CMD: {_coconut_format_0}".format(_coconut_format_0=(' '.join(rsync_args))))
        (debug)(subprocess.check_output(rsync_args, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode('utf-8'))

        if cron_slices_str:
            user_cron = CronTab(user=True)
            cmd = " ".join(rsync_args)
            (debug)(*("Existing cron jobs: {_coconut_format_0}".format(_coconut_format_0=(repr(user_cron.crons))), 2))
# If task already exists
                job = _coconut_igetitem((_coconut.itertools.chain.from_iterable((_coconut_func() for _coconut_func in (lambda: user_cron.find_comment(fingerprint(cmd)), lambda: user_cron.find_command(cmd))))), 0)
                if job:
                    if cron_force:
                        (debug)("Cron job already exists... DELETING {_coconut_format_0})".format(_coconut_format_0=(job.comment)))
                        (error)("Cron job already exists for {_coconut_format_0}!".format(_coconut_format_0=(cmd)))
            except StopIteration:
            job = (user_cron.new)(**{'command': cmd, 'comment': fingerprint(cmd)})
            if not job.is_valid:
                (error)("Cannot create cron job!: {_coconut_format_0}".format(_coconut_format_0=(repr(job))))
                (debug)("Creating cron job: {_coconut_format_0}".format(_coconut_format_0=(job)))
예제 #13
# add ~/.python/* to python module search path

## include some functional primitives in the default namespace

# box any specified arguments
box = lambda *a: a
# return a closure that executes ``f`` with the arguments unboxed.
unbox = lambda f, *a, **k: lambda *ap, **kp: f(*(a + __builtin__.reduce(operator.add, __builtin__.map(__builtin__.tuple,ap), ())), **__builtin__.dict(k.items() + kp.items()))
# return a closure that always returns ``n``.
identity = lambda n: lambda *a, **k: n
# return the first, second, or third item of a box.
first, second, third = operator.itemgetter(0), operator.itemgetter(1), operator.itemgetter(2)
# return a closure that executes a list of functions one after another from left-to-right
fcompose = compose = lambda *f: __builtin__.reduce(lambda f1,f2: lambda *a: f1(f2(*a)), __builtin__.reversed(f))
# return a closure that executes function ``f`` whilst discarding any extra arguments
fdiscard = lambda f: lambda *a, **k: f()
# return a closure that executes function ``crit`` and then executes ``f`` or ``t`` based on whether or not it's successful.
fcondition = lambda f, t: lambda crit: lambda *a, **k: t(*a, **k) if crit(*a, **k) else f(*a, **k)
# return a closure that takes a list of functions to execute with the provided arguments
fmaplist = fap = lambda *fa: lambda *a, **k: (f(*a, **k) for f in fa)
#lazy = lambda f, state={}: lambda *a, **k: state[(f,a,__builtin__.tuple(__builtin__.sorted(k.items())))] if (f,a,__builtin__.tuple(__builtin__.sorted(k.items()))) in state else state.setdefault((f,a,__builtin__.tuple(__builtin__.sorted(k.items()))), f(*a, **k))
#lazy = lambda f, *a, **k: lambda *ap, **kp: f(*(a+ap), **dict(k.items() + kp.items()))
# return a memoized closure that's lazy and only executes when evaluated
def lazy(f, *a, **k):
    sortedtuple, state = fcompose(__builtin__.sorted, __builtin__.tuple), {}
    def closure(*ap, **kp):
        A, K = a+ap, sortedtuple(k.items() + kp.items())
        return state[(A,K)] if (A,K) in state else state.setdefault((A,K), f(*A, **__builtin__.dict(k.items()+kp.items())))
    return closure
예제 #14
# return a closure that will get a particular element from an object
fgetitem = fitem = lambda item, *default: lambda object: default[0] if default and item not in object else object[item] 
# return a closure that will check if its argument has an ``attribute``.
fhasattr = fattributeQ = lambda attribute: frpartial(builtins.hasattr, attribute)
# return a closure that will get a particular attribute from an object
fgetattr = fattribute = lambda attribute, *default: lambda object: getattr(object, attribute, *default)
# return a closure that always returns ``object``.
fconstant = fconst = falways = lambda object: lambda *a, **k: object
# a closure that returns it's argument always
fpassthru = fpass = fidentity = fid = lambda object: object
# a closure that returns a default value if its object is false-y
fdefault = lambda default: lambda object: object or default
# return the first, second, or third item of a box.
first, second, third, last = operator.itemgetter(0), operator.itemgetter(1), operator.itemgetter(2), operator.itemgetter(-1)
# return a closure that executes a list of functions one after another from left-to-right
fcompose = lambda *f: builtins.reduce(lambda f1, f2: lambda *a: f1(f2(*a)), builtins.reversed(f))
# return a closure that executes function ``f`` whilst discarding any extra arguments
fdiscard = lambda f: lambda *a, **k: f()
# return a closure that executes function ``crit`` and then returns/executes ``f`` or ``t`` based on whether or not it's successful.
fcondition = fcond = lambda crit: lambda t, f: \
    lambda *a, **k: (t(*a, **k) if builtins.callable(t) else t) if crit(*a, **k) else (f(*a, **k) if builtins.callable(f) else f)
# return a closure that takes a list of functions to execute with the provided arguments
fmap = lambda *fa: lambda *a, **k: (f(*a, **k) for f in fa)
#lazy = lambda f, state={}: lambda *a, **k: state[(f, a, builtins.tuple(builtins.sorted(k.items())))] if (f, a, builtins.tuple(builtins.sorted(k.items()))) in state else state.setdefault((f, a, builtins.tuple(builtins.sorted(k.items()))), f(*a, **k))
#lazy = lambda f, *a, **k: lambda *ap, **kp: f(*(a+ap), **dict(k.items() + kp.items()))
# return a memoized closure that's lazy and only executes when evaluated
def flazy(f, *a, **k):
    sortedtuple, state = fcompose(builtins.sorted, builtins.tuple), {}
    def lazy(*ap, **kp):
        A, K = a+ap, sortedtuple(k.items() + kp.items())
        return state[(A, K)] if (A, K) in state else state.setdefault((A, K), f(*A, **builtins.dict(k.items()+kp.items())))
예제 #15
### functional programming primitives (FIXME: probably better to document these with examples)

