예제 #1
    def test_drop_keyspace(self):
        "removing a keyspace"
        conn = init()
        CREATE KEYSPACE Keyspace4Drop
            WITH strategy_class = SimpleStrategy AND replication_factor = 1

        # TODO: temporary (until this can be done with CQL).

        conn.execute('DROP KEYSPACE Keyspace4Drop;')

        # Technically this should throw a ttypes.NotFound(), but this is
        # temporary and so not worth requiring it on PYTHONPATH.
        assert_raises(Exception, thrift_client.describe_keyspace,
예제 #2
    def test_drop_columnfamily(self):
        "removing a column family"
        cursor = init()
               CREATE KEYSPACE Keyspace4CFDrop WITH strategy_options:replication_factor = '1'
                   AND strategy_class = 'SimpleStrategy';
        cursor.execute('USE Keyspace4CFDrop;')
        cursor.execute('CREATE COLUMNFAMILY CF4Drop (KEY varint PRIMARY KEY);')

        # TODO: temporary (until this can be done with CQL).
        ksdef = thrift_client.describe_keyspace("Keyspace4CFDrop")
        assert len(ksdef.cf_defs), "Column family not created!"

        cursor.execute('DROP COLUMNFAMILY CF4Drop;')

        ksdef = thrift_client.describe_keyspace("Keyspace4CFDrop")
        assert not len(ksdef.cf_defs), "Column family not deleted!"
예제 #3
    def test_drop_keyspace(self):
        "removing a keyspace"
        cursor = init()
               CREATE KEYSPACE Keyspace4Drop WITH strategy_options:replication_factor = '1'
                   AND strategy_class = 'SimpleStrategy'

        # TODO: temporary (until this can be done with CQL).

        cursor.execute('DROP KEYSPACE Keyspace4Drop;')

        # Technically this should throw a ttypes.NotFound(), but this is
        # temporary and so not worth requiring it on PYTHONPATH.
예제 #4
    def test_drop_columnfamily(self):
        "removing a column family"
        conn = init()
            CREATE KEYSPACE Keyspace4CFDrop WITH replication_factor = 1
                AND strategy_class = 'SimpleStrategy';
        conn.execute('USE Keyspace4CFDrop;')
        conn.execute('CREATE COLUMNFAMILY CF4Drop (KEY int PRIMARY KEY);')

        # TODO: temporary (until this can be done with CQL).
        ksdef = thrift_client.describe_keyspace("Keyspace4CFDrop")
        assert len(ksdef.cf_defs), "Column family not created!"

        conn.execute('DROP COLUMNFAMILY CF4Drop;')

        ksdef = thrift_client.describe_keyspace("Keyspace4CFDrop")
        assert not len(ksdef.cf_defs), "Column family not deleted!"
예제 #5
    def test_create_keyspace(self):
        "create a new keyspace"
        cursor = init()
        CREATE KEYSPACE TestKeyspace42 WITH strategy_options:DC1 = '1'
            AND strategy_class = 'NetworkTopologyStrategy'

        # TODO: temporary (until this can be done with CQL).
        ksdef = thrift_client.describe_keyspace("TestKeyspace42")

        strategy_class = "org.apache.cassandra.locator.NetworkTopologyStrategy"
        assert ksdef.strategy_class == strategy_class
        assert ksdef.strategy_options['DC1'] == "1"
예제 #6
    def test_create_keyspace(self):
        "create a new keyspace"
        CREATE KEYSPACE TestKeyspace42 WITH strategy_options:DC1 = '1'
            AND strategy_class = 'SimpleStrategy' AND replication_factor = 3

        # TODO: temporary (until this can be done with CQL).
        ksdef = thrift_client.describe_keyspace("TestKeyspace42")

        assert ksdef.replication_factor == 3
        strategy_class = "org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy"
        assert ksdef.strategy_class == strategy_class
        assert ksdef.strategy_options['DC1'] == "1"
예제 #7
    def test_create_indexs(self):
        "creating column indexes"
        conn = init()
        conn.execute("USE Keyspace1")
        conn.execute("CREATE COLUMNFAMILY CreateIndex1 (KEY utf8 PRIMARY KEY)")
        conn.execute("CREATE INDEX namedIndex ON CreateIndex1 (items)")
        conn.execute("CREATE INDEX ON CreateIndex1 (stuff)")

