예제 #1
파일: registry.py 프로젝트: evhub/bbopt
    def __iter__(self):
        _coconut_yield_from_1 = _coconut.iter(self.registered)
        while True:
                yield _coconut.next(_coconut_yield_from_1)
            except _coconut.StopIteration as _coconut_yield_err_0:
                _coconut_yield_from_0 = _coconut_yield_err_0.args[
                    0] if _coconut.len(_coconut_yield_err_0.args) > 0 else None

        _coconut_yield_from_3 = _coconut.iter(self.generators)
        while True:
                yield _coconut.next(_coconut_yield_from_3)
            except _coconut.StopIteration as _coconut_yield_err_1:
                _coconut_yield_from_2 = _coconut_yield_err_1.args[
                    0] if _coconut.len(_coconut_yield_err_1.args) > 0 else None

        _coconut_yield_from_5 = _coconut.iter(self.aliases)
        while True:
                yield _coconut.next(_coconut_yield_from_5)
            except _coconut.StopIteration as _coconut_yield_err_2:
                _coconut_yield_from_4 = _coconut_yield_err_2.args[
                    0] if _coconut.len(_coconut_yield_err_2.args) > 0 else None

예제 #2
    def __iter__(self):
        _coconut_yield_from = _coconut.iter(self.registered)
        while True:
                yield _coconut.next(_coconut_yield_from)
            except _coconut.StopIteration as _coconut_yield_err:
                _coconut_yield_from_0 = _coconut_yield_err.args[0] if _coconut.len(_coconut_yield_err.args) > 0 else None

        _coconut_yield_from = _coconut.iter(self.generators)
        while True:
                yield _coconut.next(_coconut_yield_from)
            except _coconut.StopIteration as _coconut_yield_err:
                _coconut_yield_from_1 = _coconut_yield_err.args[0] if _coconut.len(_coconut_yield_err.args) > 0 else None

        _coconut_yield_from = _coconut.iter(self.aliases)
        while True:
                yield _coconut.next(_coconut_yield_from)
            except _coconut.StopIteration as _coconut_yield_err:
                _coconut_yield_from_2 = _coconut_yield_err.args[0] if _coconut.len(_coconut_yield_err.args) > 0 else None

예제 #3
    def __init__(*_coconut_match_args, **_coconut_match_kwargs):
        Construct a new BlackBoxOptimizer. You must either pass file=__file__ or
        both data_dir="/path/to/some/dir" and data_name="my_project_name".
        _coconut_match_check_1 = False
        _coconut_match_set_name_self = _coconut_sentinel
        _coconut_match_set_name_data_dir = _coconut_sentinel
        _coconut_match_set_name_data_name = _coconut_sentinel
        _coconut_match_set_name_kwargs = _coconut_sentinel
        _coconut_FunctionMatchError = _coconut_get_function_match_error()
        if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) <= 3) and (_coconut.sum((_coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) > 0, "self" in _coconut_match_kwargs)) == 1) and (_coconut.sum((_coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) > 1, "data_dir" in _coconut_match_kwargs)) == 1) and (_coconut.sum((_coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) > 2, "data_name" in _coconut_match_kwargs)) == 1):
            _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_args[0] if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) > 0 else _coconut_match_kwargs.pop("self")
            _coconut_match_temp_1 = _coconut_match_args[1] if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) > 1 else _coconut_match_kwargs.pop("data_dir")
            _coconut_match_temp_2 = _coconut_match_args[2] if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) > 2 else _coconut_match_kwargs.pop("data_name")
            if ((isinstance)(_coconut_match_temp_1, Str)) and ((isinstance)(_coconut_match_temp_2, Str)):
                _coconut_match_set_name_self = _coconut_match_temp_0
                _coconut_match_set_name_data_dir = _coconut_match_temp_1
                _coconut_match_set_name_data_name = _coconut_match_temp_2
                _coconut_match_set_name_kwargs = _coconut_match_kwargs
                _coconut_match_check_1 = True
        if _coconut_match_check_1:
            if _coconut_match_set_name_self is not _coconut_sentinel:
                self = _coconut_match_temp_0
            if _coconut_match_set_name_data_dir is not _coconut_sentinel:
                data_dir = _coconut_match_temp_1
            if _coconut_match_set_name_data_name is not _coconut_sentinel:
                data_name = _coconut_match_temp_2
            if _coconut_match_set_name_kwargs is not _coconut_sentinel:
                kwargs = _coconut_match_kwargs
        if not _coconut_match_check_1:
            raise _coconut_FunctionMatchError('addpattern def __init__(self, data_dir `isinstance` Str, data_name `isinstance` Str, **kwargs):', _coconut_match_args)

        self.__init__(os.path.join(data_dir, data_name), **kwargs)
예제 #4
def init_backend(*_coconut_match_to_args, **_coconut_match_to_kwargs):
    """Create a backend object of the given name with the given data."""
    _coconut_match_check = False
    _coconut_FunctionMatchError = _coconut_get_function_match_error()
    if (_coconut.sum((_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 0, "name" in _coconut_match_to_kwargs)) == 1) and (_coconut.sum((_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 1, "examples" in _coconut_match_to_kwargs)) == 1) and (_coconut.sum((_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 2, "params" in _coconut_match_to_kwargs)) == 1):
        _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_to_args[0] if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 0 else _coconut_match_to_kwargs.pop("name")
        _coconut_match_temp_1 = _coconut_match_to_args[1] if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 1 else _coconut_match_to_kwargs.pop("examples")
        _coconut_match_temp_2 = _coconut_match_to_args[2] if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 2 else _coconut_match_to_kwargs.pop("params")
        args = _coconut_match_to_args[3:]
        _coconut_match_temp_3 = _coconut_match_to_kwargs.pop("attempt_to_update_backend") if "attempt_to_update_backend" in _coconut_match_to_kwargs else None
        name = _coconut_match_temp_0
        examples = _coconut_match_temp_1
        params = _coconut_match_temp_2
        attempt_to_update_backend = _coconut_match_temp_3
        options = _coconut_match_to_kwargs
        _coconut_match_check = True
    if not _coconut_match_check:
        raise _coconut_FunctionMatchError('match def init_backend(name, examples, params, *args, attempt_to_update_backend=None, **options):', _coconut_match_to_args)

    backend_cls = backend_registry[name]
    if attempt_to_update_backend is not None and isinstance(attempt_to_update_backend, backend_cls):
        updated_backend = attempt_to_update_backend.attempt_update(examples, params, *args, **options)
        if updated_backend is True:
            return attempt_to_update_backend
        elif isinstance(updated_backend, backend_cls):
            return updated_backend
            assert updated_backend is False, "invalid backend.attempt_update return value {_coconut_format_0} from {_coconut_format_1}".format(_coconut_format_0=(updated_backend), _coconut_format_1=(backend_cls))
    return backend_cls(examples, params, *args, **options)
예제 #5
    def __init__(*_coconut_match_to_args, **_coconut_match_to_kwargs):
        """Construct a new BlackBoxOptimizer. It is recommended to pass file=__file__."""
        _coconut_match_check = False
        _coconut_FunctionMatchError = _coconut_get_function_match_error()
        if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) <= 2) and (_coconut.sum((_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 0, "self" in _coconut_match_to_kwargs)) == 1) and (_coconut.sum((_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 1, "file" in _coconut_match_to_kwargs)) == 1):
            _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_to_args[0] if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 0 else _coconut_match_to_kwargs.pop("self")
            _coconut_match_temp_1 = _coconut_match_to_args[1] if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 1 else _coconut_match_to_kwargs.pop("file")
            _coconut_match_temp_2 = _coconut_match_to_kwargs.pop("tag") if "tag" in _coconut_match_to_kwargs else None
            _coconut_match_temp_3 = _coconut_match_to_kwargs.pop("protocol") if "protocol" in _coconut_match_to_kwargs else None
            if not _coconut_match_to_kwargs:
                self = _coconut_match_temp_0
                file = _coconut_match_temp_1
                tag = _coconut_match_temp_2
                protocol = _coconut_match_temp_3
                _coconut_match_check = True
        if not _coconut_match_check:
            raise _coconut_FunctionMatchError('match def __init__(self, file, *, tag=None, protocol=None):', _coconut_match_to_args)

