def edit_ticket(): connection = engine.connect() metadata = db.MetaData() name = request.form.get('name') lastName = request.form.get('lastName') nationID = request.form.get('nationID') bday = request.form.get('bday') email = request.form.get('email') pNumber = request.form.get('pNumber') if name or lastName or nationID or bday or email or pNumber: query = db.update(Ticket_Info).values( idNo=nationID, name=name, lastname=lastName, birthday=bday, mail=email, phone=pNumber).where(Ticket_Info.ticket_id == result = connection.execute(query) query =[Ticket_Info]).where(Ticket_Info.ticket_id == result = connection.execute(query) ticket = result.fetchall() query =[Flight, Flight_Details]).where( db.and_(Flight.flight_id == ticket[0][2], Flight.flight_id == Flight_Details.flight_id)) result = connection.execute(query) flight = result.fetchall() print(ticket) print(flight) return render_template('edit-ticket.html', ticket=ticket, flight=flight)
def general_flights(from_location, to_location, departure_date, adult, child, sort): connection = engine.connect() metadata = db.MetaData() fid = request.form.get('fid') print(fid) if departure_date == '': if sort == 'sorted': query =[Flight, Flight_Details]).order_by( db.desc(Flight_Details.available_seats)).where( db.and_(Flight.from_location == from_location, Flight.to_location == to_location, Flight.flight_id == Flight_Details.flight_id)) result = connection.execute(query) ucuslar = result.fetchall() else: query =[Flight, Flight_Details]).where( db.and_(Flight.from_location == from_location, Flight.to_location == to_location, Flight.flight_id == Flight_Details.flight_id)) result = connection.execute(query) ucuslar = result.fetchall() else: if sort == 'sorted': query =[Flight]).order_by( db.desc(Flight_Details.available_seats)).where( db.and_(Flight.from_location == from_location, Flight.to_location == to_location, Flight.depart_date == departure_date)) result = connection.execute(query) ucuslar = result.fetchall() else: query =[Flight]).where( db.and_(Flight.from_location == from_location, Flight.to_location == to_location, Flight.depart_date == departure_date)) result = connection.execute(query) ucuslar = result.fetchall() yolcu = child + adult print(ucuslar) ucret = [""] ucuslarl = len(ucuslar) for i in range(ucuslarl): if i == 0: ucret[0] = int(yolcu) * int(ucuslar[i][11]) else: aratoplam = int(yolcu) * int(ucuslar[i][11]) aratoplam = str(aratoplam) ucret = ucret + [aratoplam] detay = [] detay = ucuslar + [yolcu] print(ucret) = ucret return render_template("general-flights.html", ucuslar=ucuslar, ucuslarl=ucuslarl, yolcu=yolcu, ucret=ucret, detay=detay)
def logout(): connection = engine.connect() metadata = db.MetaData() query = db.delete(Ticket_Info).where( db.and_(Ticket_Info.status == "pending", Ticket_Info.user_id == ResultProxy = connection.execute(query) logout_user() flash("çıkış yaptınız") return redirect(url_for('index'))
def account(): global check check = 0 connection = engine.connect() metadata = db.MetaData() query =[Ticket_Info]).where( db.and_(Ticket_Info.user_id ==, Ticket_Info.status == 'aktif')) ResultProxy = connection.execute(query) aidler = ResultProxy.fetchall() print(aidler) query =[Ticket_Info]).where( db.and_(Ticket_Info.user_id ==, Ticket_Info.status == 'pasif')) ResultProxy = connection.execute(query) pidler = ResultProxy.fetchall() print(pidler) name = current_user.first_name + ' ' + current_user.last_name id = 'AW-TK' + str( arrayl = len(aidler) array2l = len(pidler) aktif = [] pasif = [] for i in range(arrayl): query =[Flight]).where(Flight.flight_id == aidler[i][2]) ResultProxy = connection.execute(query) aktif = aktif + [ResultProxy.fetchall()] for i in range(array2l): query1 =[Flight]).where(Flight.flight_id == pidler[i][2]) ResultProxy1 = connection.execute(query1) pasif = pasif + [ResultProxy1.fetchall()] aktifl = len(aktif) pasifl = len(pasif) print(aktif) print(pasif) query =[Points.point]).where( == result = connection.execute(query) puan = result.fetchall() print(puan) return render_template("account.html", name=name, id=id, aktif=aktif, aktifl=aktifl, pasif=pasif, pasifl=pasifl, puan=puan)