        # TODO: temporary (until this can be done with CQL).
        ksdef = thrift_client.describe_keyspace("Keyspace1")
        cfam = [i for i in ksdef.cf_defs if i.name == "CreateIndex1"][0]
        items = [i for i in cfam.column_metadata if i.name == "items"][0]
        stuff = [i for i in cfam.column_metadata if i.name == "stuff"][0]
        assert items.index_name == "namedIndex", "missing index (or name)"
        assert items.index_type == 0, "missing index"
        assert not stuff.index_name, \
            "index_name should be unset, not %s" % stuff.index_name
        assert stuff.index_type == 0, "missing index"

        # already indexed
        assert_raises(CQLException, conn.execute,
                      "CREATE INDEX ON CreateIndex1 (stuff)")
예제 #8
    def test_create_indexs(self):
        "creating column indexes"
        cursor = init()
        cursor.execute("USE Keyspace1")
        cursor.execute("CREATE COLUMNFAMILY CreateIndex1 (KEY text PRIMARY KEY)")
        cursor.execute("CREATE INDEX namedIndex ON CreateIndex1 (items)")
        cursor.execute("CREATE INDEX ON CreateIndex1 (stuff)")

        # TODO: temporary (until this can be done with CQL).
        ksdef = thrift_client.describe_keyspace("Keyspace1")
        cfam = [i for i in ksdef.cf_defs if i.name == "CreateIndex1"][0]
        items = [i for i in cfam.column_metadata if i.name == "items"][0]
        stuff = [i for i in cfam.column_metadata if i.name == "stuff"][0]
        assert items.index_name == "namedIndex", "missing index (or name)"
        assert items.index_type == 0, "missing index"
        assert not stuff.index_name, \
            "index_name should be unset, not %s" % stuff.index_name
        assert stuff.index_type == 0, "missing index"

        # already indexed
                      "CREATE INDEX ON CreateIndex1 (stuff)")
예제 #9
    def test_create_column_family(self):
        "create a new column family"
        cursor = init()
               CREATE KEYSPACE CreateCFKeyspace WITH strategy_options:replication_factor = '1'
                   AND strategy_class = 'SimpleStrategy';
        cursor.execute("USE CreateCFKeyspace;")

            CREATE COLUMNFAMILY NewCf1 (
                KEY varint PRIMARY KEY,
                'username' text,
                'age' varint,
                'birthdate' bigint,
                'id' uuid
            ) WITH comment = 'shiny, new, cf' AND default_validation = ascii;

        # TODO: temporary (until this can be done with CQL).
        ksdef = thrift_client.describe_keyspace("CreateCFKeyspace")
        assert len(ksdef.cf_defs) == 1, \
            "expected 1 column family total, found %d" % len(ksdef.cf_defs)
        cfam= ksdef.cf_defs[0]
        assert len(cfam.column_metadata) == 4, \
            "expected 4 columns, found %d" % len(cfam.column_metadata)
        assert cfam.comment == "shiny, new, cf"
        assert cfam.default_validation_class == "org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AsciiType"
        assert cfam.comparator_type == "org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UTF8Type"
        assert cfam.key_validation_class == "org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.IntegerType"

        # Missing primary key
        assert_raises(cql.ProgrammingError, cursor.execute, "CREATE COLUMNFAMILY NewCf2")

        # Too many primary keys
                      """CREATE COLUMNFAMILY NewCf2
                             (KEY varint PRIMARY KEY, KEY text PRIMARY KEY)""")