        if not isinstance(file, Str):
            raise TypeError("file must be a string")
        self._file = norm_path(file)
        self._tag = tag

        if protocol is None:
# auto-detect protocol
            self._protocol = "json"
            if not os.path.exists(self.data_file):
                self._protocol = default_protocol
            self._protocol = protocol

    def sieve(*_coconut_match_to_args, **_coconut_match_to_kwargs):
        _coconut_match_check = False
        if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args)
                == 1) and (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to_args[0],
            xs = _coconut.iter(_coconut_match_to_args[0])
            _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut.tuple(
                _coconut_igetitem(xs, _coconut.slice(None, 1)))
            if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_temp_0)
                    == 1) and (not _coconut_match_to_kwargs):
                x = _coconut_match_temp_0[0]
                _coconut_match_check = True
        if not _coconut_match_check:
            _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError(
                "pattern-matching failed for "
                "'def sieve([x] :: xs) = [x] :: sieve(n for n in xs if n % x)'"
                " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to_args)))
            _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'def sieve([x] :: xs) = [x] :: sieve(n for n in xs if n % x)'
            _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to_args
            raise _coconut_match_err

        return _coconut_tail_call(
             for f in (lambda: [x], lambda: sieve((n for n in xs if n % x)))))
예제 #7
 def _coconut_lambda_0(*_coconut_match_args,
     _coconut_match_check_0 = False
     _coconut_match_set_name_val = _coconut_sentinel
     _coconut_match_set_name_loss = _coconut_sentinel
     _coconut_FunctionMatchError = _coconut_get_function_match_error(
     if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) == 1:
         if (_coconut.isinstance(
                 _coconut.abc.Sequence)) and (_coconut.len(
                     _coconut_match_args[0]) == 2):
             _coconut_match_set_name_val = _coconut_match_args[0][0]
             _coconut_match_set_name_loss = _coconut_match_args[0][
             if not _coconut_match_kwargs:
                 _coconut_match_check_0 = True
     if _coconut_match_check_0:
         if _coconut_match_set_name_val is not _coconut_sentinel:
             val = _coconut_match_set_name_val
         if _coconut_match_set_name_loss is not _coconut_sentinel:
             loss = _coconut_match_set_name_loss
     if not _coconut_match_check_0:
         raise _coconut_FunctionMatchError(
             'best_val, min_loss = min(marginals, key=def ((val, loss)) -> loss)',
     return loss
예제 #8
    def __init__(*_coconut_match_args, **_coconut_match_kwargs):
        _coconut_match_check_0 = False
        _coconut_match_set_name_self = _coconut_sentinel
        _coconut_match_set_name_file = _coconut_sentinel
        _coconut_match_set_name_tag = _coconut_sentinel
        _coconut_match_set_name_protocol = _coconut_sentinel
        _coconut_FunctionMatchError = _coconut_get_function_match_error()
        if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) <= 2) and (_coconut.sum(
            (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) > 0, "self"
             in _coconut_match_kwargs)) == 1) and (_coconut.sum(
                 (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) > 1, "file"
                  in _coconut_match_kwargs)) == 1):
            _coconut_match_temp_2 = _coconut_match_kwargs.pop(
                "tag") if "tag" in _coconut_match_kwargs else None
            _coconut_match_temp_3 = _coconut_match_kwargs.pop(
                "protocol") if "protocol" in _coconut_match_kwargs else None
            _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_args[0] if _coconut.len(
                _coconut_match_args) > 0 else _coconut_match_kwargs.pop("self")
            _coconut_match_temp_1 = _coconut_match_args[1] if _coconut.len(
                _coconut_match_args) > 1 else _coconut_match_kwargs.pop("file")
            _coconut_match_set_name_tag = _coconut_match_temp_2
            _coconut_match_set_name_protocol = _coconut_match_temp_3
            if (isinstance)(_coconut_match_temp_1, Str):
                _coconut_match_set_name_self = _coconut_match_temp_0
                _coconut_match_set_name_file = _coconut_match_temp_1
                if not _coconut_match_kwargs:
                    _coconut_match_check_0 = True
        if _coconut_match_check_0:
            if _coconut_match_set_name_self is not _coconut_sentinel:
                self = _coconut_match_set_name_self
            if _coconut_match_set_name_file is not _coconut_sentinel:
                file = _coconut_match_set_name_file
            if _coconut_match_set_name_tag is not _coconut_sentinel:
                tag = _coconut_match_set_name_tag
            if _coconut_match_set_name_protocol is not _coconut_sentinel:
                protocol = _coconut_match_set_name_protocol
        if not _coconut_match_check_0:
            raise _coconut_FunctionMatchError(
                'match def __init__(self, file `isinstance` Str, *, tag=None, protocol=None):',

        self._backend_creation_counts = defaultdict(int)

        self._file = norm_path(file)
        self._tag = tag

        if protocol is None:
            # auto-detect protocol
            self.protocol = "json"
            if not os.path.exists(self.data_file):
                self.protocol = constants.default_protocol
            self.protocol = protocol

예제 #9
def forall_handle(*_coconut_match_args, **_coconut_match_kwargs):
    _coconut_match_check_2 = False
    _coconut_FunctionMatchError = _coconut_get_function_match_error()
    if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) <= 2) and (_coconut.sum((_coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) > 0, "const" in _coconut_match_kwargs)) == 1) and (_coconut.sum((_coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) > 1, "expr" in _coconut_match_kwargs)) == 1):
        _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_args[0] if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) > 0 else _coconut_match_kwargs.pop("const")
        _coconut_match_temp_1 = _coconut_match_args[1] if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) > 1 else _coconut_match_kwargs.pop("expr")
        if not _coconut_match_kwargs:
            const = _coconut_match_temp_0
            expr = _coconut_match_temp_1
            _coconut_match_check_2 = True
    if not _coconut_match_check_2:
        raise _coconut_FunctionMatchError('match def forall_handle(const, expr) = ForAll(const, expr)', _coconut_match_args)

    return _coconut_tail_call(ForAll, const, expr)
예제 #10
def forall_handle(*_coconut_match_args, **_coconut_match_kwargs):
    _coconut_match_check_3 = False
    _coconut_FunctionMatchError = _coconut_get_function_match_error()
    if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) <= 3) and (_coconut.sum((_coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) > 0, "const" in _coconut_match_kwargs)) == 1) and (_coconut.sum((_coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) > 1, "prop" in _coconut_match_kwargs)) == 1) and (_coconut.sum((_coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) > 2, "expr" in _coconut_match_kwargs)) == 1):
        _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_args[0] if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) > 0 else _coconut_match_kwargs.pop("const")
        _coconut_match_temp_1 = _coconut_match_args[1] if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) > 1 else _coconut_match_kwargs.pop("prop")
        _coconut_match_temp_2 = _coconut_match_args[2] if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) > 2 else _coconut_match_kwargs.pop("expr")
        if not _coconut_match_kwargs:
            const = _coconut_match_temp_0
            prop = _coconut_match_temp_1
            expr = _coconut_match_temp_2
            _coconut_match_check_3 = True
    if not _coconut_match_check_3:
        raise _coconut_FunctionMatchError('match def forall_handle(const, prop, expr) =', _coconut_match_args)