def passenger(): global timer connection = engine.connect() metadata = db.MetaData() print(ali.kolcu) print( query =[Flight_Details.price ]).where(Flight_Details.flight_id == result = connection.execute(query) tekil = result.fetchall() ucret = int(tekil[0][0]) * ali.kolcu name = request.form.get('name') email = request.form.get('email') lastname = request.form.get('lastName') bday = request.form.get('bday') nationID = request.form.get('nationID') pNumber = request.form.get('pNumber') global check print(name) print(lastname) print(check) if not name == "" and not lastname == "" and not name == None and not lastname == None: check = check + 1 print("düştüm") print(check) query = db.insert(Ticket_Info).values(,, flight_departure_date=1, status='pending', idNo=nationID, name=name, lastname=lastname, birthday=bday, mail=email, phone=pNumber) result = connection.execute(query) if check == ali.kolcu: timer = threading.Timer(600.0, sil) timer.start() print('başladı') check = 0 return redirect(url_for('basket')) if ali.kolcu == None and == None: print('başladı') return redirect(url_for('basket')) return render_template("passenger-info.html", msg=check + 1, ucret=ucret)
def registering(): connection = engine.connect() metadata = db.MetaData() # formdan verileri al first_name = request.form.get("first_name") last_name = request.form.get("last_name") email = request.form.get("mail") email_confirmed_at = datetime.utcnow() password1 = request.form.get("password") print(first_name) print(last_name) print(email) print(password1) # tüm blokların doldurulduğunu kontrol et if not first_name or not last_name or not email or not password1: msg = "lütfen tüm alanları doldurun" return render_template('signup.html', msg=msg) else: # epostanın kullanılıp kullanılmadığını kontrol et if not User.query.filter( == email).first(): password = user_manager.hash_password(password1) user = User(first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, email=email, email_confirmed_at=datetime.utcnow(), password=password) db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() query = db.insert(Points).values(point='10') result = connection.execute(query) msg = 'kayıt başarılı' # epostayı kayıt et veya hata ver else: msg = 'Bu e-posta zaten kullanılmaktadır' return render_template('signup.html', msg=msg)
def dashboard(): global check check = 0 connection = engine.connect() metadata = db.MetaData() airline_Name = request.form.get('airlineNamee') from_location = request.form.get('origine') to_location = request.form.get('wheree') departure_time = request.form.get('departureTimee') arrival_time = request.form.get('arrivalTimee') depart_date = request.form.get('departureDatee') total_seats = request.form.get('totalSeatse') status = 'aktif' price = request.form.get('price') flightid = request.form.get('flightID') query =[Flight]).where(Flight.flight_id == 1) result = connection.execute(query) flightdetay = result.fetchall() flightdetayl = len(flightdetay) print(flightdetay) if airline_Name and from_location and to_location and departure_time and depart_date and arrival_time and total_seats and status: # obje nesnesine kayıt et object1 = Flight(airline_Name=airline_Name, from_location=from_location, to_location=to_location, departure_time=departure_time, depart_date=depart_date, arrival_time=arrival_time, total_seats=total_seats, status=status) # veritabanınıa uçuş ekle db.session.add(object1) db.session.commit() query =[Flight.flight_id]) result = connection.execute(query) id = result.fetchall() idl = len(id) for i in range(idl): fid = id[i][0] query =[Flight_Details.flight_departure_date]) result = connection.execute(query) id = result.fetchall() idl = len(id) for i in range(idl): fdate = id[i][0] fdate = int(fdate) fdate = fdate + 2 fdate = str(fdate) print(fdate) query = db.insert(Flight_Details).values(flight_id=fid, price=price, available_seats=total_seats, flight_departure_date=fdate) result = connection.execute(query) # /veritabanına uçuş ekle query =[Flight.flight_id]) result = connection.execute(query) editid = result.fetchall() editidl = len(editid) return render_template('dashboard.html', flightdetay=flightdetay, editid=editid, editidl=editidl) elif