예제 #1
def getindices(ftl_face, sq, padw=padw, detw=detw):
    # get mask region using boundary, chin landmarks and nose landmarks
    # boundary region: left -> right, upper -> lower
    WH = ftl_face.shape[0]
    boundary = sq.align(detw)
    left, right, upper, lower = np.array(boundary) + padw
    indices = np.array([(x, y) for x in range(left, right)
                        for y in range(upper, lower)])

    # get landmarks of frontalized face
    det = detector(ftl_face, 1)[0]
    shape = predictor(ftl_face, det)
    ldmk = np.asarray([(
    ) for n in range(shape.num_parts)], np.float32)
    chin_xp, chin_fp = ldmk[3:14, 0], ldmk[3:14, 1]
    chin_line = np.interp(np.arange(WH), chin_xp, chin_fp)
    nose_xp, nose_fp = ldmk[31:36, 0], ldmk[31:36, 1]
    nose_line = np.interp(np.arange(WH), nose_xp, nose_fp)

    # filter the position which is out of chin line and nose line
    check = np.logical_and(indices[:, 1] < chin_line[indices[:, 0]],
                           indices[:, 1] > nose_line[indices[:, 0]])
    return indices[check.nonzero()]
예제 #2
def process_proxy(rsize, ksize=(17, 17), sigma=1e2, k=1):
    # process teeth proxies to get their landmarks and high-pass filters
    F, S = {}, {}
    for mode in ('upper', 'lower'):
        pxyfile, = glob.glob('reference/proxy_%s_*.png' % mode)
        img = cv2.imread(pxyfile)

        # detect face and landmarks
        det = detector(img, 1)[0]
        shape = predictor(img, det)
        ldmk = np.asarray([(shape.part(n).x, shape.part(n).y)
                           for n in range(48, shape.num_parts)], np.float32)

        # normalize landmarks
        origin = np.array([det.left(), det.top()])
        size = np.array([det.width(), det.height()])
        ldmk = (ldmk - origin) / size  # restrained in [0, 0] ~ [1, 1]

        # resize texture
        txtr = img[origin[1]:origin[1] + size[1],
                   origin[0]:origin[0] + size[0]]
        txtr = cv2.resize(txtr, (rsize, rsize))

        # generate hgih-pass filter (only one channel)
        norm_txtr = txtr.astype(np.float) / 255
        smooth_txtr = cv2.GaussianBlur(txtr, ksize, sigma) / 255
        filt = (norm_txtr - smooth_txtr) * k + 0.5
        filt[filt < 0] = 0
        filt[filt > 1] = 1

        # add landmarks and filter into dict S and F respectively
        F[mode] = filt
        S[mode] = ldmk
    return F, S
예제 #3
def util2(mp4_path, save_path, startfr=0, endfr=None):
    # frontalize every frame from a video and save to somewhere
    from new_facefrontal import facefrontal
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(mp4_path)
    cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, startfr)
    cnt = startfr
    endfr = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT) if endfr is None else endfr
    print('Start preprocessing...')
    while cap.isOpened():
        if cnt == endfr:
        print("%s: %04d/%04d" % (save_path, cnt + 1, endfr))
        cnt += 1
        _, img = cap.read()
        img = facefrontal(img, detector, predictor)
        if img is None:
        dets = detector(img, 1)
        if len(dets) != 1:
        cv2.imwrite('%s%04d.png' % (save_path, cnt), img)
def facefrontal(img, detector, predictor):
    ### parameters
    img: original image to be frontalized \\
    detector: face detector generated by dlib.get_frontal_face_detector() \\
    predictor: landmark extractor generated by dlib.shape_predictor(...)
    ### retval
    newimg: (320, 320, 3), frontalized image
    dets = detector(img, 1)  # only 0 or 1 face in each frame
    if (len(dets) == 0):
        return None
    det = dets[0]
    shape = predictor(img, det)
    p2d = np.asarray([(
    ) for n in range(shape.num_parts)], np.float32)
    rawfront, symfront = fronter.frontalization(img, det, p2d)
    newimg = symfront.astype('uint8')
    # cv2.imshow('newimg', newimg)
    # cv2.waitKey(0)
    return newimg
예제 #5
def preprocess(mp4_path, save_path, rsize, startfr=0, endfr=None):
    ### parameters
    mp4_path: path of mp4 file \\
    sq: Squre instance which defines the boundary of lower face texture
    rsize: width (height) of clipped texture in every target video frame

    ### retval
    savepath: path that saves landmarks and textures
    landmarks = []
    textures = []
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(mp4_path)
    cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, startfr)
    cnt = startfr
    endfr = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT) if endfr is None else endfr
    print('Start preprocessing...')
    while cap.isOpened():
        if cnt == endfr:
        print("%04d/%04d" % (cnt, endfr - 1))
        cnt += 1

        ret, img_ = cap.read()
        img = facefrontal(img_, detector, predictor)
        if img is None:
        dets = detector(img, 1)
        if len(dets) != 1:
        det = dets[0]
        shape = predictor(img, det)
        ldmk = np.asarray([(shape.part(n).x, shape.part(n).y)
                           for n in range(48, shape.num_parts)], np.float32)

        # normalization according to det.shape & reshape into 40-D features
        origin = np.array([det.left(), det.top()])
        size = np.array([det.width(), det.height()])
        ldmk = (ldmk - origin) / size  # restrained in [0, 0] ~ [1, 1]
        # validate landmarks using statistics in the dataset
        if np.sum(np.logical_or(ldmk < boundL, ldmk > boundU)) > 0:

        # resize texture into a square
        txtr = img[origin[1]:origin[1] + size[1],
                   origin[0]:origin[0] + size[0]]
        txtr = cv2.resize(txtr, (rsize, rsize))
        # mask & inpaint for clothes region
        txtr = mask_inpaint(txtr)

    landmarks = np.array(landmarks)
    textures = np.array(textures)

    # filter frames which are not locally smooth
    approx = (landmarks[2:, :] + landmarks[:-2, :]) / 2
    L2 = np.linalg.norm(landmarks[1:-1, :] - approx, ord=2, axis=1)
    check = (L2 <= 0.1).nonzero()
    landmarks = landmarks[1:-1][check].reshape((-1, 20, 2))
    textures = textures[1:-1][check]

    np.savez(save_path, landmarks=landmarks, textures=textures)