    return _coconut_tail_call(ForAll, const, prop(const) >> expr)
예제 #11
    def test_match_error_addpattern(*_coconut_match_to_args, **_coconut_match_to_kwargs):
        _coconut_match_check = False
        _coconut_FunctionMatchError = _coconut_get_function_match_error()
        if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) <= 1) and (_coconut.sum((_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 0, "x" in _coconut_match_to_kwargs)) == 1):
            _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_to_args[0] if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 0 else _coconut_match_to_kwargs.pop("x")
            if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_temp_0, int)) and (not _coconut_match_to_kwargs):
                x = _coconut_match_temp_0
                _coconut_match_check = True
        if not _coconut_match_check:
            _coconut_match_val_repr = _coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to_args)
            _coconut_match_err = _coconut_FunctionMatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'def test_match_error_addpattern(x is int): raise MatchError()'" " in " + (_coconut_match_val_repr if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_val_repr) <= 500 else _coconut_match_val_repr[:500] + "..."))
            _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'def test_match_error_addpattern(x is int): raise MatchError()'
            _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to_args
            raise _coconut_match_err

        raise MatchError()
예제 #12
    def angle(*_coconut_match_to_args, **_coconut_match_to_kwargs):
        _coconut_match_check = False
        _coconut_FunctionMatchError = _coconut_get_function_match_error()
        if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) <= 2) and (_coconut.sum((_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 0, "self" in _coconut_match_to_kwargs)) == 1) and (_coconut.sum((_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 1, "other" in _coconut_match_to_kwargs)) == 1):
            _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_to_args[0] if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 0 else _coconut_match_to_kwargs.pop("self")
            _coconut_match_temp_1 = _coconut_match_to_args[1] if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 1 else _coconut_match_to_kwargs.pop("other")
            if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_temp_1, vector)) and (not _coconut_match_to_kwargs):
                self = _coconut_match_temp_0
                other = _coconut_match_temp_1
                _coconut_match_check = True
        if not _coconut_match_check:
            _coconut_match_val_repr = _coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to_args)
            _coconut_match_err = _coconut_FunctionMatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'def angle(self, other is vector) = math.acos(self.unit() * other.unit())'" " in " + (_coconut_match_val_repr if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_val_repr) <= 500 else _coconut_match_val_repr[:500] + "..."))
            _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'def angle(self, other is vector) = math.acos(self.unit() * other.unit())'
            _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to_args
            raise _coconut_match_err

        return _coconut_tail_call(math.acos, self.unit() * other.unit())
예제 #13
def factorial(*_coconut_match_to_args, **_coconut_match_to_kwargs):
    """Compute n! where n is an integer >= 0."""
    _coconut_match_check = False
    _coconut_FunctionMatchError = _coconut_get_function_match_error()
    if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) <= 1) and (_coconut.sum((_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 0, "n" in _coconut_match_to_kwargs)) == 1):
        _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_to_args[0] if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 0 else _coconut_match_to_kwargs.pop("n")
        if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_temp_0, int)) and (not _coconut_match_to_kwargs):
            n = _coconut_match_temp_0
            _coconut_match_check = True
    if _coconut_match_check and not (n > 0):
        _coconut_match_check = False
    if not _coconut_match_check:
        _coconut_match_val_repr = _coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to_args)
        _coconut_match_err = _coconut_FunctionMatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'def factorial(n is int if n > 0) ='" " in " + (_coconut_match_val_repr if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_val_repr) <= 500 else _coconut_match_val_repr[:500] + "..."))
        _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'def factorial(n is int if n > 0) ='
        _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to_args
        raise _coconut_match_err

    return n * factorial(n - 1)
예제 #14
 def __eq__(self, other):
     """Compare whether two vectors are equal."""
     _coconut_match_check = False
     _coconut_match_to = other
     if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, vector)) and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) == 1) and (_coconut_match_to[0] == self.pts):
         _coconut_match_check = True
     if _coconut_match_check:
         return True
         return False
예제 #15
    def __iter__(self):
        _coconut_yield_from_1 = _coconut.iter(self.new_list)
        while True:
                yield _coconut.next(_coconut_yield_from_1)
            except _coconut.StopIteration as _coconut_yield_err_0:
                _coconut_yield_from_0 = _coconut_yield_err_0.args[0] if _coconut.len(_coconut_yield_err_0.args) > 0 else None

예제 #16
    def __iter__(self):
        _coconut_yield_from_3 = _coconut.iter(self.new_dict)
        while True:
                yield _coconut.next(_coconut_yield_from_3)
            except _coconut.StopIteration as _coconut_yield_err_1:
                _coconut_yield_from_2 = _coconut_yield_err_1.args[0] if _coconut.len(_coconut_yield_err_1.args) > 0 else None

예제 #17
 def __new__(cls, *pts):
     """Create a new vector from the given pts."""
     _coconut_match_to = pts
     _coconut_match_check = False
     if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, _coconut.abc.Sequence)) and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) == 1) and (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to[0], vector)):
         v = _coconut_match_to[0]
         _coconut_match_check = True
     if _coconut_match_check:
         return v  # vector(v) where v is a vector should return v
         return _coconut_tail_call(makedata, cls, *pts)  # accesses base constructor
예제 #18
def mean(*_coconut_match_args, **_coconut_match_kwargs):
    _coconut_match_check_0 = False
    _coconut_FunctionMatchError = _coconut_get_function_match_error()
    if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) == 1) and (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_args[0], _coconut.abc.Sequence)) and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_args[0]) >= 0):
        xs = _coconut.list(_coconut_match_args[0])
        if not _coconut_match_kwargs:
            _coconut_match_check_0 = True
    if not _coconut_match_check_0:
        raise _coconut_FunctionMatchError('match def mean([] + xs) =', _coconut_match_args)

    return sum(xs) / len(xs)
예제 #19
def quick_sort(*_coconut_match_to):
    _coconut_match_check = False
    if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) == 1) and (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to[0], _coconut.abc.Sequence)) and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to[0]) == 0):
        _coconut_match_check = True
    if not _coconut_match_check:
        _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'def quick_sort([]) = []'" " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to)))
        _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'def quick_sort([]) = []'
        _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to
        raise _coconut_match_err

    return []
예제 #20
def factorial(*_coconut_match_to):
    _coconut_match_check = False
    if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) == 1) and (_coconut_match_to[0] == 0):
        _coconut_match_check = True
    if not _coconut_match_check:
        _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'def factorial(0) = 1'" " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to)))
        _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'def factorial(0) = 1'
        _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to
        raise _coconut_match_err