        # No column defs
        cursor.execute("""CREATE COLUMNFAMILY NewCf3
                            (KEY varint PRIMARY KEY) WITH comparator = bigint""")
        ksdef = thrift_client.describe_keyspace("CreateCFKeyspace")
        assert len(ksdef.cf_defs) == 2, \
            "expected 3 column families total, found %d" % len(ksdef.cf_defs)
        cfam = [i for i in ksdef.cf_defs if i.name == "NewCf3"][0]
        assert cfam.comparator_type == "org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.LongType"

        # Column defs, defaults otherwise
        cursor.execute("""CREATE COLUMNFAMILY NewCf4
                            (KEY varint PRIMARY KEY, 'a' varint, 'b' varint)
                            WITH comparator = text;""")
        ksdef = thrift_client.describe_keyspace("CreateCFKeyspace")
        assert len(ksdef.cf_defs) == 3, \
            "expected 4 column families total, found %d" % len(ksdef.cf_defs)
        cfam = [i for i in ksdef.cf_defs if i.name == "NewCf4"][0]
        assert len(cfam.column_metadata) == 2, \
            "expected 2 columns, found %d" % len(cfam.column_metadata)
        for coldef in cfam.column_metadata:
            assert coldef.name in ("a", "b"), "Unknown column name " + coldef.name
            assert coldef.validation_class.endswith("marshal.IntegerType")
예제 #10
    def test_create_column_family(self):
        "create a new column family"
        conn = init()
            CREATE KEYSPACE CreateCFKeyspace WITH replication_factor = 1
                AND strategy_class = 'SimpleStrategy';
        conn.execute("USE CreateCFKeyspace;")

            CREATE COLUMNFAMILY NewCf1 (
                KEY int PRIMARY KEY,
                'username' utf8,
                'age' int,
                'birthdate' long,
                'id' uuid
            ) WITH comparator = utf8 AND comment = 'shiny, new, cf' AND
                    default_validation = ascii;

        # TODO: temporary (until this can be done with CQL).
        ksdef = thrift_client.describe_keyspace("CreateCFKeyspace")
        assert len(ksdef.cf_defs) == 1, \
            "expected 1 column family total, found %d" % len(ksdef.cf_defs)
        cfam = ksdef.cf_defs[0]
        assert len(cfam.column_metadata) == 4, \
            "expected 4 columns, found %d" % len(cfam.column_metadata)
        assert cfam.comment == "shiny, new, cf"
        assert cfam.default_validation_class == "org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AsciiType"
        assert cfam.comparator_type == "org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UTF8Type"
        assert cfam.key_validation_class == "org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.IntegerType"

        # Missing primary key
        assert_raises(CQLException, conn.execute, "CREATE COLUMNFAMILY NewCf2")

        # Too many primary keys
            CQLException, conn.execute, """CREATE COLUMNFAMILY NewCf2
                             (KEY int PRIMARY KEY, KEY utf8 PRIMARY KEY)""")

        # No column defs
        conn.execute("""CREATE COLUMNFAMILY NewCf3
                            (KEY int PRIMARY KEY) WITH comparator = long""")
        ksdef = thrift_client.describe_keyspace("CreateCFKeyspace")
        assert len(ksdef.cf_defs) == 2, \
            "expected 3 column families total, found %d" % len(ksdef.cf_defs)
        cfam = [i for i in ksdef.cf_defs if i.name == "NewCf3"][0]
        assert cfam.comparator_type == "org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.LongType"

        # Column defs, defaults otherwise
        conn.execute("""CREATE COLUMNFAMILY NewCf4
                            (KEY int PRIMARY KEY, 'a' int, 'b' int);""")
        ksdef = thrift_client.describe_keyspace("CreateCFKeyspace")
        assert len(ksdef.cf_defs) == 3, \
            "expected 4 column families total, found %d" % len(ksdef.cf_defs)
        cfam = [i for i in ksdef.cf_defs if i.name == "NewCf4"][0]
        assert len(cfam.column_metadata) == 2, \
            "expected 2 columns, found %d" % len(cfam.column_metadata)
        for coldef in cfam.column_metadata:
            assert coldef.name in ("a", "b"), "Unknown column name"
            assert coldef.validation_class.endswith("marshal.IntegerType")