flightid: airline_Name = request.form.get('airlineName') from_location = request.form.get('origin') to_location = request.form.get('where') departure_time = request.form.get('departureTime') arrival_time = request.form.get('arrivalTime') depart_date = request.form.get('departureDate') total_seats = request.form.get('totalSeats') status = request.form.get('airlineID') price = request.form.get('pricee') query =[Flight, Flight_Details]).where( db.and_(Flight.flight_id == flightid, Flight.flight_id == Flight_Details.flight_id)) result = connection.execute(query) flightdetay = result.fetchall() flightdetayl = len(flightdetay) print(flightdetay) query =[Flight.flight_id]) result = connection.execute(query) editid = result.fetchall() editidl = len(editid) edit = request.form.get('edit') delete = request.form.get('delete') print(delete) print(edit) if not edit == None: query = db.update(Flight).values( airline_Name=airline_Name, from_location=from_location, to_location=to_location, departure_time=departure_time, depart_date=depart_date, arrival_time=arrival_time, total_seats=total_seats, status=status).where(Flight.flight_id == flightid) result = connection.execute(query) if not status == 'aktif': query = db.update(Ticket_Info).values(status=status).where( Ticket_Info.flight_id == flightid) result = connection.execute(query) query = db.update(Flight_Details).values(price=price).where( Flight_Details.flight_id == flightid) result = connection.execute(query) query =[Flight]).where(Flight.flight_id == flightid) result = connection.execute(query) flightdetay = result.fetchall() flightdetayl = len(flightdetay) if not delete == None: query = db.delete(Flight).where(Flight.flight_id == flightid) result = connection.execute(query) query = db.update(Ticket_Info).values(status='pasif').where( Ticket_Info.flight_id == flightid) result = connection.execute(query) query =[Flight]).where(Flight.flight_id == 1) result = connection.execute(query) flightdetay = result.fetchall() flightdetayl = len(flightdetay) return render_template("dashboard.html", flightdetay=flightdetay, editid=editid, editidl=editidl) query =[Flight.flight_id]) result = connection.execute(query) editid = result.fetchall() editidl = len(editid) # tüm bölümler girilmediyse uyarı ver return render_template("dashboard.html", editid=editid, editidl=editidl, flightdetay=flightdetay)
def booking_page(): global check check = 0 connection = engine.connect() metadata = db.MetaData() query =[Flight]).where(Flight.status == 'aktif') result = connection.execute(query) data = result.fetchall() print(data) datal = len(data) fromlocation = ['İstanbul'] tolocation = ['İstanbul'] fid = request.form.get('passenger') sort = request.form.get('sort') if not fid == None: fix = fid.replace("(", " ") fix = fix.replace(")", " ") fix = fix.replace("'", " ") fix = fix.strip() fix = fix.split(",") yolcusayısı = int(fix[1]) fixid = str(fix[0]) print(yolcusayısı) print(fixid) ali.kolcu = yolcusayısı = fixid print(ali.kolcu) if current_user.is_active == 1: return redirect(url_for('passenger')) for i in range(datal): count = 0 fl = len(fromlocation) for j in range(fl): if fromlocation[j] == data[i][2]: count = count + 1 if count == 0: fromlocation = fromlocation + [data[i][2]] print(fromlocation) for i in range(datal): count = 0 tl = len(tolocation) for j in range(tl): if tolocation[j] == data[i][3]: count = count + 1 if count == 0: tolocation = tolocation + [data[i][3]] print(tolocation) tl = len(tolocation) fl = len(fromlocation) from_location = request.form.get('froml') to_location = request.form.get('tol') departure_date = request.form.get('departureDate') adult = request.form.get('adult') child = request.form.get('children') if current_user.is_active == 1: if from_location and tolocation: print(departure_date) return flights(from_location, to_location, departure_date, adult, child, sort) return render_template("logged-in-booking-page.html", tolocation=tolocation, fromlocation=fromlocation, tl=tl, fl=fl) else: if from_location and tolocation: print('yey') return general_flights(from_location, to_location, departure_date, adult, child, sort) return render_template('booking-page.html', tolocation=tolocation, fromlocation=fromlocation, tl=tl, fl=fl)