    return 1
예제 #21
    def __sub__(*_coconut_match_to_args, **_coconut_match_to_kwargs):
        """Subtract one vector from another."""
        _coconut_match_check = False
        _coconut_FunctionMatchError = _coconut_get_function_match_error()
        if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) == 2) and ("self" not in _coconut_match_to_kwargs) and (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to_args[1], vector)):
            _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_to_args[0] if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 0 else _coconut_match_to_kwargs.pop("self")
            other_pts = _coconut_match_to_args[1][0:]
            if not _coconut_match_to_kwargs:
                self = _coconut_match_temp_0
                _coconut_match_check = True
        if _coconut_match_check and not (len(other_pts) == len(self.pts)):
            _coconut_match_check = False
        if not _coconut_match_check:
            _coconut_match_val_repr = _coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to_args)
            _coconut_match_err = _coconut_FunctionMatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'def __sub__(self, vector(*other_pts)                 if len(other_pts) == len(self.pts)) ='" " in " + (_coconut_match_val_repr if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_val_repr) <= 500 else _coconut_match_val_repr[:500] + "..."))
            _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'def __sub__(self, vector(*other_pts)                 if len(other_pts) == len(self.pts)) ='
            _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to_args
            raise _coconut_match_err

        return _coconut_tail_call((vector), *map(_coconut_minus, self.pts, other_pts))
예제 #22
 def __mul__(self, other):
     """Scalar multiplication and dot product."""
     _coconut_match_check = False
     _coconut_match_to = other
     if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, vector)) and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) == 1):
         other_pts = _coconut_match_to[0]
         _coconut_match_check = True
     if _coconut_match_check:
         assert len(other_pts) == len(self.pts)
         raise _coconut_tail_call((sum), map(_coconut.operator.mul, self.pts, other_pts))  # dot product
         raise _coconut_tail_call((vector), *map(_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.operator.mul, other), self.pts))  # scalar multiplication
예제 #23
def mean(*_coconut_match_args, **_coconut_match_kwargs):
    """Compute the arithmetic mean of the given sequence."""
    _coconut_match_check_1 = False
    _coconut_FunctionMatchError = _coconut_get_function_match_error()
    if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) == 1) and (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_args[0], _coconut.abc.Iterable)):
        xs = _coconut_match_args[0]
        if not _coconut_match_kwargs:
            _coconut_match_check_1 = True
    if not _coconut_match_check_1:
        raise _coconut_FunctionMatchError('addpattern def mean(() :: xs) =', _coconut_match_args)

    return (mean)((tuple)(xs))
예제 #24
    def items(self):
        """Get all items in the registry as (name, value) pairs."""
        _coconut_yield_from = _coconut.iter(self.registered.items())
        while True:
                yield _coconut.next(_coconut_yield_from)
            except _coconut.StopIteration as _coconut_yield_err:
                _coconut_yield_from_3 = _coconut_yield_err.args[0] if _coconut.len(_coconut_yield_err.args) > 0 else None

예제 #25
 def _coconut_lambda_18(*_coconut_match_to):
     _coconut_match_check = False
     if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) == 1) and (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to[0], _coconut.abc.Sequence)) and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to[0]) >= 1):
         xs = _coconut.list(_coconut_match_to[0][1:])
         x = _coconut_match_to[0][0]
         _coconut_match_check = True
     if not _coconut_match_check:
         _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'assert (def ([x] + xs) -> x, xs) <| range(5) == (0, [1,2,3,4])'" " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to)))
         _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'assert (def ([x] + xs) -> x, xs) <| range(5) == (0, [1,2,3,4])'
         _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to
         raise _coconut_match_err
     return x, xs
예제 #26
def forall_handle(*_coconut_match_to_args, **_coconut_match_to_kwargs):
    _coconut_match_check = False
    _coconut_FunctionMatchError = _coconut_get_function_match_error()
    if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) <= 2) and (_coconut.sum(
        (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 0, "const"
         in _coconut_match_to_kwargs)) == 1) and (_coconut.sum(
             (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 1, "expr"
              in _coconut_match_to_kwargs)) == 1):
        _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_to_args[0] if _coconut.len(
            _coconut_match_to_args) > 0 else _coconut_match_to_kwargs.pop(
        _coconut_match_temp_1 = _coconut_match_to_args[1] if _coconut.len(
            _coconut_match_to_args) > 1 else _coconut_match_to_kwargs.pop(
        if not _coconut_match_to_kwargs:
            const = _coconut_match_temp_0
            expr = _coconut_match_temp_1
            _coconut_match_check = True
    if not _coconut_match_check:
        _coconut_match_val_repr = _coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to_args)
        _coconut_match_err = _coconut_FunctionMatchError(
            "pattern-matching failed for "
            "'match def forall_handle(const, expr) = ForAll(const, expr)'"
            " in " +
            (_coconut_match_val_repr if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_val_repr)
             <= 500 else _coconut_match_val_repr[:500] + "..."))
        _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'match def forall_handle(const, expr) = ForAll(const, expr)'
        _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to_args
        raise _coconut_match_err

    return _coconut_tail_call(ForAll, const, expr)
예제 #27
    def param(self, name, func, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create a black box parameter and return its value."""
        if self._got_reward:
            raise ValueError(
                "all parameter definitions must come before maximize/minimize")
        if not isinstance(name, Str):
            raise TypeError(
                "name must be a string, not {_coconut_format_0}".format(
        if name in self._new_params:
            raise ValueError(
                "parameter of name {_coconut_format_0} already exists".format(

        args = param_processor.standardize_args(func, args)
        kwargs = param_processor.standardize_kwargs(kwargs)

        _coconut_match_to_1 = self._old_params
        _coconut_match_check_3 = False
        _coconut_match_set_name_old_func = _coconut_sentinel
        _coconut_match_set_name_old_args = _coconut_sentinel
        _coconut_match_set_name_old_kwargs = _coconut_sentinel
        if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to_1, _coconut.abc.Mapping):
            _coconut_match_temp_9 = _coconut_match_to_1.get(
                name, _coconut_sentinel)
            if (_coconut_match_temp_9
                    is not _coconut_sentinel) and (_coconut.isinstance(
                        _coconut_match_temp_9, _coconut.abc.Sequence)) and (
                            _coconut.len(_coconut_match_temp_9) == 3):
                _coconut_match_set_name_old_func = _coconut_match_temp_9[0]
                _coconut_match_set_name_old_args = _coconut_match_temp_9[1]
                _coconut_match_set_name_old_kwargs = _coconut_match_temp_9[2]
                _coconut_match_check_3 = True
        if _coconut_match_check_3:
            if _coconut_match_set_name_old_func is not _coconut_sentinel:
                old_func = _coconut_match_set_name_old_func
            if _coconut_match_set_name_old_args is not _coconut_sentinel:
                old_args = _coconut_match_set_name_old_args
            if _coconut_match_set_name_old_kwargs is not _coconut_sentinel:
                old_kwargs = _coconut_match_set_name_old_kwargs
        if _coconut_match_check_3:
            if (func, args) != (old_func, old_args):
                    "BBopt Warning: detected change in parameter {_coconut_format_0} ({_coconut_format_1} != {_coconut_format_2}) (you may need to delete your old BBopt data)"
                            _coconut_format_1=((func, args)),
                            _coconut_format_2=((old_func, old_args))))

        value = self.backend.param(name, func, *args, **kwargs)
        self._new_params[name] = (func, args, kwargs)
        self._current_example["values"][name] = value
        return value
예제 #28
파일: util.py 프로젝트: evhub/tf-ddpg
def run_sess_with_opt(sess, opt, outputs=[], feed_dict={}):
    """Run a session including the given optimizer but excluding its output."""
    _coconut_match_to = sess.run([opt] + outputs, feed_dict=feed_dict)
    _coconut_match_check = False
    if (_coconut.isinstance(
            _coconut.abc.Sequence)) and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) >= 1):
        results = _coconut.list(_coconut_match_to[1:])
        _coconut_match_check = True
    if not _coconut_match_check:
        _coconut_match_val_repr = _coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to)
        _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError(
            "pattern-matching failed for "
            "'[_] + results = sess.run([opt] + outputs, feed_dict=feed_dict)'"
            " in " +
            (_coconut_match_val_repr if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_val_repr)
             <= 500 else _coconut_match_val_repr[:500] + "..."))
        _coconut_match_err.pattern = '[_] + results = sess.run([opt] + outputs, feed_dict=feed_dict)'
        _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to
        raise _coconut_match_err