# box any specified arguments
fbox = fboxed = box = boxed = lambda *a: a
# return a closure that executes ``f`` with the arguments unboxed.
funbox = unbox = lambda f, *a, **k: lambda *ap, **kp: f(*(a + __builtin__.reduce(operator.add, __builtin__.map(__builtin__.tuple,ap), ())), **__builtin__.dict(k.items() + kp.items()))
# return a closure that will check that ``object`` is an instance of ``type``.
finstance = lambda type: lambda object: isinstance(object, type)
# return a closure that always returns ``object``.
fconstant = fconst = lambda object: lambda *a, **k: object
# a closure that returns it's argument
fpassthru = fpass = fidentity = fid = lambda object: object
# return the first, second, or third item of a box.
first, second, third, last = operator.itemgetter(0), operator.itemgetter(1), operator.itemgetter(2), operator.itemgetter(-1)
# return a closure that executes a list of functions one after another from left-to-right
fcompose = compose = lambda *f: __builtin__.reduce(lambda f1,f2: lambda *a: f1(f2(*a)), __builtin__.reversed(f))
# return a closure that executes function ``f`` whilst discarding any extra arguments
fdiscard = lambda f: lambda *a, **k: f()
# return a closure that executes function ``crit`` and then executes ``f`` or ``t`` based on whether or not it's successful.
fcondition = fcond = lambda crit: lambda t, f: \
    lambda *a, **k: t(*a, **k) if crit(*a, **k) else f(*a, **k)
# return a closure that takes a list of functions to execute with the provided arguments
fmaplist = fap = lambda *fa: lambda *a, **k: (f(*a, **k) for f in fa)
#lazy = lambda f, state={}: lambda *a, **k: state[(f,a,__builtin__.tuple(__builtin__.sorted(k.items())))] if (f,a,__builtin__.tuple(__builtin__.sorted(k.items()))) in state else state.setdefault((f,a,__builtin__.tuple(__builtin__.sorted(k.items()))), f(*a, **k))
#lazy = lambda f, *a, **k: lambda *ap, **kp: f(*(a+ap), **dict(k.items() + kp.items()))
# return a memoized closure that's lazy and only executes when evaluated
def flazy(f, *a, **k):
    sortedtuple, state = fcompose(__builtin__.sorted, __builtin__.tuple), {}
    def lazy(*ap, **kp):
        A, K = a+ap, sortedtuple(k.items() + kp.items())
        return state[(A,K)] if (A,K) in state else state.setdefault((A,K), f(*A, **__builtin__.dict(k.items()+kp.items())))