def basket(): global it global check check = 0 connection = engine.connect() metadata = db.MetaData() if it == 666: query = db.delete(Ticket_Info).where( db.and_(Ticket_Info.status == "pending", Ticket_Info.user_id == ResultProxy = connection.execute(query) it = 0 edit = request.form.get('edit') delete = request.form.get('delete') alldelete = request.form.get('alldelete') check = request.form.get('check') if edit != None: = edit print( return redirect(url_for('edit_ticket')) if delete != None: query = db.delete(Ticket_Info).where(Ticket_Info.ticket_id == delete) result = connection.execute(query) if alldelete != None: query = db.delete(Ticket_Info).where( db.and_(Ticket_Info.user_id ==, Ticket_Info.status == 'pending')) result = connection.execute(query) print(edit) print(delete) print(alldelete) query =[Ticket_Info]).where( db.and_(Ticket_Info.user_id ==, Ticket_Info.status == 'pending')) result = connection.execute(query) fids = result.fetchall() print(fids) fidsl = len(fids) biletler = [] global totalfiyat totalfiyat = 0 for i in range(fidsl): query =[Flight, Flight_Details]).where( db.and_(Flight.flight_id == fids[i][2], Flight.flight_id == Flight_Details.flight_id)) result = connection.execute(query) bilet = result.fetchall() biletler = biletler + bilet totalfiyat = totalfiyat + int(biletler[i][11]) print(biletler) print(totalfiyat) query =[Points.point]).where( == result = connection.execute(query) puan = result.fetchall() print(puan[0][0]) offprice = totalfiyat - puan[0][0] print(offprice) point = request.form.get('point') msg = 'puansız' if point == 'point': totalfiyat = offprice msg = 'puanlı' print(check) if check == 'puanlı': query =[Ticket_Info.ticket_id]).where( db.and_(Ticket_Info.user_id ==, Ticket_Info.status == 'pending')) result = connection.execute(query) tid = result.fetchall() for i in range(fidsl): query =[Flight_Details.available_seats ]).where(Flight_Details.flight_id == fids[i][2]) result = connection.execute(query) kol = result.fetchall() if kol[0][0] == 0: query = db.update(Flight).values(status='dolu').where( Flight.flight_id == fidsl[i][2]) result = connection.execute(query) return redirect(url_for('basket')) koltuk = int(kol[0][0]) - 1 query = db.update(Flight_Details).values( available_seats=koltuk).where( Flight_Details.flight_id == fids[i][2]) result = connection.execute(query) query = db.update(Ticket_Info).values(status='aktif').where( Ticket_Info.ticket_id == tid[i][0]) result = connection.execute(query) query = db.update(Points).values(point=0).where( == result = connection.execute(query) print(totalfiyat) bonus = offprice * 0.3 query = db.update(Points).values(point=bonus).where( == result = connection.execute(query) return redirect(url_for('basket')) if check == 'puansız': query =[Ticket_Info.ticket_id]).where( db.and_(Ticket_Info.user_id ==, Ticket_Info.status == 'pending')) result = connection.execute(query) tid = result.fetchall() for i in range(fidsl): query =[Flight_Details.available_seats ]).where(Flight_Details.flight_id == fids[i][2]) result = connection.execute(query) kol = result.fetchall() if kol[0][0] == 0: query = db.update(Flight).values(status='dolu').where( Flight.flight_id == fidsl[i][2]) result = connection.execute(query) return redirect(url_for('basket')) koltuk = int(kol[0][0]) - 1 query = db.update(Flight_Details).values( available_seats=koltuk).where( Flight_Details.flight_id == fids[i][2]) result = connection.execute(query) query = db.update(Ticket_Info).values(status='aktif').where( Ticket_Info.ticket_id == tid[i][0]) result = connection.execute(query) query =[Points.point]).where( == result = connection.execute(query) varolanpuan = result.fetchall() bonus = totalfiyat * 0.3 bonus = bonus + int(varolanpuan[0][0]) query = db.update(Points).values(point=bonus).where( == result = connection.execute(query) return redirect(url_for('basket')) return render_template("basket.html", fids=fids, fidsl=fidsl, biletler=biletler, totalfiyat=totalfiyat, puan=puan, offprice=offprice, msg=msg)