    return results
예제 #29
    async def async_map_4(*_coconut_match_to):
        _coconut_match_check = False
        if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) == 1) and (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to[0], _coconut.abc.Sequence)) and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to[0]) >= 1):
            iters = _coconut.list(_coconut_match_to[0][1:])
            func = _coconut_match_to[0][0]
            _coconut_match_check = True
        if not _coconut_match_check:
            _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'match async def async_map_4([func] + iters) = parallel_map(func, *iters)'" " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to)))
            _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'match async def async_map_4([func] + iters) = parallel_map(func, *iters)'
            _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to
            raise _coconut_match_err

        return parallel_map(func, *iters)
예제 #30
def repeat(iterable):
    """Infinitely repeat the given iterable."""
    while True:
        _coconut_yield_from_1 = _coconut.iter(iterable)
        while True:
                yield _coconut.next(_coconut_yield_from_1)
            except _coconut.StopIteration as _coconut_yield_err_0:
                _coconut_yield_from_0 = _coconut_yield_err_0.args[
                    0] if _coconut.len(_coconut_yield_err_0.args) > 0 else None

예제 #31
    def angle(*_coconut_match_to):
        _coconut_match_check = False
        if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) == 2) and (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to[1], vector)):
            self = _coconut_match_to[0]
            other = _coconut_match_to[1]
            _coconut_match_check = True
        if not _coconut_match_check:
            _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'def angle(self, other is vector) = math.acos(self.unit() * other.unit())'" " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to)))
            _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'def angle(self, other is vector) = math.acos(self.unit() * other.unit())'
            _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to
            raise _coconut_match_err

        raise _coconut_tail_call(math.acos, self.unit() * other.unit())
예제 #32
def predict_tuple(*_coconut_match_to_args, **_coconut_match_to_kwargs):
    _coconut_match_check = False
    if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) == 1) and (_coconut.isinstance(
            _coconut_match_to_args[0], PlaceholderDefaults)) and (_coconut.len(
                _coconut_match_to_args[0]) == 3):
        tensor = _coconut_match_to_args[0][0]
        predict = _coconut_match_to_args[0][1]
        if (not _coconut_match_to_kwargs):
            _coconut_match_check = True
    if not _coconut_match_check:
        _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError(
            "pattern-matching failed for "
            "'def predict_tuple(PlaceholderDefaults(tensor, predict, _)):'"
            " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to_args)))
        _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'def predict_tuple(PlaceholderDefaults(tensor, predict, _)):'
        _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to_args
        raise _coconut_match_err

    if isinstance(predict, NoValue):
        raise NoValueException("No predict value given for {}".format(tensor))

    return tensor, predict
예제 #33
def quick_sort(*_coconut_match_to_args, **_coconut_match_to_kwargs):
    _coconut_match_check = False
    _coconut_FunctionMatchError = _coconut_get_function_match_error()
    if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) == 1) and (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to_args[0], _coconut.abc.Sequence)) and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args[0]) == 0):
        if not _coconut_match_to_kwargs:
            _coconut_match_check = True
    if not _coconut_match_check:
        _coconut_match_val_repr = _coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to_args)
        _coconut_match_err = _coconut_FunctionMatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'def quick_sort([]) = []'" " in " + (_coconut_match_val_repr if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_val_repr) <= 500 else _coconut_match_val_repr[:500] + "..."))
        _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'def quick_sort([]) = []'
        _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to_args
        raise _coconut_match_err

    return []
예제 #34
def factorial(*_coconut_match_to):
    _coconut_match_check = False
    if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) == 1) and (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to[0], int)):
        n = _coconut_match_to[0]
        if (n > 0):
            _coconut_match_check = True
    if not _coconut_match_check:
        _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'def factorial(n is int if n > 0) ='" " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to)))
        _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'def factorial(n is int if n > 0) ='
        _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to
        raise _coconut_match_err

    """Compute n! where n is an integer >= 0."""
    return n * factorial(n - 1)
예제 #35
 def _coconut_lambda_2(*_coconut_match_args, **_coconut_match_kwargs):
     _coconut_match_check_2 = False
     _coconut_match_set_name_val = _coconut_sentinel
     _coconut_match_set_name_loss = _coconut_sentinel
     _coconut_match_set_name_N = _coconut_sentinel
     _coconut_FunctionMatchError = _coconut_get_function_match_error()
     if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) == 2) and ("val" not in _coconut_match_kwargs) and (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_args[1], _coconut.abc.Sequence)) and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_args[1]) == 2):
         _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_args[0] if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) > 0 else _coconut_match_kwargs.pop("val")
         _coconut_match_set_name_loss = _coconut_match_args[1][0]
         _coconut_match_set_name_N = _coconut_match_args[1][1]
         if not _coconut_match_kwargs:
             _coconut_match_set_name_val = _coconut_match_temp_0
             _coconut_match_check_2 = True
     if _coconut_match_check_2:
         if _coconut_match_set_name_val is not _coconut_sentinel:
             val = _coconut_match_temp_0
         if _coconut_match_set_name_loss is not _coconut_sentinel:
             loss = _coconut_match_args[1][0]
         if _coconut_match_set_name_N is not _coconut_sentinel:
             N = _coconut_match_args[1][1]
     if not _coconut_match_check_2:
         raise _coconut_FunctionMatchError('ns = marginals |> starmap$(def (val, (loss, N)) -> N) |> np.asarray', _coconut_match_args)
     return N
예제 #36
파일: util.py 프로젝트: evhub/bbopt
def make_features(*args, **kwargs):
    """Same as get_names_and_features but just yields the features."""
    _coconut_yield_from_1 = _coconut.iter(
        (starmap)(lambda name, feature: feature,
                  get_names_and_features(*args, **kwargs)))
    while True:
            yield _coconut.next(_coconut_yield_from_1)
        except _coconut.StopIteration as _coconut_yield_err_0:
            _coconut_yield_from_0 = _coconut_yield_err_0.args[
                0] if _coconut.len(_coconut_yield_err_0.args) > 0 else None

예제 #37
def quick_sort(*_coconut_match_to):
    _coconut_match_check = False
    if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) == 1) and (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to[0], _coconut.abc.Sequence)) and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to[0]) >= 1):
        tail = _coconut.list(_coconut_match_to[0][1:])
        head = _coconut_match_to[0][0]
        _coconut_match_check = True
    if not _coconut_match_check:
        _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'def quick_sort([head] + tail) ='" " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to)))
        _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'def quick_sort([head] + tail) ='
        _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to
        raise _coconut_match_err

    """Sort the input sequence using the quick sort algorithm."""
    return (quick_sort([x for x in tail if x < head]) + [head] + quick_sort([x for x in tail if x >= head]))
예제 #38
def factorial(*_coconut_match_to_args, **_coconut_match_to_kwargs):
    _coconut_match_check = False
    _coconut_FunctionMatchError = _coconut_get_function_match_error()
    if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) == 1) and (_coconut_match_to_args[0] == 0):
        if not _coconut_match_to_kwargs:
            _coconut_match_check = True
    if not _coconut_match_check:
        _coconut_match_val_repr = _coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to_args)
        _coconut_match_err = _coconut_FunctionMatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'def factorial(0) = 1'" " in " + (_coconut_match_val_repr if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_val_repr) <= 500 else _coconut_match_val_repr[:500] + "..."))
        _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'def factorial(0) = 1'
        _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to_args
        raise _coconut_match_err

    return 1
예제 #39
def quick_sort(l):
    """Sort the input iterator, using the quick sort algorithm, and without using any data until necessary."""
    _coconut_match_check = False
    _coconut_match_to = l
    if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, _coconut.abc.Iterable)):
        tail = _coconut.iter(_coconut_match_to)
        _coconut_match_iter_0 = _coconut.tuple(_coconut_igetitem(tail, _coconut.slice(None, 1)))
        if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_iter_0) == 1):
            head = _coconut_match_iter_0[0]
            _coconut_match_check = True
    if _coconut_match_check:
        tail, tail_ = tee(tail)
        _coconut_yield_from = (_coconut.itertools.chain.from_iterable((_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: quick_sort((x for x in tail if x < head)), lambda: (head,), lambda: quick_sort((x for x in tail_ if x >= head))))))
        for _coconut_yield_item in _coconut_yield_from:
            yield _coconut_yield_item
예제 #40
    async def async_map_4(*_coconut_match_to_args, **_coconut_match_to_kwargs):
        _coconut_match_check = False
        _coconut_FunctionMatchError = _coconut_get_function_match_error()
        if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args)
                == 1) and (_coconut.isinstance(
                    _coconut_match_to_args[0], _coconut.abc.Sequence)) and (
                        _coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args[0]) >= 1):
            iters = _coconut.list(_coconut_match_to_args[0][1:])
            func = _coconut_match_to_args[0][0]
            if not _coconut_match_to_kwargs:
                _coconut_match_check = True
        if not _coconut_match_check:
            _coconut_match_val_repr = _coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to_args)
            _coconut_match_err = _coconut_FunctionMatchError(
                "pattern-matching failed for "
                "'match async def async_map_4([func] + iters) = parallel_map(func, *iters)'"
                " in " + (_coconut_match_val_repr
                          if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_val_repr) <= 500 else
                          _coconut_match_val_repr[:500] + "..."))
            _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'match async def async_map_4([func] + iters) = parallel_map(func, *iters)'
            _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to_args
            raise _coconut_match_err

        return parallel_map(func, *iters)
예제 #41
    def __sub__(self, other):
        """Subtract one vector from another."""
        _coconut_match_check = False
        _coconut_match_to = other
        if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, vector)) and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) == 1):
            other_pts = _coconut_match_to[0]
            _coconut_match_check = True
        if not _coconut_match_check:
            _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'vector(other_pts) = other'" " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to)))
            _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'vector(other_pts) = other'
            _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to
            raise _coconut_match_err

        assert len(other_pts) == len(self.pts)
        raise _coconut_tail_call((vector), *map(_coconut_minus, self.pts, other_pts))
예제 #42
def main_test():
    """Basic no-dependency tests."""
    assert "\n" == ('''
''') == """
    assert _coconut
    assert "_coconut" in globals()
    assert "_coconut" not in locals()
    x = 5
    assert x == 5
    x == 6
    assert x == 5
    assert r"hello, world" == "hello, world" == "hello," " " "world"
    assert "\n " == """
    assert "\\" "\"" == "\\\""
    assert """

""" == "\n\n"
    assert {"a": 5}["a"] == 5
    a, = [24]
    assert a == 24
    assert set((1, 2, 3)) == _coconut.set((1, 2, 3))
    olist = [0, 1, 2]
    olist[1] += 4
    assert olist == [0, 5, 2]
    assert +5e+5 == +5 * +10**+5
    assert repr(3) == "3" == ascii(3)
    assert _coconut.operator.mul(2, _coconut_minus(2, 5)) == -6
    assert (list)(map(_coconut.functools.partial(pow, 2), (range)(0, 5))) == [1, 2, 4, 8, 16]
    iter1 = range(0, 10)
    iter1, iter2 = tee(iter1)
    assert (list)(_coconut_igetitem(iter1, _coconut.slice(2, 8))) == (list)(_coconut_igetitem(iter2, _coconut.slice(2, 8)))
    data = 5
    assert data == 5
    data = 3
    assert data == 3
    def backslash_test():
        return lambda x: x
    assert 1 == 1 == backslash_test()(1)
    assert (
         == "hello" == 
    def multiline_backslash_test(
        return x + y
    assert multiline_backslash_test(1, 2) == 3
    assert True
    class one_line_class(_coconut.object):
    assert isinstance(one_line_class(), one_line_class)
    assert ((_coconut.operator.attrgetter("join"))(""))(["1", "2", "3"]) == "123" == ((_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.getattr, ""))("join"))(["1", "2", "3"])
    assert (_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.operator.getitem, [1, 2, 3]))(1) == 2 == (_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut_igetitem, [1, 2, 3]))(1)
    assert (_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.operator.getitem, "123"))(1) == "2" == (_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut_igetitem, "123"))(1)
    assert (list)(_coconut.itertools.chain.from_iterable((_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: (_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: -1, lambda: 0)), lambda: range(1, 5))))) == [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
    assert (list)(_coconut.itertools.chain.from_iterable((_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: (_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: 1,)), lambda: (_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: 2,)))))) == [1, 2]
    assert not isinstance(map(_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.operator.add, 2), [1, 2, 3]), list)
    assert not isinstance(range(10), list)
    assert isinstance(10**100, int)
    assert chr(1000)
    assert (abs)(3 + 4j) == 5
    assert 3.14j == 3.14j
    assert 10.j == 10.j
    assert 10j == 10j
    assert .001j == .001j
    assert 1e100j == 1e100j
    assert 3.14e-10j == 3.14e-10j
    _coconut_match_check = False
    _coconut_match_to = {"text": "abc", "tags": [1, 2, 3]}
    if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, _coconut.abc.Mapping)) and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) == 2) and ("text" in _coconut_match_to) and ("tags" in _coconut_match_to) and (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to["tags"], _coconut.abc.Sequence)) and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to["tags"]) >= 1):
        text = _coconut_match_to["text"]
        rest = _coconut.list(_coconut_match_to["tags"][1:])
        first = _coconut_match_to["tags"][0]
        _coconut_match_check = True
    if not _coconut_match_check:
        _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " '\'{"text": text, "tags": [first] + rest} = {"text": "abc", "tags": [1, 2, 3]}\'' " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to)))
        _coconut_match_err.pattern = '{"text": text, "tags": [first] + rest} = {"text": "abc", "tags": [1, 2, 3]}'
        _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to
        raise _coconut_match_err

    assert text == "abc"
    assert first == 1
    assert rest == [2, 3]
    assert isinstance("a", str)
    assert isinstance(b"a", bytes)
    global glob_a, glob_b
    glob_a, glob_b = 0, 0
    assert glob_a == 0 == glob_b
    def set_globs(x):
        global glob_a, glob_b
        glob_a, glob_b = x, x
    assert glob_a == 2 == glob_b
    def set_globs_again(x):
        global glob_a, glob_b
        glob_a, glob_b = (x, x)
    assert glob_a == 10 == glob_b
    assert _coconut_minus(1) == -1 == _coconut.functools.partial(_coconut_minus, 1)(2)
    assert (_coconut.operator.le)(3, 3)
    assert (list)((consume)(range(10))) == []
    assert (list)(consume(range(10), keep_last=2)) == [8, 9]
    i = int()
        i.x = 12
    except AttributeError as err:
        assert err
        assert False
    r = range(10)
        r.x = 12
    except AttributeError as err:
        assert err
        assert False
    if _coconut_sys.version_info < (3,):
        import Queue as q
        import queue as q
    if _coconut_sys.version_info < (3,):
        import __builtin__ as builtins
        import builtins
    if _coconut_sys.version_info < (3,):
        import email.MIMEBase as _coconut_import
            email = _coconut.imp.new_module("email")
            if not _coconut.isinstance(email, _coconut.types.ModuleType):
                email = _coconut.imp.new_module("email")
            email.mime = _coconut.imp.new_module("email.mime")
            if not _coconut.isinstance(email.mime, _coconut.types.ModuleType):
                email.mime = _coconut.imp.new_module("email.mime")
        email.mime.base = _coconut_import
        import email.mime.base
    assert q.Queue
    assert builtins.len([1, 1]) == 2
    assert email.mime.base
    if _coconut_sys.version_info < (3,):
        import email.MIMEBase as mimebase
        from email.mime import base as mimebase
    assert mimebase
    from_err = TypeError()
        _coconut_raise_from = ValueError()
        _coconut_raise_from.__cause__ = from_err
        raise _coconut_raise_from
    except ValueError as err:
        assert err.__cause__ is from_err
        assert False
    class doc(_coconut.collections.namedtuple("doc", "")):
        __slots__ = ()
    class doc_(_coconut.collections.namedtuple("doc_", "")):
        __slots__ = ()
    assert doc.__doc__ == "doc" == doc_.__doc__
    assert 10000000.0 == 10000000.0
    assert (tuple)(_coconut.iter(())) == ()
    import collections
    if _coconut_sys.version_info < (3, 3):
        import collections as _coconut_import
            collections = _coconut.imp.new_module("collections")
            if not _coconut.isinstance(collections, _coconut.types.ModuleType):
                collections = _coconut.imp.new_module("collections")
        collections.abc = _coconut_import
        import collections.abc
    assert isinstance([], collections.abc.Sequence)
    assert isinstance(range(1), collections.abc.Sequence)
    assert collections.defaultdict(int)[5] == 0
    assert len(range(10)) == 10
    assert (tuple)((reversed)(range(4))) == (3, 2, 1, 0)
    assert (tuple)(range(5)[1:]) == (1, 2, 3, 4) == (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(range(5), _coconut.slice(1, None)))
    assert (tuple)(range(10)[-3:-1]) == (7, 8) == (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(range(10), _coconut.slice(-3, -1)))
    assert (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(map(abs, (1, -2, -5, 2)), _coconut.slice(None, None))) == (1, 2, 5, 2)
    assert _coconut_igetitem((_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: 1, lambda: 2)), -1) == 2
    assert (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem((_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: 0, lambda: 1, lambda: 2, lambda: 3)), _coconut.slice(-2, None))) == (2, 3)
    assert (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem((_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: 0, lambda: 1, lambda: 2, lambda: 3)), _coconut.slice(None, -2))) == (0, 1)
    assert _coconut_igetitem(map(_coconut.operator.add, (_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: 10, lambda: 20)), (_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: 1, lambda: 2))), -1) == 22 == map(_coconut.operator.add, (_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: 10, lambda: 20)), (_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: 1, lambda: 2)))[-1]
    assert _coconut_igetitem(map(lambda x: x + 1, range(10**9)), -1) == 10**9 == _coconut_igetitem(count(), 10**9)
    assert (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(count(), _coconut.slice(10, 15))) == (10, 11, 12, 13, 14) == (tuple)(count()[10:15])
    assert (tuple)(zip((1, 2), (3, 4))) == ((1, 3), (2, 4)) == (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(zip((1, 2), (3, 4)), _coconut.slice(None, None)))
    assert (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(zip((_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: 10, lambda: 20)), (_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: 1, lambda: 2))), -1)) == (20, 2) == (tuple)(zip((_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: 10, lambda: 20)), (_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: 1, lambda: 2)))[-1])
    assert (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(zip(count(), count()), 10**9)) == (10**9, 10**9) == (tuple)(zip(count(), count())[10**9])
    assert _coconut_igetitem(count(1.5, 0.5), 0) == 1.5 == _coconut_igetitem((1.5, 2, 2.5, 3), 0)
    assert (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(count(1.5, 0.5), _coconut.slice(1, 3))) == (2, 2.5) == (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem((1.5, 2, 2.5, 3), _coconut.slice(1, 3)))
    assert (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(iter((0, 1, 2, 3, 4)), _coconut.slice(None, None, 2))) == (0, 2, 4)
    assert (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(iter((0, 1, 2, 3, 4)), _coconut.slice(None, None, -1))) == (4, 3, 2, 1, 0)
    assert dict(((x), (x)) for x in range(5)) == {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4}
    _coconut_match_check = False
    _coconut_match_to = 12
    x = _coconut_match_to
    _coconut_match_check = True
    if not _coconut_match_check:
        _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'match x = 12'" " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to)))
        _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'match x = 12'
        _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to
        raise _coconut_match_err

    assert x == 12
    get_int = lambda: int
    _coconut_match_check = False
    _coconut_match_to = 5
    if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, get_int())):
        x = _coconut_match_to
        _coconut_match_check = True
    if not _coconut_match_check:
        _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'x is get_int() = 5'" " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to)))
        _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'x is get_int() = 5'
        _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to
        raise _coconut_match_err

    assert x == 5
    class a(get_int()):
    assert isinstance(a(), int)
    assert (len)(map(_coconut.operator.add, range(5), range(6))) == 5 == (len)(zip(range(5), range(6)))
    assert map(_coconut_minus, range(5))._func(3) == -3
    assert (tuple)(map(_coconut_minus, range(5))._iters[0]) == (tuple)(range(5)) == (tuple)(zip(range(5), range(6))._iters[0])
    assert repr(zip((0, 1), (1, 2))) == "zip((0, 1), (1, 2))"
    assert repr(map(_coconut_minus, range(5))).startswith("map(")
    assert repr(parallel_map(_coconut_minus, range(5))).startswith("parallel_map(")
    assert (tuple)(parallel_map(_coconut_minus, range(5))) == (0, -1, -2, -3, -4) == (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(parallel_map(_coconut.functools.partial(map, _coconut_minus), (range(5),)), 0))
    assert (tuple)(map(tuple, parallel_map(zip, (range(2),), (range(2),)))) == (((0, 0), (1, 1)),)
    assert (tuple)(map(_coconut.operator.add, *(range(0, 5), range(5, 10)))) == (5, 7, 9, 11, 13)
    assert (tuple)(parallel_map(_coconut_compose(_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.operator.mul, 2), _coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.operator.add, 1)), range(5))) == (2, 4, 6, 8, 10)
    assert repr(concurrent_map(_coconut_minus, range(5))).startswith("concurrent_map(")
    assert (tuple)(concurrent_map(_coconut_minus, range(5))) == (0, -1, -2, -3, -4) == (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(concurrent_map(_coconut.functools.partial(map, _coconut_minus), (range(5),)), 0))
    assert (tuple)(map(tuple, concurrent_map(zip, (range(2),), (range(2),)))) == (((0, 0), (1, 1)),)
    assert (tuple)(map(_coconut.operator.add, *(range(0, 5), range(5, 10)))) == (5, 7, 9, 11, 13)
    assert (tuple)(concurrent_map(_coconut_compose(_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.operator.mul, 2), _coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.operator.add, 1)), range(5))) == (2, 4, 6, 8, 10)
    assert 0 in range(1)
    assert range(1).count(0) == 1
    assert 2 in range(5)
    assert range(5).count(2) == 1
    assert 10 not in range(3)
    assert range(3).count(10) == 0
    assert 1 in range(1, 2, 3)
    assert range(1, 2, 3).count(1) == 1
    assert range(1, 2, 3).index(1) == 0
    assert range(1, 2, 3)[0] == 1
    assert range(1, 5, 3).index(4) == 1
    assert range(1, 5, 3)[1] == 4
        range(1, 2, 3).index(2)
    except ValueError as err:
        assert err
        assert False
    assert 0 in count()
    assert count().count(0) == 1
    assert -1 not in count()
    assert count().count(-1) == 0
    assert 1 not in count(5)
    assert count(5).count(1) == 0
    assert 2 not in count(1, 2)
    assert count(1, 2).count(2) == 0
        count(1, 2).index(2)
    except ValueError as err:
        assert err
        assert False
    assert count(1, 3).index(1) == 0
    assert count(1, 3)[0] == 1
    assert count(1, 3).index(4) == 1
    assert count(1, 3)[1] == 4
    assert (len)(map(lambda x: x, [1, 2])) == 2
    assert repr("hello") == "'hello'" == ascii("hello")
    assert (_coconut.operator.methodcaller("index", 1))(count(1, 3)) == 0
    assert _coconut_igetitem(count(1).__copy__(), 0) == 1
    assert _coconut_igetitem(map(_coconut.operator.add, count(1), count(1)).__copy__(), 0) == 2
    assert (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(zip(count(1), count(1)).__copy__(), 0)) == (1, 1)
    assert (all)(map(lambda t: isinstance(t, count), tee(count())))
    assert (all)(map(lambda t: isinstance(t, range), tee(range(10))))
    assert (all)(map(lambda t: isinstance(t, list), tee([1, 2, 3])))
    assert (lambda _=None: 5)() == 5
    assert (lambda _=None: _[0])([1, 2, 3]) == 1
    assert (list)(_coconut_igetitem(iter(range(10)), _coconut.slice(-5, -8))) == [5, 6]
    assert (list)(_coconut_igetitem(iter(range(10)), _coconut.slice(-2, None))) == [8, 9]
    assert (_coconut.operator.itemgetter(1))(range(1, 5)) == 2 == (_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut_igetitem, index=1))(range(1, 5))
    assert (list)((_coconut.operator.itemgetter(_coconut.slice(None, 5)))(range(10))) == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] == (list)((_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut_igetitem, index=_coconut.slice(None, 5)))(range(10)))
    def _coconut_lambda_0(x):
        y = x
    assert (list)(map(_coconut_lambda_0, range(10))) == [None] * 10
    def _coconut_lambda_1(x):
        yield x
    assert (list)(map(list, map(_coconut_lambda_1, range(5)))) == [[0], [1], [2], [3], [4]]
    def do_stuff(x):
        return True
    def _coconut_lambda_2(x=3):
        return do_stuff(x)
    assert (_coconut_lambda_2)() is True
    def _coconut_lambda_3(x=4):
        return x
    assert (_coconut_lambda_3)() == 4
    def _coconut_lambda_4(x=5):
    assert (_coconut_lambda_4)() is None
    def _coconut_lambda_5(x=6):
        assert x
    def _coconut_lambda_6(x=7):
        assert x
        yield x
    assert (list)((_coconut_lambda_6)()) == [7]
    def _coconut_lambda_7(_=None):
        assert _
        return _
    assert (_coconut_lambda_7)(8) == 8
    def _coconut_lambda_8(x=9):
        return x
    assert (_coconut_lambda_8)() == 9
    def _coconut_lambda_9(x=10):
        return x
    assert (_coconut_lambda_9)() == 10
    def _coconut_lambda_12(_=None):
        def _coconut_lambda_11(_=None):
            return 11
        return _coconut_lambda_11
    assert (_coconut_lambda_12)()() == 11
    def _coconut_lambda_13(_=None):
        return 12
    def _coconut_lambda_14(_=None):
        return 12
    assert (_coconut_lambda_13)() == 12 == (_coconut_lambda_14)()
    def _coconut_lambda_15(x):
        return lambda _=None: x
    assert (list)(map(lambda _=None: _(), ((_coconut_lambda_15)(x) for x in range(5)))) == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
    herpaderp = 5
    def derp():
        herp = 10
        def _coconut_lambda_16(_=None):
            return herpaderp + herp
        return (_coconut_lambda_16)
    assert derp()() == 15
    class abc(_coconut.collections.namedtuple("abc", "xyz")):
        __slots__ = ()
    assert abc(10).xyz == 10
    class aclass(_coconut.object): pass
    assert isinstance(aclass, object)
    assert (_coconut.operator.is_)(*tee((1, 2)))
    assert (_coconut.operator.is_)(*tee(_coconut.frozenset((1, 2))))
    assert (lambda x: 2 / x)(4) == 1 / 2
    _coconut_match_check = False
    _coconut_match_to = range(10)
    if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, _coconut.abc.Iterable)):
        _coconut_match_iter_0 = _coconut.list(_coconut_match_to)
        if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_iter_0) >= 2):
            b = _coconut_match_iter_0[1:-1]
            a = _coconut_match_iter_0[0]
            c = _coconut_match_iter_0[-1]
            _coconut_match_check = True
    if not _coconut_match_check:
        _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'match [a, *b, c] = range(10)'" " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to)))
        _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'match [a, *b, c] = range(10)'
        _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to
        raise _coconut_match_err

    assert a == 0
    assert b == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
    assert c == 9
    _coconut_match_check = False
    _coconut_match_to = range(10)
    if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, _coconut.abc.Iterable)):
        _coconut_match_iter_0 = _coconut.list(_coconut_match_to)
        if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_iter_0) >= 2) and (_coconut_match_iter_0[0] == _coconut_match_iter_0[-1]):
            b = _coconut_match_iter_0[1:-1]
            a = _coconut_match_iter_0[0]
            _coconut_match_check = True
    if _coconut_match_check:
        assert False
        assert True
    a = 1
    b = 1
    assert a == 1 == b
    assert count(5) == count(5)
    assert count(5) != count(3)
    assert {count(5): True}[count(5)]
    def _coconut_lambda_17(x):
        return x
    assert (_coconut_lambda_17)(1) == 1
    def _coconut_lambda_18(*_coconut_match_to):
        _coconut_match_check = False
        if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) == 1) and (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to[0], _coconut.abc.Sequence)) and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to[0]) >= 1):
            xs = _coconut.list(_coconut_match_to[0][1:])
            x = _coconut_match_to[0][0]
            _coconut_match_check = True
        if not _coconut_match_check:
            _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'assert (def ([x] + xs) -> x, xs) <| range(5) == (0, [1,2,3,4])'" " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to)))
            _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'assert (def ([x] + xs) -> x, xs) <| range(5) == (0, [1,2,3,4])'
            _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to
            raise _coconut_match_err
        return x, xs
    assert ((_coconut_lambda_18))(range(5)) == (0, [1, 2, 3, 4])
    s = "hello"  # type: str
    assert s == "hello"
    return True